Marek Motyka
Jagiellonian University
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Featured researches published by Marek Motyka.
Problemy Pielęgniarstwa | 2017
Marek Motyka; Joanna Surmacka; Maciej Rogala
Wstep. Empatia nalezy do kluczowych umiejetności interpersonalnych niezbednych w komunikacji terapeutycznej i zapewnieniu pacjentom wysokiej jakości opieki. Stąd zdaniem autorow wazne jest, aby studenci rozpoczynający studia w dyscyplinach medycznych charakteryzowali sie wyjściowo wzglednie wysokim poziomem tej umiejetności i rozwijali ją podczas studiow. Cel pracy. Celem prezentowanej pracy byla ocena poziomu empatii u studentow rozpoczynających nauke na wydziale pielegniarstwa. Material i metody. Aby ocenic poziom empatii, dokonano porownania poziomu empatii miedzy grupą 64 studentow pierwszego roku Pielegniarstwa Collegium Medicum Uniwersytetu Jagiellonskiego oraz rownie liczną grupą studentow pierwszego roku Turystyki i Rekreacji na Uniwersytecie Ekonomicznym w Krakowie. Jako narzedzie badawcze wykorzystano Indeks Reaktywności Interpersonalnej (IRI) autorstwa M.H Davisa. Wyniki. Wyniki badan nie potwierdzily hipotezy, ze osoby wybierające studia o profilu medycznym charakteryzują sie znacząco wyzszym poziomem empatii od studentow turystyki i rekreacji. Co wiecej w obu grupach zaobserwowano jedynie średni poziom IRI — empatii calkowitej. W grupie studentow turystyki i rekreacji ujawniono nieco wyzszą intensywnośc komponentu empatii o nazwie fantazja (roznica byla statystycznie znacząca). Wnioski. Uzyskane wyniki dowodzą, ze w trakcie ksztalcenia studentow wydzialu pielegniarskiego, nalezy zwrocic szczegolną uwage na rozwoj empatii, zwlaszcza jego komponentu poznawczego, w postaci umiejetności przyjmowania cudzego punktu widzenia (perspektywy pacjenta).
Zdrowie Publiczne i Zarządzanie | 2016
Iwona Malinowska-Lipień; Ewa Kawalec-Kajstura; Agata Reczek; Tomasz Brzostek; Teresa Gabryś; Marek Motyka; Joanna Baran; Anna Piskorz; Marta Kasper
Introduction.Health-relatedbehavioursare one of the crucial factors in maintaining health. They play a significant role in healthcare and quality of life. Considering a change in health-related habits, individuals may take up actions aimed at achieving the optimal standard of life. All factors that are considered to be determinants of health have indirect or direct influence on health-related behaviours and lifestyle. Factors that influence the development of health-related behaviours are predisposing factors (e.g. knowledge, beliefs), enabling factors (skills important for health) and reinforcing factors (social norms). Early conscious implementation of prophylactic actions may contribute to improvement in health quality and a decrease in the level of morbidity in population. n nObjective. To assess therelationship between the level of knowledge and health-related behaviours in secondary school students. n nMaterial and methods.The study was carried out in a group of 1,036 students (688 girls and 348 boys) of the 1st, 2nd and 3 rd form of a secondary school. The study was conducted by means of a diagnostic survey with the use of an anonymous own questionnaire assessing the students knowledge in the scope of selected risk factors for diseases of affluence in an electronic form. Also, the Inventory of Health-Related Behaviours (IZZ) was used in the study. n nResults.The mean score in the scope of knowledge of diseases of affluence was 14.17. The 1st-grade students demonstrated the lowest level of knowledge in comparison to the 2nd-grade students (p=0.0000) and 3rd-grade students (p=0.0004). A low level of health-related behaviours was observed in 42.52% of the respondents. In the students with a high level of knowledge the IZZ score (83.00 pts) was significantly higher in than the students with an average level of knowledge (77.54 pts), p=0.0000 or with a low one (74.86 pts), p=0.0000. n nConclusions.1/. The respondents demonstrated an average level of knowledge in the scope of the analyzed risk factors for diseases of affluence, and mostly a low level of health-related behaviours. The level of knowledge depends on the level of education. 2/. The students limited level of knowledge of risk factors for diseases of affluence and the correlated low level of health-related behaviours indicate a necessity to implement or enhance healthcare education as early as in the 1st grade of the secondary school
Zdrowie Publiczne i Zarządzanie | 2016
Iwona Malinowska-Lipień; Ewa Kawalec-Kajstura; Agata Reczek; Tomasz Brzostek; Teresa Gabryś; Marek Motyka; Joanna Baran; Anna Piskorz; Marta Kasper
Introduction. Personal health locus control is related to health behavior presented by adult people. Persons with the internal health locus control, take greater responsibility for maintaining and improving their own health in comparison with people with the external health locus control pattern. It is anticipated that the internal health locus control might influence older adolescents to perform pro- health behaviors as well. n nGoal. To verify if there is a correlation between the health locus control and selected preventive behavior patterns presented by high school students. n nMaterials and methods. The study was conducted in a group of 1036 students (688 girls and 348 boys) aged 16-19 years. The Multidimensional Health Locus Control Scale (MHLC) and the Health Behavior Inventory (Preventive Behaviors) were used. n nResults.In the study group, the mean value of the internal health locus control (24.51 points) was higher than two others: 18.18 points for the influence of other people and 17.94 points for the impact of the event. The influence of other people was stronger among 16 year olds (18.61 points) than in older student groups. In the group of 17-year-old students the importance of internal control (26.69 points) was the strongest. Concerning presented preventive behavior patterns the studied group of adolescents received an average score of 18.36 points; the value for women (18.62 points) was statistically higher than for men (17.85 points), p=0.023. The linear regression analysis proved a significant correlation between student preventive behaviors and the internal health locus control (p = 0.000000, r2 = 0.20), as well as with the influence of other people (p = 0.000000; r2 = 0.26). n nConclusions.1 /. In high school students the internal health locus control and the influence of others (especially among 16-year-olds) are correlated with health behaviors presented by young people. 2 / These results indicate a need for targeted interventions aiming to increase the internal health locus control in assuming the increasing responsibility of high school students for their own health behavior.
Zdrowie Publiczne i Zarządzanie | 2016
Iwona Malinowska-Lipień; Ewa Kawalec-Kajstura; Agata Reczek; Tomasz Brzostek; Teresa Gabryś; Marek Motyka; Joanna Baran; Anna Piskorz; Marta Kasper
Introduction. Family functioning has an influence on teenagers attitudes and emotions. Suppressing emotions usually leads to their intensification or may contribute to persistent emotional distress, which may underlie addiction,disturbed behaviour, neurotic or psychosomatic disorders. n nObjective.To assess the relationship between the perceived family support and the level of emotional control in the group of teenage respondents. n nMaterial and methods.The cross-sectional study was carried out in a group of 1,036 students of secondary schools (688 girls and 348 boys) aged 16-19. The study was conducted by means of a diagnostic survey with the use of an anonymous questionnaire in an electronic form. In the study the Family APGAR scale and the Emotional Control Scale (CECS) were used. n nResults.Occurrence of a serious dysfunction in family relationships consisting in failure to receive support was observed in 13.42% (n=139) of the respondents, and in abnormalities in the level of the perceived support in 27.7% (n=287) of the respondents. According to the Family APGAR scores, a lower level of the perceived family support was revealed in girls as compared to boys (χ2= 9.32; p=0.009). The rate of suppressing emotions was higher in boys than in girls (p=0.0017). The differences were particularly distinct in areas of expressing fear and anger. A higher level of suppressing negative emotions was observed in the students who revealed a serious dysfunction in family relationships (low level of the perceived support) in comparison to those in whom this type of dysfunction in family relationships (p=0.00000) was not observed. n nConclusions. 1/.A dysfunction in family functioning consisting in lack of support perceived by the youth is associated with suppressing negative emotions. 2/. Girls indicate lack of support in the family more often. 3/. Boys suppress fear and anger to a greater extent than girls, whereas girls are more likely to suppress depression.
Problemy Pielęgniarstwa | 2016
Joanna Surmacka; Marek Motyka
Wstep. Przyjecie roli chorego oraz koniecznośc hospitalizacji, zwlaszcza jeśli pojawia sie niespodziewanie, powoduje silny stres. Jego redukcja wymaga szczegolnych staran ze strony lekarzy i pielegniarek. Biorąc pod uwage liczne źrodla frustracji i stresu towarzyszących chorobie i hospitalizacji, a takze ich związek z jakością opieki medycznej, postanowiono prześledzic glowne rodzaje problemow pojawiających sie w obszarze komunikacji klinicznej, na jakie skarzą sie pacjenci. Cel pracy. Charakterystyka najczestszych problemow wystepujących w obszarze komunikowania sie chorych z personelem medycznym szpitala. Material i metody. W analizie wykorzystano 50 opisow z listow nadeslanych do redakcji jednego z popularnych magazynow, ktora zaprosila czytelnikow do podzielenia sie swymi doświadczeniami z pobytu w szpitalu. Jako metode badan wykorzystano analize dokumentow. Wyniki: Zdecydowana wiekszośc wymienianych problemow wiązala sie z szeroko rozumianą komunikacją w kontaktach z personelem szpitala. Najwiecej osob wskazywalo na urazowo przezywane doświadczenia związane ze sposobem przekazywania im informacji przez personel medyczny (ok. 80% opisow), ograniczanie sie personelu do wykonania przy pacjencie czynności instrumentalnych bez podejmowania prob nawiązania relacji terapeutycznej (ok. 50% opisow), problem lekcewazenia doświadczanych przez pacjentow lekow i obaw (36%) oraz problem braku poszanowania intymności w trakcie wykonywania czynności higienicznych lub w trakcie badan lekarskich (28%). Wnioski. Terapeutyczna komunikacja z pacjentem jest wciąz deficytowym towarem opieki szpitalnej i w wiekszym stopniu postulatem niz rzeczywistym fragmentem tej opieki.
Przegla̧d lekarski | 2014
Marek Motyka; Małgorzata Dziubak; Patrycja J
Problemy Pielęgniarstwa | 2014
Małgorzata Dziubak; Marek Motyka
Problemy Pielęgniarstwa | 2014
Joanna Surmacka; Marek Motyka
Annales Universitatis Paedagogicae Cracoviensis. Studia Psychologica | 2014
Maciej Załuski; Marek Motyka
Problemy Pielęgniarstwa | 2013
Małgorzata Dziubak; Marek Motyka