Marcela L. Monné
Federal University of Paraná
Featured researches published by Marcela L. Monné.
Revista Brasileira De Entomologia | 2003
Marcela L. Monné; Antonio Santos-Silva
Synopsis of the genus Strongylaspis Thomson, 1860 (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Prioninae, Macrotomini). The genus Strongylaspis Thomson, 1860 with its twelve known species are briefly treated herein: S. batesi Lameere, 1903, S. bullatus Bates, 1872, S. championi Bates, 1884, S. corticarius (Erichson, 1848), S. dohrni Lameere, 1903, S. fryi Lameere, 1912, S. graniger Bates, 1884, S. hirticollis Tippmann, 1953, S. kraepelini Lameere, 1903, S. macrotomoides Tippmann, 1953, S. sericans Tippmann, 1953, S. sericeus Zajciw, 1970. The genus as well as the species, Strongylaspis championi, S. bullatus and S. corticarius are redescribed; the last one including characterization of wings and male and female terminalia. Four new species are added: S. aureus sp. nov. (BRASIL, Amazonas), S. migueli sp. nov. (BRASIL, Mato Grosso), S. christianae sp. nov. (BRASIL, Mato Grosso) and S. bolivianus sp. nov. (BOLIVIA). All the species, but S. dohrni, are illustrated and keyed. Maps of distribution are also given.
Coleopterists Bulletin | 2000
Marcela L. Monné; Dilma Solange Napp
Abstract Mimonneticus, new genus, type species M. guianae, new species; and Exallancyla, new genus, type species E. tuberculicollis (Aurivillius), new combination; are described from South America. Ancylocerina Thomson is redescribed and a key for the South American genera is added.
Iheringia Serie Zoologia | 2008
Miguel A. Monné; Marcela L. Monné
A new genus, Atrocolus, and a new species, A. mariahelenae, are described from Brazil (Bahia). A key to the Neotropical genera of the tribe Anacolini is given.
Check List | 2010
Hingrid Y. Quintino; R Juan Pablo Botero; Marcela L. Monné
Based on the revision of the collections of the Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro and the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, the current work provides new localities for 32 species and two subspecies of Trachyderini from South America. Thirteen new country records from Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, Surinam and Venezuela and 35 new state records from Brazil are registered.
Iheringia Serie Zoologia | 2002
Miguel A. Monné; Marcela L. Monné
The genus Pteracantha Newman, 1838 is revised and P. agrestis sp. nov. is described from Brazil (Minas Gerais).
Revista Brasileira De Zoologia | 2001
Dilma Solange Napp; Marcela L. Monné
Assycuera gen. n. (type species: Anyclocera macroteta Bates, 1880) is proposed to accomodate four species formerly placed in Ancylocera Audinet-Serville, 1834: Assycuera waterhousei (White, 1855) comb, n., Assycuera macrotela (Bates, 1880) comb, n., Assycuera rubella (Bates, 1892), comb. n. and Assycuera scabricollis (Chemsak, 1963) comb. n. The characters used to assemble these species into the new genus were mainly the gradually clavate femora and the antennae of the male with the 11th segment elongate, filiform, the scape not enlarged at base and the pedicel not projected outerly. All the species are redescribed, illustrated and keyed. The males of Assycuera scabricollis and A. rubella are described for the first time. The key presented by Monne & Napp (2000b) for the Neotropical genera of Ancylocerina is modified in order to include the new genus.
Revista Brasileira De Zoologia | 2001
Marcela L. Monné; Dilma Solange Napp
A synopsis of the genus Ancylocera Audinet-Serville, 1834 is presented. The genus is redescribed, with description of two new species, Ancylocera. sergioi sp. n., from Brazil and A. spinula sp. n., from Colombia, and a key to the species is provided. All the species (except A. cardinalis) are illustrated and comments on their hosts and distribution are given.
Zootaxa | 2018
Miguel A. Monné; Marcela L. Monné
A synopsis of Volxemia is provided. A new species Volxemia solangeae sp. nov. from the state of São Paulo, Brazil is described and illustrated. A key for the known species is provided.
Zootaxa | 2016
Ângelo Parise Pinto; Marcela L. Monné; Dennis R. Paulson; Daniela M. Takiya; Adolfo R. Calor; Marcelo Duarte; Frederico Falcão Salles; Silvio Shigueo Nihei
ÂNGELO PARISE PINTO*, MARCELA L. MONNE, DENNIS R. PAULSON, DANIELA M. TAKIYA, ADOLFO R. CALOR, MARCELO DUARTE, FREDERICO F. SALLES & SILVIO S. NIHEI (EDS.) *Special Issue Editor. Laboratorio de Biologia e Sistematica de Odonata (LABIOSIS), Departamento de Entomologia, Museu Nacional, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Quinta da Boa Vista s/no, Sao Cristovao 20940-040, Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil;
Revista Brasileira De Zoologia | 2008
Miguel A. Monné; Marcela L. Monné
Nodubothea gen. nov.,type-species Carneades nodicornis Bates,1881 and Nodubothea zapoteca sp. nov. (Mexico,Tehuantepec) are described. Nodubothea gen. nov. differs from the other genera of Colobotheini by the scape moderately to abruptely clavate, prothorax with median lateral tubercles, elytra without setae, with centro-basal ridge and lateral carina well defined, and posterior lateral margin of metasternum with elevation limited anteriorly by transversal deep sulcus. New synonym proposed: Sparna bosqi Gilmour, 1954 = Carterica soror Belon, 1896, the comparison of the photograph of the type of Carterica soror Belon, 1896 with a paratype of Sparna bosqi Gilmour, 1954, allowed us to propose the synonymy. New combinations: Colobothea grallatrix Bates, 1865, does not have the male forelegs elongated and with rows of acute spines in the ventral face of the tibiae, which are characters of the genus Cathexis Thomson, 1860, thus, we propose to return it to the original genus Colobothea Lepeletier & Audinet-Serville, 1825. Sangaris optata (Pascoe, 1866), comb. nov. from Carterica Pascoe, 1858, the cylindrical shape of the body, elytra without dorsal carinae and with abbreviated lateral carinae in the anterior third, the vertical epipleura and the length of the ovipositor, projected beyond the elytral apices, justified the proposed new combination.