
Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira | 2006

Meningoencefalite e polioencefalomalacia causadas por Herpesvírus bovino-5 no estado do Pará

Gabriela Riet-Correa; Marcos Dutra Duarte; José Diomedes Barbosa; Carlos Magno Chaves Oliveira; Valíria Duarte Cerqueira; Marilene de Farias Brito; Franklin Riet-Correa

Four outbreaks of meningoencephalitis in 1 to 2 years old cattle caused by Bovine herpesvirus-5 are reported in four municipalities in the state of Para, northern Brazil. In three outbreaks only one animal was affected, in another 3 cattle were affected. Main clinical signs were incoordination, dullness, blindness, recumbence, and opisthotonus. Death occurred after a clinical manifestation period of 3-4 days. Softening and yellowish areas were observed grossly in the cerebral cortex. The histology revealed poliencephalomalacia in the cerebral cortex, thalamus and basal nuclei, and non suppurative encephalitis and meningitis, and eosinophilic intranuclear inclusion bodies in astrocytes. The diagnosis was based on the typical microscopic lesions.

Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira | 2005

Intoxicações experimental e natural por Ipomoea asarifolia (Convolvulaceae) em búfalos e outros ruminantes

José Diomedes Barbosa; Carlos Magno Chaves Oliveira; Marcos Dutra Duarte; Paulo Vargas Peixoto; Carlos Hubinger Tokarnia

Ipomoea asarifolia R. et Schult. is a plant responsible for occasional outbreaks of poisoning in cattle, sheep and goats. Its oral administration to cattle and buffalos showed that the buffalo is as susceptible as cattle. One to 4 daily doses of 10-20g/kg caused similar symptoms in both species, as incoordination, muscular twiching and swaying of the head and anterior part of the body (pendular movement). In buffaloes the signs of incoordination were observed to a smaller extent. There is no report yet on natural poisoning by I. asarifolia in buffaloes, possibly because cases are not being noticed.

Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira | 2010

Fotossensibilização em ovinos associada à ingestão de Brachiaria brizantha no estado do Pará

Tatiane Teles Albernaz; José Alcides Sarmento da Silveira; Natália da Silva e Silva; Cairo Henrique Sousa Oliveira; Alessandra dos Santos Belo Reis; Carlos Magno Chaves Oliveira; Marcos Dutra Duarte; José Diomedes Barbosa

Two outbreaks of photosensitization by Brachiaria brizantha were studied and an experiment was performed in Santa Ines and Dorper crossbred sheep, two to three months old, on a farm in Santa Luzia do Para municipality. These animals were kept from birth until about two months of age in a suspended stall floor, fed purple elephant grass (Pennisetum purpureum cv. purple), and had minerals and water ad libitum. After this period they were placed into a paddock of B. brizantha. At the time of the outbreaks and the experimental studies, the farm was visited for epidemiological assessment and clinical examination of the sheep, collection of blood samples for measurement of gamma glutamyltransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, conjugated bilirubin, unconjugated bilirubin, urea, and creatinine. Pasture samples were collected for saponin determination and count of Pithomyces chartarum spores. Necropsies with collection of material for histopathological studies were performed. Outbreak 1 occurred at the time of low rainfall, when the grass was scarce and mature, and morbidity and lethality was 43.4% and 81.6%, respectively. Outbreak 2 occurred at the beginning of the rainy season, with morbidity and lethality rates of 16.3% and 76.9%, respectively. From the 50 animals in the experiment, 10 received three times 200ml of rumen fluid taken from mother sheep of the same batch. The first of these administrations was given one day before the sheep were introduced into the pasture and the other two at weekly intervals. After 15 days in the pasture, the animals were unquiet, looked for shade, had edema of the ears, yellowish mucosae, were apathic, had anorexia and showed sloughing of the skin followed by crusting in some areas of the body. Both, the sheep of the outbreaks as those from the experiment, showed increased levels of GGT, AST, BD, BI, BT, urea and creatinine. In sheep which received ruminal fluid the values of urea and GGT were similar to those which did not receive the ruminal fluid. The creatinine, AST and bilirrubine values were lower in sheep that received the ruminal fluid. Two types of saponins, methylprotodioscin and protodioscin, were detected in the samples of B. brizantha from the outbreaks and the experiment. The level of saponins in Outbreak 1 and 2 was 0.92% and 0.88% respectively. The levels of saponins in the experiment ranged from 1.13% to 1.62%. The numbers of spores of Pithomyces chartarum in both outbreaks and in the experiment were negligible. At necropsy there was widespread jaundice, the liver was brown-yellow with marked lobular pattern and increased consistency and the kidneys were enlarged yellowish-green. Histological changes occurred mainly in the liver and consisted of mild proliferation of bile ducts in portal tracts, presence of binucleate hepatocytes, foamy macrophages, necrosis of isolated hepatocytes, cholangitis, presence of crystals in hepatocytes and macrophages.

Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira | 2009

Intoxicação por Ipomoea carnea subsp. fistulosa (Convolvulaceae) em caprinos na Ilha do Marajó, Pará

Carlos Alberto Oliveira; José Diomedes Barbosa; Marcos Dutra Duarte; Valíria Duarte Cerqueira; Franklin Riet-Correa; Fábio Py Tortelli; Gabriela Riet-Correa

Ipomoea carnea subsp. fistulosa is a swainsonine-containing plant causing a glycoprotein storage diseases in ruminants, mainly in goats in northeastern Brazil. Seven farms were visited on the Marajo Island, state of Para, northern Brazil, six in the municipality of Cachoeira do Arari and one in the municipality of Soure. In all farms native pastures had shortage of forage and were largely invaded by I. carnea subsp. fistulosa. On the three farms goats presented difficulties in standing, ataxia, hypermetria, wide-based stance, lateral gait, intention tremors, spastic paresis or weakness, abnormal postural reactions, nystagmus, loss of equilibrium and falling to the side or backward. On two farms the prevalence was of 32% (23/71) and 100% (32/32). On another farm one goat out of 19 had severe clinical signs, but the others of the flock were not examined clinically. Cattle, sheep and buffaloes were not affected. Six goats were euthanized and necropsied. No gross lesions were observed. Upon histological examination the main lesion was the vacuolization of the perikaryon of neurons and cytoplasm of epithelial cells of thyroid, liver, kidney, pancreas and macrophages of different organs. In the central nervous system the vacuolization of the perikaria was more severe in Purkinje cells of the cerebellum and in nuclei of the brain stem, mainly the cerebellar nuclei. Wallerian degeneration of axons and gliosis was also observed. The high frequency of the disease on the three farms suggests that poisoning by I. carnea subsp. fistulosa is very important for goats on Marajo Island where there are large amounts of the plant in the pastures.

Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira | 2009

Carcinoma de células escamosas perineal em cabras no Pará

José Diomedes Barbosa; Marcos Dutra Duarte; Carlos Magno Chaves Oliveira; Alessandra dos Santos Belo Reis; Tiago C. Peixoto; Paulo Vargas Peixoto; Marilene de Farias Brito

Squamous cell carcinoma in goats of two farms in the State of Para is described. Prevalence, correlation with the pigmentation of the perineal area and macro and microscopic characteristics of the lesions were studied. The tumors on the perineum were of varied development degrees, diameters and forms. On one farm, in the county of Viseu, from a total of 347 goats, 20 presented the neoplasia (5.8%). On the second farm, in the county of Garrafao do Norte, three cases of squamous cell carcinoma in a herd of 400 goats (0.75%) were observed. The tumor was only observed in animals in which the perineal area was despigmented. The high incidence of this tumor appears to be due to lack of pigmentation at the perineo and the high and short tail of the goats, that exposes the area to intense ultraviolet radiation in the tropics.

Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira | 2008

Intoxicação por Ipomoea asarifolia em ovinos e bovinos na Ilha de Marajó

Fábio Py Tortelli; José Diomedes Barbosa; Carlos Magno Chaves Oliveira; Marcos Dutra Duarte; Valíria Duarte Cerqueira; Carlos Alberto Oliveira; Franklin Riet Correa; Gabriela Riet Correa

To determine plant poisonings occurring on Marajo Island, state of Para, northern Brazil, 7 farms were visited. All farms had native pastures with low forage availability severely infected by Ipomoea asarifolia. In 5 farms poisoning in sheep by the plant was reported. The disease occurs mainly during the dry period and lambs are more frequently affected than adult sheep. Sheep with clinical signs were observed in 2 farms. In 4 establishments farmers reported the occurrence of I. asarifolia poisoning in cattle. In one farm affected cattle were observed during two visits, one during the dry season and another at the start of the raining season. Deaths are observed mainly in calves. In both species the poisoning occurs every year with variable morbidity and low mortality. One bovine and one sheep with severe clinical signs were euthanized and post-mortem examination was performed. No gross or histologic significant lesions were observed. In all farms buffaloes were raised together with cattle and sheep, and in 3 farms goats were also raised. None of the farmers reported the intoxication in these species.

Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation | 2009

Colic Caused by Panicum Maximum Toxicosis in Equidae in Northern Brazil

Valíria Duarte Cerqueira; Gabriela Riet-Correa; José Diomedes Barbosa; Marcos Dutra Duarte; Carlos Magno Chaves Oliveira; Carlos Alberto Oliveira; Carlos Hubinger Tokarnia; Stephen T. Lee; Franklin Riet-Correa

In the Amazon region of northern Brazil, Panicum maximum cultivars Mombaça, Tanzânia, and Massai cause severe colic and death in horses and mules. The disease occurs in the rainy season, when sprouting pastures are grazed by equidae. In the 8 separate disease outbreaks studied, a total of 52 out of 153 equidae were affected, including 19 that died (10 mules and 9 horses). Clinical signs were colic and abdominal dilatation, with a clinical manifestation period of 12 hr to 4 days. Serum activities of gamma-glutamyl transferase and aspartate aminotransferase were within reference intervals; however, serum urea nitrogen and creatinine concentrations were occasionally elevated. The primary gross and histologic lesions were observed in the digestive system. The stomach, small intestine, and large intestine had severe hemorrhages and occasional mucosal erosions and ulcerations. Ulceration and hemorrhage of the urinary bladder were rarely observed. Histologic examination revealed diffuse lymphoplasmacytic gastritis and enteritis with severe congestion, hemorrhage, and occasional epithelial necrosis and ulceration. Lymphocellular necrosis was occasionally observed within gut-associated lymphoid tissue. Tubular nephrosis occurred in some animals. Degeneration and occasional necrosis of bile duct epithelial cells and degeneration of hepatocytes were observed in the liver. Toxic pastures were negative for diosgenin- and yamogenin-based saponins, and oxalate concentrations were within reference intervals for the species. The toxin or toxins causing disease and the reason for the toxicity of the plant in the northern region are unknown.

Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira | 2011

Sinais clínicos, lesões e alterações produtivas e reprodutivas em caprinos intoxicados por Ipomoea carnea subsp. fistulosa (Convolvulaceae) que deixaram de ingerir a planta

Carlos Alberto de Oliveira Júnior; Franklin Riet-Correa; Marcos Dutra Duarte; Valíria Duarte Cerqueira; Cláudio Vieira de Araújo; Gabriela Riet-Correa

The aim of this research was to study the clinical signs, productive and reproductive performance, and lesions of goats poisoned by Ipomoea carnea subsp. fistulosa after removal from the paddocks where the plant occurred. Thirty seven goats were divided into four groups: Group 1 consisted of 14 goats with poor body conditions and mild to severe nervous signs, acquired from a farm where the plant occurred; Group 2 (control) consisted of 10 goats which had also poor body conditions, but were acquired from a farm where the plant did not occur; Group 3 consisted of two goats with clinical signs of intoxication and which were slaughtered on the farm where they became poisoned; Group 4 consisted of 11 goats slaughtered as controls for the study of gross and histological lesions. The animals from Group 1 and 2 were evaluated for a period of 12 months on a farm located in the municipality of Castanhal/Para, in a paddock where the plant did not occur. Six months later, the animals of Group 1 continued with poor body condition, rough hair coat, and nervous signs, especially intention tremors, what became with time less noticeable. In the same period, the goats of Group 2 gained an average of 13 kg body weight. Goats from Group 1 showed to be more susceptible to gastrointestinal parasites than those from Group 2. From the eight goats of Group 1 remaining on the farm only 4 became pregnant and delivered three kids which died shortly after birth, while all goats from Group 2 got pregnant and delivered healthy kids. At necropsy, two goats from Group 1 showed cerebellar atrophy. The main histological change observed in animals of Groups 1 and 3 was a decreased number of Purkinje cells in the cerebellum. It is concluded that goats chronically intoxicated by I. carnea and which discontinued to ingest the plant but showed still clinical signs, even though diminished in intensity, had poor productive and reproductive performance and were highly susceptible to gastrointestinal parasites. For economical reasons, it is suggested that farmers cull affected animals which show still nervous signs 15 days after the end of I. carnea consumption. The most common permanent clinical signs are intention tremors, probably due to the loss of Purkinje cells, what could be primarily responsible for the malnutrition of the goats, the resulting reproductive failure and increased susceptibility to gastrointestinal parasites.

Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira | 2013

Surto de encefalomielite equina Leste na Ilha de Marajó, Pará

Karinny Ferreira Campos; Cairo Henrique Sousa de Oliveira; Alessandra dos Santos Belo Reis; Elise M. Yamasaki; Marilene de Farias Brito; Stefano Juliano Tavares de Andrade; Marcos Dutra Duarte; José Diomedes Barbosa

Nove casos de encefalomielite equina foram estudados na Ilha de Marajo, estado do Para, Brasil. Os equinos apresentavam dificuldade em se manter em estacao, andavam em circulo, tinham acentuada depressao, palpebras cerradas, paralisia da lingua, tremores musculares, bruxismo, anorexia e desidratacao. Alguns apresentavam diminuicao dos reflexos auricular, palpebral, de ameaca, diminuicao do tonus da lingua e taquicardia. Posicao de auto-auscultacao foi observada com frequencia. Os animais muitas vezes eram encontrados apoiados em troncos e cercas para se manterem em estacao. A necropsia verificou-se hemorragia das leptomeninges e da medula, alguns apresentaram ainda aderencia das leptomeninges. A histopatologia verificou-se encefalite difusa que afetava principalmente a substância cinzenta, com meningite e coroidite. Foi observada perivasculite mononuclear. Em dois equinos identificou-se o virus da encefalomielite equina Leste pela reacao de Semi-Nested transcricao reversa de polimerase em cadeia (Semi-Nested RT-PCR).

Pesquisa Veterinaria Brasileira | 2009

Afecções podais em vacas da bacia leiteira de Rondon do Pará

José Alcides Sarmento da Silveira; Tatiane Teles Albernaz; Carlos Magno Chaves Oliveira; Marcos Dutra Duarte; José Diomedes Barbosa

Foot diseases are some of the main causes of low performance in dairy cows. In order to determine the prevalence, clinical classification and to establish the epidemio-logical factors of foot diseases in cows from basin milk of Rondon do Para, 1,236 cows were evaluated and 275 had at least one type of foot injury. A total of 655 lesions was showed which a prevalence of 22.25%. Most frequent lesions were interdigital hyperplasia (80.92%), claw overgrowth (6.42%), and interdigital necrobacillosis (6.11%). Hind limbs were most frequently affected (61.83%), and lesions affecting the interdigital space were the most common in both the thoracic (36.34%) and hind limbs (48.09%). Epidemiological study showed that the environmental characteristics such as mountainous areas, newly formed grassland (with trunks and branches of trees), irregular ground, and mud and gravel in the floor of the pens may promote the development of foot lesions. In 95.5% of the farms, no measures had been taken for the control and prophylaxis of foot diseases. The specific clinical examination of the feet was efficient for the diagnosis.

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