Marek Babicz
University of Life Sciences in Lublin
Featured researches published by Marek Babicz.
Animal Genetics | 2013
Marek Babicz; Marcin Pastwa; Ewa Skrzypczak; Janusz T. Buczyński
Source/description: Studies on the variability in the MC1R gene sequence in pigs made it possible to identify many polymorphic sites, which may be responsible for variations in the coat pigmentation in individual breeds. Moreover, utilising the SNP identification scheme in the MC1R gene described by Kijas et al., Koutsogiannouli et al. carried out investigations on the utilisation of a genetic test (PCR-RFLP) for the identification of interspecific crosses. It was concluded, on the basis of their experiments, that restrictive analysis employing the BspHI enzymes may be useful for genetic differentiation of Large White pigs from wild boars as well as interspecific cross-breeds (Large White x wild boar).
Annals of Animal Science | 2012
Ewa Skrzypczak; Marek Babicz; Karolina Szulc; Anna Walendowska; Anna Panek
Impact of Sow Milk Protein Polymorphism on Piglet Rearing The aim of the investigations was to ascertain interrelationships between polymorphic fractions of milk proteins and rearing results of piglets from Złotnicka White sows. The experimental material comprised 20 sows of the native Złotnicka White breed. Pigs of this breed are included in the National Genetic Resources Conservation Programme. Investigations included two successive (2nd and 3rd) lactations of sows during which the following parameters were determined: number and weight of piglets on days 1, 7, 14, 21 and 28; weight gains of individual piglets during the period from day 1 to 7, from day 8 to 14, from day 15 to 21 and from day 22 to 28; as well as mortality for the entire period of rearing, i.e. from day 1 to day 28 of age. A total of 425 piglets born in 40 litters (20 sows x 2 lactations) were investigated. As a result of electrophoretic separations, the following four protein fractions were isolated from sow milk: αs1-casein (CSN1S1), genotypes AA, AB, BB and BC; β-casein (CSN2), genotypes AA, AB and BB; κ-casein (CSN3), genotypes AA, AB and BB; β-lactoglobulin (LGB), genotypes AA and BB. The present study showed that milk from sows of AA CSN1S1 and AA LGB genotypes appeared to be more valuable and nourishing, as indicated by the fact that these sows reared piglets which were characterized by the best production results, i.e. body weight, weight gains and the lowest percentage mortality. The least dynamic results were obtained by piglets originating from litters of sows of the AA-CSN3 genotype. Wpływ polimorfizmu białek mleka loch na odchów prosiąt Celem podjętych badań było dostarczenie informacji na temat związku między polimorficznymi frakcjami białek mleka a rezultatami w odchowie prosiąt loch rasy złotnickiej białej. Materiał zwierzęcy stanowiło 20 loch rodzimej rasy złotnickiej białej. Świnie ras złotnickich objęte są Krajowym Programem Ochrony Zasobów Genetycznych. Badanie obejmowało dwie kolejne laktacje loch (2. i 3.). W czasie trwania doświadczenia określono następujące parametry: liczbę i masę prosiąt w 1., 7., 14., 21. i 28. dniu życia, przyrosty poszczególnych prosiąt w okresie od 1. do 7. dnia, od 8. do 14. dnia, od 15. do 21. dnia i od 22. do 28. dnia oraz straty za cały okres odchowu, tj. od 1. do 28. dnia życia. Łącznie poddano doświadczeniu 425 prosiąt, pochodzących z 40 miotów (20 loch x 2 laktacje). W wyniku rozdziału elektroforetycznego w mleku loch wyizolowano 4 następujące frakcje białkowe: αs1-kazeinę (CSN1S1) genotypy: AA, AB, BB, BC; β-kazeinę (CSN2) genotypy: AA, AB, BB; κ-kazeinę (CSN3) genotypy: AA, AB, BB oraz β-laktoglobulinę (LGB) genotypy: AA, BB. Prace badawcze dowiodły, że mleko loch o genotypie AA CSN1S1 i AA LGB wydaje się być najbardziej wartościowe i odżywcze. Efektem tego był fakt, że lochy te odchowały prosięta, które charakteryzowały się najlepszymi wynikami produkcyjnymi, tzn. masą, przyrostami i najmniejszym procentem upadków. Najmniej dynamiczne wyniki osiągnęły prosięta pochodzące z miotów loch o genotypie AA-CSN3.
Annals of Animal Science | 2012
Marek Babicz; Ewa Skrzypczak; Barbara Rejduch; Anna Kozubska-Sobocińska; Anna Chmielowiec-Korzeniowska; Karolina Kasprzak
Effect of Thermal Stress on Reproductive Performance Parameters of Sows with Defined Genotype at the RYR1 locus The objective of the present research was to determine the influence of ambient air temperature in the farrowing section of a pig facility on chemical composition, colostrum and milk somatic cell counts (SCC), and rearing efficiency of piglets from Polish Landrace (PL) sows with identified genotype at the RYR1 locus. Subjects were 60 PL sows in the second and third reproductive cycle. Polymorphism at the RYR1 locus was analysed using the PCR-RFLP method. The proportion of RYR1 C/C and RYR1 C/T genotypes in each group was 1:1. Three groups of experimental temperatures were established: I - 22°C, II - 25°C, III - 28°C. The present study demonstrated that sows kept in periodic high ambient temperature (25°C, 28°C) showed a relatively long period of farrowing, more aggressive behaviour and overlying. Variability was also found between the groups with respect to litter size and litter weight, chemical composition and SCC of colostrum and milk. The results indicate that elevated ambient temperature during the perinatal period may adversely affect the utility value of sows. Wpływ stresu termicznego na wskaźniki reprodukcyjne loch o ustalonym genotypie w locus RYR1 Celem przeprowadzonych badań i analiz było określenie oddziaływania temperatury powietrza w sektorze porodowym chlewni na skład chemiczny, liczbę komórek somatycznych siary i mleka oraz wyniki odchowu prosiąt loch rasy polskiej białej zwisłouchej o zidentyfikowanym genotypie w locus RYR1. Materiał zwierzęcy stanowiło 60 loch rasy polskiej białej zwisłouchej (pbz) w drugim i trzecim cyklu reprodukcyjnym. Analizę polimorfizmu w locus RYR1 wykonano metodą PCR-RFLP. Liczebność genotypów RYR1 C/C i RYR1 C/T w każdej grupie wynosiła 1:1. W zakresie temperatur doświadczalnych przyjęto trzy grupy: I - 22°C, II - 25°C, III - 28°C. W przeprowadzonych badaniach wykazano, iż lochy utrzymywane w okresowo wyższej temperaturze otoczenia (25°C, 28°C) wykazywały relatywnie dłuższy czas porodu, większą liczbę zachowań agresywnych i przygnieceń prosiąt. Stwierdzono również zmienność cech pomiędzy grupami w odniesieniu do liczebności i masy miotu, składu chemicznego i LKS siary oraz mleka. Uzyskane wyniki wskazują, iż podwyższona temperatura otoczenia w okresie okołoporodowym może mieć niekorzystny wpływ na wartość użytkową loch.
Asian-australasian Journal of Animal Sciences | 2015
Grażyna Czyżak-Runowska; Janusz Wojtczak; Andrzej Łyczyński; Jacek Wójtowski; Maria Markiewicz-Kęszycka; Daniel Stanisławski; Marek Babicz
The first aim of the study was to compare selected meat quality parameters in porkers without the gene RYR1T (ryanodine receptor gene). These were porkers slaughtered at 100 to 115 kg and 116 to 130 kg live weight. The second aim of the study was to determine the occurrence frequency of standard-quality meat (red, firm, nonexudative [RFN]) and the occurence frequency of defective meat (pale, soft, exudative [PSE] and acid, soft, exudative [ASE]). The analysis was conducted on the longissimus lumborum muscle in 114 crossbred porkers. The porkers were a cross of Camborough 22 sows and boars from lines 337PIC (Pig Improvement Company), Norsvin Landrace and Pietrain. All of the animals were provided with identical environmental and nutritional conditions. The average weight of the slaughtered animals in the light and heavy groups was 110 kg and 122 kg, respectively. Both groups had the same average post-slaughter meatiness (56.5%). A statistical analysis of selected meat-quality parameters did not show any significant differences between the weight groups. On the other hand, the classification based on carcass quality showed an occurence frequency of defective meat in heavier crossbred porkers (116 to 130 kg) that was three times higher than in those crossbred animals which weighed 100 to 115 kg when slaughtered. In porkers without the gene RYR1T, the defective meat types PSE and ASE occurred with a frequency of 17.54%.
Annals of Animal Science | 2012
Anna Kozubska-Sobocińska; Barbara Rejduch; Barbara Danielak-Czech; Marek Babicz; Agnieszka Bąk
Abstract The syntenic conservation nature of some chromosomes enables the use of several molecular probes obtained from one species of animals to detect homologous DNA segments in other species. The aim of this study was to analyse homology between sex chromosomes in several species belonging to the suborder Ruminantia (sheep - Ovis aries, fallow deer - Dama dama, aoudad - Ammotragus lervia, red deer - Cervus elaphus) using bovine heterosome painting probes in FISH technique. The results obtained showed strong red fluorescence signals in small metacentric heterosomes Y and distinct yellow-green signals in large acrocentric chromosomes X of all compared species. Streszczenie Synteniczno-konserwatywny charakter wielu chromosomów umożliwia wykorzystanie licznych sond molekularnych, otrzymanych dla jednego gatunku zwierząt, do detekcji homologicznych fragmentów DNA u innych gatunków. Celem tych badań była analiza homologii między chromosomami płci u kilku gatunków należących do podrzędu Ruminantia (owcy - Ovis aries, daniela - Dama dama, owcy grzywiastej - Ammotragus lervia, jelenia szlachetnego - Cervus elaphus) przy zastosowaniu techniki FISH i bydlęcych sond malujących heterosomy. Uzyskane wyniki ujawniły mocne czerwone sygnały fluorescencyjne na małych metacentrycznych heterosomach Y i wyraźne żółto-zielone sygnały w dużych akrocentrycznych chromosomach X u wszystkich porównywanych gatunków.
African Journal of Biotechnology | 2012
Ewa Skrzypczak; Karolina Szulc; Monika Demkowicz; Damian Knecht; Anna Jankowska-Mąkosa; Janusz T. Buczyński; Marek Babicz
The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of the percentage content of protein fractions in total protein of sow`s colostrums and milk and their influence on the traits related with piglet rearing. The animal specimens were 20 sows of the native Zlotnicka White breed. Zlotnicka pigs were subjected to the National Genetic Resources Conservation Programme. Colostrum and milk were collected between the 20th and 24th h after parturition and on the 2nd, 3rd, 7th, 14th and 21st day of lactation. A total of 120 samples (60 colostrum samples and 60 milk samples) were collected from all active mammary glands. Individual fractions of total protein were separated by means of electrophoresis on polyacrylamide gel in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS). The piglets’ body weights average daily gains and mortality were checked consecutively after 24 hours after parturition and on the day 7 th , 14 th , and 21 st of lactation. 207 piglets were examined. A highly significant correlation between the number of piglets, daily growths and protein fractions was observed. The most favourable rearing results were obtained at the highest level (III) of individual fractions. The study also proved most of the piglets are lost from the litters when the level of fractions is the lowest (I). Keywords: Sows, milk, protein fractions, Zlotnicka White, piglet rearing
Annals of Animal Science | 2018
Marek Babicz; Kinga Kropiwiec-Domańska; Magdalena Szyndler-Nędza; Agnieszka M. Grzebalska; Iwona Łuszczewska-Sierakowska; Agata Wawrzyniak; Marcin Hałabis
Abstract The objective of the study was to analyse selected physical properties and chemical indicators of internal organs obtained from fattening pigs and Central European wild boars (Sus scrofa scrofa). Each group consisted of 12 animals. The tongue, heart, lungs, liver and kidneys were examined for physical properties, basic chemical composition, macro- and micromineral content, and fatty acid profile. The atherogenic index (AI) and the thrombogenic index (TI) were also determined. Pig offal was found to be a rich source of protein and collagen, and to contain large amounts of potassium and sodium. Liver had a high content of iron, zinc, and manganese. Pig liver and wild boar heart were characterised by favourable PUFA /SFA ratios (above 0.4%). In addition, the content of neutral and hypocholesterolemic acids (DFA ) and hypercholesterolemic acids (OFA ) in pig offal was comparable to that in pig meat. The results presented in this study provide an extensive evaluation of the nutritional quality of pig offal, which allows an increase in the scope of its use in the food industry, among others for production of offal products, including traditional and regional products that are increasingly demanded by consumers.
Annals of Animal Science | 2018
Marek Babicz; Kinga Kropiwiec; Magdalena Szyndler-Nędza; Ewa Skrzypczak
Abstract The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between the meatiness of the Puławska pig carcass and selected physical and chemical parameters of pork offal. The study was conducted on a group of 50 porkers of the native Puławska breed, whose carcasses were classified into five classes: E, U, R, O, and P, covering 10 specimens each. Samples were collected from the tongue, heart, lungs, liver and kidneys, and the pH (pH45, pH24), percentage of free water and chemical composition (ash, fat, protein) were determined. To summarise the obtained results, it can be concluded that the increase of the meat content in carcass significantly and primarily affects the reduction of the offal’s weight and then the reduction of the pH45 as well as the increase of the free water content primarily in the kidney and the lungs. In the case of chemical composition an increase of the meatiness in the carcass affected the reduction of fat content in the kidneys, lungs, heart and liver. The liver and the heart were the offal with the greatest susceptibility to the effects of the carcass meatiness. In this offal the increase of the carcass meatiness significantly decreased the fat content and energy value, and also increased the ash and protein content. Offal from the studied meatiness classes of the pigs’ carcasses was characterised by adequate quality and suitability for processing.
Annals of Warsaw University of Life Sciences- SGGW Animal Science | 2017
Marek Babicz; B. Danielak-Czech; A. Kozubska-Sobocinska
Cross-species hybridizations in situ for identification of Robertsonian translocation in wild boar. Homologies and homeologies between human and pig chromosomes enabled human painting probes to be used for identification of chromosomes involved in homozygous centric fusion in the wild boar (Sus scrofa scrofa) with karyotype 36,XY,rob(15;17), which had been provisionally determined on the basis of G-bands (GTG technique). For interspecies hybridizations two commercial differently labelled human painting probes for chromosome pairs 2 and 20 were used. FISH with the human WCP 20 probe revealed green fluorescence signals on the short arms of the 15;17 translocated chromosomes, and after hybridization with the WCP 2 yellow signals were observed along the long arms of these rearranged acrocentric autosomes as well as on small fragments of the SSC3q arms. The results of cross-species hybridizations in situ have confirmed preliminary cytogenetic evaluation of the karyotype of the Robertsonian translocation-carrying wild boar as well as numerous homologies and homeologies between chromosomes of human and species (Sus scrofa domestica and Sus scrofa scrofa) belonging to the Suidae family. The results obtained have confirmed also the usefulness of commercial human painting probes for identification of chromosome rearrangements in other species that received little study.
Annals of Animal Science | 2017
Marek Babicz; Magdalena Szyndler-Nędza; Anna Kasprzyk; Kinga Kropiwiec
Abstract The objective of the study was to analyse periparturient behaviour and the reproductive parameters of native Puławska sows with regard to polymorphism (insertion/deletion) at the PRL locus as components in the assessment of maternal value. The analysis included 45 sows of known genotype at the PRL locus, which were managed under a conservation breeding programme in individual farms. Behaviour was assessed by using an ethogram of sow responses to the stockpersons and piglets during the rearing period. The production parameters included litter size between days 1 and 21, mortality, body weight and daily weight gains of the piglets during that period. The performed analyses and observations show an association between the polymorphism of PRL gene and the maternal parameters of Puławska sows. Del/Del homozygous sows exhibited significantly higher realised fertility, but the maternal characteristics were generally more favourable in sows of the PRL Ins/Ins genotype. These animals were more docile towards the stockpersons and piglets, and were characterised by lower crushing rates, generally lower litter mortality, and higher parameters of piglet growth and development.