Maria José de Jesus Silva
Instituto Butantan
Chromosome Research | 2000
Juliana Marge Pagnozzi; Maria José de Jesus Silva
The distribution of the telomeric sequence (TTAGGG)n was studied in chromosomes of Micoureus demerarae (2n=14), a South American marsupial, by fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH). The telomeric repeat sequence was present at both ends of all chromosomes, but also various interstitial telomeric sequences (ITS) were detected in the pericentromeric heterochromatic regions. Intraspecific differences in the number of ITS (2 to 8) were observed without intraindividual variation. The presence of telomere-like sequences in the same regions of constitutive heterochromatin suggest that these segments are not necessarily remnants of true telomeres resulting from chromosome rearrangements but could be part of the satellite DNA.
BMC Evolutionary Biology | 2009
Roberto V Vilela; Taís Machado; Karen Ventura; Valéria Fagundes; Maria José de Jesus Silva
BackgroundThe thin-spined porcupine, also known as the bristle-spined rat, Chaetomys subspinosus (Olfers, 1818), the only member of its genus, figures among Brazilian endangered species. In addition to being threatened, it is poorly known, and even its taxonomic status at the family level has long been controversial. The genus Chaetomys was originally regarded as a porcupine in the family Erethizontidae, but some authors classified it as a spiny-rat in the family Echimyidae. Although the dispute seems to be settled in favor of the erethizontid advocates, further discussion of its affinities should be based on a phylogenetic framework. In the present study, we used nucleotide-sequence data from the complete mitochondrial cytochrome b gene and karyotypic information to address this issue. Our molecular analyses included one individual of Chaetomys subspinosus from the state of Bahia in northeastern Brazil, and other hystricognaths.ResultsAll topologies recovered in our molecular phylogenetic analyses strongly supported Chaetomys subspinosus as a sister clade of the erethizontids. Cytogenetically, Chaetomys subspinosus showed 2n = 52 and FN = 76. Although the sexual pair could not be identified, we assumed that the X chromosome is biarmed. The karyotype included 13 large to medium metacentric and submetacentric chromosome pairs, one small subtelocentric pair, and 12 small acrocentric pairs. The subtelocentric pair 14 had a terminal secondary constriction in the short arm, corresponding to the nucleolar organizer region (Ag-NOR), similar to the erethizontid Sphiggurus villosus, 2n = 42 and FN = 76, and different from the echimyids, in which the secondary constriction is interstitial.ConclusionBoth molecular phylogenies and karyotypical evidence indicated that Chaetomys is closely related to the Erethizontidae rather than to the Echimyidae, although in a basal position relative to the rest of the Erethizontidae. The high levels of molecular and morphological divergence suggest that Chaetomys belongs to an early radiation of the Erethizontidae that may have occurred in the Early Miocene, and should be assigned to its own subfamily, the Chaetomyinae.
Cytogenetic and Genome Research | 2006
Karen Ventura; Maria José de Jesus Silva; Valéria Fagundes; A.U. Christoff
Comparative studies among four species – Akodonazarae (2n = 38), A. lindberghi (2n = 42), A. paranaensis (2n = 44) and A. serrensis (2n = 46) – employing classic cytogenetics (C- and G-bands) and fluorescence in situ hybridization with telomeric (TTAGGG)n sequencesare reported here. Non-telomeric signals in addition to the regular telomeric sites were detected in three species:A. azarae, A. lindberghi and A. serrensis. One interstitial telomeric site (ITS) was observed proximally at the long arm of chromosome 1 of A. azarae. The comparison of G-banding patterns among the species indicated that the ITS was due to a tandem fusion/fission rearrangement. Non-telomeric signals of A. lindberghi and A. serrensis were not related to chromosomal rearrangements; instead, the sequences co-localized with (i) heterochromatic regions of all chromosomes in A. serrensis; (ii) some heterochromatic regions in A. lindberghi, and (iii) both euchromatic and heterochromatic regions in the metacentric pair of A. lindberghi. These exceptional findings revealed that ITS in Akodon can be related to chromosomal rearrangements and repetitive sequences in the constitutive heterochromatin and that the richness of TTAGGG-like sequences in the euchromatin could be hypothesized to be a result of amplification of the referred sequence along the chromosome arms.
Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution | 2014
Taís Machado; Vinícius Xavier da Silva; Maria José de Jesus Silva
Eight current species of snakes of the Bothrops neuwiedi group are widespread in South American open biomes from northeastern Brazil to southeastern Argentina. In this paper, 140 samples from 93 different localities were used to investigate species boundaries and to provide a hypothesis of phylogenetic relationships among the members of this group based on 1122bp of cyt b and ND4 from mitochondrial DNA and also investigate the patterns and processes occurring in the evolutionary history of the group. Combined data recovered the B. neuwiedi group as a highly supported monophyletic group in maximum parsimony, maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses, as well as four major clades (Northeast I, Northeast II, East-West, West-South) highly-structured geographically. Monophyly was recovered only for B. pubescens. By contrast, B. diporus, B. lutzi, B. erythromelas, B. mattogrossensis, B. neuwiedi, B. marmoratus, and B. pauloensis, as currently defined on the basis of morphology, were polyphyletic. Sympatry, phenotypic intergrades and shared mtDNA haplotypes, mainly between B. marmoratus and B. pauloensis suggest recent introgressive hybridization and the possible occurrence of a narrow hybrid zone in Central Brazil. Our data suggest at least three candidate species: B. neuwiedi from Espinhaço Range, B. mattogrossensis (TM173) from Serra da Borda (MT) and B. diporus (PT3404) from Castro Barros, Argentina. Divergence estimates highlight the importance of Neogene events in the origin of B. neuwiedi group, and the origin of species and diversification of populations of the Neotropical fauna from open biomes during the Quaternary climate fluctuations. Data reported here represent a remarkable increase of the B. neuwiedi group sampling size, since representatives of all the current recognized species from a wide geographic range are included in this study, providing basic information for understanding the evolution and conservation of Neotropical biodiversity.
Genetics and Molecular Biology | 2007
Roberta Paresque; Maria José de Jesus Silva; Valéria Fagundes
The karyotypes of 85 specimens of Oligoryzomys nigripes (Rodentia, Sigmodontinae) collected in the Cerrado and Atlantic Forest of seven states of Brazil were analyzed. Eighty four specimens presented a karyotype with 2n = 62 and one individual had 2n = 61 due to a monosomy of the X chromosome. High levels of intra- and inter-population karyotypic variability, due to sex chromosomes heteromorphisms and pericentric inversions in four autosomes (pairs 2, 3, 4 and 8), led to a variation of the autosomal arm numbers (fundamental number, FN) from 78 to 82. Synaptonemal complex analyses revealed normal meiosis in males heterozygous for pericentric inversions. We found 39 different cytotypes, 27 of which are herein described for the first time. A literature survey revealed 46 described karyotypes for O. nigripes. We tested the hypothesis that chromosomal variants frequencies are dependent on geographical distribution and we propose a model for the karyotypical evolution of Oligoryzomys nigripes with 2n = 62/FN = 78-82.
Genetics and Molecular Biology | 2006
Maria José de Jesus Silva; James L. Patton
Comparison of G-bands from 2n = 10 and 2n = 16 karyotypes of Akodon revealed tandem fusions, pericentric inversions and Robertsonian rearrangement in autosomes and addition/deletion of constitutive heterochromatin in sex chromosomes. Cytochrome-b sequences indicate that the 2n = 10 karyotype is a new species and show it to be a sister taxon of the 2n = 14, 2n = 15 and 2n = 16 karyotypes. Indeed, this group shows a particular evolutionary situation in which a unique taxonomic unit based on morphological data can be detected, but, karyologically, it can be separated into two groups (2n = 14-15-16 and 2n = 10). Cytochrome-b sequences show a finer resolution, indicating that these four karyotypes represent three molecular entities (2n = 14-15, 2n = 16 and 2n = 10) that may be derived from a common ancestor with a 2n = 16 karyotype.
Genetics and Molecular Biology | 2005
Taís Machado; Maria José de Jesus Silva; Emygdia Rosa Leal-Mesquita; Ana Paula Carmignotto
Spiny rats of the genus Proechimys are morphologically diverse, widely distributed and have diploid numbers ranging from 2n = 14-16 to 2n = 62. In this paper we present cytogenetical data and brief comments on morphological and biogeographical issues related to spiny rats. In our sample of 42 spiny rats collected from 12 Brazilian Amazonian tropical rainforest and the Cerrado (Brazilian savanna) sites we detected nine karyological entities: four different karyomorphs with 2n = 30, three with 2n = 28, one with 2n = 15 and one with 2n = 44. Based on qualitative morphological characters these karyomorphs can be allocated to five species within the goeldii, guyannensis and longicaudatus species groups.
Cytogenetic and Genome Research | 2012
Karen Ventura; Y. Sato-Kuwabara; Valéria Fagundes; Lena Geise; Yuri L. R. Leite; Leonora Pires Costa; Maria José de Jesus Silva; Miguel Trefaut Rodrigues
Blarinomys breviceps possesses cryptic and burrowing habits with poorly documented genetics and life history traits. Due to its rarity, only a few specimens and DNA sequences have been deposited in collections worldwide. Here, we present the most comprehensive cytogenetic and molecular characterization of this rare genus. Phylogenetic analyses based on partial cytochrome b sequences were performed, attempting to establish the relationships among individuals with distinct karyotypes along the geographic distribution of the genus in the Atlantic Forest. Classical and molecular cytogenetics, using banding patterns and FISH of telomeric and whole chromosome X-specific painting probes (obtained from the Akodontini Akodon cursor) were used to characterize and compare the chromosomal complements. Molecular phylogenetic analyses recovered 2 main geographically structured clades, northeastern and southeastern with pairwise sequence divergences among specimens varying between 4.9 and 8.4%. Eight distinct karyomorphs are described: (A) 2n = 52 (50A, XX), (B) 2n = 52 (48A, XY+2Bs), (C) 2n = 45 (42A, XY+1B), (D) 2n = 43 (37A, XX+4Bs), (E) 2n = 37 (34A, XY+1B), (F) 2n = 34 (32A, XX), (G) 2n = 31 (27A, XX+2Bs), (H) 2n = 28 (26A, XY), all with the same number of autosomal arms (FNA = 50). Variation of 0–4 supernumerary chromosomes (Bs) presenting heterogeneity in morphology and distribution of interstitial telomeric sequences (ITSs) is reported. ITSs are also found in some metacentric autosomes. The phylogeographic separation between 2 major lineages with high levels of genetic divergence, and the wide karyotypic diversity indicate that B. breviceps is a diverse group that warrants taxonomic re-evaluation.
Caryologia | 2004
Karen Ventura; Maria José de Jesus Silva; Valéria Fagundes; Renata Pardini
Abstract Thaptomys nigrita is a monotypic species with 2n = 52 from Akodontini tribe. The karyotype is composed by 25 pairs of autosome being 24 acrocentric decreasing in size and a small metacentric pair. X and Y are respectively a medium size acrocentric and a small submetacentric. In this paper we report for the first time a karyotype with 2n = 50 for an undescribed species of genus Thaptomys. This new karyotype is encompasses by 24 pairs of acrocentric autosomes decreasing in size; X and Y chromosomes are respectively a large acrocentric and a small submetacentric; heterochromatic blocks are observed in the pericentromeric regions of all autosomes and of the X, whereas the long arm of the Y is entirely heterochromatic. Multiple Ag-NORs are located at the telomeric regions of the long arm of the autosomes, and a single chromosome pair (24) presents Ag-NORs in both telomeric regions, which is similar to the pattern observed in the metacentric autosome pair 25 of Thaptomys nigrita with 2n = 52. It can be suggested that this pair 24 has undergone a pericentric inversion and originated the acrocentric pair in Thaptomys sp. with 2n = 50. G-banding pattern and interstitial telomeric signal (ITS) by FISH suggest that the karyotype differentiation between both karyomorphs with 2n = 52 in Thaptomys nigrita and 2n = 50 of Thaptomys sp. was due to a tandem fusion involving respectively pairs 2 and 24 from the former resulting in pair 2 of the latter. We propose that this new karyotype with 2n = 50 belongs to a new and cryptic species for the genus Thaptomys, since these two entities seem to be morphologically indistinguishable and the geographic localization plus the chromosome rearrangements can represent a reproductive barrier between these two forms.
PLOS ONE | 2015
Camilla Bruno Di-Nizo; Karen Ventura; Malcolm A. Ferguson-Smith; Patricia C. M. O’Brien; Maria José de Jesus Silva
Oligoryzomys belongs to the tribe Oryzomyini, and contains about 22 species. Diploid numbers range from 2n = 44 in Oligoryzomys sp. 2 to 2n = 72 in O. utiaritensis and phylogenetic relationships are not well defined. The high morphological convergence leads to misidentification of taxonomic entities and the species are often identified by chromosomal characters. Until now, the genus has been studied only by classical cytogenetic approaches. To understand the chromosomal evolution of Oligoryzomys, we developed chromosome probes from a female of Oligoryzomys moojeni (OMO) with 2n = 70 and hybridized to other five Oligoryzomys species. The probes painted 31 segments on O. fornesi (OFO) with 2n = 62; 32 segments on O. microtis (OMI), 2n = 64; 33 segments on O. nigripes (ONI), 2n = 62 and on O. rupestris (ORU), 2n = 46; and 34 on Oligoryzomys sp. 2 (OSP), 2n = 44. OMO probes 4 and 5 showed a syntenic association in O. fornesi, O. microtis and O. nigripes and were also presented in the same pair, although disrupted, in O. rupestris and Oligoryzomys sp. 2. Concerning O. rupestris and Oligoryzomys sp. 2, species with the lowest diploid numbers of the genus, a total of 8 probes hybridized to 11 segments on the largest pair of ORU 1 and 9 probes hybridized to 12 segments on OSP 1. Also, OMO 6 painted three segments in ORU, corresponding to the proximal segment of ORU 2q, and the whole of ORU 19 and 20. In OSP, the segment corresponding to ORU 20 was homologous to OSP 1p. OMO X showed signals of hybridization in both X and Y chromosomes. Extensive chromosomal rearrangements, that could not be detected by classical cytogenetic techniques, such as pericentric inversions or repositioning of centromeres, Robertsonian rearrangements and tandem fusions/fissions, as well as gain/activation or loss/inactivation of centromeres and telomeric sequences have driven the huge genome reshuffling in these closely related species.