Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da Usp | 2011
Samanta Flor Montes; Maria Helena Barbosa; Adriana Lemos de Sousa Neto
Os objetivos foram: caracterizar os pacientes queimados segundo as variaveis epidemiologicas e clinicas e identificar os tratamentos, procedimentos invasivos e as complicacoes. Trata-se de um estudo retrospectivo, descritivo e quantitativo. A amostra constituiu-se de 138 pacientes queimados internados em um hospital de ensino, no periodo de janeiro de 2003 a dezembro de 2007, de Uberaba-MG. Dos 138 pacientes internados, 98 (71,0%) eram do genero masculino e a media de idade foi de 26,1 anos. O tempo medio de internacao foi de 16,2 dias; 93 (67,4%) eram de natureza acidental e a principal causa 68 (49,3%) foi a chama aberta. A superficie corporal queimada media foi de 20,8% e a maioria 122 (88,4%) apresentou queimadura de 2° grau. A terapia topica mais utilizada 93 (67,4%) foi a sulfadiazina de prata. A sondagem vesical de demora foi instalada em 47 (34,0%) pacientes; 30 (21,7%) foram submetidos a enxertia e 28 (20,3%) ao desbridamento; 14 (10,1%) apresentaram infeccao da lesao.The objectives of this study were to characterize burned patients according to epidemiological and clinical variables and identify the treatments, invasive procedures and complications. This is a retrospective, descriptive and quantitative study. The sample consisted of 138 burned patients hospitalized in a teaching hospital from January 2003 to December 2007, in Uberaba-MG. Of the 138 hospitalized patients, 98 (71.0%) were male, and the average age was 26.1 years. The average length of stay was 16.2 days; 93 (67.4%) of the burns were caused by accidents and the main cause (68; 49.3%) was an open flame. The average burned body surface was 20.8% and most (122; 88.4%) had second degree burns. The most common topic treatment (93; 67.4%) was silver sulfadiazine. Forty-seven (34.0%) patients had indwelling catheters; 30 (21.7%) underwent tissue transplantation, and 28 (20.3%) underwent debridement; the lesions in 14 (10.1%) patients became infected.
Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da Usp | 2012
Ana Lúcia De Mattia; Maria Helena Barbosa; Adelaide De Mattia Rocha; Hisa Lisboa Farias; Cíntia Alves Santos; Danielle Meneses Santos
The objective of this study was to identify the factors that trigger hypothermia in patients in surgery, and the manifestations in the anesthesia recovery room. This study was performed in a large hospital of the City of Santos hospital network. Data were collected from 30 adult patients, whose body temperature when entering the surgical suite was between 36ºC and 37.2ºC, who underwent elective procedures and received general anesthesia. Results show that the most common methods used to prevent hypothermia were infusing warmed intravenous fluids and using a thermal blanket. From the moment the patient left the surgical suite until 30 minutes post-recovery in the anesthesia recovery room, patients remained hypothermic. Hypothermia was manifested by hypoxemia and shivering. In this study, it was shown that hypothermia in patients is triggered while in the surgical suite due to the lack of appropriate preventive measures, leading to complications in the anesthesia recovery period.O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar os fatores que desencadeiam a hipotermia em pacientes em sala de operacao e as manifestacoes em sala de recuperacao anestesica. O estudo foi realizado em um hospital de grande porte da rede mista da cidade de Santos. A coleta de dados foi realizada em 30 pacientes adultos, com temperatura corporea entre de 36oC e 37,2oC na entrada da sala de operacoes com procedimentos cirurgicos eletivos e anestesia geral. Os resultados demonstraram que os metodos preventivos de hipotermia mais utilizados foram a infusao venosa aquecida e a manta termica. Na saida da sala de operacao e ate 30 minutos na sala de recuperacao anestesica, os pacientes permaneceram hipotermicos. As manifestacoes de hipotermia foram demonstradas pela hipoxemia e por tremores. Neste estudo, evidenciou-se que a hipotermia no paciente e desencadeada na sala de operacao pela falta de medidas preventivas adequadas, acarretando complicacoes em periodo de recuperacao anestesica.
Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da Usp | 2012
Ana Lúcia De Mattia; Maria Helena Barbosa; Adelaide De Mattia Rocha; Hisa Lisboa Farias; Cíntia Alves Santos; Danielle Meneses Santos
The objective of this study was to identify the factors that trigger hypothermia in patients in surgery, and the manifestations in the anesthesia recovery room. This study was performed in a large hospital of the City of Santos hospital network. Data were collected from 30 adult patients, whose body temperature when entering the surgical suite was between 36ºC and 37.2ºC, who underwent elective procedures and received general anesthesia. Results show that the most common methods used to prevent hypothermia were infusing warmed intravenous fluids and using a thermal blanket. From the moment the patient left the surgical suite until 30 minutes post-recovery in the anesthesia recovery room, patients remained hypothermic. Hypothermia was manifested by hypoxemia and shivering. In this study, it was shown that hypothermia in patients is triggered while in the surgical suite due to the lack of appropriate preventive measures, leading to complications in the anesthesia recovery period.O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar os fatores que desencadeiam a hipotermia em pacientes em sala de operacao e as manifestacoes em sala de recuperacao anestesica. O estudo foi realizado em um hospital de grande porte da rede mista da cidade de Santos. A coleta de dados foi realizada em 30 pacientes adultos, com temperatura corporea entre de 36oC e 37,2oC na entrada da sala de operacoes com procedimentos cirurgicos eletivos e anestesia geral. Os resultados demonstraram que os metodos preventivos de hipotermia mais utilizados foram a infusao venosa aquecida e a manta termica. Na saida da sala de operacao e ate 30 minutos na sala de recuperacao anestesica, os pacientes permaneceram hipotermicos. As manifestacoes de hipotermia foram demonstradas pela hipoxemia e por tremores. Neste estudo, evidenciou-se que a hipotermia no paciente e desencadeada na sala de operacao pela falta de medidas preventivas adequadas, acarretando complicacoes em periodo de recuperacao anestesica.
Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem | 2013
Ana Lúcia De Mattia; Maria Helena Barbosa; João Paulo Aché de Freitas Filho; Adelaide De Mattia Rocha; Nathália Haib Costa Pereira
OBJETIVO: verificar la eficacia de la intervencion de infusion venosa calentada en la prevencion de la hipotermia en pacientes en el periodo intraoperatorio. METODO: estudio experimental, comparativo, de campo, prospectivo y cuantitativo, en un hospital publico federal. La muestra abarco a 60 adultos, que tuvieron como uno de los criterios de inclusion la temperatura axilar entre 36oC y 37,1oC y acceso quirurgico abdominal, divididos en grupos control y experimental, compuestos utilizandose la tecnica de muestreo probabilistico sistematico. RESULTADOS: en los 2 grupos, 22 pacientes (73,4%) salieron del quirofano con hipotermia, o sea, temperatura inferior a 36oC (p=1,0000). La temperatura del quirofano cuando de la entrada del paciente y la temperatura del paciente cuando de la entrada en el quirofano fueron estadisticamente significativas para influir en la ocurrencia de hipotermia. CONCLUSION: la planificacion e implementacion de las intervenciones de enfermeria practicadas por el enfermero son esenciales para prevenir la hipotermia y mantener la normotermia perioperatoria.OBJECTIVEnto verify the effectiveness of warmed intravenous infusion for hypothermia prevention in patients during the intraoperative period.nnnMETHODnexperimental, comparative, field, prospective and quantitative study undertaken at a federal public hospital. The sample was composed of 60 adults, included based on the criteria of axillary temperature between 36ºC and 37.1ºC and surgical abdominal access, divided into control and experimental groups, using the systematic probability sampling technique.nnnRESULTSn22 patients (73.4%) from both groups left the operating room with hypothermia, that is, with temperatures below 36ºC (p=1.0000). The operating room temperature when patients arrived and patients temperature when they arrived at the operating room were statistically significant to affect the occurrence of hypothermia.nnnCONCLUSIONnthe planning and implementation of nursing interventions carried out by baccalaureate nurses are essential for preventing hypothermia and maintaining perioperative normothermia.
Revista Brasileira De Hematologia E Hemoterapia | 2011
Adriana Lemos de Sousa Neto; Maria Helena Barbosa
Background Blood transfusion is imperative when treating certain patients; however, it is not risk free. In addition to the possible transmission of contagious infectious diseases, incidents can occur immediately after transfusion and at a later time. Aims This study aimed to examine the immediate transfusion incidents reported in a regional blood bank in the state of Minas Gerais between December 2006 and December 2009. A retrospective quantitative epidemiological study was conducted. Data were obtained from 202 transfusion incident reports of 42 health institutions served by the blood bank. Data processing and analysis were carried out using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) software. Results The rate of immediate transfusion incidents reported in the period was 0.24%; febrile non-hemolytic reactions were the most common type of incident (56.4%). The most frequent clinical manifestations listed in transfusion incident reports were chills (26.9%) and fever (21.6%). There was a statistically significant association (p-value < 0.05) between the infusion of platelet concentrates and febrile non-hemolytic reactions and between fresh frozen plasma and febrile non-hemolytic reaction. The majority (73.3%) of transfused patients who suffered immediate transfusion incidents had already been transfused and 36.5% of the cases had previous transfusion incident reports. Conclusions Data from the present study corroborate the implementation of new professional training programs aimed at blood transfusion surveillance. These measures should emphasize prevention, identification and reporting of immediate transfusion incidents aiming to increase blood transfusion quality and safety.
Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da Usp | 2012
Ana Lúcia De Mattia; Maria Helena Barbosa; Adelaide De Mattia Rocha; Hisa Lisboa Farias; Cíntia Alves Santos; Danielle Meneses Santos
The objective of this study was to identify the factors that trigger hypothermia in patients in surgery, and the manifestations in the anesthesia recovery room. This study was performed in a large hospital of the City of Santos hospital network. Data were collected from 30 adult patients, whose body temperature when entering the surgical suite was between 36ºC and 37.2ºC, who underwent elective procedures and received general anesthesia. Results show that the most common methods used to prevent hypothermia were infusing warmed intravenous fluids and using a thermal blanket. From the moment the patient left the surgical suite until 30 minutes post-recovery in the anesthesia recovery room, patients remained hypothermic. Hypothermia was manifested by hypoxemia and shivering. In this study, it was shown that hypothermia in patients is triggered while in the surgical suite due to the lack of appropriate preventive measures, leading to complications in the anesthesia recovery period.O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar os fatores que desencadeiam a hipotermia em pacientes em sala de operacao e as manifestacoes em sala de recuperacao anestesica. O estudo foi realizado em um hospital de grande porte da rede mista da cidade de Santos. A coleta de dados foi realizada em 30 pacientes adultos, com temperatura corporea entre de 36oC e 37,2oC na entrada da sala de operacoes com procedimentos cirurgicos eletivos e anestesia geral. Os resultados demonstraram que os metodos preventivos de hipotermia mais utilizados foram a infusao venosa aquecida e a manta termica. Na saida da sala de operacao e ate 30 minutos na sala de recuperacao anestesica, os pacientes permaneceram hipotermicos. As manifestacoes de hipotermia foram demonstradas pela hipoxemia e por tremores. Neste estudo, evidenciou-se que a hipotermia no paciente e desencadeada na sala de operacao pela falta de medidas preventivas adequadas, acarretando complicacoes em periodo de recuperacao anestesica.
Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da Usp | 2011
Samanta Flor Montes; Maria Helena Barbosa; Adriana Lemos de Sousa Neto
Os objetivos foram: caracterizar os pacientes queimados segundo as variaveis epidemiologicas e clinicas e identificar os tratamentos, procedimentos invasivos e as complicacoes. Trata-se de um estudo retrospectivo, descritivo e quantitativo. A amostra constituiu-se de 138 pacientes queimados internados em um hospital de ensino, no periodo de janeiro de 2003 a dezembro de 2007, de Uberaba-MG. Dos 138 pacientes internados, 98 (71,0%) eram do genero masculino e a media de idade foi de 26,1 anos. O tempo medio de internacao foi de 16,2 dias; 93 (67,4%) eram de natureza acidental e a principal causa 68 (49,3%) foi a chama aberta. A superficie corporal queimada media foi de 20,8% e a maioria 122 (88,4%) apresentou queimadura de 2° grau. A terapia topica mais utilizada 93 (67,4%) foi a sulfadiazina de prata. A sondagem vesical de demora foi instalada em 47 (34,0%) pacientes; 30 (21,7%) foram submetidos a enxertia e 28 (20,3%) ao desbridamento; 14 (10,1%) apresentaram infeccao da lesao.The objectives of this study were to characterize burned patients according to epidemiological and clinical variables and identify the treatments, invasive procedures and complications. This is a retrospective, descriptive and quantitative study. The sample consisted of 138 burned patients hospitalized in a teaching hospital from January 2003 to December 2007, in Uberaba-MG. Of the 138 hospitalized patients, 98 (71.0%) were male, and the average age was 26.1 years. The average length of stay was 16.2 days; 93 (67.4%) of the burns were caused by accidents and the main cause (68; 49.3%) was an open flame. The average burned body surface was 20.8% and most (122; 88.4%) had second degree burns. The most common topic treatment (93; 67.4%) was silver sulfadiazine. Forty-seven (34.0%) patients had indwelling catheters; 30 (21.7%) underwent tissue transplantation, and 28 (20.3%) underwent debridement; the lesions in 14 (10.1%) patients became infected.
Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem | 2013
Ana Lúcia De Mattia; Maria Helena Barbosa; João Paulo Aché de Freitas Filho; Adelaide De Mattia Rocha; Nathália Haib Costa Pereira
OBJETIVO: verificar la eficacia de la intervencion de infusion venosa calentada en la prevencion de la hipotermia en pacientes en el periodo intraoperatorio. METODO: estudio experimental, comparativo, de campo, prospectivo y cuantitativo, en un hospital publico federal. La muestra abarco a 60 adultos, que tuvieron como uno de los criterios de inclusion la temperatura axilar entre 36oC y 37,1oC y acceso quirurgico abdominal, divididos en grupos control y experimental, compuestos utilizandose la tecnica de muestreo probabilistico sistematico. RESULTADOS: en los 2 grupos, 22 pacientes (73,4%) salieron del quirofano con hipotermia, o sea, temperatura inferior a 36oC (p=1,0000). La temperatura del quirofano cuando de la entrada del paciente y la temperatura del paciente cuando de la entrada en el quirofano fueron estadisticamente significativas para influir en la ocurrencia de hipotermia. CONCLUSION: la planificacion e implementacion de las intervenciones de enfermeria practicadas por el enfermero son esenciales para prevenir la hipotermia y mantener la normotermia perioperatoria.OBJECTIVEnto verify the effectiveness of warmed intravenous infusion for hypothermia prevention in patients during the intraoperative period.nnnMETHODnexperimental, comparative, field, prospective and quantitative study undertaken at a federal public hospital. The sample was composed of 60 adults, included based on the criteria of axillary temperature between 36ºC and 37.1ºC and surgical abdominal access, divided into control and experimental groups, using the systematic probability sampling technique.nnnRESULTSn22 patients (73.4%) from both groups left the operating room with hypothermia, that is, with temperatures below 36ºC (p=1.0000). The operating room temperature when patients arrived and patients temperature when they arrived at the operating room were statistically significant to affect the occurrence of hypothermia.nnnCONCLUSIONnthe planning and implementation of nursing interventions carried out by baccalaureate nurses are essential for preventing hypothermia and maintaining perioperative normothermia.
Revista Brasileira De Hematologia E Hemoterapia | 2014
Maria Helena Barbosa; Karla Fabiana Nunes da Silva; Dieska Quintiliano Coelho; Jordânia Lumênia Tavares; Luciana Falcão da Cruz; Márcia Helena Kanda
Erratum Erratum on Risk factors associated with the occurrence of adverse events in plateletpheresis donation In the article Risk factors associated with the occurrence of adverse events in plateletpheresis donation , published in Rev Bras Hematol Hemoter. 2014;36(3):191–5, please consider the following correction: Page 191, Dieska Quintiliano Coelho should read as Dieska Coelho Quintiliano .
Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem | 2013
Ana Lúcia De Mattia; Maria Helena Barbosa; João Paulo Aché de Freitas Filho; Adelaide De Mattia Rocha; Nathália Haib Costa Pereira
OBJETIVO: verificar la eficacia de la intervencion de infusion venosa calentada en la prevencion de la hipotermia en pacientes en el periodo intraoperatorio. METODO: estudio experimental, comparativo, de campo, prospectivo y cuantitativo, en un hospital publico federal. La muestra abarco a 60 adultos, que tuvieron como uno de los criterios de inclusion la temperatura axilar entre 36oC y 37,1oC y acceso quirurgico abdominal, divididos en grupos control y experimental, compuestos utilizandose la tecnica de muestreo probabilistico sistematico. RESULTADOS: en los 2 grupos, 22 pacientes (73,4%) salieron del quirofano con hipotermia, o sea, temperatura inferior a 36oC (p=1,0000). La temperatura del quirofano cuando de la entrada del paciente y la temperatura del paciente cuando de la entrada en el quirofano fueron estadisticamente significativas para influir en la ocurrencia de hipotermia. CONCLUSION: la planificacion e implementacion de las intervenciones de enfermeria practicadas por el enfermero son esenciales para prevenir la hipotermia y mantener la normotermia perioperatoria.OBJECTIVEnto verify the effectiveness of warmed intravenous infusion for hypothermia prevention in patients during the intraoperative period.nnnMETHODnexperimental, comparative, field, prospective and quantitative study undertaken at a federal public hospital. The sample was composed of 60 adults, included based on the criteria of axillary temperature between 36ºC and 37.1ºC and surgical abdominal access, divided into control and experimental groups, using the systematic probability sampling technique.nnnRESULTSn22 patients (73.4%) from both groups left the operating room with hypothermia, that is, with temperatures below 36ºC (p=1.0000). The operating room temperature when patients arrived and patients temperature when they arrived at the operating room were statistically significant to affect the occurrence of hypothermia.nnnCONCLUSIONnthe planning and implementation of nursing interventions carried out by baccalaureate nurses are essential for preventing hypothermia and maintaining perioperative normothermia.