Maria Lima Garbelotti
Instituto Adolfo Lutz
Food Science and Technology International | 2000
Elizabeth Aparecida Ferraz da Silva Torres; Norberto Camilo Campos; Marilda Duarte; Maria Lima Garbelotti; Sonia Tucunduva Philippi; Regina Sorrentino Minazzi-Rodrigues
Proximate food composition data are very important to any professionals of food science and human nutrition area. In Brazil they are rare or do not exist. The food composition of items, of animal origin, usually consumed in the diet: meat, milk e eggs, were analyzed in order to determine their caloric value. After that they were compared with the data in the Tables of Food Composition (TFC) commonly used to our professionals. It was observed that there are smaller differences in the values obtained for eggs, than milk, pork, beef, chicken. Although significant difference was not detected between determined caloric values and the ones from TFC, these report should be considered to professionals that use the TFC.
Revista Brasileira De Fruticultura | 2005
Maria Isabel Vallilo; Maria Lima Garbelotti; Elisabeth de Oliveira; Leda Conceição Antonia Lamardo
Fruits of Campomanesia phaea (Myrtaceae) are used by rural population to make juice, ice cream and in alcoholic drinks to accentuate the flavor. To evaluate the physical characteristics, the nutritional potential and the use in food industry, fruits samples in several ripe steps were collected in April 2003 in Serra do Mar State Park, Nucleo Caraguatatuba, SP. The data of longitudinal (DL) and traverse (DT) diameter and the relationship among them showed that the fruits present oval and flattened shape (DL/DT <1); the pulp was succulent, with pungent flavor and citric scent, with high level of humidity (88, 80%) and pH 2, 91, high levels of alimentary fibers were detected (4, 00%), when compared to other species of the same botanical family. Low contents of protein (0, 44%), total carbohydrates (5, 00%), lipids (1, 53%) and reasonable level of ascorbic acid (33,37 mg 100 g-1) were presented. Among the inorganic elements (13) the nutrients sodium (171, 50 mg kg-1), potassium (622, 65 mg kg-1), phosphorous (123, 69 mg kg-1), magnesium (42, 08 mg kg-1) and calcium (61, 26 mg kg-1) can be pointed out. Although the chemical composition is similar to others species from the Myrtaceae family the in natura intake of this fruit is difficult due to the low level of carbohydrates and high acid content.
Revista Arvore | 2004
Maria Isabel Vallilo; Cybele de Souza; Machado Crestana; Sabria Aued-Pimentel; MÆrio Tavares; Maria Lima Garbelotti
Seeds of Archontophoenix alexandrae, extracted from fruits collected at the Cantareira State Park, Sao Paulo, Brazil, were analyzed for chemical composition, oil fatty acids profiles and mineral content aiming to evaluate their nutritional potential. High values of dietary fibers (38.80% w/w) and humidity (47.72% w/w) were found. Palmitic acid (19.80% w/w) was predominant among the saturated oil fraction, and oleic (42% w/w) and linoleic (13% w/w) among the insaturated oil fraction. The presence of a-tocopherol (vitamin E) equivalent to 4.0mg 100g-1 and d-tocopherol (1.8 mg 100g-1) confers some oxidative stability to the oil. Even containing minerals such as K, P, S, Ca, Zn, Se and Cu, lipids and dietary fibers, the presence of Pb (2.74mg kg-1) makes its consume unviable for avifauna, as well as it indicates anthropic contamination at the collect spot.
Food Chemistry | 2003
Maria Lima Garbelotti; Deise Ap.Pinatti Marsiglia; Elizabeth Aparecida Ferraz da Silva Torres
Abstract An adequate and validated method for the analysis of any nutrient is a fundamental step in achieving a good analytical result. The purpose of this study was to analyze dietary fibers (DF) and validate the results without the availability of a standard reference material (SRM). Ten samples of cracker biscuits in duplicate were analyzed using the enzymatic–gravimetric method. To validate, cracker biscuit was used as a matrix food and a fiber-rich product (47.63%) was used as a secondary reference standard (SRS). Three aspects were evaluated: (1) Precision—Samples from 10 assays in two lots of cracker biscuits and in the RS; (2) Accuracy—recovery test on biscuit plus three quantities of SR: 1.5, 2.5 and 5.0 g in 50 g of biscuit, (3) Linearity—recovery curve, through the correlation coefficient (R2). Results obtained for coefficient of variation were 4.89 and 4.10% for biscuits and 1.37% for the RS, showing a good precision of approximately 20%. The accuracy values obtained were 4.10, 4.90 and 6.55 g/100 g, which represents recoveries of 101, 108 and 110%. These results indicate acceptable accuracy, since the replicates of the fortified samples showed analyte recovery within the acceptance range of 70–120%. The correlation coefficient (R2) was 0.9999 indicating an excellent linearity in the methods response. The conclusion is that DF results obtained through the EGM method are reliable, considering the cracker biscuit sample parameters analyzed.
Revista Brasileira De Tecnologia Agroindustrial | 2007
Maria Carolina Batista Campos von Atzingen; Maria Lima Garbelotti; Roberta Faria C. Araújo; Rosana Aparecida Manólio Soares; Maria Elisabeth Machado Pinto e Silva
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi determinar a composicao centesimal de dietas enterais artesanais a base de hidrolisado proteico de carne. Metodos. A obtencao do hidrolisado proteico de carne foi a descrita por PINTO e SILVA et al, 1999 . Foram analisadas tres formulas com hidrolisado de carne (bovina, frango ou peru) acrescidas de arroz, cenoura, beterraba, amido de milho, glicose de milho e oleo de soja. A composicao centesimal foi determinada pela metodologia preconizada pelo INSTITUTO ADOLFO LUTZ, 1985. A analise de colesterol foi obtida por HPLC. Os acidos graxos foram separados por cromatografia gasosa de alta resolucao. Os valores de fibra alimentar total pela metodologia apresentada por PROSKY et al, 1988. Os minerais foram determinados por espectrofotometria de Absorcao Atomica em aparelho Perkin Elmer modelo 5.100. Resultados. As formulas foram classificadas como hipocaloricas. O teor proteico das formulas variou entre 2.09 e 2.52g/100g, lipideos entre 1.04 e 1.32g/100g, carboidratos 9.32 e 9.67g/100g, com 8g/L de fibras. O colesterol variou entre 14.32mg/100g (frango) e 37.59mg/100g (bovino). As tres formulas desenvolvidas apresentam maior concentracao de acidos graxos monoinsaturados, com prevalencia do oleico. Em relacao aos minerais, os valores de cobre variaram entre 0.07 mg/100g e 0.06 mg/100g, zinco 0.28 mg/100g e 0.62 mg/100g, ferro 0.47 mg/100g e 0.63 mg/100g, magnesio 8.08 mg/100g e 8.58 mg/100g e calcio 1.34 mg/100g e 1.40 mg/100g. As formulas apresentaram teor proteico adequado com predominância de acidos graxos monoinsaturados, sendo indicadas a pacientes que requerem suplementacao nutricional.
Nutrition & Food Science | 2005
Edeli Simioni de Abreu; Maria Lima Garbelotti; Elizabeth Aparecida Ferraz da Silva Torres
Purpose – In Brazil, studies on dietary fiber consumption are scarce. The greatest difficulty is to obtain reliable data on the fiber content of foods that are part of Brazilians’ eating habits, which involves adjusting laboratory methodology. It is extremely important to evaluate the average daily fiber intake on a regional basis, considering the heterogeneous eating habits of the Brazilians. The study aims to estimate the average dietary fiber content of meals eaten in “by‐the‐kilo” restaurants.Design/methodology/approach – The foods used in the preparation of 1,907 meals consumed during one month in four restaurants in the city of Sao Paulo were studied. Intake, nutritional composition, and fiber analyses focusing on average lunch intakes were performed based on the RDA and SBAN (Brazilian Food and Nutrition Society) recommendations. Intake and nutritional composition results were compared with the values of a control meal theoretically prepared. A total of 40 samples of preparations using fiber‐rich f...
Revista do Instituto Adolfo Lutz | 2001
Emy Takemoto; Isaura A Okada; Maria Lima Garbelotti; Mário Tavares; Sabria Aued-Pimentel
Food Science and Technology International | 2008
Maria Isabel Vallilo; Paulo Roberto Hrithowitsch Moreno; Elisabeth de Oliveira; Leda Conceição Antonia Lamardo; Maria Lima Garbelotti
Procedia food science | 2011
Magda S. Taipina; Maria Lima Garbelotti; Leda Conceição Antonia Lamardo; Josefina S. Santos; Maria Auxiliadora de Brito Rodas
Hig. aliment | 2007
Nelida L. del Mastro; Magda S. Taipina; Victor Haim Cohen; Maria Auxliadora de Brito Rodas; Maria Lima Garbelotti