Marcos de Souza Queiroz
State University of Campinas
Cadernos De Saude Publica | 2000
Letícia Marín; Marcos de Souza Queiroz
Este artigo focaliza, numa perspectiva interdisciplinar, os estudos sobre acidentes de trânsito em escala nacional e internacional. Ele comeca analisando o aumento da producao e consumo de veiculos motorizados em todo o mundo e as transformacoes sociais que esse fato acarretou. Atencao especial e dada a degradacao do meio ambiente urbano e ao enorme custo social representado pelos acidentes de trânsito. Em seguida, e apresentado um panorama epidemiologico sobre as vitimas do trânsito. A relacao entre personalidade e acidente de trânsito mereceu atencao especial, principalmente no que se refere ao comportamento infrator e ao consumo de bebidas alcoolicas e de outras drogas. O artigo conclui enfatizando a necessidade de o Estado implementar politicas publicas especificas consistentes, a fim de se poder controlar o problema.This article takes an interdisciplinary perspective to studies on traffic accidents on a national and international scale. It begins by analyzing the great increase in the manufacturing and use of motor vehicles worldwide and the resulting social transformations. Particular attention is given to the degradation of the urban environment and the enormous social costs represented by traffic accidents. The author follows with an epidemiological perspective on the victims of traffic accidents. The relationship between personality and traffic accidents deserved special attention, mainly in that it relates to the consumption of alcohol and other drugs, in addition to other law breaking behavior. The article concludes by emphasizing the need for government to implement specifically consistent public policies to control the problem.This article focuses, in an interdisciplinary perspective, the studies about traffic accidents, in a national and international scale. It starts by analysing the great increase in production and consumption of motor vehicules worldwide and the social transformations which this fact produced. Particular attention is given to the degradation of the urban environment and the enormous social costs represented by traffic accidents. It follows with an epidemiological view on the victims of traffic accidents. The relationship between personality and traffic accidents deserved special attencion, mainly in what it relates to the consumption of alcool and other chemical drugs, and other law breaking behaviour. The article concludes by emphasising the need of the State to implemment specif consistent public policies, in order to control the problem. Key words Automobile Driving; Motor Vehicles; Traffic Accidents; Epidemiology Resumo Este artigo focaliza, numa perspectiva interdisciplinar, os estudos sobre acidentes de trânsito em escala nacional e internacional. Ele comeca analisando o aumento da producao e consumo de veiculos motorizados em todo o mundo e as transformacoes sociais que esse fato acarretou. Atencao especial e dada a degradacao do meio ambiente urbano e ao enorme custo social representado pelos acidentes de trânsito. Em seguida, e apresentado um panorama epidemiologico sobre as vitimas do trânsito. A relacao entre personalidade e acidente de trânsito mereceu atencao especial, principalmente no que se refere ao comportamento infrator e ao consumo de bebidas alcoolicas e de outras drogas. O artigo conclui enfatizando a necessidade de o Estado implementar politicas publicas especificas consistentes, a fim de se poder controlar o problema. Palavras-chave Conducao de Veiculo; Veiculos Automotres; Acidentes de Trânsito; Epidemiologia
Estudos De Psicologia (natal) | 2006
Denise Stefanoni Combinato; Marcos de Souza Queiroz
Death is part of the process of human development and it is present in our daily life. Different professionals-particularly health professionals-interact with the process of death and dying in their professional activity. However, in addition to being inserted in a social-historical context of death denial, their professional formation is characterized by the emphasis upon theoretical and technical aspects. The understanding of death influences on peoples quality of life and also in the way professional activities related to death and dying are performed. In this article we present a reflection about deaths psychosocial aspects, considering the importance of seeing death as part of the human development process.
Cadernos De Saude Publica | 1993
Marcos de Souza Queiroz
O presente artigo analisa as representacoes e as praticas sobre saude e doenca entre familias operarias do municipio de Paulinea, Sao Paulo. Enfase especial e colocada no relacionamento desta populacao com a medicina posta em pratica pela rede publica de atencao a saude, recentemente implantada no municipio e considerada modelo no contexto brasileiro pelos tecnicos do setor. As praticas relacionadas com as medicinas caseira e religiosa e com os farmaceuticos, bem como o problema da automedicacao, sao tambem focalizadas como elementos importantes disponiveis a populacao estudada.
Cadernos De Saude Publica | 1993
Emerson Elias Merhy; Marcos de Souza Queiroz
This article focuses on the development of public health in Brazil, with the aim of analyzing the present process of decentralization of health care. The authors argue that the neoliberal or conservative position is unable to offer a reasonable solution to problems in the health care system. On the other hand, the reformist position concentrates its attention on the health system and its administration, taking as its model a positivistic approach to natural and administrative sciences. The authors further argue that only a radical change in the prevailing medical paradigm and a predominance of social over biological aspects would meet the health needs of the population.
Cadernos De Saude Publica | 2007
Sônia Marina Martins de Oliveira Antunes; Marcos de Souza Queiroz
This study focuses on the daily institutional activities in a Center for Psychosocial Care (CAPS), a municipal mental health service in Andradas, Minas Gerais, Brazil. The study specifically analyzes the social representations by health care professionals regarding the social rehabilitation of their patients, vis-à-vis new proposals approved under the Brazilian psychiatric reform. The study adopts a historical and conjunctural analysis, based on the premise that to evaluate the new process of institutional intervention contributes to both its implementation and improvement. The study also focuses on the stance by health care professionals towards interdisciplinary work and the factors involved in this practice. A qualitative approach was used throughout the study.
Psicologia & Sociedade | 2003
Marcos de Souza Queiroz; Patricia C. P. Oliveira
This article focuses, through a qualitative interdisciplinary perspective, the problem of traffic accidents, according to the view of 20 hospitalized victims. Based on the data obtained from interviews, the social characteristics of the victims and the circumstances of the accident were studied. The article proceeds by focusing the social representations of the victims about several aspects, such as the hospital, the cause of the accident, the traffic, the collective transport system, the work situation and the perspectives for the future. We conclude that the social representations from the victims about the traffic accidents are strongly connected to both behavioral and cultural dimensions. These findings suggest that, in a wider perspective, the solution to the problem of traffic accidents require, above all, the implementation of public policies which take into account the cultural dimension and emphasizes traffic educational programs.
Ciencia & Saude Coletiva | 2011
Silvana Cappelleti Nagai; Marcos de Souza Queiroz
This article focuses on the social representations of health professionals about the introduction of complementary and alternative medical practices in the public health service network in Campinas city (SP, Brazil). Based in an essentially qualitative methodological perspective, the article analyses the general conditions, the problems and the obstacles related to the implementation of such practices. The success of this inclusion was found in four main reasons: the clientele disposition which gives support and demands this kind of service; the health vision of the sanitarian doctors, which is open to such project; the wide support given by the non-medical health professions, which intend to add value and amplify their practice and, finally, the own perspective of the alternative and complementary medicines, which agree with the Unified Health System (SUS) proposals. Despite the success in the implementation of such practices in the health basic system, two negative aspects were detected: the insufficient planning and the simplified vision which converts such rationalities in mere techniques, which follow the same mechanistic principles of the allophatic medicine and the same reified understanding of disease.
Cadernos De Saude Publica | 1995
Marcos de Souza Queiroz; Maria Angélica Puntel Carrasco
This article studies the life experiences of people with leprosy and their intra-domiciliary families in Campinas, Brazil, based on an analysis of their representations concerning health, disease, and treatment. Taking their living and working conditions as the background, the study sheds light on the strategies that allow them to adapt to social and family life, to obtain a livelihood, and to establish familiarity with the disease process. The article focuses particularly on the way such individuals deal with the problems of regaining their health, in addition to evaluating governmental and nongovernmental health services.
Ciencia & Saude Coletiva | 2011
Denise Stefanoni Combinato; Marcos de Souza Queiroz
This article focuses on the concept of death and, in particular, the social construction of its meaning for a professional healthcare team working in an intensive hospital care unit. Thirteen professionals (six physicians and seven nurses) participated in the research, through semi-structured interviews. Despite the fact that death is part of the human cycle and is present in the daily working life of these health professionals, the denial of its existence imposed by the culture of the modern western world prevents the development of specific strategies to address this problem. Based on the Vigotskis dialectical method, three main conceptions of death were extracted from the interviews: death as a natural consequence of life; death as a biological process and death as a divine blessing. In the absence of a proper space for a more systematical approach, the social representations from the professionals on this theme are restricted to subjective opinions. In the conclusion, the need for change in the institutional context and in health education is emphasized, with a specific focus directed on death and on the process of dying.
SciELO | 2006
Denise Stefanoni Combinato; Marcos de Souza Queiroz
Death is part of the process of human development and it is present in our daily life. Different professionals-particularly health professionals-interact with the process of death and dying in their professional activity. However, in addition to being inserted in a social-historical context of death denial, their professional formation is characterized by the emphasis upon theoretical and technical aspects. The understanding of death influences on peoples quality of life and also in the way professional activities related to death and dying are performed. In this article we present a reflection about deaths psychosocial aspects, considering the importance of seeing death as part of the human development process.