Maria Lee
Yale University
Development and Psychopathology | 2012
Oksana Yu. Naumova; Maria Lee; Roman Koposov; Moshe Szyf; Mary Dozier; Elena L. Grigorenko
Previous studies with nonhuman species have shown that animals exposed to early adversity show differential DNA methylation relative to comparison animals. The current study examined differential methylation among 14 children raised since birth in institutional care and 14 comparison children raised by their biological parents. Blood samples were taken from children in middle childhood. Analysis of whole-genome methylation patterns was performed using the Infinium HumanMethylation27 BeadChip assay (Illumina), which contains 27,578 CpG sites, covering approximately 14,000 gene promoters. Group differences were registered, which were characterized primarily by greater methylation in the institutionalized group relative to the comparison group, with most of these differences in genes involved in the control of immune response and cellular signaling systems, including a number of crucial players important for neural communication and brain development and functioning. The findings suggest that patterns of differential methylation seen in nonhuman species with altered maternal care are also characteristic of children who experience early maternal separation.
Development and Psychopathology | 2012
Johanna Bick; Oksana Yu. Naumova; Scott R. Hunter; Baptiste Barbot; Maria Lee; Suniya S. Luthar; Adam Raefski; Elena L. Grigorenko
In recent years, translational research involving humans and animals has uncovered biological and physiological pathways that explain associations between early adverse circumstances and long-term mental and physical health outcomes. In this article, we summarize the human and animal literature demonstrating that epigenetic alterations in key biological systems, the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis and immune system, may underlie such disparities. We review evidence suggesting that changes in DNA methylation profiles of the genome may be responsible for the alterations in hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis and immune system trajectories. Using some preliminary data, we demonstrate how explorations of genome-wide and candidate-gene DNA methylation profiles may inform hypotheses and guide future research efforts in these areas. We conclude our article by discussing the many important future directions, merging perspectives from developmental psychology, molecular genetics, neuroendocrinology, and immunology, that are essential for furthering our understanding of how early adverse circumstances may shape developmental trajectories, particularly in the areas of stress reactivity and physical or mental health.
Behavior Genetics | 2013
Tara M. Thompson; Duaa Sharfi; Maria Lee; Carolyn M. Yrigollen; Oksana Yu. Naumova; Elena L. Grigorenko
Epigenetic mechanisms, including DNA methylation, that underlie neuropsychiatric conditions have become a promising area of research. Most commonly used DNA sources in such studies are peripheral (whole) blood (WB), saliva (SL), and lymphoblastoid cell lines (LCLs); thus, the question of the consistency of DNA methylation patterns in those cells is of particular interest. To investigate this question we performed comparative analyses of methylation patterns in WB, SL, and LCLs derived from the same individuals, using Illumina HumanMethylation27 BeadChip arrays. Our results showed that DNA methylation patterns in SL are relatively consistent with those in WB, whereas the patterns in LCLs are similarly distinct from both WB and SL. The results indicated that due to multiple random and directed changes in DNA methylation throughout cell culturing, LCLs are not a reliable source of DNA for epigenetic studies and should be used with caution when investigating epigenetic mechanisms underlying biological processes.
Child Development | 2013
Oksana Yu. Naumova; Maria Lee; Sergei Rychkov; Natalia V. Vlasova; Elena L. Grigorenko
Gene expression is one of the main molecular processes regulating the differentiation, development, and functioning of cells and tissues. In this review a handful of relevant terms and concepts are introduced and the most common techniques used in studies of gene expression/expression profiling (also referred to as studies of the transcriptome or transcriptomics) are described. The main foci of this review are the advancements in studies of the transcriptome in the human brain, the transcriptomes variability across different brain structures, and the systematic changes that occur through different developmental stages across the life span in general and childhood in particular. Finally, the question of how the accumulating data on the spatial and temporal dynamics of the transcriptome may shed light on the molecular mechanisms of the typical and atypical development of the central nervous system is addressed.
Child Development | 2016
Oksana Yu. Naumova; Sascha Hein; Matthew Suderman; Baptiste Barbot; Maria Lee; Adam Raefski; Pavel Dobrynin; Pamela J. Brown; Moshe Szyf; Suniya S. Luthar; Elena L. Grigorenko
This study attempted to establish and quantify the connections between parenting, offspring psychosocial adjustment, and the epigenome. The participants, 35 African American young adults (19 females and 16 males; age = 17-29.5 years), represented a subsample of a 3-wave longitudinal 15-year study on the developmental trajectories of low-income urban mother-offspring dyads. Mothers were assessed on their perceptions of maternal stress at each wave. Offspring were assessed on their perceptions of maternal parenting at each wave and on their adaptive and maladaptive behavior at the last wave. Genome-wide DNA methylation in peripheral T lymphocytes at the third wave was assayed using Methyl Binding Domain(MBD) sequencing. Statistically significant associations were identified between the change in offsprings perception of parenting from middle childhood to adulthood and the DNA methylation in offsprings adult genomes. Specifically, the slope of perceived parental rejection across the 3 time points was related to an increase in methylation, or a potential downregulation, of 565 genes thought to be involved in the control of a broad spectrum of biological functions generally related to cellular signaling. A subset of these epigenetic marks, clustered in 23 genes, some of which participate in the development and functioning of the CNS, were in turn associated with psychosocial adjustment as captured by interpersonal relationships and emotional self-evaluation. This appears to be one of the first investigations of the modulating role of the methylome in associations between developmental dynamics of parenting throughout the formative years of child and adolescent development and psychosocial adjustment in adulthood.
Developmental Science | 2013
Nicole Landi; Stephen J. Frost; W. Einar Mencl; Jonathan L. Preston; Leslie K. Jacobsen; Maria Lee; Carolyn M. Yrigollen; Kenneth R. Pugh; Elena L. Grigorenko
In both children and adults there is large variability in reading skill, with approximately 5-10% of individuals characterized as having reading disability; these individuals struggle to learn to read despite adequate intelligence and opportunity. Although it is well established that a substantial portion of this variability is attributed to the genetic differences between individuals, specifics of the connections between reading and the genome are not understood. This article presents data that suggest that variation in the COMT gene, which has previously been associated with variation in higher-order cognition, is associated with reading and reading-related skills, at the level of both brain and behavior. In particular, we found that the COMT Val/Met polymorphism at rs4680, which results in the substitution of the ancestral Valine (Val) by Methionine (Met), was associated with better performance on a number of critical reading measures and with patterns of functional neural activation that have been linked to better readers. We argue that this polymorphism, known for its broad effects on cognition, may modulate (likely through frontal lobe function) reading skill.
Development and Psychopathology | 2012
Oksana Yu. Naumova; Dean Palejev; Natalia V. Vlasova; Maria Lee; Sergei Rychkov; Olga N. Babich; Flora M. Vaccarino; Elena L. Grigorenko
The study of gene expression (i.e., the study of the transcriptome) in different cells and tissues allows us to understand the molecular mechanisms of their differentiation, development and functioning. In this article, we describe some studies of gene-expression profiling for the purposes of understanding developmental (age-related) changes in the brain using different technologies (e.g., DNA-Microarray) and the new and increasingly popular RNA-Seq. We focus on advancements in studies of gene expression in the human brain, which have provided data on the structure and age-related variability of the transcriptome in the brain. We present data on RNA-Seq of the transcriptome in three distinct areas of the neocortex from different ages: mature and elderly individuals. We report that most age-related transcriptional changes affect cellular signaling systems, and, as a result, the transmission of nerve impulses. In general, the results demonstrate the high potential of RNA-Seq for the study of distinctive features of gene expression among cortical areas and the changes in expression through normal and atypical development of the central nervous system.
Pediatrics | 2016
Sergey A. Kornilov; Natalia Rakhlin; Roman Koposov; Maria Lee; Carolyn M. Yrigollen; Ahmet Okay Caglayan; James S. Magnuson; Shrikant Mane; Joseph T. Chang; Elena L. Grigorenko
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Developmental language disorder (DLD) is a highly prevalent neurodevelopmental disorder associated with negative outcomes in different domains; the etiology of DLD is unknown. To investigate the genetic underpinnings of DLD, we performed genome-wide association and whole exome sequencing studies in a geographically isolated population with a substantially elevated prevalence of the disorder (ie, the AZ sample). METHODS: DNA samples were collected from 359 individuals for the genome-wide association study and from 12 severely affected individuals for whole exome sequencing. Multifaceted phenotypes, representing major domains of expressive language functioning, were derived from collected speech samples. RESULTS: Gene-based analyses revealed a significant association between SETBP1 and complexity of linguistic output (P = 5.47 × 10−7). The analysis of exome variants revealed coding sequence variants in 14 genes, most of which play a role in neural development. Targeted enrichment analysis implicated myocyte enhancer factor–2 (MEF2)-regulated genes in DLD in the AZ population. The main findings were successfully replicated in an independent cohort of children at risk for related disorders (n = 372). CONCLUSIONS: MEF2-regulated pathways were identified as potential candidate pathways in the etiology of DLD. Several genes (including the candidate SETBP1 and other MEF2-related genes) seem to jointly influence certain, but not all, facets of the DLD phenotype. Even when genetic and environmental diversity is reduced, DLD is best conceptualized as etiologically complex. Future research should establish whether the signals detected in the AZ population can be replicated in other samples and languages and provide further characterization of the identified pathway.
PLOS ONE | 2016
Kaja K. Jasińska; Peter J. Molfese; Sergey A. Kornilov; W. Einar Mencl; Stephen J. Frost; Maria Lee; Kenneth R. Pugh; Elena L. Grigorenko; Nicole Landi
Understanding how genes impact the brain’s functional activation for learning and cognition during development remains limited. We asked whether a common genetic variant in the BDNF gene (the Val66Met polymorphism) modulates neural activation in the young brain during a critical period for the emergence and maturation of the neural circuitry for reading. In animal models, the bdnf variation has been shown to be associated with the structure and function of the developing brain and in humans it has been associated with multiple aspects of cognition, particularly memory, which are relevant for the development of skilled reading. Yet, little is known about the impact of the Val66Met polymorphism on functional brain activation in development, either in animal models or in humans. Here, we examined whether the BDNF Val66Met polymorphism (dbSNP rs6265) is associated with children’s (age 6–10) neural activation patterns during a reading task (n = 81) using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), genotyping, and standardized behavioral assessments of cognitive and reading development. Children homozygous for the Val allele at the SNP rs6265 of the BDNF gene outperformed Met allele carriers on reading comprehension and phonological memory, tasks that have a strong memory component. Consistent with these behavioral findings, Met allele carriers showed greater activation in reading–related brain regions including the fusiform gyrus, the left inferior frontal gyrus and left superior temporal gyrus as well as greater activation in the hippocampus during a word and pseudoword reading task. Increased engagement of memory and spoken language regions for Met allele carriers relative to Val/Val homozygotes during reading suggests that Met carriers have to exert greater effort required to retrieve phonological codes.
Behavioural Brain Research | 2017
Kaja K. Jasińska; Peter J. Molfese; Sergey A. Kornilov; W. Einar Mencl; Stephen J. Frost; Maria Lee; Kenneth R. Pugh; Elena L. Grigorenko; Nicole Landi
ABSTRACT The brain‐derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) Val66Met single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) has been associated with individual differences in brain structure and function, and cognition. Research on BDNFs influence on brain and cognition has largely been limited to adults, and little is known about the association of this gene, and specifically the Val66Met polymorphism, with developing brain structure and emerging cognitive functions in children. We performed a targeted genetic association analysis on cortical thickness, surface area, and subcortical volume in 78 children (ages 6–10) who were Val homozygotes (homozygous Val/Val carriers) or Met carriers (Val/Met, Met/Met) for the Val66Met locus using Atlas‐based brain segmentation. We observed greater cortical thickness for Val homozygotes in regions supporting declarative memory systems (anterior temporal pole/entorhinal cortex), consistent with adult findings. Met carriers had greater surface area in the prefrontal and parietal cortices and greater cortical thickness in lateral occipital/parietal cortex in contrast to prior adult findings that may relate to performance on cognitive tasks supported by these regions in Met carriers. Finally, we found larger right hippocampal volume in Met carriers, although inconsistent with adult findings (generally reports larger volumes for Val homozygotes), is consistent with a recent finding in children. Gene expression levels vary across different brain regions and across development and our findings highlight the need to consider this developmental change in explorations of BDNF‐brain relationships. The impact of the BDNF Val66Met polymorphism on the structure of the developing brain therefore reflects regionally‐specific developmental changes in BDNF expression and cortical maturation trajectories.