Maria Maisano
University of Messina
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety | 2012
Salvatore Fasulo; Francesco Iacono; Tiziana Cappello; Carmelo Corsaro; Maria Maisano; Alessia D'Agata; Alessia Giannetto; Elena De Domenico; Vincenzo Parrino; Giuseppe Lo Paro; Angela Mauceri
Environmental metabolomics was applied to assess the metabolic responses in transplanted mussels to environmental pollution. Specimens of Mytilus galloprovincialis, sedentary filter-feeders, were caged in anthropogenic-impacted and reference sites along the Augusta coastline (Sicily, Italy). Chemical analysis revealed increased levels of PAHs in the digestive gland of mussels from the industrial area compared with control, and marked morphological changes were also observed. Digestive gland metabolic profiles, obtained by 1H NMR spectroscopy and analyzed by multivariate statistics, showed changes in metabolites involved in energy metabolism. Specifically, changes in lactate and acetoacetate could indicate increased anaerobic fermentation and alteration in lipid metabolism, respectively, suggesting that the mussels transplanted to the contaminated field site were suffering from adverse environmental condition. The NMR-based environmental metabolomics applied in this study results thus in it being a useful and effective tool for assessing environmental influences on the health status of aquatic organisms.
Marine Environmental Research | 2013
Tiziana Cappello; Maria Maisano; Alessia D'Agata; Antonino Natalotto; Angela Mauceri; Salvatore Fasulo
Biological effects of environmental pollution, mainly related to presence of PAHs, were assessed in mussels Mytilus galloprovincialis caged in Priolo, an anthropogenically-impacted area, and Vendicari, a reference site, both located along the eastern coastline of Sicily (Italy). PAHs concentration and histopathological changes were measured in digestive gland tissues. Expression of cytochrome P4504Y1 (CYP4Y1) and glutathione S-transferase (GST), indicative of xenobiotic detoxification, and activity of catalase (CAT) as oxidative stress index, were evaluated. The results show a direct correlation between the high concentrations of PAHs in digestive glands of mussels from Priolo and the significantly altered activity of phase I (P < 0.001) and phase II (P < 0.0001) biotransformation enzymes, along with increased levels of CAT activity (P < 0.05). These findings show the enhancement of the detoxification and antioxidant defense systems. The mussel caging approach and selected biomarkers demonstrated to be reliable for the assessment of environmental pollution effects on aquatic organisms.
Nanotoxicology | 2014
Alessia D'Agata; Salvatore Fasulo; Lorna J. Dallas; Andrew Fisher; Maria Maisano; James W. Readman; Awadhesh N. Jha
Abstract Marine bivalves (Mytilus galloprovincialis) were exposed to titanium dioxide (10 mg L−1) either as engineered nanoparticles (nTiO2; fresh, or aged under simulated sunlight for 7 days) or the bulk equivalent. Inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectrometry analyses of mussel tissues showed higher Ti accumulation (>10-fold) in the digestive gland compared to gills. Nano-sized TiO2 showed greater accumulation than bulk, irrespective of ageing, particularly in digestive gland (>sixfold higher). Despite this, transcriptional expression of metallothionein genes, histology and histochemical analysis suggested that the bulk material was more toxic. Haemocytes showed significantly enhanced DNA damage, determined by the modified comet assay, for all treatments compared to the control, but no significant differences between the treatments. Our integrated study suggests that for this ecologically relevant organism photocatalytic ageing of nTiO2 does not significantly alter toxicity, and that bulk TiO2 may be less ecotoxicologically inert than previously assumed.
Marine Pollution Bulletin | 2013
Tiziana Cappello; Angela Mauceri; Carmelo Corsaro; Maria Maisano; Vincenzo Parrino; Giuseppe Lo Paro; Giuseppe Messina; Salvatore Fasulo
Metabolic responses to environmental pollution, mainly related to Hg and PAHs, were investigated in mussels. Specimens of Mytilus galloprovincialis, sedentary filter-feeders, were caged in anthropogenic-impacted and reference sites along the Augusta coastline (Sicily, Italy). The gills, mainly involved in nutrient uptake, digestion and gas exchange, were selected as target organ being the first organ to be affected by pollutants. Severe alterations in gill tissue were observed in mussels from the industrial area compared with control, while gill metabolic profiles, obtained by (1)H NMR spectroscopy and analyzed by multivariate statistics, exhibited significant changes in amino acids, energy metabolites, osmolytes and neurotransmitters. Overall, the morphological changes and metabolic disturbance detected in gill tissues may suggest that the mussels transplanted to the contaminated field site were suffering from adverse environmental condition. The concurrent morphological and metabolomic investigations as applied here result effective in assessing the environmental influences on health status of aquatic organisms.
Aquatic Toxicology | 2012
Caterina Ciacci; Cristina Barmo; Gabriella Gallo; Maria Maisano; Tiziana Cappello; Alessia D’Agata; Claudio Leonzio; Angela Mauceri; Salvatore Fasulo; Laura Canesi
Hexavalent chromium Cr(VI) is an important contaminant released from both domestic and industrial effluents, and represents the predominant chemical form of the metal in aquatic ecosystems. In the marine bivalve Mytilus galloprovincialis exposure to non-toxic, environmentally relevant concentrations of Cr(VI) was shown to modulate functional parameters and gene expression in both the digestive gland and hemocytes. In this work, the effects of exposure to Cr(VI) (0.1-1-10 μg L(-1) animal(-1) for 96 h) in mussel gills were investigated. Gill morphology and immunolocalization of GSH-transferase (GST), of components involved in cholinergic (AChE and ChAT), adrenergic (TH) and serotoninergic (5-HT(3) receptor) systems, regulating gill motility, were evaluated. Total glutathione content, activities of GSH-related enzymes (glutathione reductase - GSR, GST), of catalase, and of key glycolytic enzymes (phosphofructokinase - PFK and pyruvate kinase - PK) were determined. Moreover, mRNA expression of selected Mytilus genes (GST-π, metallothionein isoforms MT10 and MT20, HSP70 and 5-HT receptor) was assessed by RT-q-PCR. Cr(VI) exposure induced progressive changes in gill morphology and in immunoreactivity to components involved in neurotransmission that were particularly evident at the highest concentration tested, and associated with large metal accumulation. Cr(VI) increased the activities of GST and GSR, and total glutathione content to a different extent at different metal concentrations, this suggesting Cr(VI) detoxication/reduction at the site of metal entry. Cr(VI) exposure also increased the activity of glycolytic enzymes, indicating modulation of carbohydrate metabolism. Significant changes in transcription of different genes were observed. In particular, the mRNA level for the 5-HTR was increased, whereas both decreases and increases were observed for GST-π, MT10, MT20 and HSP70 mRNAs, showing sex- and concentration-related differences. The results demonstrate that Cr(VI) significantly affected functional and molecular parameters in mussel gills, and indicate that this tissue represents the major target of exposure to environmentally relevant concentrations of the metal.
Science of The Total Environment | 2016
Tiziana Cappello; Fátima Brandão; Sofia Guilherme; M.A. Santos; Maria Maisano; Angela Mauceri; João Canário; Mário Pacheco; Patrícia Pereira
Oxidative stress has been described as a key pathway to initiate mercury (Hg) toxicity in fish. However, the mechanisms underlying Hg-induced oxidative stress in fish still need to be clarified. To this aim, environmental metabolomics in combination with a battery of conventional oxidative stress biomarkers were applied to the gills of golden grey mullet (Liza aurata) collected from Largo do Laranjo (LAR), a confined Hg contaminated area, and São Jacinto (SJ), selected as reference site (Aveiro Lagoon, Portugal). Higher accumulation of inorganic Hg and methylmercury was found in gills of fish from LAR relative to SJ. Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)-based metabolomics revealed changes in metabolites related to antioxidant protection, namely depletion of reduced glutathione (GSH) and its constituent amino acids, glutamate and glycine. The interference of Hg with the antioxidant protection of gills was corroborated through oxidative stress endpoints, namely the depletion of glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase activities at LAR. The increase of total glutathione content (reduced glutathione+oxidized glutathione) at LAR, in parallel with GSH depletion aforementioned, indicates the occurrence of massive GSH oxidation under Hg stress, and an inability to carry out its regeneration (glutathione reductase activity was unaltered) or de novo synthesis. Nevertheless, the results suggest the occurrence of alternative mechanisms for preventing lipid peroxidative damage, which may be associated with the enhancement of membrane stabilization/repair processes resulting from depletion in the precursors of phosphatidylcholine (phosphocholine and glycerophosphocholine), as highlighted by NMR spectroscopy. However, the observed decrease in taurine may be attributable to alterations in the structure of cell membranes or interference in osmoregulatory processes. Overall, the novel concurrent use of metabolomics and conventional oxidative stress endpoints demonstrated to be sensitive and effective towards a mechanistically based assessment of Hg toxicity in gills of wild fish, providing new insights into the toxicological pathways underlying the oxidative stress.
Aquatic Toxicology | 2008
Salvatore Fasulo; Angela Mauceri; Alessia Giannetto; Maria Maisano; N. Bianchi; Vincenzo Parrino
Metallothioneins (MTs), metal-inducible proteins, are crucial proteins for the regulation of essential metals, and are transcriptionally induced in all organisms by certain heavy metals, oxidative stress and inflammation. The gills represent an organ of uptake and loss of metals in which different mechanisms are present controlling the functions directly involved in the maintenance of homeostasis. In this study, the morphological and histomorphological aspects of branchial epithelium in Mytilus galloprovincialis from polluted environment (Faro swamp, Messina, Italy) have been investigated. The reverse transcriptase-polymerase chain reaction (PCR) has been used to isolate complementary DNA of both MT isoforms present from RNA extracted from mussel gills. The respective mRNAs on histological sections have been visualized by in situ hybridization. These methods showed that MT-10 mRNA is expressed at the basal level. In contrast, the MT-20 expression level was very low under basal conditions, while its mRNA increased dramatically in individuals collected in Faro. The presence of acid mucocytes and MTs in the gills may be considered a further defensive mechanism also related to the significantly higher concentration of Cd, Pb and Cr found in gills of M. galloprovincialis from Faro than specimens from the reference site (Goro). The results obtained show that, in stressed mussels, the defensive processes increase to maintain the normal functions of the organs more exposed to the action of polluted substances.
Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology C-toxicology & Pharmacology | 2015
Tiziana Cappello; Maria Maisano; Alessia Giannetto; Vincenzo Parrino; Angela Mauceri; Salvatore Fasulo
The neurotoxicological potential of environmental pollution, mainly related to petrochemical activities, was investigated in marine mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis. Bivalve mollusks, particularly mussels, are widely used as sentinel organisms in biomonitoring studies for assessing the impact of anthropogenic contaminants. The gills, mainly involved in nutrient uptake, digestion, gas exchange and neuronal signaling, are the first organ to be affected by pollutants present in the external environment, and therefore were selected as the target organ for this study. Mussels from an aquaculture farm were caged at a highly polluted petrochemical area and a reference site along the Augusta coastline (eastern Sicily, Italy) for one month. A battery of biomarkers indicative of neuronal perturbations was applied on gills in order to investigate on the serotonergic (i.e. serotonin, 5-HT, and its receptor, 5-HT3R), cholinergic (i.e. acetylcholine, acetylcholinesterase, AChE, and choline acetyltransferase, ChAT), and dopaminergic systems (i.e. tyrosine and tyrosine hydroxylase, TH). Overall, impairment in the normal ciliary motility was found in mussels caged at the polluted site. Alterations in serotoninergic and cholinergic systems were revealed, with enhancement of dopaminergic neurotransmission resulting in a cilio-inhibitory effect. However, the over-expression in 5-HT3R and ChAT at cellular level may indicate an adaptive response of mussels to recover a regular physiological activity in gills. To our knowledge, this is the first study that uses (1)H NMR and immunohistochemical assays. Their concurrent use demonstrated to be sensitive and effective for assessing environmental influences on the health status of aquatic organisms, and thus suitable to be applied in ecotoxicological studies.
Acta Histochemica | 2011
Elvira Brunelli; Angela Mauceri; Maria Maisano; Ilaria Bernabò; Alessia Giannetto; Elena De Domenico; Barbara Corapi; Sandro Tripepi; Salvatore Fasulo
An investigation was conducted to determine the effects of the heavy metal, cadmium (Cd), on the gills of the teleost fish, Thalassoma pavo Linnaeus, 1758. The fishes were exposed to several sublethal concentrations of cadmium (10, 40, 60 and 120 μM (mg/L)) for a period of 48, 96 and 192 h. The value of the LC50 after 96 h of cadmium exposure, determined using the System of Finney, was equal to 128.3 μM. The gills of the fishes were examined by light and electron microscopy. Toxic, apoptotic and cadmium effects were analyzed using some neuropeptides, metallothioneins (MT), caspase 3, PCNA and calmodulin, as bioindicators, respectively. The results showed that the alterations in the gills were proportional to the exposure periods and concentrations of the metal, which were found to be both dose and time dependent. The biological responses in the gills of the tested animals are discussed in relation to results obtained by analysis of the biomarkers. These data may be used for the planning of a model to determine biological risk in the marine environment and may be particularly useful to investigate organisms exposed to cadmium.
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety | 2010
Salvatore Fasulo; Sergio Marino; Angela Mauceri; Maria Maisano; Alessia Giannetto; Alessia D'Agata; Vincenzo Parrino; Roberta Minutoli; Elena De Domenico
To monitor the health of aquatic organisms, biomarkers have been used as effective tools in assessing environmental risk. In this study was examined the teleost Coris julis, sampled in two marine sites in Messina (Italy) at different pollution degree, Milazzo, characterized by a strong anthropogenic impact, and Marinello, the natural reserve. C. julis is a species particularly suitable to biomonitoring because its feeding habits favor bio-accumulation of xenobiotics. The following biomarkers were used to estimate the impact of highly persistent pollutants: cellular localization of cytochrome P4501A (CYP1A) and glutathione-S-transferase (GST) in the liver, their hepatic expression at the mRNA level, the enzymatic activity (EROD and BPMO), the micronucleus and comet assays in the blood, esterases (AChE in the brain and BChE in the blood) activity and evaluation of PAH metabolites in the bile. The present findings provide evidence of statistically significant differences in parameters between individuals collected in two sites.