Marcelo Sandoval-Denis
University of the Free State
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Featured researches published by Marcelo Sandoval-Denis.
Persoonia | 2016
Pedro W. Crous; Michael J. Wingfield; J.J. Le Roux; D. Strasberg; Jacqueline Edwards; Francois Roets; Vit Hubka; P. W. J. Taylor; M. Heykoop; María P. Martín; G. Moreno; Deanna A. Sutton; Nathan P. Wiederhold; C.W. Barnes; J. R. Carlavilla; Josepa Gené; Alejandra Giraldo; V. Guarnaccia; Josep Guarro; Margarita Hernández-Restrepo; Miroslav Kolařík; José Luis Manjón; I. G. Pascoe; E. S. Popov; Marcelo Sandoval-Denis; J. H C Woudenberg; K. Acharya; Alina V. Alexandrova; P. Alvarado; R.N. Barbosa
Novel species of fungi described in the present study include the following from Australia: Vermiculariopsiella eucalypti, Mulderomyces natalis (incl. Mulderomyces gen. nov.), Fusicladium paraamoenum, Neotrimmatostroma paraexcentricum, and Pseudophloeospora eucalyptorum on leaves of Eucalyptus spp., Anungitea grevilleae (on leaves of Grevillea sp.), Pyrenochaeta acaciae (on leaves of Acacia sp.), and Brunneocarpos banksiae (incl. Brunneocarpos gen. nov.) on cones of Banksia attenuata. Novel foliicolous taxa from South Africa include Neosulcatispora strelitziae (on Strelitzia nicolai), Colletotrichum ledebouriae (on Ledebouria floridunda), Cylindrosympodioides brabejum (incl. Cylindrosympodioides gen. nov.) on Brabejum stellatifolium, Sclerostagonospora ericae (on Erica sp.), Setophoma cyperi (on Cyperus sphaerocephala), and Phaeosphaeria breonadiae (on Breonadia microcephala). Novelties described from Robben Island (South Africa) include Wojnowiciella cissampeli and Diaporthe cissampeli (both on Cissampelos capensis), Phaeotheca salicorniae (on Salicornia meyeriana), Paracylindrocarpon aloicola (incl. Paracylindrocarpon gen. nov.) on Aloe sp., and Libertasomyces myopori (incl. Libertasomyces gen. nov.) on Myoporum serratum. Several novelties are recorded from La Réunion (France), namely Phaeosphaeriopsis agapanthi (on Agapanthus sp.), Roussoella solani (on Solanum mauritianum), Vermiculariopsiella acaciae (on Acacia heterophylla), Dothiorella acacicola (on Acacia mearnsii), Chalara clidemiae (on Clidemia hirta), Cytospora tibouchinae (on Tibouchina semidecandra), Diaporthe ocoteae (on Ocotea obtusata), Castanediella eucalypticola, Phaeophleospora eucalypticola and Fusicladium eucalypticola (on Eucalyptus robusta), Lareunionomyces syzygii (incl. Lareunionomyces gen. nov.) and Parawiesneriomyces syzygii (incl. Parawiesneriomyces gen. nov.) on leaves of Syzygium jambos. Novel taxa from the USA include Meristemomyces arctostaphylos (on Arctostaphylos patula), Ochroconis dracaenae (on Dracaena reflexa), Rasamsonia columbiensis (air of a hotel conference room), Paecilomyces tabacinus (on Nicotiana tabacum), Toxicocladosporium hominis (from human broncoalveolar lavage fluid), Nothophoma macrospora (from respiratory secretion of a patient with pneumonia), and Penidiellopsis radicularis (incl. Penidiellopsis gen. nov.) from a human nail. Novel taxa described from Malaysia include Prosopidicola albizziae (on Albizzia falcataria), Proxipyricularia asari (on Asarum sp.), Diaporthe passifloricola (on Passiflora foetida), Paramycoleptodiscus albizziae (incl. Paramycoleptodiscus gen. nov.) on Albizzia falcataria, and Malaysiasca phaii (incl. Malaysiasca gen. nov.) on Phaius reflexipetalus. Two species are newly described from human patients in the Czech Republic, namely Microascus longicollis (from toenails of patient with suspected onychomycosis), and Chrysosporium echinulatum (from sole skin of patient). Furthermore, Alternaria quercicola is described on leaves of Quercus brantii (Iran), Stemphylium beticola on leaves of Beta vulgaris (The Netherlands), Scleroderma capeverdeanum on soil (Cape Verde Islands), Scleroderma dunensis on soil, and Blastobotrys meliponae from bee honey (Brazil), Ganoderma mbrekobenum on angiosperms (Ghana), Geoglossum raitviirii and Entoloma kruticianum on soil (Russia), Priceomyces vitoshaensis on Pterostichus melas (Carabidae) (Bulgaria) is the only one for which the family is listed, Ganoderma ecuadoriense on decaying wood (Ecuador), Thyrostroma cornicola on Cornus officinalis (Korea), Cercophora vinosa on decorticated branch of Salix sp. (France), Coprinus pinetorum, Coprinus littoralis and Xerocomellus poederi on soil (Spain). Two new genera from Colombia include Helminthosporiella and Uwemyces on leaves of Elaeis oleifera. Two species are described from India, namely Russula intervenosa (ectomycorrhizal with Shorea robusta), and Crinipellis odorata (on bark of Mytragyna parviflora). Novelties from Thailand include Cyphellophora gamsii (on leaf litter), Pisolithus aureosericeus and Corynascus citrinus (on soil). Two species are newly described from Citrus in Italy, namely Dendryphiella paravinosa on Citrus sinensis, and Ramularia citricola on Citrus floridana. Morphological and culture characteristics along with ITS nrDNA barcodes are provided for all taxa.
Journal of Clinical Microbiology | 2013
Marcelo Sandoval-Denis; Deanna A. Sutton; Annette W. Fothergill; J. F. Cano-Lira; Josepa Gené; Cony Decock; G.S. de Hoog; Josep Guarro
ABSTRACT Ninety-nine isolates of clinical origin, tentatively identified as Scopulariopsis or Microascus, were morphologically and molecularly characterized by a combined analysis of the D1/D2 domains of the 28S rRNA gene and a fragment of the elongation factor 1-α gene (EF1-α) sequences. The most prevalent species was Scopulariopsis brevicaulis (49.4%), followed by Scopulariopsis gracilis (14.4%), Scopulariopsis brumptii (7.2%), Microascus cinereus (5.2%), the Scopulariopsis candida species complex (3.1%), and Microascus cirrosus (2.1%). The most common anatomic sites of isolation were the respiratory tract (61.6%), superficial tissue (19.2%), and deep tissue or fluid samples (19.2%). The antifungal susceptibilities of the isolates to eight drugs were tested in vitro, with all the drugs generally showing poor activity.
Studies in Mycology | 2017
Yasmina Marin-Felix; Johannes Z. Groenewald; Lei Cai; Quan Chen; Seonju Marincowitz; Irene Barnes; K. Bensch; U. Braun; Erio Camporesi; Ulrike Damm; Z.W. de Beer; Asha J. Dissanayake; Jacqueline Edwards; Alejandra Giraldo; Margarita Hernández-Restrepo; Kevin D. Hyde; Ruvishika S. Jayawardena; Lorenzo Lombard; J. Jennifer Luangsa-ard; Alistair R. McTaggart; Amy Y. Rossman; Marcelo Sandoval-Denis; M. Shen; Roger G. Shivas; Yu Pei Tan; E. van der Linde; Michael J. Wingfield; Alan R. Wood; J.Q. Zhang; Y. Zhang
Genera of Phytopathogenic Fungi (GOPHY) is introduced as a new series of publications in order to provide a stable platform for the taxonomy of phytopathogenic fungi. This first paper focuses on 21 genera of phytopathogenic fungi: Bipolaris, Boeremia, Calonectria, Ceratocystis, Cladosporium, Colletotrichum, Coniella, Curvularia, Monilinia, Neofabraea, Neofusicoccum, Pilidium, Pleiochaeta, Plenodomus, Protostegia, Pseudopyricularia, Puccinia, Saccharata, Thyrostroma, Venturia and Wilsonomyces. For each genus, a morphological description and information about its pathology, distribution, hosts and disease symptoms are provided. In addition, this information is linked to primary and secondary DNA barcodes of the presently accepted species, and relevant literature. Moreover, several novelties are introduced, i.e. new genera, species and combinations, and neo-, lecto- and epitypes designated to provide a stable taxonomy. This first paper includes one new genus, 26 new species, ten new combinations, and four typifications of older names.
Journal of Clinical Microbiology | 2015
Marcelo Sandoval-Denis; Deanna A. Sutton; Adela Martin-Vicente; José F. Cano-Lira; Nathan P. Wiederhold; Josep Guarro; Josepa Gené
ABSTRACT Cladosporium species are ubiquitous, saprobic, dematiaceous fungi, only infrequently associated with human and animal opportunistic infections. We have studied a large set of Cladosporium isolates recovered from clinical samples in the United States to ascertain the predominant species there in light of recent taxonomic changes in this genus and to determine whether some could possibly be rare potential pathogens. A total of 92 isolates were identified using phenotypic and molecular methods, which included sequence analysis of the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region and a fragment of the large subunit (LSU) of the nuclear ribosomal DNA (rDNA), as well as fragments of the translation elongation factor 1 alpha (EF-1α) and actin (Act) genes. The most frequent species was Cladosporium halotolerans (14.8%), followed by C. tenuissimum (10.2%), C. subuliforme (5.7%), and C. pseudocladosporioides (4.5%). However, 39.8% of the isolates did not correspond to any known species and were deemed to comprise at least 17 new lineages for Cladosporium. The most frequent anatomic site of isolation was the respiratory tract (54.5%), followed by superficial (28.4%) and deep tissues and fluids (14.7%). Species of the two recently described cladosporiumlike genera Toxicocladosporium and Penidiella are reported for the first time from clinical samples. In vitro susceptibility testing of 92 isolates against nine antifungal drugs showed a variety of results but high activity overall for the azoles, echinocandins, and terbinafine.
Journal of Clinical Microbiology | 2014
Marcelo Sandoval-Denis; Deanna A. Sutton; José F. Cano-Lira; Josepa Gené; Annette W. Fothergill; Nathan P. Wiederhold; Josep Guarro
ABSTRACT A set of 73 isolates of the emerging fungus Trichoderma isolated from human and animal clinical specimens were characterized morphologically and molecularly using a multilocus sequence analysis that included the internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of the nuclear ribosomal DNA and fragments of the translation elongation factor 1 alpha (Tef1), endochitinase CHI18-5 (Chi18-5), and actin 1 (Act1) genes. The most frequent species was Trichoderma longibrachiatum (26%), followed by Trichoderma citrinoviride (18%), the Hypocrea lixii/Trichoderma harzianum species complex (15%), the newly described species Trichoderma bissettii (12%), and Trichoderma orientale (11%). The most common anatomical sites of isolation in human clinical specimens were the respiratory tract (40%), followed by deep tissue (30%) and superficial tissues (26%), while all the animal-associated isolates were obtained from superficial tissue samples. Susceptibilities of the isolates to eight antifungal drugs in vitro showed mostly high MICs, except for voriconazole and the echinocandins.
Persoonia | 2016
Marcelo Sandoval-Denis; Josepa Gené; Deanna A. Sutton; J. F. Cano-Lira; G.S. de Hoog; Cony Decock; Nathan P. Wiederhold; Josep Guarro
The genera Microascus and Scopulariopsis comprise species commonly isolated from soil, decaying plant material and indoor environments. A few species are also recognised as opportunistic pathogens of insects and animals, including humans. In the past, the taxonomy of these fungi has been based on morphology only. With the aim to clarify the taxonomy and phylogeny of these fungi, we studied a large set of clinical and environmental isolates, including the available ex-type strains of numerous species, by means of morphological, physiological and molecular analyses. Species delineation was assessed under the Genealogical Phylogenetic Species Recognition (GCPSR) criterion using DNA sequence data of four loci (ITS region, and fragments of rDNA LSU, translation elongation factor 1-α and β-tubulin). The genera Microascus and Scopulariopsis were found to be separated in two distinct lineages. The genus Pithoascus is reinstated and the new genus Pseudoscopulariopsis is erected, typified by P. schumacheri. Seven new species of Microascus and one of Scopulariopsis are described, namely M. alveolaris, M. brunneosporus, M. campaniformis, M. expansus, M. intricatus, M. restrictus, M. verrucosus and Scopulariopsis cordiae. Microascus trigonosporus var. macrosporus is accepted as a species distinct from M. trigonosporus. Nine new combinations are introduced. Microascus cinereus, M. longirostris, P. schumacheri and S. flava are neotypified. A table summarising the morphological features of the species treated and identification keys for each genus are provided.
Journal of Clinical Microbiology | 2015
Jesús Guinea; Marcelo Sandoval-Denis; Pilar Escribano; Teresa Peláez; Josep Guarro; Emilio Bouza
ABSTRACT The use of molecular identification techniques has revealed an increasing number of new species within Aspergillus section Terrei. We phenotyped a set of 26 clinical isolates that showed genetic differences from Aspergillus terreus sensu stricto by analyzing sequences from PCR-amplified β-tubulin and calmodulin genes and the internal transcribed spacer region. Since the isolates were phylogenetically and morphologically different from all of the members of Aspergillus section Terrei, they are described here as a new species, Aspergillus citrinoterreus, so named because it produces a diffusible yellowish pigment in agar. A. citrinoterreus isolates were significantly more susceptible to itraconazole, voriconazole, and posaconazole than A. terreus sensu stricto isolates were; in contrast, the amphotericin B MICs for both species were high. A. citrinoterreus was found in clinical samples from patients with proven or probable invasive aspergillosis and colonized patients, none of whom had hematological malignancies as predisposing conditions. However, they did have other underlying conditions such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cirrhosis, and cancer or had received a solid organ transplants and presented not only with invasive pulmonary aspergillosis but also with mediastinitis. A. citrinoterreus isolates were detected for the first time in 2002. In all cases of invasive aspergillosis, A. citrinoterreus was found to be a copathogen, mostly with A. fumigatus.
Persoonia | 2016
Marcelo Sandoval-Denis; Josepa Gené; Deanna A. Sutton; Nathan P. Wiederhold; J. F. Cano-Lira; Josep Guarro
Cladosporium is mainly known as a ubiquitous environmental saprobic fungus or plant endophyte, and to date, just a few species have been documented as etiologic agents in vertebrate hosts, including humans. In the present study, 10 new species of the genus were isolated from human and animal clinical specimens from the USA. They are proposed and characterized on the basis of their morphology and a molecular phylogenetic analysis using DNA sequences from three loci (the ITS region of the rDNA, and partial fragments of the translation elongation factor 1-alpha and actin genes). Six of those species belong to the C. cladosporioides species complex, i.e., C. alboflavescens, C. angulosum, C. anthropophilum, C. crousii, C. flavovirens and C. xantochromaticum, three new species belong to the C. herbarum species complex, i.e., C. floccosum, C. subcinereum and C. tuberosum; and one to the C. sphaerospermum species complex, namely, C. succulentum. Differential morphological features of the new taxa are provided together with molecular barcodes to distinguish them from the currently accepted species of the genus.
Fungal Biology | 2016
Tomasz Jagielski; Marcelo Sandoval-Denis; Jin Yu; Limin Yao; Zofia Bakuła; Joanna Kalita; Magdalena Skóra; Paweł Krzyściak; G. Sybren de Hoog; Josep Guarro; Josepa Gené
The taxonomy of scopulariopsis-like fungi, comprising numerous human opportunistic species, has recently been reassessed with delineation of the genera Microascus, Pithoascus, Pseudoscopulariopsis, and Scopulariopsis, using morphological data and multilocus sequence analysis based on four loci (ITS, LSU, EF-1α, and TUB). In this study, the same genetic markers were used to investigate a set of clinical and environmental isolates, morphologically identified as Microascus and Scopulariopsis spp. The ingroups of the concatenated phylogenetic tree resolved 41 species clades, with isolates distributed in four main lineages corresponding to the genera Microascus, Pithoascus, Scopulariopsis, and newly established genus Fuscoannellis, typified by Scopulariopsis carbonaria. The new species Microascus chinensis, Microascus onychoides, Microascus pseudolongirostris, Pithoascus lunatus, and Scopulariopsis macurae were described. Microascus trigonosporus var. terreus and Scopulariopsis alboflavescens were found different from M. trigonosporus and Scopulariopsis brevicaulis, respectively. All the species identified in the study, except Fuscoannellis carbonaria and S. macurae, originated from clinical samples, suggesting their potential role in human disease. The use of a four marker combination was demonstrated an efficient and reliable approach to infer phylogenetic relationships among the scopulariopsis-like fungi. Yet, the only genetic marker able to discriminate all species was EF-1α, therefore proposed as a secondary barcode for the identification of these fungi.
Studies in Mycology | 2016
Marcelo Sandoval-Denis; Josep Guarro; J. F. Cano-Lira; Deanna A. Sutton; Nathan P. Wiederhold; G.S. de Hoog; S.P. Abbott; Cony Decock; Lynne Sigler; Josepa Gené
The taxonomy of the synnematous genera Cephalotrichum, Doratomyces and Trichurus, and other related genera Gamsia, Wardomyces and Wardomycopsis, has been controversial and relies mainly on morphological criteria. These are microascaceous saprobic fungi mostly found in air and soil and with a worldwide distribution. In order to clarify their taxonomy and to delineate generic boundaries within the Microascaceae, we studied 57 isolates that include clinical, environmental and all the available ex-type strains of a large set of species by means of morphological, physiological and molecular phylogenetic analyses using DNA sequence data of four loci (the ITS region, and fragments of rDNA LSU, translation elongation factor 1α and β-tubulin). The results demonstrate that Cephalotrichum, Doratomyces and Trichurus are congeneric and the genus Cephalotrichum is accepted here with Echinobotryum as a further synonym. The genera Acaulium and Fairmania, typified by A. albonigrescens and F. singularis, respectively, are distinct from Microascus and Scopulariopsis, Gamsia is distinct from Wardomyces, and Wardomycopsis is confirmed as a separate genus in the Microascaceae. Two new species of Cephalotrichum are described as C. brevistipitatum and C. hinnuleum. Nine new combinations are proposed, i.e. Acaulium acremonium, A. caviariforme, Cephalotrichum asperulum, C. columnare, C. cylindricum, C. dendrocephalum, C. gorgonifer, Gamsia columbina and Wardomyces giganteus. A neotype is designed for C. stemonitis. Lectotypes and epitypes are designated for A. acremonium, A. albonigrescens, C. gorgonifer, C. nanum and W. anomalus. Cephalotrichum cylindricum, C. microsporum, F. singularis and Gamsia columbina are also epitypified with new specimens. Descriptions of the phenotypic features and dichotomous keys for identification are provided for accepted species in the different genera.
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University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio
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