
International Archives of Medicine | 2016

Influence of Assistive Technology for the Maintenance of the Functionality of Elderly People: an Integrative Review

Eliane de Sousa Leite; Tatiane Peixoto Rodrigues; Maria do Carmo Andrade Duarte de Farias; Maria Adelaide Silva Paredes Moreira; Greicy Kelly Gouveia Dias Bittencourt; Francisca Bezerra de Oliveira; Clélia Albino Simpson; Antonia Oliveira Silva

Introduction: assistive technology consists of resources and services that contribute to provide or extend functional skills and promote independence and social inclusion of disabled or elderly. Objective: identifying the knowledge produced in the scientific literature about contributions of assistive technology for the maintenance of the old functionality. Method: it was conducted an integrative literature review in the following databases: PubMed, Cochrane and LILACS, in May 2015, using the controlled descriptors: Aged, Aging, Self-help devices, Assistive Devices, Assistive Equipment and Assistive Technology. There were selected 13 items based on inclusion criteria. Results: there were identified the following classifications in assistive technology: augmentative and alternative communication, environment control systems, mobility aids, postural adequacy, architectural projects for accessibility and sports and leisure. Conclusion: the use of assistive technology allows the elderly to develop the functional activities of daily living safely, increase their independence and autonomy, prevent comorbidities and thereby contribute to improving the quality of life and social inclusion of the elderly.

International Archives of Medicine | 2015

Red Propolis Antifungal Action on Species of Candida of the Oral Cavity

Anne Milane Formiga Bezerra; Maria do Carmo Andrade Duarte de Farias; Kévia Katiúcia Santos Bezerra; Francisco Geyson Fontenele Albuquerque; Antônio Fernandes Filho; Geofabio Sucupira Casimiro; Elicarlos Marques Nunes; Edivânia Maria Leite da Silva; Wilma Kátia Trigueiro Bezerra; Palloma Batista de Almeida; Tereza Lourença Matias de Araújo; Kennia Sibelly Marques de Abrantes; Luiz Carlos de Abreu; Patrício Borges Maracajá; Alfredina dos Santos Araújo; Rosilene Agra da Silva

Introduction: propolis is a substance that has aroused the interest of many researchers because of its numerous therapeutic properties, antibacterial and antifungal.

International Archives of Medicine | 2015

Metabolic syndrome in elderly from a northeastern brazilian city

Betania Maria Pereira dos Santos; Carla Daltro; Maria do Carmo Andrade Duarte de Farias; Luiz Carlos de Abreu; Vitor Engrácia Valenti; Italla Maria Pinheiro Bezerra; Michele Thaís S. Alves; Viviani Barnabé; Rodrigo Daminello Raimundo; Leila Maria Batista Araújo

Introduction: Population aging is a global reality. In Brazil, it is so expressive and in 2050 is estimated that the number of men and women over 80 years old can overcome the 20-24 years old population and also children under 14 years old. Metabolic syndrome is defined as a set of cardiovascular risk factors, detection and intervention in this age group may decrease cardiovascular mortality. We aimed to estimate the prevalence of metabolic syndrome (MS) in elderly patients in a northeastern Brazilian city. Method: This is a quantitative, observational, cross-sectional and population-based study. The population consisted of non-institutionalized individuals aged> 60 years old, attended in the Family Health Strategy (FHS) and residents in Cajazeiras, PB, Brazil. For the diagnosis of metabolic syndrome we considered the criteria recommended by the International Federation of Diabetes. Results: We studied 351 elderly patients with 72.4+8.7 years old and 66.1% were female. The prevalence of MS was 69.8% and the most frequent criterion was increased waist circumference (82.6%), followed by high triglycerides (81.5%) and low HDL-cholesterol (80.6%). We observed a statistically significant positive association between MS and women [OR: 1.38 (95% CI: 1.18 to 1.63)] and housing in urban areas [OR: 1.23 (1.02 to 1.48)]. Conclusion: There is a high prevalence of MS among the elderly mainly in women and those living in urban areas.

International Archives of Medicine | 2015

Factors Relating to Iron Deficiency Anemia in Pregnancy: An Integrative Review

Andréia Cristina Campigotto; Maria do Carmo Andrade Duarte de Farias; Dayanne Chrystina Ferreira Pinto; Francisco Geyson Fontenele Albuquerque

Introduction: Anemia is a condition in which the bloods hemoglobin concentration is abnormally low as a result of the lack of one or more essential nutrients. Caused by iron deficiency, this condition can impair the mental and psychomotor development, reduce the individuals work performance, reduce resistance to infection and cause increased maternal and child morbidity and mortality. In pregnant women, the causes for the development of this anemic context are varied and include a nutritional deficiency and hormonal problems related to the menstrual cycle and endometrial and pregnancy complications. Objective: Identifying the factors associated with iron deficiency anemia in pregnancy. Method: This is an integrative literature review. The databases were consulted LILACS and PubMed. It used the descriptors: anemia, iron deficiency anemia, pregnant and pregnancy. The results were obtained through the selection of 06 articles through a detailed reading and then data were organized in frames summaries. Results: Anemia during pregnancy is not caused by an isolated factor and should be treated as a problem of different causes. The factors related to iron deficiency anemia in pregnancy, referred to by the authors were: socio-economic, with reports in three articles; obstetric, mentioned by five analyzed products; and health indicators in four articles. All the evidence has been proven statistically by multivariate analysis with logistic regression model or linear, except for one study, whose analysis was univariate. Conclusion: We can see the need to prioritize the socio-economic condition of the poorest populations in the planning of public policies and the need for a more effective prenatal care as a primary goal to reduce the gestational anemia index, including active search of these women in the community. Health education is also relevant, parallel to the improvement of health conditions of the population.

International Archives of Medicine | 2015

Action of Propolis on Microorganisms of the Oral Cavity: an Integrative Review

Anne Milane Formiga Bezerra; Maria do Carmo Andrade Duarte de Farias; Kévia Katiúcia Santos Bezerra; Antônio Fernandes Filho; Geofabio Sucupira Casimiro; Renata Suele Maia Pereira; Elicarlos Marques Nunes; Edivânia Maria Leite da Silva; Joyce Carolle Bezerra Cavalcante; Irla Maria Vieira Brasilino; Kennia Sibelly Marques de Abrantes; Luiz Carlos de Abreu; Patrício Borges Maracajá; Alfredina dos Santos Araújo; Rosilene Agra da Silva

Introduction : In the mouth there are several microorganisms, including bacteria and fungi, which, under favorable conditions, can cause oral health problems. In combating these diseases there are several antibiotics and antifungals, synthetic drugs and also natural. Objective: identifying the action of propolis on microorganisms in the oral cavity. Method: we opted for the integrative literature review, using the descriptors: oral cavity, propolis, anti-inflammatory activity, antimicrobial activity, endodontics, antimicrobial, propolis, saliva, metabolism, microbiology, antimicrobial activity and mouth; the consulted databases were PubMed, LILACS and SciELO, published between 1999 and 2014. The results were obtained through the selection of 09 articles, through close reading, critical and reflective texts, and then the organization of summary frames of data. Results: evidence was gathered and synthesized, pointing to the antibacterial action ( Gram-positive and Gram-negative ) and antifungal ( C. albicans and C. tropicallis ) of propolis. The methodological designs of the studies analyzed were in majority, of weak evidence, for evidence-based practice. Therefore, the findings may be questioned. Conclusion: it needs that are carried out research studies in a systematic review and randomized clinical studies with humans, because they are considered major force evidence and are defined therapeutic parameters and minimum chemical composition, the different types of propolis, so having the appropriate/desired therapeutic properties.

International Archives of Medicine | 2015

Characteristics and Prognostic Factors of Elderly Patients in Intensive Care Unit

Ivanilda Lacerda Pedrosa; Maria do Carmo Andrade Duarte de Farias; Francisco Alírio da Silva; Vanessa Rolim Barreto Cavalcante; Cláudia Sarmento Gadelha; Rodolfo Herberto Schneider

Introduction: the elderly often have high prevalence of chronic diseases and less organic reserves and, to determine increased demand for intensive care unit (ICU) beds, easily evolve to a critical state, re

International Archives of Medicine | 2015

Quality of Life and Depressive Symptoms in the Elderly Living in Community

Anna Mikaelly de Sousa Tavares Assis; Maria de Lourdes de Farias Pontes; Maria do Carmo Andrade Duarte de Farias; Edilene Araújo Monteiro; Cleane Rosa da Silva; Renata Rabelo Pereira; Francisco Alírio da Silva; Andréia Karla Anacleto de Sousa; Jéssica Moura Cartaxo; Ricardo Lourenço Coelho; Cláudia Jeane Lopes Pimenta

Introduction: the elderly are affected by some chronic diseases that require comprehensive and continuous health care, among them depression, with disabling potential, compromising their quality of life. Objective: discovering the quality of life of seniors residing in community and their relationship with the symptoms of depression. Method: a quantitative study, observational, cross-sectional, whose sample included 110 elderly with preserved cognitive conditions and who agreed to participate voluntarily. Data collection was conducted from October to December 2013. Statistical analysis was performed using the software Statiscal Package for Social Sciences (SPSS), version 20. Results: the quality of life assessed by the WHOQOL-BREF obtained the highest score in the field of social relations (73.93) and lowest score in the environmental field (61.27). The WHOQOL-OLD showed a higher score in sensory abilities facet (76.19) and lowest score on the facet autonomy (61.47). The correlation of quality of life with depressive symptoms presented the psychological domain and facet social participation with strong and negative association. Conclusion: the development of longitudinal studies becomes feasible for a better understanding of the phenomenon studied.

International Archives of Medicine | 2015

Trauma in Elderly People Attended by a Mobile Emergency Service

Kennia Sibelly Marques de Abrantes; Tarciana Nobre de Menezes; Maria do Carmo Andrade Duarte de Farias; Geofabio Sucupira Casimiro; Arieli Rodrigues Nóbrega Videres; Luiz Carlos de Abreu

Introduction: The process of aging causes bio-psychosocial changes, that commonly, make the elderly more likely to be affected by chronic diseases and disorders due to external causes. Objective: Analize the occurrence of trauma and demographic characteristics of elderly people attended by a mobile emergency service. Method: This is a cross-sectional study conducted in the city of Sousa, in northeast region of Brazil, using data from 190 records of elderly victims of trauma attended by the MES from January 1 St to December 31 St of 2011. The Pearson’s chi-square test (χ2) or Fisher’s exact test with Freeman-Halton extension, were used to observe possible associations between variables. A significance level of α<5% was considered. Results: From the total of 190 elderly, 51.1% were male, aged between 60 and 104 years, mean age of 75.3 years (SD 10.44 years) and median of 74.0 years. Regarding the occurrence of trauma, 91.6% occurred in urban areas, 35.8% in the morning, 46.3% at weekend and 42.1% in the months from May to August. Falls stood out with 65.3% of cases and 87.9% had no alcohol on their breath during first-aid care. Among the injuries, wounds were predominant (62.3%) and 87.4% were referred to hospital. A significant association was observed between the presence of alcohol on the breath and sex (p<0.001) and age group (p=0.004) and between trauma mechanism and sex (p<0.001). Higher susceptibility was observed among males in the most advanced age group. Among the types of trauma, falls occurred mainly among women and traffic accidents among men. The presence of alcohol on the breath was verified especially among men and the majority of them were referred to hospitals. Conclusion: Knowledge of the characteristics of the demographics and occurrences of trauma in elderly people is necessary for the early identification of those individuals more exposed to this risk. Thus, it is considered that this research was relevant to characterize the elderly people requiring first-aid assistance and the occurrences of trauma, furthermore it is hoped that educational measures should be implemented in the community in order to prevent such traumas.

International Archives of Medicine | 2015

Impact of the actions of an interdisciplinary team in the elderly quality of life

Raimunda de Fátima Neves Coêlho; Eliane de Sousa Leite; Francisca Bezerra de Oliveira; Maria do Carmo Andrade Duarte de Farias; Rogéria Mônica Seixas Xavier de Abreu; Jamili Anbar Torquato

Introduction: Quality of Life (QoL) of the elderly is a complex process, not only by the subjectivity of the term, but also due to the heterogeneity of the elderly. So, analyzing QoL of the elderly is an important way to know better who provides care, allowing the proposal of interventions beyond the treatment of diseases. Objective: Evaluating the impact of the actions of an interdisciplinary team about the quality of life of seniors. Method: A longitudinal, analytical, quantitative study conducted with 92 elderly, in which there were applied the SF-36 and the Whoquol-Bref, in July 2012 and April 2013. For data analysis there was used SPSS version 18.0. Results: The average age was of 68.8 years old. There was a predominance of women with low income and education. After eight months of follow-up, the elderly showed improvement in SF-36 parameters: Functional Capacity; Physical Aspects; Pain; General Health; Vitality and Mental Health; and WHOQOL-Bref (Physical, Psychological and Environment Domain, and Quality of Life). The linear regression analysis showed independent predictor variables for improving the quality of life of seniors. Conclusion: There was the importance of interdisciplinary actions to improve the quality of life of elderly people, suggesting that interdisciplinarity can be a relevant strategy in the work of health professionals.

Revista de Pesquisa Interdisciplinar | 2017

Fatores relacionados ao baixo peso ao nascer no Estado da Paraíba no período de 2003 a 2012

Vanessa Estrela Rolim; Kennia Sibelly Marques de Abrantes; Maria do Carmo Andrade Duarte de Farias

O baixo peso ao nascer (BPN) e considerado um dos mais importantes indicadores de saude, por permitir uma avaliacao das condicoes nutricionais do neonato, influenciando no seu crescimento e desenvolvimento. Esta pesquisa objetiva: analisar os fatores relacionados ao baixo peso ao nascer entre os nascidos vivos no Estado da Paraiba no periodo de 2003 a 2012. Trata-se de um estudo retrospectivo, transversal, de natureza descritiva, com abordagem quantitativa, utilizando dados secundarios obtidos do Sistema de Informacao sobre Nascidos Vivos (SINASC). Os dados foram analisados no programa Microsoft Office Excel 2007 para elaboracao de tabelas contendo variaveis maternas, da gestacao, parto e dos recem-nascidos de baixo peso. Os resultados apresentaram uma ocorrencia de 6,95% de recem-nascidos com baixo peso. Houve predominio de maes com idade entre 20 e 34 anos (62,36%), sem companheiro (59,89%), com ate sete anos de estudo (54,71%), com realizacao de ate 6 consultas pre-natal (64,20%), idade gestacional de ate 36 semanas (57,57%), gravidez de feto unico (86,51%) e parto vaginal (54,62%). Prevaleceram os recem-nascidos do sexo masculino (53,57%), com indice de apagar do primeiro (67,35%) e quinto (86,33%) minuto com asfixia. PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Recem-nascido de Baixo Peso; Nascido Vivo; Sistemas de Informacao em Saude.

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