
Escola Anna Nery | 2011

Sistematização da assistência de enfermagem como ferramenta da gerência do cuidado: estudo de caso

Érica Torres; Bárbara Pompeu Christovam; Patrícia Claro dos Santos Fuly; Zenith Rosa Silvino; Marilda Andrade

Resumen It’s about a qualitative study, a single case study type, where was adopted a triangulation of techniques in order to obtain data collection (structured questionnaire, systematic observation and documental analysis) and content analysis according to Bardin for analysis. The objective was to determine whether the nurses of the infectious diseases of a university hospital consider the Systematization of nursing assistance (SNA) as a tool for care management and examine whether the SNA as a management instrument, provides the basis for their actions of caring. It was identified that the subjects understand what the SNA is and what the care management means, and that they see a relationship between both of them. It was detected that there is a gap between what is said and what is really practiced. It’s not possible to consider that the SNA, as a management tool, provides the basis for caring. Strategies that allow the management of nursing services to get a feedback on these aspects are recommended.Resumen It’s about a qualitative study, a single case study type, where was adopted a triangulation of techniques in order to obtain data collection (structured questionnaire, systematic observation and documental analysis) and content analysis according to Bardin for analysis. The objective was to determine whether the nurses of the infectious diseases of a university hospital consider the Systematization of nursing assistance (SNA) as a tool for care management and examine whether the SNA as a management instrument, provides the basis for their actions of caring. It was identified that the subjects understand what the SNA is and what the care management means, and that they see a relationship between both of them. It was detected that there is a gap between what is said and what is really practiced. It’s not possible to consider that the SNA, as a management tool, provides the basis for caring. Strategies that allow the management of nursing services to get a feedback on these aspects are recommended.

Ciencia & Saude Coletiva | 2013

Acompanhamento hospitalar: direito ou concessão ao usuário hospitalizado?

Ieda Cristina Pereira Sanches; Ingrid Ramos Reis Couto; Ana Lúcia Abrahão; Marilda Andrade

O estudo objetivou conhecer a percepcao e as dificuldades ao exercicio do acompanhamento hospitalar nas unidades de internacao cirurgica de um hospital publico do municipio de Niteroi, RJ, sob a otica do usuario internado e discuti-las a luz dos conceitos da Analise Institucional (AI). Manter os vinculos afetivos e sociais do individuo hospitalizado e fundamental e incentivado pelas politicas publicas de saude. No entanto, sao necessarias discussoes a respeito de como tirar proveito maximo desta possibilidade. A pesquisa descritiva, de abordagem qualitativa, utilizou as tecnicas de entrevista semiestruturada e observacao de campo. Os dados foram categorizados atraves da Analise de Conteudo. Identificamos 03 nucleos tematicos para discussao: presenca da enfermagem para atendimento as solicitacoes, ruidos na comunicacao entre os acompanhantes e a enfermagem e condicoes de conforto ao acompanhante. Concluimos que os estudos referentes a presenca do acompanhante junto ao usuario internado tornam indispensavel a inclusao dos segmentos de acompanhantes e equipe de enfermagem nas discussoes e a criacao de estrategias que torne este direito do usuario uma realidade.

Escola Anna Nery | 2011

Systematization of nursing assistance as a care management tool: case study

Érica Torres; Bárbara Pompeu Christovam; Patrícia Claro dos Santos Fuly; Zenith Rosa Silvino; Marilda Andrade

Resumen It’s about a qualitative study, a single case study type, where was adopted a triangulation of techniques in order to obtain data collection (structured questionnaire, systematic observation and documental analysis) and content analysis according to Bardin for analysis. The objective was to determine whether the nurses of the infectious diseases of a university hospital consider the Systematization of nursing assistance (SNA) as a tool for care management and examine whether the SNA as a management instrument, provides the basis for their actions of caring. It was identified that the subjects understand what the SNA is and what the care management means, and that they see a relationship between both of them. It was detected that there is a gap between what is said and what is really practiced. It’s not possible to consider that the SNA, as a management tool, provides the basis for caring. Strategies that allow the management of nursing services to get a feedback on these aspects are recommended.Resumen It’s about a qualitative study, a single case study type, where was adopted a triangulation of techniques in order to obtain data collection (structured questionnaire, systematic observation and documental analysis) and content analysis according to Bardin for analysis. The objective was to determine whether the nurses of the infectious diseases of a university hospital consider the Systematization of nursing assistance (SNA) as a tool for care management and examine whether the SNA as a management instrument, provides the basis for their actions of caring. It was identified that the subjects understand what the SNA is and what the care management means, and that they see a relationship between both of them. It was detected that there is a gap between what is said and what is really practiced. It’s not possible to consider that the SNA, as a management tool, provides the basis for caring. Strategies that allow the management of nursing services to get a feedback on these aspects are recommended.

Revista Brasileira De Enfermagem | 2018

Assistance flowchart for pain management in a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit

Danielle Lemos Querido; Marialda Moreira Christoffel; Viviane Saraiva de Almeida; Ana Paula Vieira dos Santos Esteves; Marilda Andrade; Joffre Amim Júnior

OBJECTIVE To describe and discuss the process of developing a flowchart collectively constructed by the health team of a Neonatal Intensive Care Unit for the management of neonatal pain. METHOD This is a descriptive and an exploratory study with a qualitative approach that used Problem-Based Learning as a theoretical-methodological framework in the process of developing the assistance flowchart for the management of neonatal pain. RESULTS Based on this methodology, there was training in service and the discussion of key points of pain management by the health team, which served as input for the construction of the flowchart. FINAL CONSIDERATIONS The assistance flowchart for pain management, based on scientific evidence, provided means to facilitate the decision-making of the health team regarding the pain of the newborn. It is suggested to use the flowchart frequently to promote the permanent education of the team and identify possible points to be adjusted.

Revista de Enfermagem Referência | 2015

O Trabalho Informal e as Repercussões para a Saúde do Trabalhador: Uma Revisão Integrativa

Débora Cristina de Almeida Mariano Bernardino; Marilda Andrade

Background: There are currently 127 million people working in informal conditions in Latin America and the Caribbean. Informal work is characterised by not e...

Revista de Enfermagem Referência | 2013

Alta de crianças com estoma: uma revisão integrativa da literatura

Andréa Maria Alves Vilar; Marilda Andrade; Márcia Rocha da Silva Alves

Estudo de revisão integrativa da literatura sobre orientações para a alta hospitalar de crianças portadoras de estomas. O objetivo foi identificar nas publicações existentes as evidências disponíveis quanto às orientações dadas pelos enfermeiros aos cuidadores na alta de criança portadora de estoma. Foram obtidas 18 publicações nacionais, entre os anos de 1978-2011, através da Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde e da Base de Dados Bibliográficos Especializada na área de Enfermagem do Brasil. Os dados mostram que não existem orientações específicas sobre a alta de crianças estomizados, apesar do tema estoma ser abordado em 27,7% dos artigos, mas que o enfermeiro se inquieta com a necessidade do preparo da família para a alta hospitalar, onde 61,1% foram sujeitos das publicações. Evidencia-se pelos dados que a alta hospitalar é integrante da práxis dos enfermeiros, todavia são insipientes tanto os estudos sobre o tema, quanto a especificidade e profundidade das orientações fornecidas pelos enfermeiros a cada familiar da criança estomizada.Integrative literature review study of guidelines for hospital discharge of children with a stoma. The goal was to identify existing publications on guideli...

Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing | 2013

Nursing consultation in homecare for the milk bank of Antonio Pedro College Hospital: a space for educative actions

Márcia Rocha da Silva Alves; Simone Cruz Machado Ferreira; Marilda Andrade

Pesquisa de carater descritivo com abordagem qualitativa. Objetivos: Desenvolver instrumento padrao para consulta de enfermagem no domicilio da mulher; caracterizar a consulta na visita domiciliar, estabelecendo sua articulacao com as acoes educativas desenvolvidas pela enfermeira e; analisar a pratica desta consulta, considerando a otica da mulher doadora. Metodo: Pesquisa descritiva com abordagem qualitativa. Teve como cenario o banco de leite humano do Hospital Universitario Antonio Pedro, Niteroi, RJ. Foram realizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas com 22 mulheres, cujos dados foram agrupados em duas categorias. Resultados: Categorias analiticas: A visita domiciliar e a pratica educativa da enfermeira; A consulta de enfermagem no domicilio sob a otica da mulher nutriz. Elaborado instrumento padrao para consulta de enfermagem. Conclusao: A acoes educativas da enfermeira na visita domiciliar possuem tres eixos principais: o incentivo ao aleitamento materno, os cuidados necessarios ao bebe e a mae, e a coleta de leite humano realizada de forma segura.

Online Brazilian Journal of Nursing | 2006

Nursing Procedures for the Patient Submitted to Cardiac Catheterism - Scientific Production Analysis

Rosane B. Lourenci; Marilda Andrade

Facing the importance of existing parameters for the nursing care systematization to the patients submitted to cardiac catheterism, the necessity of availability of scientific studies related to the subject is clear in order to present the establishment of routines and pattern procedures of nursing care, minimizing the resulting effects from the lack of this systematization, specifically the care related to cardiac catheterism, in a general way will induce in benefits in the final results, generating a greater welfare and improving the quality of life of this patient. For such accomplishment, it was performed a computer research based on data/information sources like: LILACS, BDENF, SCIELO, MEDLINE, CUIDEN, LATINDEX, CHROCRANE, PERIODICOS CAPES, BIBLIOTECA VIRTUAL DE ENFERMAGEM E BIBLIOTECA DIGITAL DE TESES E DISSERTACOES, published between 1999 and 2006 aiming the search of knowledge about this subject. it was observed few publishing about the subject which proves that the professional nurse writes quite few about it.It was localized 58 cientifics works treating about theme, but just 8 of them were selected, due to pre established parameters. Showing as missingthis kind of articles and asserting its importance.

Journal of Nursing Ufpe Online | 2018

Occupational risks, working conditions and health of welders

Marco Antonio Pinto Balthazar; Marilda Andrade; Deise Ferreira de Souza; André Luiz de Souza Braga

RESUMO Objetivo: identificar os riscos ocupacionais, as condicoes de trabalho e os possiveis efeitos a saude dos soldadores. Metodo: revisao integrativa, com recorte temporal entre os anos de 2013 e 2017, realizada nas bases de dados MEDLINE, LILACS, Portal CAPES e na biblioteca virtual da SciELO, com 20 artigos selecionados. A analise se deu de acordo com as tecnicas de Analise de Conteudo, na modalidade Analise Categorial. Resultados : estabeleceram-se oito categorias para a discussao: risco de câncer de pulmao; efeitos dos metais; interferencia do tabagismo ocupacional; estudos com aprendizes; participacao da Enfermagem; legislacao; percepcao dos riscos; campanhas motivacionais e a falta de incentivos e gastos com doencas. Conclusao : apesar do quantitativo pouco expressivo sobre a tematica, contudo consistente e relevante, evidenciaram-se a integracao e o intercâmbio multidisciplinar, ratificando-se o desconhecimento dos perigos e riscos. Devido a falta de condicoes no trabalho e saude, necessita-se de incentivo tecnico-financeiro, para ampliar as pesquisas, com a inclusao da Enfermagem do Trabalho na educacao e na saude dos soldadores e aprendizes. Descritores: Riscos Ocupacionais; Condicoes de Trabalho; Saude Ocupacional; Seguranca; Soldagem; Neoplasias. ABSTRACT Objective: to identify occupational hazards, working conditions and possible health effects of welders. Method: integrative review, with a temporal cut between the years of 2013 and 2017, carried out in the MEDLINE, LILACS, CAPES Portal and SciELO virtual libraries, with 20 selected articles. The analysis was carried out according to the techniques of Content Analysis, in the category Analysis category. Results: eight categories were established for the discussion: lung cancer risk; effects of metals; interference of occupational smoking; studies with apprentices; Nursing participation; legislation; risk perception; motivational campaigns and lack of incentives and spending on diseases. Conclusion: despite the lack of expressiveness on the subject, however consistent and relevant, the integration and the multidisciplinary interchange were evidenced, ratifying the ignorance of the dangers and risks. Due to the lack of working and health conditions, a technical-financial incentive is needed to broaden the research, with the inclusion of Work Nursing in the education and health of welders and apprentices. Descriptors : Occupational Risks; Working Conditions; Occupational Health; Safety; Welding; Neoplasms. RESUMEN Objetivo: identificar los riesgos ocupacionales, las condiciones de trabajo y los posibles efectos a la salud de los soldadores. Metodo: revision integrada, con recorte temporal entre los anos 2013 y 2017, en las bases de datos MEDLINE, LILACS, Portal CAPES y en la biblioteca virtual de SciELO, con 20 articulos seleccionados. El analisis se dio de acuerdo con las tecnicas de Analisis de Contenido, en la modalidad de Analisis Categorial. Resultados: se establecieron ocho categorias para la discusion: riesgo de cancer de pulmon; efectos de los metales; interferencia del tabaquismo ocupacional; estudios con aprendices; participacion de la Enfermeria; legislacion; percepcion de los riesgos; campanas motivacionales y la falta de incentivos y gastos con enfermedades. Conclusion: a pesar del cuantitativo poco expresivo sobre la tematica, pero consistente y relevante, se evidencio la integracion y el intercambio multidisciplinario, comprobando el desconocimiento de los peligros y riesgos. Debido a la falta de condiciones en el trabajo y en la salud, se necesita incentivo tecnico-financiero, para ampliar las investigaciones, con la inclusion de la Enfermeria del Trabajo en la educacion y en la salud de los soldadores y aprendices. Descriptores : Riesgos Laborales; Condiciones de Trabajo; Salud Laboral; Seguridad; Soldadura; Neoplasias.

Enfermagem Atual | 2018

Perfil de Pacientes com Obesidade Grau III Atendidos em um Centro de Referência em Obesidade

Ian Rigon Nicolau; Fátima Helena do Espírito Santo; Lina Márcia Miguéis Berardinelli; Marilda Andrade; Rita dos Santos; Carla Lube de Pinho Chibante

DOI: Objetiva-se caracterizar o perfi l de pacientes com obesidade grau III atendidos em um Centro de Referenciaem Obesidade. Estudo retrospectivo e descritivo, realizado por meio de analise documental de 310 prontuariosde pacientes atendidos no Centro de Referencia em Obesidade do Rio de Janeiro, no periodo de maio de 2012a fevereiro de 2015, seguido de analise descritiva dos dados utilizando o programa Microsoft Offi ce Excel. Osresultados mostraram a predominância do sexo feminino com 234 (75%) e 76 (25%) do sexo masculino. A idadevariou entre 18 e 73 anos, com media e desvio padrao de 43,98 ± 12,41 anos. Quanto ao IMC, obteve-se a mediade 51,70 ± 7,73 kg/m2. Constatou-se alta prevalencia de hipertensao arterial, com 242 (78%) pacientes e DiabetesMellitus com 149 (48%), ainda 136 (43%) possuem hipertensao e diabetes associadas. Conclui-se que as estrategiasde assistencia individualizada, subsidiadas pelo conhecimento das caracteristicas relacionadas aos aspectos sociaise as comorbidades associadas a obesidade, sao fundamentais para prevencao de complicacoes e melhoria daqualidade de vida em pacientes obesos.Palavras-chave: Obesidade Morbida; Enfermagem; Hipertensao; Diabetes Mellitus. ABstRACtAimed to characterize the profi le of patients with obesity grade III attended at a Reference Center in Obesity. Aretrospective and descriptive study carried out through documentary analysis of 310 medical records of patientsattended at the Reference Center in Obesity of Rio de Janeiro, from may 2012 to February 2015, followed by adescriptive analysis of the data using the Microsoft Offi ce Excel. The results showed a female predominancewith 234 (75%) and 76 (25%) male. The age varied between 18 and 73 years, average and standard deviationof ± 12.41 43.98 years. About the BMI, average of 51.70 ± 7.73 kg/m2. It has a high prevalence of hypertension,with 242 (78%) patients and Diabetes Mellitus with 149 (48%), 136 (43%) still have hypertension and diabetes. Itconcludes that the individualized assistance strategies, funded by the knowledge of the characteristics related tosocial aspects and the comorbidities associated with obesity, are fundamental for the prevention of complicationsand improvement of the quality of life in obese patients.Keywords: Morbid Obesity; Nursing; Hypertension; Diabetes Mellitus.

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