
Marine Geodesy | 2010

Web-Based GIS as a Tool for Supporting Marine Research

Marcin Kulawiak; Andrzej Chybicki; Marek Moszynski

Collecting marine data during hydroacoustic research surveys is a complex task, which not only consists of measurements but also analysis, validation, and interpretation of information acquired by various sensors. Automatic integration, visualization, and processing of collected data allow for a more precise investigation of the researched phenomena. The paper presents a dedicated Web-based system for fusion and dissemination of data from satellite imagery, hydrological measurements using CTD probes, acoustic surveys by multibeam systems, side-scan sonars and singlebeam echosounders, as well as live radar feed and oil spill spread models. The system has been designed as a tool for supporting research using the aforementioned techniques.

Polish Maritime Research | 2013

A novel method for archiving multibeam sonar data with emphasis on efficient record size reduction and storage

Marek Moszynski; Andrzej Chybicki; Marcin Kulawiak; Zbigniew Lubniewski

Abstract Over the past few years considerable advances in sonar technology, spatial positioning capabilities and computer processing power have lead to significant improvements in mapping, imaging and technologies of seafloor exploration. Recently, modern multibeam echosounder systems (MBES) capable of recording backscatter data for the whole water column, not just for the seabed, have become available thus providing data allowing for visualization and analysis of objects other than the seabed such as single fish, fish schools or pollution. Unlike bathymetric sonars, which only capture the seafloor, multibeam systems produce very large amounts of data during surveys. Because of this, storing the data collected during hydrographic or scientific cruises becomes a crucial problem. In this context, the paper proposes a new approach for efficient reduction and storage of MBES records. The results of a sample implementation of the algorithm being tested on several different sets of MBES data are also discussed.

Marine Geodesy | 2015

Innovative Web-Based Geographic Information System for Municipal Areas and Coastal Zone Security and Threat Monitoring Using EO Satellite Data

Marek Moszynski; Marcin Kulawiak; Andrzej Chybicki; Krzysztof Bruniecki; Tomasz Bieliński; Zbigniew Łubniewski; Andrzej Stepnowski

The paper presents a novel design of a web-based Safe City & Coastal Zone GIS (SCCZ-GIS). The system integrates data acquired from different remote sensing and geospatial data sources for the purpose monitoring the security of the coastal zone, its inhabitants and critical infrastructure. The system utilizes several innovative technologies and solutions and is capable of direct co-operation with different remote sensing data sources and services, including satellite ground station and ESA Service Support Environment. The system runs in operational mode, and the results of the analysis are ready in quasi real time, that is, immediately after receiving a new scene of satellite imagery. The system may be accessed by authorized users either through a web-based client or mobile device application. The paper describes the architecture of the system and presents several case studies where the software is applied to processing of earth observation satellite and spatial analysis of coastal zone infrastructure.

Journal of the Acoustical Society of America | 2000

Inverse problem solution techniques as applied to indirect in situ estimation of fish target strength.

Andrzej Stepnowski; Marek Moszynski

In situ indirect methods of fish target strength (TS) estimation are analyzed in terms of the inverse techniques recently applied to the problem in question. The solution of this problem requires finding the unknown probability density function (pdf) of fish target strength from acoustic echoes, which can be estimated by solving the integral equation, relating pdfs of echo variable, target strength, and beam pattern of the echosounder transducer. In the first part of the paper the review of existing indirect in situ TS-estimation methods is presented. The second part introduces the novel TS-estimation methods, viz.: Expectation, Maximization, and Smoothing (EMS), Windowed Singular Value Decomposition (WSVD), Regularization and Wavelet Decomposition, which are compared using simulations as well as actual data from acoustic surveys. The survey data, acquired by the dual-beam digital echosounder, were thoroughly analyzed by numerical algorithms and the target strength and acoustical backscattering length pdfs estimates were calculated from fish echoes received in the narrow beam channel of the echosounder. Simultaneously, the estimates obtained directly from the dual-beam system were used as a reference for comparison of the estimates calculated by the newly introduced inverse techniques. The TS estimates analyzed in the paper are superior to those obtained from deconvolution or other conventional techniques, as the newly introduced methods partly avoid the problem of ill-conditioned equations and matrix inversion.

IF&GIS | 2009

Real-time Web-based GIS for Analysis, Visualization and Integration of Marine Environment Data

Jacek Dąbrowski; Marcin Kulawiak; Marek Moszynski; Krzysztof Bruniecki; Łukasz Kamiński; Andrzej Chybicki; Andrzej Stepnowski

Visualization and integration of the marine spatial data collected by various marine sensors and sources is an important factor in the context of marine environment sensing and monitoring. Several approaches and techniques of measurements are available to achieve this purpose including direct sampling, airborne and satellite imagery, and underwater acoustics. The paper briefly describes the state-of-the art marine GIS system developed in the Department of Geoinformatics of Gdansk University of Technology, Poland. The proposed system is able to integrate many different types of marine data, especially those acquired by various acoustic sensors like multibeam sonar (MBSS), echosounder and side scan sonars (SSS), and other external sensors such as satellite data receiver, radar, or automated identification of ships (AIS) data analyzer. Instantaneous 2D and 3D visualization is provided by the two components of the system: GeoServer web-based module and a standalone application basing on ESRI ArcGIS Engine solutions.

Journal of the Acoustical Society of America | 2008

Computer Vision Techniques Applied for Reconstruction of Seafloor 3D Images from Side Scan and Synthetic Aperture Sonars Data

Krzysztof Bikonis; Andrzej Stepnowski; Marek Moszynski

The Side Scan Sonar and Synthetic Aperture Sonar are well known echo signal processing technologies that produce 2D images of the seafloor. Both systems combines a number of acoustic pings to form a high resolution image of seafloor. It was shown in numerous papers that 2D images acquired by such systems can be transformed into 3D models of seafloor surface by algorithmic approach using intensity information, contained in a grayscaled images. The paper presents the concept of processing the Side Scan Sonar and Synthetic Aperture Sonar records for detailed reconstruction of 3D seafloor using Shape from Shading techniques. Shape from Shading is one of the basic techniques used in computer vision for the objects reconstruction. The algorithms proposed in the paper use the assumed Lambert model of backscattering strength dependence on incident angle and utilize additionally the information from shadow areas for solving obtained set of equations. The idea was verified by simulation study. The obtained results ...

international conference on information technology | 2008

GIS for remote sensing, analysis and visualisation of marine pollution and other marine ecosystem components

Andrzej Chybicki; Marcin Kulawiak; Zbigniew Lubniewski; Jacek Dabrowski; Mariusz Luba; Marek Moszynski; Andrzej Stepnowski

Pollution detection, environment sensing and appropriate response strategies are important due to the marine ecosystemspsila continuous absorption of pollutants of various origins. Several approaches and techniques of measurements are available for marine environment monitoring including direct sampling, airborne and satellite imagery and underwater acoustics. The huge development in the information technology has provided the possibilities for much faster and more efficient access to survey data, allowing their remote, nearly real-time management, processing and visualisation. The proposed GIS is able to integrate many different types of marine pollution survey data, especially those acquired by various acoustic sensors like Multibeam Sonar Systems (MBSS), echosounder and Side Scan Sonars (SSS). It also supports instantaneous 2D and 3D visualisation in the form of thematic layers that can be overlaid. The system utilises the ArcSDE application server that facilitates storing and managing spatial data (raster, vector, and survey) in a database and ArcGIS Engine GlobeControl and MapControl components for georeferenced presentation of various objects. The set of geoprocessing and spatial analysis methods can be used in order to retrieve relevant information and analysis results.

international conference on telecommunications | 2013

A novel method of local chirp-rate estimation of LFM chirp signals in the time-frequency domain

Krzysztof Czarnecki; Marek Moszynski

In the paper, novel dynamic representations of a complex signal in the time-frequency domain are introduced. The proposed approach is based on using the gradient of the short-time Fourier transform complex phase. A channelized instantaneous complex frequency (CICF) and a complex local group delay (CLGD) are included in the presented signal representations. An application of the newly-introduced distributions is demonstrated by a local chirp-rate estimation of linear frequency modulated chirp signals in the time-frequency domain.

Polish Maritime Research | 2013

Application of Shape From Shading Technique for Side Scan Sonar Images

Krzysztof Bikonis; Marek Moszynski; Zbigniew Lubniewski

Abstract Digital signal processing technology has revolutionized a way of processing, visualisation and interpretation of data acquired by underwater systems. Through many years side scan sonars were one of the most widely used imaging systems in the underwater environment. Although they are relatively cheap and easy to deploy, more powerful sensors like multibeam echo sounders and sonars are widely used today and deliver 3D bathymetry of sea bottom terrain. Side scan sonar outputs data usually in a form of grey level 2D acoustic images but the analysis of such pictures performed by human eye allows creating semi-spatial impressions of seafloor relief and morphology. Hence the idea of post-processing the side scan sonar data in a manner similar to human eye to obtain 3D visualisation. In recently developing computer vision systems the shape from shading approach is well recognized technique. Applying it to side scan sonar data is challenging idea used by several authors. In the paper, some further extensions are presented. They rely on processing the backscattering information of each footprint (pixel in sonar image) along with its surroundings. Additionally, a current altitude is estimated from the size of shadow areas. Both techniques allow constructing 3D representation of sea bottom relief or other investigated underwater objects.

international conference on information technology | 2008

Applications of compression techniques for reducing the size of multibeam sonar records

Andrzej Chybicki; Marek Moszynski; Pawel Pocwiardowski

High efficiency of multibeam sonar system (MBS) hardware due to operational requirements (i.e. high frequency, high ping rate and high resolution of collected data) results in very large volumes of datasets stored on local hard drives of operatorpsilas station. In this context, the process of archiving of such warehouse of data collected in previous surveys becomes crucial problem. The paper investigates various lossy and lossless compression methods that can be applied to multibeam sonar data to reduce the size of acquired files without loosing relevant information. The specific character of MBS data allows applying various signal, image and video compression methods to achieve better results than when using standard ones. Various techniques of reordering the data were analyzed to achieve best possible compression ratio.

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