Mariastefania De Vido
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Optics Letters | 2016
Saumyabrata Banerjee; Paul D. Mason; Klaus Ertel; P. Jonathan Phillips; Mariastefania De Vido; Oleg Chekhlov; Martin Divoky; Jan Pilar; Jodie Smith; Thomas J. Butcher; Andrew Lintern; Steph Tomlinson; Waseem Shaikh; C. J. Hooker; Antonio Lucianetti; Cristina Hernandez-Gomez; Tomas Mocek; C.B. Edwards; John Collier
We report on the successful demonstration of a 100 J-level, diode pumped solid state laser based on cryogenic gas cooled, multi-slab ceramic Yb:YAG amplifier technology. When operated at 175 K, the system delivered a pulse energy of 107 J at a 1 Hz repetition rate and 10 ns pulse duration, pumped by 506 J of diode energy at 940 nm, corresponding to an optical-to-optical efficiency of 21%. To the best of our knowledge, this represents the highest energy obtained from a nanosecond pulsed diode pumped solid state laser. This demonstration confirms the energy scalability of the diode pumped optical laser for experiments laser architecture.
Optica | 2017
Paul D. Mason; Martin Divoký; Klaus Ertel; Jan Pilař; Thomas J. Butcher; Martin Hanus; Saumyabrata Banerjee; Jonathan Phillips; Jodie Smith; Mariastefania De Vido; Antonio Lucianetti; Cristina Hernandez-Gomez; Chris Edwards; Tomas Mocek; John Collier
We report efficient and stable operation of the first multi-joule diode pumped solid state laser delivering 1 kW average power in 105 J, 10 ns pulses at 10 Hz, confirming the power scalability of multi-slab cryogenic gas-cooled amplifier technology.
Proceedings of SPIE | 2015
Paul D. Mason; Saumyabrata Banerjee; Klaus Ertel; P. J. Phillips; Thomas J. Butcher; Jodie Smith; Mariastefania De Vido; Stephanie Tomlinson; Oleg Chekhlov; Waseem Shaikh; Steve Blake; Paul Holligan; Martin Divoky; Jan Pilar; Cristina Hernandez-Gomez; R. Justin S. Greenhalgh; J. L. Collier
In this paper we provide an overview of the design of DiPOLE100, a cryogenic gas-cooled DPSSL system based on Yb:YAG multi-slab amplifier technology, designed to efficiently produce 100 J pulses, between 2 and 10 ns in duration, at up to 10 Hz repetition rate. The current system is being built at the CLF for the HiLASE project and details of the front end, intermediate 10J cryo-amplifier and main 100J cryo-amplifier are presented. To date, temporal and spatial pulse shaping from the front end has been demonstrated, with 10 ns pulses of arbitrary shape (flat-top, linear ramps, and exponentials) produced with energies up to 150 mJ at 10 Hz. The pump diodes and cryogenic gas cooling system for the 10J cryo-amplifier have been fully commissioned and laser amplification testing has begun. The 100J, 940 nm pump sources have met full specification delivering pulses with 250 kW peak power and duration up to 1.2 ms at 10 Hz, corresponding to 3 kW average power each. An intensity modulation across the 78 mm square flat-top profile of < 5 % rms was measured. The 100J gain media slabs have been supplied and their optical characteristics tested. Commissioning of the 100J amplifier will commence shortly.
Optics Express | 2016
Jonathan Phillips; Saumyabrata Banerjee; Jodie Smith; Mike Fitton; Tristan Davenne; Klaus Ertel; Paul D. Mason; Thomas J. Butcher; Mariastefania De Vido; J. Greenhalgh; C.B. Edwards; Cristina Hernandez-Gomez; John Collier
We report on type-I phase-matched second harmonic generation (SHG) in three nonlinear crystals: DKDP (98% deuteration), YCOB (XZ plane), and LBO (XY plane), of 8 J, 10 Hz cryogenic gas cooled Yb:YAG laser operating at 1029.5 nm. DKDP exhibited an efficiency of 45% at a peak fundamental intensity of 0.24 GW/cm2 for 10 Hz operation at 10 ns. At the same intensity and repetition rate, YCOB and LBO showed 50% and 65% conversion efficiencies, respectively. Significant improvement in conversion efficiency, to a maximum of 82%, was demonstrated in LBO at 0.7 GW/cm2 and 10 Hz, generating output energy of 5.6 J at 514.75 nm, without damage or degradation. However, no improvement in conversion efficiency was recorded for YCOB at this increased intensity. Additionally, we present theoretically calculated temperature maps for both 10 J and 100 J operation at 10 Hz, and discuss the suitability of these three crystals for frequency conversion of a 100 J, 10 Hz diode pumped solid state laser (DPSSL).
conference on lasers and electro optics | 2015
Saumyabrata Banerjee; Klaus Ertel; Paul D. Mason; P. Jonathan Phillips; Mariastefania De Vido; Jodie Smith; Thomas J. Butcher; Martin Divoky; Jan Pilar; Cristina Hernandez-Gomez; R. Justin S. Greenhalgh; John Collier
We report the demonstration of a cryogenic gas cooled multi-slab Yb:YAG laser, producing 10.8 J pulses at 10 Hz, and initial results from a scaled-up DPSSL designed to produce 100 J pulses.
Optical Materials Express | 2017
Mariastefania De Vido; David Meissner; Stephanie K. Meissner; Klaus Ertel; P. Jonathan Phillips; Paul D. Mason; Saumyabrata Banerjee; Thomas J. Butcher; Jodie Smith; Chris Edwards; Cristina Hernandez-Gomez; J. L. Collier
We report on the application of the adhesive-free bonding (AFB) technique to form Yb-doped crystalline yttrium aluminum garnet (Yb:YAG) gain media slabs. We performed experiments to characterise mechanical strength, optical quality and laser-induced damage threshold (LIDT) of bonded substrates. We demonstrate that mechanical properties of bonded samples are similar to those of monolithic substrates. We show that the presence of a bonding interface does not introduce unwanted wavefront deformations and does not increase the probability of laser-induced damage onset. Results indicate that the AFB technique constitutes a viable alternative for producing large aperture gain media slabs required for high-energy laser systems.
Proceedings of SPIE | 2015
Klaus Ertel; Saumyabrata Banerjee; Thomas J. Butcher; Mariastefania De Vido; Paul D. Mason; P. J. Phillips; David Richards; Waseem Shaikh; Jodie Smith; R. Justin S. Greenhalgh; Cristina Hernandez-Gomez; J. L. Collier
Lasers generating multi-J to kJ ns-pulses are required for many types of laser-plasma interactions. Such lasers are either used directly for compressing matter to extreme densities or they serve as pump lasers for short-pulses laser chains based on large-aperture Ti:sapphire or parametric amplifiers. The thus generated high-energy fs-pulses are most useful for laser driven secondary sources of particles (electrons, protons) or photons (from THz to gamma). While proof-of-principle experiments have been carried out with flashlamp-pumped glass lasers, lasers with much higher efficiency and repetition rate are required to make this applications practically viable. We have developed a scalable new laser concept called DiPOLE (diode pumped optical laser for experiments) based on a gas-cooled ceramic Yb:YAG multi-slab architecture operating at cryogenic temperatures. While the viability of this concept has been shown earlier [1], we have now reached our target performance of 10 J pulse energy at 10 Hz repetition rate at an optical-to-optical efficiency of 21%. To the best of our knowledge, these are record values for average power and efficiency for lasers of this type. We have also upgraded the system by adding a fibre-based front-end system with arbitrary pulse shaping capability and by installing an image-relayed multipass system enabling up to eight passes of the main amplifier. We have then used this system to demonstrate frequency doubling with 65 % conversion efficiency and a long-term shot-to-shot stability of 0.5% rms over a total of nearly 2 million shots, achieved in runs extending over 4 to 6 hours.
Proceedings of SPIE | 2016
Paul D. Mason; Saumyabrata Banerjee; Klaus Ertel; P. Jonathan Phillips; Thomas J. Butcher; Jodie Smith; Mariastefania De Vido; Oleg Chekhlov; Cristina Hernandez-Gomez; Chris Edwards; John R. Collier
In this paper we review the development of high energy, nanosecond pulsed diode-pumped solid state lasers within the Central Laser Facility (CLF) based on cryogenic gas cooled multi-slab ceramic Yb:YAG amplifier technology. To date two 10J-scale systems, the DiPOLE prototype amplifier and an improved DIPOLE10 system, have been developed, and most recently a larger scale system, DiPOLE100, designed to produce 100 J pulses at up to 10 Hz. These systems have demonstrated amplification of 10 ns duration pulses at 1030 nm to energies in excess of 10 J at 10 Hz pulse repetition rate, and over 100 J at 1 Hz, with optical-to-optical conversion efficiencies of up to 27%. We present an overview of the cryo-amplifier concept and compare the design features of these three systems, including details of the amplifier designs, gain media, diode pump lasers and the cryogenic gas cooling systems. The most recent performance results from the three systems are presented along with future plans for high energy DPSSL development within the CLF.
Solid State Lasers XXVII: Technology and Devices | 2018
Jodie Smith; Thomas J. Butcher; Paul D. Mason; Klaus Ertel; Saumyabrata Banerjee; Mariastefania De Vido; Oleg Chekhlov; Martin Divoký; Jan Pilar; Waseem Shaikh; C. J. Hooker; Cristina Hernandez-Gomez; C.B. Edwards; J. L. Collier; Antonio Lucianetti; Tomas Mocek; P. Jonathan Phillips
We report on the successful demonstration of the world’s first kW average power, 100 Joule-class, high-energy, nanosecond pulsed diode-pumped solid-state laser (DPSSL), DiPOLE100. Results from the first long-term test for amplification will be presented; the system was operated for 1 hour with 10 ns duration pulses at 10 Hz pulse repetition rate and an average output energy of 105 J and RMS energy stability of approximately 1%. The laser system is based on scalable cryogenic gas-cooled multi-slab ceramic Yb:YAG amplifier technology. The DiPOLE100 system comprises three major sub-systems, a spatially and temporally shaped front end, a 10 J cryo-amplifier and a 100 J cryo-amplifier. The 10 J cryo-amplifier contain four Yb:YAG ceramic gain media slabs, which are diode pumped from both sides, while a multi-pass architecture configured for seven passes enables 10 J of energy to be extracted at 10 Hz. This seeds the 100 J cryo-amplifier, which contains six Yb:YAG ceramic gain media slabs with the multi-pass configured for four passes. Our future development plans for this architecture will be introduced including closed-loop pulse shaping, increased energy, higher repetition rates and picosecond operation. This laser architecture unlocks the potential for practical applications including new sources for industrial materials processing and high intensity laser matter studies as envisioned for ELI [1], HiLASE [2], and the European XFEL [3]. Alternatively, it can be used as a pump source for higher repetition rate PW-class amplifiers, which can themselves generate high-brightness secondary radiation and ion sources leading to new remote imaging and medical applications.
Solid State Lasers XXVII: Technology and Devices | 2018
Petr Navratil; Ondrej Slezak; Jan Pilar; Klaus Ertel; Martin Hanus; Saumyabrata Banerjee; P. Jonathan Phillips; Jodie Smith; Mariastefania De Vido; Antonio Lucianetti; Cristina Hernandez-Gomez; C.B. Edwards; J. L. Collier; Tomas Mocek; Paul D. Mason; Martin Divoký; Thomas J. Butcher
The HiLASE “Bivoj” laser system developed at CLF Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in collaboration with HiLASE team as DiPOLE100 was relocated to Dolni Brezany near Prague, Czechia at the end of 2015 and fully re-commissioned at the end of 2016. In 2016, the system demonstrated average output power of 1kW generating pulses of 105 J at 10 Hz repetition rate for the first time in the world. Since then the system has been subjected to several testing campaigns in order to determine some of its key characteristics. Beam quality, wavefront quality, pointing stability, energy stability and experience with long term operation of 1 kW laser are presented. In addition, depolarization effects have been detected inside the main amplifier. Details on these results along with numerical simulations are presented.