María de los Ángeles Bistoni
National University of Cordoba
Featured researches published by María de los Ángeles Bistoni.
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety | 2009
M.L. Ballesteros; Daniel A. Wunderlin; María de los Ángeles Bistoni
We evaluate antioxidant responses of Jenynsia multidentata experimentally exposed to sublethal concentrations of endosulfan (EDS). The main goal was to determine differences in the response between different organs to assess which one was more severely affected. Thus, we exposed females of J. multidentata to EDS during 24h, measuring the activity of GST, GR, GPx, CAT and LPO in brain, gills, liver, intestine and muscle of both exposed fish and controls. GST activity was inhibited in gills, liver, intestine and muscle of exposed fish but was induced in brain. GR and GPx activities were increased in brain and gills at 0.014 and 0.288 microg L(-1), respectively. GPx activity was inhibited in liver and muscle at all studied concentrations whereas inhibition was observed in the intestine above 0.288 microg L(-1). Exposure to 1.4 microg L(-1) EDS caused CAT inhibition and increase of LPO levels in liver. LPO was also increased in brain at almost all concentrations tested. We find that the brain was the most sensitive organ to oxidative damage. Thus, J. multidentata could be used as a suitable bioindicator of exposure to EDS measuring activities of antioxidant enzymes in brain and liver as biomarkers.
Hydrobiologia | 2005
Andrea Cecilia Hued; María de los Ángeles Bistoni
The Suquía River (Córdoba, Argentina) has become an important issue because it flows into Mar Chiquita Lake, one of the largest saline lakes in the world. This water body, together with the expansive swamps of the Dulce River on the northern shore and the mouth of Suquía and Xanaes River, is considered one of the most important wetlands in Argentina in terms of biodiversity in a range of freshwater to very saline environments. Nevertheless, the presence of densely populated urban settlements and the increasing environmental impact due to anthropogenic activities characterize the central and lower sections of Suquía River Basin. Fishes are particularly affected and change their distribution and abundance as a consequence of the environmental deterioration. We collected information on fish fauna to develop and validate a Biotic Index to assess degradation of the Suquía River Basin. We classified fish species according to their sensitiveness or tolerance to environmental degradation, based on their distribution and abundance variations along a water quality gradient in order to design a Biotic Index for Suquía River Basin. The set of metrics used in the Biotic Index calculation was conformed by: the abundance of Astyanax eigenmanniorum, Rineloricaria catamarcensis, Gambusia affinis and Cnesterodon decemmacultus, the proportion of sensitive species richness, and the proportion of tolerant species richness. They clearly distinguished between the impaired and referenced sites. We demonstrated that it is possible to use fish as indicators of water quality in Córdoba Province (central part of Argentina) in order to carry out rapid and relatively inexpensive monitoring and conservation programs. The application of this Biotic Index showed that fish assemblages reflect the watershed conditions and are sensitive to changes in water quality across the environmental gradient.
Environmental Pollution | 2009
M.L. Ballesteros; P.E. Durando; María L. Nores; María del Pilar Díaz; María de los Ángeles Bistoni; Daniel A. Wunderlin
We assessed changes in spontaneous swimming activity and acetylcholinesterase (AchE) activity of Jenynsia multidentata exposed to Endosulfan (EDS). Females of J. multidentata were exposed to 0.072 and 1.4 microg L(-1) EDS. Average speed and movement percentage were recorded during 48 h. We also exposed females to EDS at five concentrations between 0.072 and 1.4 microg L(-1) during 24 h, and measured the AchE activity in brain and muscle. At 0.072 microg L(-1) EDS swimming motility decreased relative to the control group after 45 h, while at 1.4 microg L(-1) EDS swimming motility decreased after 24 h. AchE activity significantly decreased in muscle when J. multidentata were exposed to EDS above 0.072 microg L(-1), while no significant changes were observed in brain. Thus, changes in swimming activity and AchE activity in muscle are good biomarkers of exposure to EDS in J. multidentata.
Science of The Total Environment | 2014
María Eugenia Valdés; María Valeria Amé; María de los Ángeles Bistoni; Daniel A. Wunderlin
In South America, there is a lack of data concerning the occurrence and levels of pharmaceuticals in main rivers as well as their negative effects on the biota. Here we report the occurrence as well as the spatial and temporal variations of some common prescribed pharmaceuticals in the Suquía River basin (Córdoba, Argentina). We also report the bioconcentration of two of them in Gambusia affinis, a widely distributed fish species inhabiting the river basin. The influence of the wastewater treatment plant of Córdoba City was critical (up to 70 km downstream). Among 15 compounds analyzed, atenolol, carbamazepine and diclofenac were the most frequently detected (reaching sub μg L(-1) levels), showing different distribution patterns. Bioconcentration of atenolol and carbamazepine was studied under laboratory controlled conditions. Estimated bioconcentration factors (BCFs) were: 0.13 and 0.08 L kg(-1) upon exposure to 100 and 1,000 μg L(-1) atenolol in water, respectively; while BCFs were 0.7 and 0.9 L kg(-1) when exposed to 10 and 100 μg L(-1) carbamazepine, respectively. To the extent of our knowledge, this is the first report on pharmaceuticals in superficial waters of Argentina as well as the first report on the bioaccumulation of atenolol in whole body fish.
Hydrobiologia | 2005
Jimena Cazenave; Daniel A. Wunderlin; Andrea Cecilia Hued; María de los Ángeles Bistoni
We report normal ranges of haematological indices in healthy Corydoras paleatus from an unpolluted area. Haematological parameters studied include: erythrocyte counts (Er), haematocrit (Ht), haemoglobin concentration (Hb), mean cell volume (MCV), mean cell haemoglobin (MCH) and mean cell haemoglobin concentration (MCHC). Normal red blood parameters did not change according to maturation stages, sex or seasons. Then, we compared them with those coming from fish captured in a site polluted by sewage. Fish exposed to pollution presented significantly higher values of Er, Ht, Hb, MCH and MCHC than those captured in an unpolluted area. Discriminant analysis showed that Hb is a key parameter to point out differences between populations exposed to different environmental conditions. We suggest that haematological values of C. paleatus, registered during this study, could be used as biomarkers in future works evaluating the incidence of environmental stress on fish as well as pointing out changes in the water quality.
Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part B-pesticides Food Contaminants and Agricultural Wastes | 2007
María Laura Ballesteros; Guillermo E. Bianchi; Miriam Carranza; María de los Ángeles Bistoni
Toxicity tests using adult specimens of Jenynsia multidentata were carried out during 96 hours in order to determine the lethal concentration (LC50) of endosulfan. Histological alterations were determined in gills and liver. Gill damage was quantified as secondary lamellae thickness. The 96 hr LC50 values were significantly different between males (0.719 μ g.L− 1) and females (1.317 μg.L− 1). The sex difference was attributed to the dimorphism in the lipid content in females (2.16%) and males (1.79%). Histological alterations in gills included hypertrophy and lifting of the epithelium of the secondary lamellae and aneurisms. These alterations caused a significant increase of the secondary lamellae thickness in treatment versus control fish. Finally, reversible histological alterations (such as hydropic degeneration and dilation of sinusoids) were observed in the liver of exposed fish as well as an irreversible change such as necrosis at the highest concentrations.
Fish Physiology and Biochemistry | 2012
Ileana C. Troncoso; Jimena Cazenave; Carla Bacchetta; María de los Ángeles Bistoni
This study evaluated the histopathological changes in gills and liver of Prochilodus lineatus inhabiting the Salado River basin. Fish were collected in four different sampling stations. The histological lesions in the tissues were examined under light microscopy and evaluated with quantitative analyses. The morphometric analysis of the gills showed a significant shortening of secondary lamellae and a lower percentage of area for gas exchange in fish from station 1 (an urban area, located near the mouth of the Salado River) in comparison with fish gills from the reference site (station 4, a relatively pristine area). Moreover, a significantly higher area occupied with necrotic foci and the occurrence of an important inflammatory response were observed in fish liver of station 1 than the samples caught from other stations. Thus, histopathological evidences showed differences among sites, which could be related to different environmental conditions.
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety | 2016
Magdalena Victoria Monferrán; Paola Lorena Garnero; Daniel A. Wunderlin; María de los Ángeles Bistoni
The concentration of Al, Cr, Fe, Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, Hg, Sr, Mo, Ag, Cd, Pb and As was analyzed in water, sediment, and muscle of Odontesthes bonariensis from the eutrophic San Roque Lake (Córdoba-Argentina). The monitoring campaign was performed during the wet, dry and intermediate season. The concentration of Cr, Fe, Pb, Zn, Al and Cd in water exceeded the limits considered as hazardous for aquatic life. The highest metal concentrations were observed in sediment, intermediate concentrations, in fish muscle, and the lowest in water, with the exception of Cr, Zn, As and Hg, which were the highest in fish muscle. Potential ecological risk analysis of heavy metal concentrations in sediment indicated that the San Roque Lake posed a low ecological risk in all sampling periods. The target hazard quotients (THQs) and carcinogenic risk (CR) for individual metals showed that As in muscle was particularly hazardous, posing a potential risk for fishermen and the general population during all sampling periods. Hg poses a potential risk for fishermen only in the intermediate season. It is important to highlight that none of these two elements exceeded the limits considered as hazardous for aquatic life in water and sediment. This result proves the importance of performing measurements of contaminants, in both abiotic and biotic compartments, to assess the quality of food resources. These results suggest that the consumption of this fish species from this reservoir is not completely safe for human health.
Environmental Pollution | 2011
M.L. Ballesteros; M. Gonzalez; Daniel A. Wunderlin; María de los Ángeles Bistoni; Karina S.B. Miglioranza
The study reports the accumulation, distribution and metabolism of technical endosulfan in Jenynsia multidentata. Adult females were exposed to acute sublethal concentrations (0.072, 0.288 and 1.4 μg L⁻¹). After 24 h, fish were sacrificed and gills, liver, brain, intestine and muscle were removed. Results show that both isomers of technical-grade endosulfan (α- and β-) are accumulated in fish tissues and biotransformation to endosulfan sulfate occurs at all concentrations tested. Significantly differences in endosulfan accumulation were only found at 1.4 μg L⁻¹ but not between the lowest concentrations. However a similar distribution pattern was observed at all exposure levels where liver, intestine and brain had the highest levels of α-, β-endosulfan and endosulfan sulfate. Moreover, liver and brain showed the highest endosulfan sulfate:α-endosulfan ratios due to high biotransfomation capacity. J. multidentata demonstrated to be a sensitive species under exposure to technical endosulfan and, therefore, could be used to assess aquatic pollution.
Science of The Total Environment | 2014
M.L. Ballesteros; Karina S. B. Miglioranza; Mariana Gonzalez; Gilberto Fillmann; Daniel A. Wunderlin; María de los Ángeles Bistoni
RAMSAR sites are determined by specific characteristics of the environment in terms of ecological productivity as well services for human development, but they are also one of the most threatened ecosystems. Thus, the objective of this work was to evaluate the dynamic of Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs) in different biotic and abiotic matrixes of the RAMSAR site (wetlands with international importance), Mar Chiquita Lake. Sampling was performed according to land use (agricultural, urban, and industrial) at two stations: Laguna del Plata and Campo Mare. POPs were analyzed in superficial water (Sw), suspended particulate material (SPM), bottom sediment (Bs) and fish tissues (Odontesthes bonariensis). Organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) were analyzed by GC-ECD. HCHs, Endosulfans, DDTs, PCBs and PBDEs were found in all matrixes at both stations. The high persistence and transport processes are responsible for the occurrence of HCHs, DDTs and PCBs in Bs, SPM and fish tissues, even many years after their prohibition. PBDEs showed lower levels according to the scarcity of punctual sources in the area. Endosulfan showed variable amounts in agreement with application periods since this pesticide was used until a few years ago in this area. Finally, PCB levels overpassed the acceptable daily intake for human consumption being a risk for human health Thus, the present report confirms the occurrence of POPs in Mar Chiquita lake, alerting on the contribution of agricultural and urban pollutants in a RAMSAR site. Current results also raise concerns on biomagnification processes through the food web.