Marika Veisson
Tallinn University
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Featured researches published by Marika Veisson.
European Early Childhood Education Research Journal | 2009
Eeva Hujala; Leena Turja; Maria Filomena Gaspar; Marika Veisson; Manjula Waniganayake
ABSTRACT Societal conditions impacting on parenting have radically changed during the past two decades. There is variation between and within societies depending on social, cultural, political and economic factors. Today, Early Childhood and Care (ECEC) services play an increasingly important role in supporting families with young children during birth to the age of compulsory education. Accordingly, the collaboration between families and early childhood professionals has emerged as an essential topic of educational research and professional development. The International Parent–Professional Partnerships (IPP) research study focuses on the contemporary challenges of the parent–teacher partnerships in early childhood education from a cross‐cultural perspective. The purpose of the research is to examine parent–teacher partnerships in ECEC services in Estonia, Finland, Lithuania, Norway and Portugal by looking into the national contexts and comparing these findings with each other. The research utilises both quantitative and qualitative analysis of survey data collected in the participating countries. The survey questionnaire focuses on teachers’ views of parents’ involvement in ECEC centres. The results show that there are differences in teachers’ approaches to parent–teacher partnerships between societies as well as within each country. Parents also differ in their capacity to develop and maintain partnerships with teachers. It seems that there are differences in the professional status of the teachers in each country, which are, in turn, connected to the parents’ role in the parent–teacher partnerships in ECEC services. This study aims to deepen the understanding of the nature of parent–teacher partnerships in contemporary contexts of early childhood education through cross‐cultural research, and to enhance the training and professional development of early childhood professionals. RÉSUMÉ: Au cours de ces vingt dernières années les contextes sociaux, économiques, culturels et politiques qui influent sur le statut et la fonction des parents ont considérablement évolué au sein d’une société et d’une société à l’autre. De plus, les structures d’accueil et d’éducation de la petite enfance jouent un rôle de plus en plus important dans l’accompagnement des parents des jeunes enfants, depuis la naissance jusqu’à l’âge de la scolarité obligatoire. Ceci explique la place importante qu’occupe, dans la recherche sur l’éducation précoce, l’étude des modalités de partenariat entre les familles et les professionnels des structures de garde et d’éducation. L’article s’appuie sur les données de l’étude The International Parent–Professional Partnerships (IPP) portant sur les enjeux contemporains du partenariat entre parents et professionnels de la petite enfance dans une perspective multiculturelle. Cette étude porte sur les formes de partenariat en Estonie, en Finlande, en Lituanie, en Norvège et au Portugal, qu’elle examine dans leurs contextes nationaux et qu’elle compare. L’étude s’appuie sur des analyses quantitatives et qualitatives de données issues d’une enquête réalisée dans les pays participants. Le questionnaire de l’enquête était centré sur les points de vue des enseignants sur l’implication des parents dans les structures de la petite enfance. Les résultats montrent que les approches des enseignants concernant le partenariat avec les parents diffèrent et ce, aussi bien au sein d’une même société qu’entre les différentes sociétés. La capacité des parents à développer et maintenir le partenariat avec les enseignants diffère également. Il semble que les différences existant au niveau du statut professionnel des enseignants dans chacun des pays influent sur le rôle des parents au sein du partenariat dans les structures de la petite enfance. Cette étude a pour but d’approfondir la compréhension de la nature du partenariat entre les parents et les professionnels dans les contextes contemporains de l’éducation de la petite enfance, par la recherche comparative, et d’améliorer la formation et le développement professionnel des praticiens de la petite enfance. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Die die Elternschaft beeinflussende gesellschaftliche Realität hat sich in den letzten zwanzig Jahren radikal verändert. Kulturelle, politische und wirtschaftliche Faktoren verursachen Unterschiede in der Elternschaft sowohl innerhalb einer Gesellschaft als auch zwischen verschiedenen Gesellschaften. Heutzutage wird als eine immer wichtigere Aufgabe der Tagespflege die Unterstützung der Eltern gesehen. Die Zusammenarbeit zwischen Familie und Tagespflege ist in den Fokus sowohl der Erforschung der Vorschulpädagogik als auch der Ausbildung von Fachpersonal gerückt. Die internationale Studie zur Elternpartizipation (The International Parent–Professional Partnerships, IPP) konzentriert sich auf die Herausforderungen der Zusammenarbeit von Eltern und Fachpersonal in der Kinderbetreuung. Theoretische Grundannahme der Studie ist das Verständnis einer kontextuell definierten Erziehung, m.a.w. einer auf der kindlichen Wirklichkeit beruhenden Erziehung. Ziel der Studie ist die Erforschung der Zusammenarbeit von Eltern und Fachpersonal in Estland, Finnland, Litauen, Norwegen und Portugal. Besonderes Augenmerk liegt sowohl auf den Bedingungen der Zusammenarbeit als auch auf den praktischen Unterschieden und Gemeinsamkeiten in den genannten Ländern. Für die Untersuchung wurden quantitative und qualitative Analysen von Umfrageergebnissen durchgeführt, mittels derer die Sicht der Pädagogen auf die Familien und deren Aktivität bei der Zusammenarbeit mit den Kindertagesstätten erfasst wurde. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass es in der Annäherung der Pädagogen an die Zusammenarbeit von Eltern und Betreuern nicht nur im Ländervergleich, sondern auch innerhalb eines Landes Unterschiede gibt. Nach Ansicht der Pädagogen gibt es Unterschiede in der Fähigkeit der Eltern zur Entwicklung und Aufrechterhaltung der Erziehungspartnerschaft. Es scheint im Ländervergleich Differenzen im beruflichen Status und in der Bewertung der elterlichen Rolle als Erziehungspartner durch die Pädagogen zu geben. Ziel der Studie ist es durch einen internationalen Vergleich das Verständnis von der Art der Erziehungspartnerschaft zwischen Eltern und Fachkräften in verschiedenen gesellschaftlichen Kontexten zu vertiefen. Die Ergebnisse der Studie lassen sich sowohl für die frühpädagogische Ausbildung als auch in der beruflichen Fortbildung des Fachpersonals nutzen. RESUMEN: Las realidades sociales que influyen en las competencias de los padres han cambiado mucho en las últimos dos décadas. Los factores culturales, políticos y económicos originan diferencias en el ejercicio de la paternidad tanto entre distintas sociedades, como en el seno de una misma sociedad. Actualmente, las guarderías desempeñan un papel cada vez más importante como punto de apoyo a los padres. La colaboración entre la familia y las escuelas infantiles se ha convertido en un objeto de estudio relevante en el ámbito de la educación preescolar y en la formación del profesorado de educación infantil. El estudio internacional sobre la participación de los padres (The International Parent–Professional Partnerships, IPP) se centra en los retos existentes en materia de colaboración entre los padres y el profesorado de educación infantil desde una perspectiva intercultural. El objetivo de la investigación es estudiar los índices de colaboración entre los padres y el profesorado de educación infantil en Estonia, Finlandia, Islandia Lituania, Noruega y Portugal, así como comparar las diferencias y similitudes de los criterios de colaboración constatados en dichos países. El método usado para recabar datos es el de cuestionario survey, mediante el cual se han obtenido datos sobre la impresión que el profesorado tiene de las familias y sobre el grado de involucración de los padres en la colaboración con las escuelas infantiles. Los resultados señalan que existen diferencias, tanto entre las distintas sociedades estudiadas como en el seno de una misma sociedad, en cuanto al enfoque que los profesores dan a la colaboración de la familia y las escuelas infantiles en materia de educación. Los profesores consideran que existen diferencias en la aptitud de los padres para desarrollar y mantener el grado de colaboración en lo relativo a la educación. Parece ser que también existen diferencias entre las distintas sociedades estudiadas en cuanto al estatus profesional del profesorado y a cómo los profesores interpretan el papel participativo de los padres en la educación. El objetivo del estudio es profundizar en la comprensión de la naturaleza de la colaboración entre los padres y el profesorado en materia de educación en diferentes contextos sociales a través de una comparación internacional. Los conocimientos obtenidos serán aprovechados en la formación de profesorado de educación infantil y contribuirán a impulsar el desarrollo profesional del profesorado de educación infantil.
Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability | 2015
Anita Pipere; Marika Veisson; Ilga Salīte
Abstract This study marks the end of the UN Decade of Education for Sustainable Development that coincides with the 10th anniversary of the Baltic and Black Sea Circle Consortium on Educational Research (BBCC), and aims to analyse the research output performance of BBCC members and other scholars published in the Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability (JTEFS) during this last decade. Using the methodology of bibliometric study and literature review, the authors describe the main bibliographic indicators of JTEFS and provide a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the research paradigms and their developmental changes in the papers published by JTEFS (2005ñ2014). The results of the study show that in general the journal has evolved in line with the advanced trends in educational research, research in teacher education, research in sustainability education and sustainability studies in higher education. The analysis of published papers indicates both the progress and issues of research in teacher education for sustainability. The authors conclude with some visionary insights into the further development of JTEFS and this research field in general.
Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability | 2008
Karin Lukk; Marika Veisson; Loone Ots
Characteristics of Sustainable Changes for Schools The article discusses some aspects of the concept of sustainable development and its educational manifestation - education for sustainable development. The concept of education for sustainable development is broadly accepted, but less attention has been paid to the extent to which innovations or changes are sustained over time, what characteristics or factors support their sustainability. The article introduces a model of six characteristics of sustainable changes in schools and changes concerning sustainable development in Estonian schools have been analyzed using qualitative research methods. The model consists of the following characteristics: depth, endurance, justice, diversity, conservation, and capital. According to the model, the positive changes in Estonian schools have been about the national curriculum, internal evaluation system as the basis for autonomy and self-management. The areas requiring greater change are justice or interdependence, diversity - respect for other people and the connections between formal and non-formal education as well as between schools and teacher training institutions.
European Early Childhood Education Research Journal | 2016
Tiina Peterson; Marika Veisson; Eeva Hujala; Ulla Härkönen; Anette Sandberg; Inge Johansson; Eva Katalin Kovacsne Bakosi
The current study investigated the ratings of Estonian, Finnish, Swedish and Hungarian preschool teachers and principals regarding the professionalism of preschool teachers within a cross-cultural context. According to reports commissioned by the European Commission and OECD, the professionalism of preschool teachers is a key factor in ensuring the quality of early childhood education. The study is based on the contextual approach in the bio-ecological theory and critical ecology theory of early childhood professionalism. The research question was: what are ratings of principals and teachers regarding the professionalism of preschool teachers in interaction and family involvement, the planning of education and the evaluation of childrens development, using teaching strategies and support for professional development, creating a growth environment and the development of values. Structured questionnaires were conducted, the sample consisted of teachers and principals in Estonian (174/118), Finnish (82/84), Swedish (117/96) and Hungarian (111/99) preschools. In the comparison of the results from the four countries, there were similarities between the views of Finnish and Swedish teachers and principals and between Estonian and Hungarian teachers and principals. Differences between the countries were significant and depended on the context of the individual countries. Highest mean ratings were given by Estonian and Hungarian principals and Estonian teachers to creating growth environment. Development of values was evaluated highest by Finnish principals and teachers. Swedish teachers evaluated teaching strategies highly. The statements that got the lowest evaluation rate by all interest groups were family involvement and professional development.
Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability | 2015
Pärje Ülavere; Marika Veisson
Abstract The objective of the study was to provide an outline of the values that principals, teachers and parents of preschool child care institutions consider important to be taught to children, and which activities, in their estimation, should be used to implement values education in child care institutions. A total of 978 respondents from all 15 Estonian counties returned the quantitative questionnaire, including 163 principals, 425 teachers, and 390 parents of preschool child care institutions. The statistical data analysis was applied to process the quantitative data obtained. The values that are more important to be taught to children, according to principals, include sense of humour as well as pride and inventiveness, whereas teachers value patience as a significantly more important value to be taught. Compared to principals, parents consider confidence and commitment more important, while, compared to teachers, parents consider it more important that kindergartens teach the importance of a good education. Values education in child care institutions takes place primarily in adherence to the relevant group’s rules in the course of everyday communication and activities. Personal role models are considered to be very important in values education.
Journal of Teacher Education for Sustainability | 2007
Karin Lukk; Marika Veisson
Building Social Capital Through Home-School Cooperation The background to the study examines parental involvement in education as a form of social capital and focuses on how involvement may be developed through three dimensions of social capital: bonding, bridging, and linking. Both groups (students and parents) were surveyed using questionnaires. The data of two different studies have been used: a cross-sectional study carried out in sixty-five schools in Estonia and a study of a comprehensive school to introduce practical implementations of the findings. The results of the studies indicate a high degree of readiness for cooperation from both sides - parents and the school, even though their understanding of responsibilities slightly differ. Parents and teachers should have mutual power and influence regarding the childs education, although schools have to take the prime responsibility in organizing the cooperation process.
Education 3-13 | 2018
Kerli Stein; Marika Veisson; Tiia Õun; Tiiu Tammemäe
ABSTRACT Transition from early childhood education to primary school is a complex phenomenon. This situation, moving from one educational system to another, is exciting, but can also be stressful for the child, her family and preschool teachers. Smooth transition to primary school helps children feel secure, relaxed and comfortable in their new environments. The current study, highlighting how Estonian preschool teachers comprehend their pedagogical activities in supporting children’s school readiness, was conducted using semi-structured interviews. There were 15 participants, preschool teachers, who at the moment of research taught in groups where children were between the ages of 6 and 7. As a result of completing the above procedure, research findings highlight that there is a lack of collaboration between preschools, schools and local neighbourhoods, but teachers try different methods individually when introducing school environment to children.
Early Years | 2017
Pärje Ülavere; Marika Veisson
Abstract The objective of this study was to analyse assessments made by principals, teachers and parents regarding the performance of values education in Estonian kindergartens. Six fields of activity were investigated: formulating and explaining values, promoting values, having a systematic approach towards values education, kindergarten culture, collaboration, and development activities related to values education. The authors also sought to identify the main values in preschool childcare institutions/kindergartens. Altogether, 978 respondents across Estonia returned the questionnaire. Principals, teachers and parents consider values education in kindergartens to be very important. Parent assessments of childcare institution activities related to values education are mostly lower than those given by teachers and principals, while parents assess collaboration with kindergartens at a higher level and emphasise their own part in the values education of a childcare institution. Discussions with teachers and parents play a significant role in kindergartens. It was mostly collaboration that was named as the core value for a kindergarten, followed by safety, caring, openness, child-orientation, health, trust, friendliness, traditions, professionalism, honesty and tolerance.
Social Behavior and Personality | 2007
Viive-Riina Ruus; Marika Veisson; Mare Leino; Loone Ots; Linda Pallas; Ene-Silvia Sarv; anneLi Veisson
US-China education review | 2009
Marika Veisson