Margita Longauerová
Technical University of Košice
Materials Science Forum | 2014
Pavel Bekeč; Margita Longauerová; Marek Vojtko
Two slabs of Ti-Nb microalloyed steel were analysed in this work. The first slab was transitional with the initial pulling rate 0.43 m.min-1 and the final pulling rate 0.9 m.min-1. The second slab was cast at the real production pulling rate 1.03 m.min-1. The presence of larger amounts of oscillation marks was observed on the first slab at both pulling rates. The second slab showed no oscillation marks. At the lowest pulling rate, cracks were discovered below the slab surface, often below oscillation marks. Cracks were seldom observed at pulling rate 0.9 m.min-1. In the first slab, especially at the low pulling rate, the presence of cracks and pores was found. Pores were observed often with clusters of aluminum oxides. The microstructure of the slab surface zone was characterised by heterogeneity of ferrite grain sizes at all three pulling rates. This heterogeneity was manifested mainly in the marginal cut-outs at all pulling rates. In the marginal cut-outs the microstructure was granulometrically finer at all three pulling rates than in the central cut-outs. Non-equilibrium microstructure in the marginal cut-outs was also observed.
Materials Science Forum | 2017
Jana Konrádyová; Margita Longauerová; Vladimír Girman; Svätoboj Longauer; Aleš Bořuta; Josef Bořuta
The aim of this work was to observe the relationship between hot ductility and morphology, distribution and size of particles in TiNb IF steel after hot torsion testing at the critical temperatures of deformation with low as well as maximum values of plasticity. Transmission electron microscopy showed that the particles at all temperatures of deformation with minimum number of turns to failure e.g. 1132°C (33.72 rev.), 946°C (6.24 rev.), 637°C (5.54 rev.) as well as with maximum value of plasticity at 844°C (1726 rev.) were of globular, cuboid or elliptical shape. EDX analysis revealed that there were different types of particles such as carbides, sulfides, and carbonitrides of Ti and Nb, Al and Si oxides, Mn sulfides, and phosphides. Quantitative evaluation of particle size in the carbon extracted replicas showed 20% of total number of particles with size 2r = 30-39 nm and an average linear dimension = 42 nm at the deformation temperature of 1132°C. There were 28% of the particles with size 2r = 20-29nm and = 41nm at the temperature of 946°C while at the temperature of 637°C there were 29% of particles with size 2r = 20-29 and 26% with size 2r=10-19 nm and = 41 nm. In the case of maximum plasticity (1726 rev.) at 844°C, the presence of large particles was confirmed with = 105 nm size and 9% distribution in three size categories of 20-29, 30-39, 90-99 nm.
Key Engineering Materials | 2015
Margita Longauerová; Marek Vojtko
The work analyses microstructures of ZnAl4Cu1, ZnAl27Cu2 and ZnAl40Cu2Si2 alloys in cast condition and after heat treatment in relation to microhardness HV0.2 and purity of the alloys. As shown the microstructure of ZnAl4Cu1 alloy contained η phase and eutectoid, which consisted phases α + η. ZnAl27Cu2 alloy contained α phase, eutectoid and ε phase, and ZnAl40Cu2Si2 alloy had a similar composition, but moreover contained Si particles. Microhardness in the molten state in ZnAl4Cu1 alloy was HV0.2 = 94, in ZnAl27Cu2 alloy it was HV0.2 = 117, and in ZnAl40Cu2Si2 alloy it was HV0.2 = 142.
Key Engineering Materials | 2015
Margita Longauerová; Mária Fedorová; Pavel Bekeč; Jaroslav Duška; Maria Hurakova; Svätoboj Longauer; Jana Konrádyová
The aim of this work was to analyze the effect of sample thickness on toughness of the slab surface zone at ambient temperature in IF and microalloy steels. Transitional slabs with different pulling rates at the start and the end of the slab were used as well as slabs with standard pulling rates. Samples of standard size 10x10x55 mm and also non-standard size 5x10x55 mm were used for Charpy impact testing. It was confirmed that higher toughness values were found in thin non-standard size samples (5x10x55 mm), or more precisely for a larger portion of non-standard samples with toughness values higher than 50 Using non-standard size samples confirmed the distinct stability of toughness values, as well as their smaller spread between minimum and maximum values. The transitional slabs had very distinct and non-uniform spread of toughness values across the slab width. This suggests greatly deteriorated quality of these slabs. During stable casting of TiNb microalloyed steel at the standard conventional higher slab pulling rate, uniform toughness was confirmed across the whole slab width in both sample types.
Key Engineering Materials | 2015
Margita Longauerová; Maria Hurakova; Pavel Bekeč; Svätoboj Longauer; Mária Fedorová; Jana Konrádyová
The aim of this work was to analyze changes in local toughness KCV using Charpy V-notch impact tests in the slab surface zone in relation to the microstructure in ULC/ IF steel and TiNb HSLA steel. Marked heterogeneity in KCV values was confirmed in the surface zone across the width of transitional slabs. Distinct local differences in notch toughness across the slab width were found to be linked primarily with changes in ferrite grain size. Low KCV values in the analyzed steels were linked with coarse grain structure, while much finer ferrite structure was identified in tough samples. The heterogeneity of KCV vales in the analyzed steels may be influenced by differences in thickness of the fine-grain slab surface zone, and by the presence of tertial cementite and (in HSLA steel) of pearlite as well.
Materials Science Forum | 2014
Tomáš Kubina; Aleš Bořuta; Margita Longauerová; Josef Bořuta
The present paper provides a picture of metallographic and plastometric research in the border areas of steel production and forming. The focus of the paper is simulation conducted in SETARAM plastometer. The SETARAM plastometer used in the experiments has been modified recently. The changes concerned predominantly its temperature measurement and control devices. The lower limit of its operating temperatures was reduced to approximately 400 °C. The purpose of the most recent upgrade was to allow investigation in the region of steel brittleness related to loading in their freezing range. It will be possible to explore the behaviour of steels under the conditions of continuous casting processes, solidification in crystallizers and deformation during solidification. Microstructures of various types of steels are presented upon small continuous deformation applied at high temperature, which lead to partial melting and resolidification of test bars. Various types of sheet rolling simulations with reduced finish temperatures conducted in the plastometer are described. Approaches to evaluating continuous torsion tests to fracture in the field of basic research into materials plasticity are presented as well. In terms of interrupted tests, the importance of the anisotropic interrupted test as a source of information for research is touched upon. In particular, demonstration is given of the potential for finding transformation temperatures governed by deformation in the 1.0583 steel grade. A physical simulation procedure involving strain-induced ferritic transformation has been developed on the basis of results of tests. Mechanical properties were measured on specimens processed in the simulation. Microstructures resulting from the thermomechanical simulation are discussed.
Materials Science Forum | 2014
Margita Longauerová; Maria Hurakova; Svätoboj Longauer
The aim of this work was to analyze the morphology and distribution of the microalloy precipitates in the slab surface zone of ULC/IF steel microalloyed with titanium. The slab was made by continuous casting using two different slab pulling rates. Transient slabs were pulled with pulling rate 0.4 m/min at the start and 0.8 m/min at the end of the slab. It was confirmed that morphology of the particles evaluated in the surface areas of slab were globular, cubical or elliptical shape and have been identified as of TiS, TiN and TiC. At the lower drawing rate particles from the middle cut-out from an area with coarse ferritic grains at the slab surface attained an mean size of 2r = 41.8 nm, and from an area with fine ferritic grains they attained an mean size of 2r = 32.5 nm. At the higher drawing rate particles in the middle cut-out attained an mean size of 2r= 63.5 nm. The coarser particles were found in areas with coarse ferrite grains and at higher pulling speed.
Acta Metallurgica Slovaca - Conference | 2013
Margita Longauerová; Pavel Bekeč; Marek Vojtko; Svätoboj Longauer; Pavol Marek
Advanced Materials Research | 2015
Pavel Bekeč; Margita Longauerová; Marek Vojtko; Ondrej Milkovič; Jiří Kadlec; Gabriel Tréfa; Gabriel Grimplini
Acta Metallurgica Slovaca | 2015
Rudolf Mišičko; Margita Longauerová; Marek Vojtko; Jana Konrádyová; Sandra Ahmidat Fedáková