Mariel Vazquez
San Francisco State University
Featured researches published by Mariel Vazquez.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2002
Javier Arsuaga; Mariel Vazquez; Sonia Trigueros; De Witt Sumners; Joaquim Roca
When linear double-stranded DNA is packed inside bacteriophage capsids, it becomes highly compacted. However, the phage is believed to be fully effective only if the DNA is not entangled. Nevertheless, when DNA is extracted from a tailless mutant of the P4 phage, DNA is found to be cyclic and knotted (probability of 0.95). The knot spectrum is very complex, and most of the knots have a large number of crossings. We quantified the frequency and crossing numbers of these knots and concluded that, for the P4 tailless mutant, at least half the knotted molecules are formed while the DNA is still inside the viral capsid rather than during extraction. To analyze the origin of the knots formed inside the capsid, we compared our experimental results to Monte Carlo simulations of random knotting of equilateral polygons in confined volumes. These simulations showed that confinement of closed chains to tightly restricted volumes results in high knotting probabilities and the formation of knots with large crossing numbers. We conclude that the formation of the knots inside the viral capsid is driven mainly by the effects of confinement.
Biophysical Chemistry | 2002
Javier Arsuaga; Robert K.-Z. Tan; Mariel Vazquez; De Witt Sumners; Stephen C. Harvey
A simple molecular mechanics model has been used to investigate optimal spool-like packing conformations of double-stranded DNA molecules in viral capsids with icosahedral symmetry. The model represents an elastic segmented chain by using one pseudoatom for each ten basepairs (roughly one turn of the DNA double helix). Force constants for the various terms in the energy function were chosen to approximate known physical properties, and a radial restraint was used to confine the DNA into a sphere with a volume corresponding to that of a typical bacteriophage capsid. When the DNA fills 90% of the spherical volume, optimal packaging is obtained for coaxially spooled models, but this result does not hold when the void volume is larger. When only 60% of the spherical volume is filled with DNA, the lowest energy structure has two layers, with a coiled core packed at an angle to an outer coaxially spooled shell. This relieves bending strain associated with tight curvature near the poles in a model with 100% coaxial spooling. Interestingly, the supercoiling density of these models is very similar to typical values observed in plasmids in bacterial cells. Potential applications of the methodology are also discussed.
Journal of Cell Biology | 2002
Michael N. Cornforth; Karin M. Greulich-Bode; Bradford D. Loucas; Javier Arsuaga; Mariel Vazquez; Rainer K. Sachs; Martina Brückner; Michael Molls; Philip Hahnfeldt; Lynn Hlatky; David J. Brenner
To test quantitatively whether there are systematic chromosome–chromosome associations within human interphase nuclei, interchanges between all possible heterologous pairs of chromosomes were measured with 24-color whole-chromosome painting (multiplex FISH), after damage to interphase lymphocytes by sparsely ionizing radiation in vitro. An excess of interchanges for a specific chromosome pair would indicate spatial proximity between the chromosomes comprising that pair. The experimental design was such that quite small deviations from randomness (extra pairwise interchanges within a group of chromosomes) would be detectable. The only statistically significant chromosome cluster was a group of five chromosomes previously observed to be preferentially located near the center of the nucleus. However, quantitatively, the overall deviation from randomness within the whole genome was small. Thus, whereas some chromosome–chromosome associations are clearly present, at the whole-chromosomal level, the predominant overall pattern appears to be spatially random.
The EMBO Journal | 2007
Ian Grainge; Migena Bregu; Mariel Vazquez; Viknesh Sivanathan; Stephen C. Y. Ip; David J. Sherratt
A challenge for chromosome segregation in all domains of life is the formation of catenated progeny chromosomes, which arise during replication as a consequence of the interwound strands of the DNA double helix. Topoisomerases play a key role in DNA unlinking both during and at the completion of replication. Here we report that chromosome unlinking can instead be accomplished by multiple rounds of site‐specific recombination. We show that step‐wise, site‐specific recombination by XerCD‐dif or Cre‐loxP can unlink bacterial chromosomes in vivo, in reactions that require KOPS‐guided DNA translocation by FtsK. Furthermore, we show that overexpression of a cytoplasmic FtsK derivative is sufficient to allow chromosome unlinking by XerCD‐dif recombination when either subunit of TopoIV is inactivated. We conclude that FtsK acts in vivo to simplify chromosomal topology as Xer recombination interconverts monomeric and dimeric chromosomes.
Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society | 2004
Mariel Vazquez; De Witt Sumners
We use the tangle model to study the action of the site-specific recombinase Gin, an enzyme that can introduce topological changes on circular DNA molecules. Gin and its bound DNA are modelled as a 2-string tangle which undergoes changes during recombination, thereby changing the topology of the DNA substrate. We show that the tangles involved in the analysis are all rational tangles. This technique allows us to prove that, under the model’s assumptions, there is a unique topological description of the enzymatic action. The Gin system is one of the few to date where tangle analysis can be carried out systematically and rigorously, yielding a single, biologically reasonable solution.
Bioinformatics | 2002
Yuki Saka; Mariel Vazquez
UNLABELLED TangleSolve is a program for analysing site-specific recombination using the tangle model. The program offers an easy-to-use graphical user interface and a visualization tool. Biologists working in topological enzymology can use this program to compute and visualize site-specific recombination mechanisms that accommodate their experimental data. TangleSolve can also prove useful as a teaching aid for mathematical biology and computational molecular biology courses. AVAILABILITY
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2013
Koya Shimokawa; Kai Ishihara; Ian Grainge; David J. Sherratt; Mariel Vazquez
Significance Newly replicated circular chromosomes are topologically linked. XerC/XerD-dif (XerCD-dif)–FtsK recombination acts in the replication termination region of the Escherichia coli chromosome to remove links introduced during homologous recombination and replication, whereas Topoisomerase IV removes replication links only. Based on gel mobility patterns of the products of recombination, a stepwise unlinking pathway has been proposed. Here, we present a rigorous mathematical validation of this model, a significant advance over prior biological approaches. We show definitively that there is a unique shortest pathway of unlinking by XerCD-dif–FtsK that strictly reduces the complexity of the links at every step. We delineate the mechanism of action of the enzymes at each step along this pathway and provide a 3D interpretation of the results. In Escherichia coli, complete unlinking of newly replicated sister chromosomes is required to ensure their proper segregation at cell division. Whereas replication links are removed primarily by topoisomerase IV, XerC/XerD-dif site-specific recombination can mediate sister chromosome unlinking in Topoisomerase IV-deficient cells. This reaction is activated at the division septum by the DNA translocase FtsK, which coordinates the last stages of chromosome segregation with cell division. It has been proposed that, after being activated by FtsK, XerC/XerD-dif recombination removes DNA links in a stepwise manner. Here, we provide a mathematically rigorous characterization of this topological mechanism of DNA unlinking. We show that stepwise unlinking is the only possible pathway that strictly reduces the complexity of the substrates at each step. Finally, we propose a topological mechanism for this unlinking reaction.
Journal of Physics A | 2009
Kai Ishihara; Javier Arsuaga; Yuanan Diao; Koya Shimokawa; Mariel Vazquez
Knots are found in DNA as well as in proteins, and they have been shown to be good tools for structural analysis of these molecules. An important parameter to consider in the artificial construction of these molecules is the minimum number of monomers needed to make a knot. Here we address this problem by characterizing, both analytically and numerically, the minimum length (also called minimum step number) needed to form a particular knot in the simple cubic lattice. Our analytical work is based on improvement of a method introduced by Diao to enumerate conformations of a given knot type for a fixed length. This method allows us to extend the previously known result on the minimum step number of the trefoil knot 31 (which is 24) to the knots 41 and 51 and show that the minimum step numbers for the 41 and 51 knots are 30 and 34, respectively. Using an independent method based on the BFACF algorithm, we provide a complete list of numerical estimates (upper bounds) of the minimum step numbers for prime knots up to ten crossings, which are improvements over current published numerical results. We enumerate all minimum lattice knots of a given type and partition them into classes defined by BFACF type 0 moves.
Biostatistics | 2014
Mark R. Segal; Hao Xiong; Daniel Capurso; Mariel Vazquez; Javier Arsuaga
It is widely recognized that the three-dimensional (3D) architecture of eukaryotic chromatin plays an important role in processes such as gene regulation and cancer-driving gene fusions. Observing or inferring this 3D structure at even modest resolutions had been problematic, since genomes are highly condensed and traditional assays are coarse. However, recently devised high-throughput molecular techniques have changed this situation. Notably, the development of a suite of chromatin conformation capture (CCC) assays has enabled elicitation of contacts-spatially close chromosomal loci-which have provided insights into chromatin architecture. Most analysis of CCC data has focused on the contact level, with less effort directed toward obtaining 3D reconstructions and evaluating the accuracy and reproducibility thereof. While questions of accuracy must be addressed experimentally, questions of reproducibility can be addressed statistically-the purpose of this paper. We use a constrained optimization technique to reconstruct chromatin configurations for a number of closely related yeast datasets and assess reproducibility using four metrics that measure the distance between 3D configurations. The first of these, Procrustes fitting, measures configuration closeness after applying reflection, rotation, translation, and scaling-based alignment of the structures. The others base comparisons on the within-configuration inter-point distance matrix. Inferential results for these metrics rely on suitable permutation approaches. Results indicate that distance matrix-based approaches are preferable to Procrustes analysis, not because of the metrics per se but rather on account of the ability to customize permutation schemes to handle within-chromosome contiguity. It has recently been emphasized that the use of constrained optimization approaches to 3D architecture reconstruction are prone to being trapped in local minima. Our methods of reproducibility assessment provide a means for comparing 3D reconstruction solutions so that we can discern between local and global optima by contrasting solutions under perturbed inputs.
Algebraic & Geometric Topology | 2009
Isabel K. Darcy; John Luecke; Mariel Vazquez
We develop topological methods for analyzing difference topology experiments involving 3‐string tangles. Difference topology is a novel technique used to unveil the structure of stable protein-DNA complexes. We analyze such experiments for the Mu protein-DNA complex. We characterize the solutions to the corresponding tangle equations by certain knotted graphs. By investigating planarity conditions on these graphs we show that there is a unique biologically relevant solution. That is, we show there is a unique rational tangle solution, which is also the unique solution with small crossing number. 57M25, 92C40