Marcela Šperanda
Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek
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Featured researches published by Marcela Šperanda.
Italian Journal of Animal Science | 2009
Josip Novoselec; Zvonko Antunović; Marcela Šperanda; Zvonimir Steiner; Tomislav Šperanda
Abstract The influence of the reproductive status was tested in the blood serum of 30 sheep (10 pregnant sheep on the 15th day prior to lambing, 10 lactating sheep on the 20th day of the lactation and 10 non-pregnant sheep). The influence of age was determined in the blood serum of 20 sheep and 20 lambs. Analysis of the impact of age in sheep and lamb on the concentration of thyroid hormones showed that 30-day old lambs had significantly higher (P<0.01) concentration of T3 and T4 compared to the other age categories of sheep. At the same time, 100-day old lambs had significantly higher concentration of T4 if compared to the 1 and 3-year old sheep. Referring to the reproductive status, there was significantly lower (P<0.01) concentration of T3 determined in the blood of lactating sheep than of non-pregnant and pregnant sheep. These findings point out unsatisfactory energy supply in the older sheep, sheep during late pregnancy and sheep at the beginning of lactation.
Italian Journal of Animal Science | 2009
Zvonko Antunović; Josip Novoselec; Tomislav Klapec; Suzana Ćavar; Boro Mioč; Marcela Šperanda
Abstract An investigation was conducted to evaluate the bioavailability of different Se sources on fattening lambs. Forty-eight lambs, divided in 3 groups, were ad libitum fed the same diet without Se addition (control, C), or with a supply of 0.03% sodium selenite (IS) or 0.03% of organic selenium (OS; Sel-PlexTM). Growth performances were not affected by treatment. With respect to C, OS significantly increased Se content of blood (P<0.01), liver (P<0.01) and GSH-Px enzyme activity (P<0.01). OS also significantly increased blood (P<0.01) and liver (P<0.05) Se content with respect to IS. It was concluded that Se in organic form had a better bioavailability compared to the inorganic form.
Acta Veterinaria-beograd | 2006
Branko Liker; Nenad Vranešić; Darko Grbeša; Lina Bačar-Huskić; Ivana Matić; Mladen Knežević; Marcela Šperanda; Josip Leto; Dubravko Maćešić
U ovom radu su prikazani rezultati ispitivanja uticaja, u buragu nerazgradljivog, zasticenog (by-pass) metionina na neke vrednosti hematoloskih i biohemijskih parametara u krvi tovne junadi, ukljucujuci ukupne proteine, albumine, triacilglicerole, ukupni holesterol, glukozu, ureu, kreatinin, aktivnost alanin-aminotransferaze (ALT), aktivnost aspartat-aminotransferaze (AST), aktivnost gamaglutamil- transferaze (GGT), broj eritrocita (RBC), srednji volumen eritrocita (MCV), srednju vrednost hemoglobina eritrocita (MCH), raspodelu eritrocita po volumenu (RDW), koncentraciju hemoglobina (Hb), hematokrit (Hct), broj leukocita (WBC) i diferencijalnu krvnu sliku. Istraživanje je trajalo 94 dana i izvrseno je na 26 životinja podeljenih u dve jednake grupe, kontrolnu (C) i oglednu (E). Junad je hranjena livadskim senom i kukuruznom silažom uz dnevni dodatak 500 g krmne smese (35% CP) po grlu. Životinje iz grupe E su dnevno, po grlu, dobijale i 10 g DL-metionina zasticenog od razgradnje u buragu. Uzorci krvi su uzimani 1., 34., 68. i 94. dana ogleda. Nivo glukoze i ukupnog holesterola u plazmi grupe E je pokazivao tendenciju rasta prema kraju ogleda (P=0,065 odnosno P=0,064), dok je nivo uree imao tendenciju pada (P=0,082). Aktivnost ALT, kod životinja grupe E, je pokazivala 68. i 94. dana tendenciju porasta (P=0,127 odnosno P=0,104). Razlike u koncentraciji ukupnih proteina, albumina, triacilglicerola, kreatinina i aktivnosti AST i GGT između grupa nisu bile signifikanatne. Ovi rezultati ukazuju da bi suvisak metionina mogao da izazove porast nivoa glukagona u krvnoj plazmi.
Acta Veterinaria-beograd | 2010
Zvonko Antunović; Zdenko Steiner; Mensur Vegara; Marcela Šperanda; Zvonimir Steiner; Josip Novoselec
Investigations have been conducted on Slavonia during a threeyear period on six locations, two per each year during June (in the firstyear = Vinkovci and Beli Manastir; in the second year = Valpovo andDjakovo; in the third year Slatina and Donji Miholjac). Six samples fromthe soil, pasture and sheep wool, as well as 15 sheep blood samplesweretakenfromeachlocality.Therewasadeficitofseleniumcontentinthe soil on four locations in the second and third year (0.18; 0.14; 0.10and 0.07 mg/kg) and an adequate content on locations Vinkovci andBeliManastirinthefirstyear(0.98and0.71mg/kg).ThelocalityValpovowas characterized by the highest selenium concentration in pasture,blood and wool of sheep, as well as by the lowest blood enzymesactivities (ALT, AST, CK, LDH) when compared to other locations.Selenium concentration in pasture was under the critical range on alllocations (from 0.006 to 0.03 mg/kg DM), except the locality Valpovo inthe second year (0.05 mg/kg DM). Serum selenium concentrations(from 0.035 to 0.082 mg/L) on all locations were below the adequaterange for adult sheep and differed among locations. Activities ofenzymes in the blood of sheep (AST: 3.59, CK: 4.93 and LDH:6.87 µkat/L) showed severe selenium deficiency. Seleniumconcentrations in the wool were under the critical level on all locations(from <0.0002 to 0.06 mg/kg). The results regarding selenium in woolshowed that, apart from blood selenium and activities of plasmaenzymes (AST, CK, LDH), wool should also be taken in account as aselenium status indicator.Key words: blood, enzyme blood activity, selenium, sheep, soil,pasture, wool
Italian Journal of Animal Science | 2009
Maja Popović; Mirna Tominac; Ksenija Vlahović; Dubravko Kezić; Marcela Šperanda; Željko Grabarević; Iva Popović; Boris Pirkić; Branka Šeol; Ivica Valpotić
Abstract Similarly as in other organ structures stem cells are present in cornea residing basal epithelial layer termed palisade of Voight. A growing interest in allografts and xenografts implies a thorough study of regenerative potentials of these cells, as well as a clear description of their patterns in in vitro tissue cultures to be grafted. Recently we have developed a simple method for cultivation of porcine corneal epithelial stem cells obtained by biopsy from the limbal region. Eight enucleated eyes were obtained from four slaughtered pigs. 5 mm2 samples of limbal epithelium were taken by keratotomy method. The primary cultures of these cells showed phenotypic and morphometric characteristics of porcine corneal epithelial cells following May-Grunwald-Giemsa staining. After 5d of sowing they reached 80% of confluence. With the «Night & Day» lenses a total confluence was achieved 5d earlier in comparison to the cells that were grown in the secondary cultures. Accordingly, the use of porcine limbal stem cells has potentials in veterinary medicine (as novel approach in reparative/regenerative medicine of pets, horses and selected breeds), but also are in accordance with the extensive studies on the potential use of xenografts, mainly swine tissues/organs, in humans.
Italian Journal of Animal Science | 2009
Hrvoje Valpotić; Jelena Šuran; Andreja Prevendar Crnić; Marcela Šperanda; Mislav Đidara; Ivica Valpotić; Frane Božić
Abstract Commercial crossbred pigs weaned at four weeks were allocated into three equal groups. The experimental group 1 was primed intramuscularly, and the experimental group 2 was primed per os, with levamisole at an immunostimulatory dose of 2.5mg/kg once daily, for three consecutive days, and controls received saline. Venous blood samples from all pigs were collected after the last levamisole or saline dose was given (day 0), and 35 days later (day 35) for flow cytometry analysis. The results obtained by immunophenotyping of isolated circulating lymphocytes on day 35 indicate that priming by levamisole of weaned pigs selectively recruited CD4+, CD8+ and CD4+CD8+, but not CD21+ cells in the systemic circulation.
Acta Veterinaria-beograd | 2008
Marcela Šperanda; Tihomir Florijančić; Ivica Bošković; Ivan Bogut; Hrvoje Gutzmirtl; Dražen Grgurić; Đuro Senčić; Zvonko Antunović
The investigation included 37 pheasant chickens divided into three groups (control and two experimentals groups) which were all fed with a standard starter feed mixture (28% crude protein and 11.7 MJ ME/kg) for the first 28 days and then with a grower for pheasant chickens (24% of crude protein and 12.1 MJ ME/kg). Sel-Plex® was added to the first experimental group in a concentration of 0.2%. A biochemical investigation of the blood samples on the 70th day of the trial showed a significantly (P 0.05), when compared to the control.
Archives Animal Breeding | 2013
Zvonko Antunović; Tomislav Klapec; Suzana Ćavar; Marcela Šperanda; Valentina Pavić; Josip Novoselec; Željka Klir
The aim of this research was to determine how the supplement of organic selenium (OS) in the diet at different concentrations reflects on the content of blood Se and GSH-Px activity and their correlation in goats and their kids in organic breeding. The study included 24 Alpine goat breeds during lactation and their kids. Goats were divided into three groups depending on dietary treatments. Goats were fed with the cereals mixture 1 kg/per day in control group (C). OS supplied as selenised yeast in the first experimental group (E-I) 0.015% and in the second experimental group (E-II) 0.030% in cereals mixture. The addition of OS significantly (P<0.01) increased blood Se of goats and kids in E-I and E- II groups in relation to C group and higher (P<0.05) in E-II in comparison with the E-I group. Concentrations of Se followed by GSH-Px activity, and were higher in the EI and E-II groups in comparison with C group. In the blood of suckling kids has determined higher (P<0.01) GSH-Px activity in E-I and E-II groups in relation to C group. It was also determined higher GSH-Px in the blood of kids E-II group compared to the EI group. Significant correlations was found between Se levels and GSH-Px activity in goats and kids, but were significant only in the goats of E-II group. The results obtained concentration of Se and GSH- Px in the blood goats and kids showed the validity of adding OS into food in organic breeding.
Acta Veterinaria-beograd | 2012
Marcela Šperanda; Tihomir Florijančić; Tomislav Šperanda; Sanja Mandić; Ivica Bošković; Mislav Djidara; I. Ozimec; Vesna Horvat; Dragan Šefer; Radmila Marković
The objective of the present study was to compare estradiol/progesterone ratios of different age categories of red deer hinds and use it as a predictor of estrus synchronization success and consequently conception rate. To accomplish this we used 38 red deer hinds to establish serum progesterone and estradiol levels in young (21 animals), mature (10 animals) and old (7 animals) hinds during the estrus synchronization procedure (transvaginal/cervical AI). The following estrus synchronization was used: at the start of the experiment each hind received a controlled intravaginal drug-releasing device (CIDR, Pharmacia&Upjohn, New Zealand) containing 0.3 g of progesterone. The device was removed on day 11, simultaneously with an application of 250 IU of Pregnant Mare Serum Gonadotropin (PMSG, Folligon® Intervet International, Boxmeer, Holland). Transvaginal/cervical AI (artificial insemination) was performed 48 hours after CIDR withdrawal (day 13). Blood samples were obtained from the jugular vein using a Venoject® vacutainer without an anticoagulant for hormonal tests on the same experimental day (0, 11th and 13th day). A statistically (p<0.01) higher progesterone level was found in young hinds on the 11th day after controlled intravaginal drug-releasing device insertion. A significantly higher (p<0.01) estrogen level was observed in the young in regard to mature and old hinds on the expected day of estrus (13th day). Estradiol/progesterone ratios showed a statistically significant difference (p<0.01) on insemination day (13th day) between old and young hinds (98.67 : 46.59) and between old and mature hinds (98.67 : 51.79). Out of a total of 38 hinds only 9 had their offspring, 6 of the young and 3 of the mature hinds.
Acta Veterinaria-beograd | 2011
Marija Vučemilo; Draženka Gutzmirtl; Marcela Šperanda; Bara Vinković; Emilija Frižon; Kristina Matković; Hrvoje Gutzmirtl
The research was accomplished on a farm with industrial housing of sows and on a family agricultural farm where sows are freely housed, outdoors. Twenty breeding sows from each farm were studied in this research. The experiment was conducted aiming to compare housing of sows, as well as those factors affecting stress indicators. For this purpose cortisol level was determined five days before farrowing, five days after farrowing and a day after weaning. Besides cortisol, other haematological parameters were determined in the blood, also. Statistically significant higher concentration of cortisol was determined at five days before farrowing in sows housed freely compared to sows housed industrially (p<0.05). Five days after farrowing and a day after weaning, concentrations of cortisol were lower in the blood of freely housed sows compared to industrially housed sows. However, the difference was not significant. The level of cortisol determined in sows housed freely during pregnancy, and after dislocation into wedged farrowing departments, five days before farrowing, was significantly higher than in industrial sows. The aforesaid confirmed stress that can be induced by relocating the sows to a new location and wedged space. The level of cortisol, determined in industrial sows was almost of equal values during the whole research, the fact being related to constant stress conditions.