
Science | 2007

Boron-Toxicity Tolerance in Barley Arising from Efflux Transporter Amplification

Tim Sutton; Ute Baumann; Julie Hayes; Nicholas C. Collins; Bu-Jun Shi; Thorsten Schnurbusch; Alison Hay; Gwenda M Mayo; Margaret Pallotta; Mark Tester; Peter Langridge

Both limiting and toxic soil concentrations of the essential micronutrient boron represent major limitations to crop production worldwide. We identified Bot1, a BOR1 ortholog, as the gene responsible for the superior boron-toxicity tolerance of the Algerian barley landrace Sahara 3771 (Sahara). Bot1 was located at the tolerance locus by high-resolution mapping. Compared to intolerant genotypes, Sahara contains about four times as many Bot1 gene copies, produces substantially more Bot1 transcript, and encodes a Bot1 protein with a higher capacity to provide tolerance in yeast. Bot1 transcript levels identified in barley tissues are consistent with a role in limiting the net entry of boron into the root and in the disposal of boron from leaves via hydathode guttation.

Crop & Pasture Science | 2001

Construction of three linkage maps in bread wheat, Triticum aestivum

K. J. Chalmers; A. W. Campbell; J. M. Kretschmer; A. Karakousis; Ph Henschke; S. Pierens; Natalie Harker; Margaret Pallotta; G. B. Cornish; M. R. Shariflou; L. R. Rampling; A. McLauchlan; Grant Daggard; P. J. Sharp; Timothy A Holton; Mark W. Sutherland; R. Appels; Peter Langridge

Genetic maps were compiled from the analysis of 160-180 doubled haploid lines derived from 3 crosses: Cranbrook × Halberd, CD87 × Katepwa, and Sunco × Tasman. The parental wheat lines covered a wide range of the germplasm used in Australian wheat breeding. The linkage maps were constructed with RFLP, AFLP, microsatellite markers, known genes, and proteins. The numbers of markers placed on each map were 902 for Cranbrook × Halberd, 505 for CD87 × Katepwa, and 355 for Sunco × Tasman. Most of the expected linkage groups could be determined, but 10-20% of markers could not be assigned to a specific linkage group. Homologous chromosomes could be aligned between the populations described here and linkage groups reported in the literature, based around the RFLP, protein, and microsatellite markers. For most chromosomes, colinearity of markers was found for the maps reported here and those recorded on published physical maps of wheat. AFLP markers proved to be effective in filling gaps in the maps. In addition, it was found that many AFLP markers defined specific genetic loci in wheat across all 3 populations. The quality of the maps and the density of markers differs for each population. Some chromosomes, particularly D genome chromosomes, are poorly covered. There was also evidence of segregation distortion in some regions, and the distribution of recombination events was uneven, with substantial numbers of doubled haploid lines in each population displaying one or more parental chromosomes. These features will affect the reliability of the maps in localising loci controlling some traits, particularly complex quantitative traits and traits of low heritability. The parents used to develop the mapping populations were selected based on their quality characteristics and the maps provide a basis for the analysis of the genetic control of components of processing quality. However, the parents also differ in resistance to several important diseases, in a range of physiological traits, and in tolerance to some abiotic stresses.

Theoretical and Applied Genetics | 2000

RFLP mapping of manganese efficiency in barley.

Margaret Pallotta; Robin D. Graham; Peter Langridge; D.H.B. Sparrow; Susan J. Barker

Abstract In many cropping regions of the world, yield is limited by the availability of micronutrients, and micronutrient-efficient cultivars provide a yield advantage. Traditional methods of testing cultivars for micronutrient efficiency are time-consuming and laborious. Molecular markers linked to loci controlling micronutrient efficiency will allow more rapid and efficient selection and introgression of these traits than is currently possible. Using a pot-based bioassay and bulked segregant analysis of an F2 population, we have identified several RFLPs (grouped distally on chromosome 4HS) linked to a locus for manganese efficiency in barley. This manganese efficiency locus has been designated Mel1. Pot bioassay analysis of intercrosses suggests that three useful sources of manganese efficiency are likely to be allelic at the Mel1 locus. Field evaluation of marker selected F4 progeny supports the major role of Mel1 in the genetic control of manganese efficiency. Adoption of marker assisted selection for this trait in the Southern Australian barley breeding program has occurred. This has been facilitated by the demonstration that the Mel1 allele of Amagi Nijo can be distinguished from 95 other locally useful varieties and breeder’s lines on the basis of RFLPs identified by just two molecular markers.

Genetics | 2008

An ALMT1 gene cluster controlling aluminum tolerance at the Alt4 locus of rye (Secale cereale L).

Nicholas C. Collins; Neil J. Shirley; M. Saeed; Margaret Pallotta; J. P. Gustafson

Aluminum toxicity is a major problem in agriculture worldwide. Among the cultivated Triticeae, rye (Secale cereale L.) is one of the most Al tolerant and represents an important potential source of Al tolerance for improvement of wheat. The Alt4 Al-tolerance locus of rye contains a cluster of genes homologous to the single-copy Al-activated malate transporter (TaALMT1) Al-tolerance gene of wheat. Tolerant (M39A-1-6) and intolerant (M77A-1) rye haplotypes contain five and two genes, respectively, of which two (ScALMT1-M39.1 and ScALMT1-M39.2) and one (ScALMT1-M77.1) are highly expressed in the root tip, typically the main site of plant Al tolerance/susceptibility. All three transcripts are upregulated by exposure to Al. High-resolution genetic mapping identified two resistant lines resulting from recombination within the gene cluster. These recombinants exclude all genes flanking the gene cluster as candidates for controlling Alt4 tolerance, including a homolog of the barley HvMATE Al-tolerance gene. In the recombinants, one hybrid gene containing a chimeric open reading frame and the ScALMT1-M39.1 gene each appeared to be sufficient to provide full tolerance. mRNA splice variation was observed for two of the rye ALMT1 genes and in one case, was correlated with a ∼400-bp insertion in an intron.

Theoretical and Applied Genetics | 2000

Mapping and validation of chromosome regions conferring boron toxicity tolerance in wheat (Triticum aestivum)

S. P. Jefferies; Margaret Pallotta; J. G. Paull; A. Karakousis; J. M. Kretschmer; S. Manning; A. K. M. R. Islam; Peter Langridge; K. J. Chalmers

Abstract Boron is an essential plant micro-nutrient which can be phytotoxic to plants if present in soils in high concentration. Boron toxicity has been recognised as an important problem limiting production in the low rainfall areas of southern Australia, West Asia and North Africa. Genetic variation for boron toxicity tolerance in wheat has been well-characterised. The efficiency of breeding for boron toxicity tolerance could be greatly enhanced by the development of molecular markers associated with QTLs for tolerance in wheat. A population of 161 doubled haploids from a cross between the tolerant cultivar Halberd and the moderately sensitive cultivar Cranbrook was used to identify chromosomal regions involved in boron tolerance. A combined RFLP and AFLP linkage map of the Cranbrook x Halberd population was used to identify chromosomal regions involved in the boron tolerance traits measured. Regions on chromosome 7B and 7D were associated with leaf symptom expression. The region on chromosome 7B was also associated with the control of boron uptake and with a reduction in the effect of boron toxicity on root-growth suppression. RFLP markers at the chromosome 7B and 7D loci were shown to be effective in selecting for improved boron tolerance in an alternative genetic background. Halberd alleles at the chromosome 7B locus were associated with the concentration of boron in whole shoots and grain. The concentration of boron in whole shoots and in grain were both related to grain yield in a field trial conducted on soil containing toxic levels of boron. Implications relating to marker-assisted selection for boron toxicity tolerance in wheat are discussed.

Crop & Pasture Science | 2001

Validation of molecular markers for wheat breeding

P. J. Sharp; S. Johnston; G. N. Brown; R. A. McIntosh; Margaret Pallotta; M. Carter; Harbans Bariana; S. Khatkar; Evans S. Lagudah; Ravi P. Singh; Mireille Khairallah; R. Potter; M.G.K. Jones

Five sets of markers were assessed for their usefulness in breeding, two linked to wheat stem rust gene Sr2, several markers linked to a chromosome segment conferring Yr17/Lr37/Sr38 resistance, two reported markers for the linked genes Lr35 andSr39, one for Lr28, and one linked to flour colour. The gene for Sr2 confers adult plant resistance to stem rust (Puccinia graminis f.sp. tritici) and was originally transferred to bread wheat from the tetraploid emmer (‘Yaroslav’) to the cultivars Hope and H-44. The gene is located on the short arm of chromosome 3B and confers a durable adult plant resistance to stem rust usually expressed only in the field. The chromosome segment carrying the Lr37, Sr38, Yr17 resistance genes is located on 2AS and was originally introduced into wheat through an Aegilops ventricosa Triticum persicum cross, followed by a cross to the cultivar Marne (VPM1). The flour colour quantitative trait locus was originally described in a Yarralinka Schomburg cross and is located on chromosome 7A. The primers as originally developed required optimisation for more routine use in a breeding program.

Theoretical and Applied Genetics | 2002

Mapping of the root lesion nematode (Pratylenchus neglectus) resistance gene Rlnn1 in wheat

K. J. Williams; S. P. Taylor; P. Bogacki; Margaret Pallotta; Harbans Bariana; Hugh Wallwork

Abstract.The root lesion nematode, Pratylenchus neglectus, is an economically damaging pathogen of wheat and other crops. The development of P. neglectus-resistant wheat cultivars would be greatly accelerated through the use of molecular markers, as resistance phenotyping is extremely time-consuming. A greenhouse bioassay was developed to identify resistance phenotypes of doubled-haploid populations. Bulked-segregant analysis was used to identify AFLP markers linked to P. neglectus resistance in the wheat cultivar Excalibur. One resistance-linked AFLP marker was mapped close to chromosome 7A RFLP markers in a densely-mapped Cranbrook/Halberd population. One of the chromosome 7A RFLP probes, cdo347, was genotyped in the Tammin/Excalibur population segregating for response to root lesion nematode and showed 8% recombination with the P. neglectus resistance gene Rlnn1. The marker Xcdo347-7A was validated on Excalibur-and Krichauff-derived DH populations segregating for Rlnn1 and showed 14% and 10% recombination, respectively, with Rlnn1 in these populations.

Theoretical and Applied Genetics | 1994

RFLP markers associated with Sr22 and recombination between chromosome 7A of bread wheat and the diploid species Triticum boeoticum

J. G. Paull; Margaret Pallotta; Peter Langridge

Analysis of the bread wheat variety Schomburgk, and related lines in its pedigree, identified RFLP markers associated with the segment of chromosome 7A carrying the Sr22 gene derived from the diploid species T. boeoticum. The distribution of the RFLP markers indicated that at least 50% of 7AS and 80% of 7AL in Schomburgk is of T. boeoticum origin. Evaluation of five sets of nearisogenic lines, backcross lines in 20 different genetic backgrounds and an F2 population segregating for Sr22 demonstrated a very low level of recombination between the 7A chromosomes of T. boeoticum and T. aestivum. Several recombinants carrying Sr22 but with a much reduced segment of T. boeoticum were identified and these may prove useful in the breeding of further varieties with Sr22.

Plant Molecular Biology | 2007

A barley activation tagging system

Michael A. Ayliffe; Margaret Pallotta; Peter Langridge; Anthony J. Pryor

Activation tagging, as the result of random genomic insertion of either promoter or enhancer sequences, can produce novel, dominant mutations by over-expression of endogenous genes. This powerful genomics tool has been used extensively in dicot species such as Arabidopsis, while rice is the only cereal for which an equivalent system exists. In this study we describe an activation tagging system in barley based upon the maize Ac/Ds transposable element system. A modified Ds element (UbiDs) containing two maize polyubiquitin promoters, transposed in families derived from multiple independent UbiDs transformants and generated new Ds insertion events at frequencies ranging from 0% to 52% per family. The majority of transposed UbiDs elements activated high levels of adjacent flanking sequence transcription. Transposon-mediated expression was detected in all barley cell and tissue types analysed suggesting that this system is applicable to all aspects of plant development and biogenesis. In addition to transcriptional activation, this system is also capable of generating insertional knockout mutants and a UbiDs inactivated allele of the granule bound starch synthase I gene (waxy) was recovered that lead to reduced amylose accumulation. The recovery and analysis of dominant over-expression phenotypes generated by this system will provide a novel approach to understanding gene function in large cereal genomes where gene redundancy may mask conventional loss-of-function mutations.

Nature | 2014

Molecular basis of adaptation to high soil boron in wheat landraces and elite cultivars

Margaret Pallotta; Thorsten Schnurbusch; Julie Hayes; Alison Hay; Ute Baumann; J. G. Paull; Peter Langridge; Tim Sutton

Environmental constraints severely restrict crop yields in most production environments, and expanding the use of variation will underpin future progress in breeding. In semi-arid environments boron toxicity constrains productivity, and genetic improvement is the only effective strategy for addressing the problem. Wheat breeders have sought and used available genetic diversity from landraces to maintain yield in these environments; however, the identity of the genes at the major tolerance loci was unknown. Here we describe the identification of near-identical, root-specific boron transporter genes underlying the two major-effect quantitative trait loci for boron tolerance in wheat, Bo1 and Bo4 (ref. 2). We show that tolerance to a high concentration of boron is associated with multiple genomic changes including tetraploid introgression, dispersed gene duplication, and variation in gene structure and transcript level. An allelic series was identified from a panel of bread and durum wheat cultivars and landraces originating from diverse agronomic zones. Our results demonstrate that, during selection, breeders have matched functionally different boron tolerance alleles to specific environments. The characterization of boron tolerance in wheat illustrates the power of the new wheat genomic resources to define key adaptive processes that have underpinned crop improvement.

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