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Featured researches published by Marcelo Katz.

Arquivos Brasileiros De Cardiologia | 2010

Severe aortic stenosis in asymptomatic patients: the dilemma of clinical versus surgical treatment

Marcelo Katz; Flávio Tarasoutchi; Max Grinberg

La estenosis valvular aortica es cada vez mas prevalente concordante con el envejecimiento poblacional. Por consiguiente, se vuelve mas comun la atencion de pacientes asintomaticos con estenosis aortica grave. Aunque los pacientes con estenosis aortica grave sin sintomas hagan parte de un mismo grupo, son heterogeneos bajo el punto de vista clinico, de laboratorio y ecocardiografico. El abordaje de esos pacientes trae a cuento el dilema del tratamiento clinico versus quirurgico: someter el paciente a los riesgos de la cirugia o mantenerlo en observacion clinica bajo el peligro de dano miocardico irreversible o aun de muerte subita? Bajo esta perspectiva, basandose en la literatura actual, este articulo provee herramientas que auxilian en la estratificacion de los pacientes. El area valvar, grado de calcificacion, velocidad de flujo transvalvar aortico, hipertrofia ventricular izquierda y test de esfuerzo alterado son los factores que colocan a los portadores de estenosis aortica grave asintomaticos en un grupo denominado de muy alto riesgo, en que la estrategia quirurgica pasa a ser considerada.Aortic valve stenosis has become increasingly prevalent, in agreement with the aging of the population. Thus, it has become increasingly common to treat asymptomatic patients with severe aortic stenosis. Although the patients with asymptomatic aortic stenosis belong to the same group, they are heterogeneous from a clinical, laboratory and echocardiographic point of view. The treatment of these patients raises the dilemma of the clinical versus the surgical treatment: should we submit the patient to the risks of surgery or keep the patient under clinical observation, running the risk of irreversible myocardial damage or even sudden death? Under this perspective and based on the current literature, this study supplies tools that help to stratify the patients. The valvular area, degree of calcification, transvalvular aortic flow velocity, left ventricular hypertrophy and stress test alterations are the factors that place asymptomatic individuals with severe aortic stenosis in a group called very-high risk, in which the surgical approach starts to be considered.

Arquivos Brasileiros De Cardiologia | 2010

Estenose aórtica grave em pacientes assintomáticos: o dilema do tratamento clínico versus cirúrgico

Marcelo Katz; Flávio Tarasoutchi; Max Grinberg

La estenosis valvular aortica es cada vez mas prevalente concordante con el envejecimiento poblacional. Por consiguiente, se vuelve mas comun la atencion de pacientes asintomaticos con estenosis aortica grave. Aunque los pacientes con estenosis aortica grave sin sintomas hagan parte de un mismo grupo, son heterogeneos bajo el punto de vista clinico, de laboratorio y ecocardiografico. El abordaje de esos pacientes trae a cuento el dilema del tratamiento clinico versus quirurgico: someter el paciente a los riesgos de la cirugia o mantenerlo en observacion clinica bajo el peligro de dano miocardico irreversible o aun de muerte subita? Bajo esta perspectiva, basandose en la literatura actual, este articulo provee herramientas que auxilian en la estratificacion de los pacientes. El area valvar, grado de calcificacion, velocidad de flujo transvalvar aortico, hipertrofia ventricular izquierda y test de esfuerzo alterado son los factores que colocan a los portadores de estenosis aortica grave asintomaticos en un grupo denominado de muy alto riesgo, en que la estrategia quirurgica pasa a ser considerada.Aortic valve stenosis has become increasingly prevalent, in agreement with the aging of the population. Thus, it has become increasingly common to treat asymptomatic patients with severe aortic stenosis. Although the patients with asymptomatic aortic stenosis belong to the same group, they are heterogeneous from a clinical, laboratory and echocardiographic point of view. The treatment of these patients raises the dilemma of the clinical versus the surgical treatment: should we submit the patient to the risks of surgery or keep the patient under clinical observation, running the risk of irreversible myocardial damage or even sudden death? Under this perspective and based on the current literature, this study supplies tools that help to stratify the patients. The valvular area, degree of calcification, transvalvular aortic flow velocity, left ventricular hypertrophy and stress test alterations are the factors that place asymptomatic individuals with severe aortic stenosis in a group called very-high risk, in which the surgical approach starts to be considered.

Jacc-cardiovascular Imaging | 2017

Topographic Pattern of Valve Calcification: A New Determinant of Disease Severity in Aortic Valve Stenosis

Antonio de Santis; Flávio Tarasoutchi; José de Arimatéia Araújo Filho; Marcelo Luiz Campos Vieira; Cesar H. Nomura; Marcelo Katz; Guilherme Sobreira Spina; Roney Orismar Sampaio; Tarso Augusto Duenhas Accorsi; Vitor Emer Egypto Rosa; João Ricardo Cordeiro Fernandes; Jonathan D. Brown; Elazer R. Edelman; Pedro A. Lemos

The pathophysiology of degenerative aortic valve stenosis (AS) is intimately related to the development of calcific deposits in the valve structure. Multidetector computed tomography (MDCT), a reliable method to delineate the tridimensional heart geometry, has been shown to accurately quantify the

Arquivos Brasileiros De Cardiologia | 2010

Estenosis aórtica grave en pacientes asintomáticos: el dilema del tratamiento clínico versus quirúrgico

Marcelo Katz; Flávio Tarasoutchi; Max Grinberg

La estenosis valvular aortica es cada vez mas prevalente concordante con el envejecimiento poblacional. Por consiguiente, se vuelve mas comun la atencion de pacientes asintomaticos con estenosis aortica grave. Aunque los pacientes con estenosis aortica grave sin sintomas hagan parte de un mismo grupo, son heterogeneos bajo el punto de vista clinico, de laboratorio y ecocardiografico. El abordaje de esos pacientes trae a cuento el dilema del tratamiento clinico versus quirurgico: someter el paciente a los riesgos de la cirugia o mantenerlo en observacion clinica bajo el peligro de dano miocardico irreversible o aun de muerte subita? Bajo esta perspectiva, basandose en la literatura actual, este articulo provee herramientas que auxilian en la estratificacion de los pacientes. El area valvar, grado de calcificacion, velocidad de flujo transvalvar aortico, hipertrofia ventricular izquierda y test de esfuerzo alterado son los factores que colocan a los portadores de estenosis aortica grave asintomaticos en un grupo denominado de muy alto riesgo, en que la estrategia quirurgica pasa a ser considerada.Aortic valve stenosis has become increasingly prevalent, in agreement with the aging of the population. Thus, it has become increasingly common to treat asymptomatic patients with severe aortic stenosis. Although the patients with asymptomatic aortic stenosis belong to the same group, they are heterogeneous from a clinical, laboratory and echocardiographic point of view. The treatment of these patients raises the dilemma of the clinical versus the surgical treatment: should we submit the patient to the risks of surgery or keep the patient under clinical observation, running the risk of irreversible myocardial damage or even sudden death? Under this perspective and based on the current literature, this study supplies tools that help to stratify the patients. The valvular area, degree of calcification, transvalvular aortic flow velocity, left ventricular hypertrophy and stress test alterations are the factors that place asymptomatic individuals with severe aortic stenosis in a group called very-high risk, in which the surgical approach starts to be considered.

European Heart Journal | 2018

P1651Elevated non-high-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels are associated with an increased inflammatory response following elective percutaneous coronary intervention

Fabiana Rached; A E P Pesaro; Marcelo Katz; F R Mattos; F G Pitta; P Lemos; A M Caixeta; Carlos V. Serrano

Journal of the American College of Cardiology | 2017


Carlos V. Serrano; Fabiana Rached; Fábio Sândoli de Brito; Marcelo Katz; Cibele L Garzillo; Antonio Eduardo Pereira Pesaro; Teresa Cristina Nascimento; Michael E. Farkouh; Marco Antonio Perin; Roberto Kalil-Filho

European Heart Journal | 2017

P184Topographic pattern of valve calcification: a new determinant of disease severity in aortic valve stenosis

A.S.A.L. De Santis; F.T. Tarasoutchi; J.A.B. Araujo Filho; Marcelo Katz; Marcelo Luiz Campos Vieira; Cesar H. Nomura; Guilherme Sobreira Spina; Roney Orismar Sampaio; Jonathan D. Brown; Elazer R. Edelman; Vitor Emer Egypto Rosa; João Ricardo Cordeiro Fernandes; Pedro A. Lemos

Archive | 2014

Utilização do monitor de eventos externo (web-loop) na identificação de sintomas associados a arritmias cardíacas em uma população geral The use of external event monitoring (web-loop) in the elucidation of symptoms associated with arrhythmias in a general population

Hindalis Ballesteros Epifanio; Marcelo Katz; Melania Aparecida Borges; Alessandra da Graça Corrêa; Fátima Dumas Cintra; Rodrigo Leandro Grinberg; Cristina Pinotti; Pedro Ludovice; Bruno Pereira Valdigem; Guilherme Fenelon

Archive | 2014

The use of external event monitoring (web-loop) in the elucidation of symptoms associated with arrhythmias in a general population Utilização do monitor de eventos externo (web-loop) na identificação de sintomas associados a arritmias cardíacas em uma população geral

Hindalis Ballesteros Epifanio; Marcelo Katz; Melania Aparecida Borges; Alessandra da Graça Corrêa; Fátima Dumas Cintra; Rodrigo Leandro Grinberg; Cristina Pinotti; Pedro Ludovice; Bruno Pereira Valdigem; Guilherme Fenelon

Archive | 2013

Effect of implementing an acute myocardial infarction guideline on quality indicators Efeito da implementação de um protocolo assistencial de infarto agudo do miocárdio sobre os indicadores de qualidade

Marcia Makdisse; Marcelo Katz; Alessandra da Graça Corrêa; Luciano Monte Alegre Forlenza; Marco Antonio Perin; Teresa Cristina Dias; Cunha Nascimento; Ivanise Gomes; Marcelo Franken; Marcos Knobel; Antonio Eduardo; Pereira Pesaro; Oscar Fernando; Pavão dos Santos; Miguel Cendoroglo Neto; Claudio Luiz Lottenberg


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Max Grinberg

University of São Paulo

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Bruno Pereira Valdigem

Federal University of São Paulo

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Fabiana Rached

University of São Paulo

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Fátima Dumas Cintra

Federal University of São Paulo

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Guilherme Fenelon

Federal University of São Paulo

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