Marcel Dirja
University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad
Agricultura | 2015
Iulia Gliga; Marcel Dirja; A. Colisar; M. Corochii; Mihaela Simona Varvara; Adela Hoble
The national forest fund represents entirety the land with natural or cultural forests or the land with afforestation works. Also, are included lands who serve to production or forest administration, ponds, stream beds, other lands with lumbering destination and unproductive/degraded lands, which are contained in the forest planning.. One of the subjects put into research of this article is to determine how the forest prevents the degradation phenomenon of ecosystems. In this article is made particular references to the hydrographic basin Mures-Aranca, which is consists of the forests that occupy the lands with the most heterogeneous stationary conditions, and of the some areas from the forest fund represented by the improvement perimeters. These degradation phenomenon, such as: the landslides, the surface erosion, the bedrock surface and the deep erosion, could be prevented or combated by the degree of afforestation of a basin and the structure of forest stands. To get the efficiency of forest stands by anti-erosion and hydrological point of view, it can be used the qualitative mapping system proposed for the first time by Al. Apostol (1972), who was able to get an effective delimitation according to their structural features. Thus, were constitute 4 hydrological categories, A=high hydrological efficiency, B=medium hydrological efficiency, C=reduced hydrological efficiency, D=low hydrological efficiency. These hydrological categories assist in obtaining a statistical picture of forest vegetation from a basin and in comparing basins between them.
Agricultura | 2015
Adela Hoble; Emil Luca; Marcel Dirja; P. Marginas
The aim of the research is to establish the improvement degree of the degraded ecotop through differences registered between expected relative class of production and biometric data determined in situ. The biometric measurements (trees height and diameter) were done on trees being over 30 years old, the afforestation of degraded land started in 1983. The results characterize the increasing gradient of variability factors through exploitation and inappropriate management. The research problem looks to establish the effect of stand conditions upon biomass accumulation at individual level of trees, knowing that on degraded lands trees could rich a biological potential included in maximum the 4 th relative class of production.
Agricultura | 2015
M. Corochii; Marcel Dirja; M. Voevod; Mihaela Simona Varvara; Iulia Gliga; Adela Hoble
Due to irrational management and exploitation of farmland and forests there were registered in the world, increasingly intensified soil degradation processes with negative effects on production costs and land use. The territory of the Moldova is characterized by rugged relief. Absolute average altitude of Moldova surface is 147 m, maximum - 429 m and minimum - 5 m. Predominance of the slopes on the 80% of the territory creates favorable conditions for the development of erosion processes. The area of eroded soils that have lost from 20 to 70% of their original fertility is about 36%.
Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca: Horticulture | 2012
Tudor Sălăgean; Marcel Dirja; Mircea Ortelecan
Property valuation is an area that has taken off in recent years, because worldwide, eachperson uses the property for which they paid a certain amount to purchase. Evaluation on establishinga value to help the buyer, who must establish a purchase price, or to help the seller, the person who hasto establish a sale price. Another reason assessment evaluation is carried out is to establish a value forthe calculation of taxes. In this area, the surveyors are increasingly asked to carry out measurements toestablish property limits for the determination of areas, because these data is needed in the valuationprocess, the assessor must make a confrontation between data obtained from the owners with dataobtained from topographic measurements.
Agricultura | 2012
Tudor Salagean; Marcel Dirja; Adela Hoble; Jutka Deak; Nicolae Pop; Rodica Badescu; Paunita Boanca
The multiple functions they perform in all urban and suburban structures, green spaces, help improve microclimate, recovery and highlighting the natural environment and to correct its deficiencies, remedy or annihilates the negative impact of harmful and participate directly in addition to groups of buildings. Instrumental in achieving ecological balance of human ambience, you have harmonization mutual relations between built and open spaces and planted between spaces Manmade site and surrounding territory. Human intervention puts the seal today more or less to the farthest corners of nature. This intervention makes it desirable and how functional and aesthetic quality of nature and appropriate balance between it and built spaces, makes it desirable to respect for landscape architecture.
Agricultura | 2012
Rodica Badescu; Tudor Salagean; Marcel Dirja; G. Badescu; Adela Hoble
Manmade landscapes are made up of natural elements and artificial elements. Some natural elements such as macro-relief elements, hydro-geological, climatic conditions, astral light etc., cannot be changed under direct human intervention, this adaptation conditioning design solutions. Natural elements that can be changed are: watercourses, swamps, rocks, soil and vegetation. Artificial elements, constructed, functional and decorative are: roads, streets and alleys, pavilions with different destinations, playgrounds etc.. Natural features of the land are exploited, model, supplemented or corrected in order to create, redevelopment or change of scenery. The private garden is located in the village Cubleșul Somesan, being identified plot number 80 consists of three parcels totaling 10,800 square feet with one hand and another group of houses and households semirural type.
Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca: Horticulture | 2011
Adela Hoble; Marcel Dirja; Emil Luca; Laura Luca; Tudor Salagean
Determining the relation of plant - soil - climate and determining of each parameters, means to establish and develop a rational exploitation and sustainable agriculture system, having in the end of the vegetative periods a positive ratio between inputs and outputs, without high losses. The cultivable land and production registered a significant extension in the last years, but compared with the European Union benefits from agriculture exploitations, the Romanian agriculture systems, need to be improved and develop more rational. Soil moisture is important for forecasting both temperature and precipitation. As the temperature rises the evaporation rate of soil moisture increases. The increased soil moisture evaporation helps cool the ground. The researches were performed on a cultivable land from Plaiuri Field, Cluj-Napoca County in a bi-factorial experiment. Three graduals at the A factor – irrigation regime and five graduals for B factor – variety were followed. The soil offers the most stable variables, plant needs could be estimated and stabilized, and climate offers the most important elements for a normal evolution of the plant, typically for the variety.
Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca: Horticulture | 2008
Ioan Pacurar; Doina Clapa; Dan Veverca; Marcel Dirja; Teodor Rusu; Nicolae Pop; V. Oprea; Mihai Buta
The Transylvanian hillock area is geographical characterised through a wave like landscape, sunny slopes with no forest vegetation, frequently exposed to different forms of erosion. The pedogenetical cover on these slopes are represented by regosoils, erodisoils, soils with low trophicity, for agricultural usage. A very well adapted specie for these conditions is Hippophae rhamnoides. Hippophae rhamnoides is considered to be one of the most valuable specie of brushes from our spontaneous and cultivated flora, appreciated in different domains such as pharmacology, food industry, animal feeding, forestry and even in landscaping. Its fruits contain over 20 substances with an important role in the regularization of the metabolism of the humans, having both a therapeutical and curative role in preventing and treating eye diseases, skin problems, avitaminoses, diseases of the neural system, endocrine system etc. It is a unisex dioical plant, of 1,5-3,5 m (in some areas can reach up to 8-10 m). It produces fruits after three years from planting and it has a biological life of 18-20 years. It is a plant with a high adaptability, being one of the best colonizing plants. It valorizes the lands with different types of soil, wet and dry, with different textures (from sandy to clay), especially the sands from the river banks. With a powerful root system, it expands rapidly as it rots can go up to 20 m. The planting distance is 3x2m, in the plain conducting way, or 3,5x2,5 m in the classical conducting way. For polenisation at planting, one must respect the percent of 1 male plant to 6-8 female plants. It has a very high growth in the years 3-5 when it produces great amounts of branches, and having a production of 3-12tones/ha, and at maximum it has a production of 25 tones/ha.
Bulletin of University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca: Horticulture | 2006
Florica Aldea; Ioana Pop; Maria Micula; Marcel Dirja; Viorel Budiu
One of the major problems of the environment is the landslide and the forest plays an important role in this problem. In our country in the latest years had place massif deforestation. One possible solution of this is the forestation and for the good results are necessary studies of the growth for the forest. We start to study this issue in the paper [1]. Soil erosion and landslide are some of the prevalent land degradation process on Romania. The land with slope greater than 5% represents 67% from the territory of Romania. The fast soil erosion is favoured by the geomorphologic and litological conditions. The decreasing of the areas covered by forest represents the most important factor for the soil degradation. The surface covered by forest represents 27% from the territory of Romania.
Agricultural sciences | 2013
Teodor Rusu; Ioan Pacurar; Marcel Dirja; Horea Mihai Pacurar; Ioan Oroian; Smaranda Cosma; Marinela Gheres