
Brazilian Journal of Microbiology | 2007

Productivity, biological efficiency, and number of Agaricus blazei mushrooms grown in compost in the presence of Trichoderma sp. and Chaetomium olivacearum contaminants

Meire Cristina Nogueira de Andrade; João Kopytowski Filho; Marli Teixeira de Almeida Minhoni; Leila Nakati Coutinho; Mário Barreto Figueiredo

This experiment was carried out to evaluate the effect of the fungi Trichoderma sp. and Chaetomium olivacearum on the productivity, biological efficiency and number of Agaricus blazei mushrooms grown in compost (mixture of crushed sugarcane, coast-cross grass trash, soybean meal, gypsum, and calcitic limestone). The experiment consisted of 3 treatments (Trichoderma sp., C. olivacearum, and a control) with 8 replications each (box containing 12kg of compost colonized by A. blazei). Later, 150g of inoculum of each contaminant fungus (Trichoderma sp. and C. olivacearum) were distributed on the surface of the compost previously colonized by A. blazei. The experiment was conducted in a greenhouse with a plastic roof, under relative humidity of about 60-90% and temperature between 20-34oC. Productivity was determined from the relation between fresh weight of the mushroom and fresh weight of the compost. Biological efficiency was determined from the relation between fresh weight of the mushroom and dry weight of the compost at the end of the harvesting period. Based on results obtained, the contaminant fungi did not affect the productivity, biological efficiency, and number of A. blazei mushrooms grown in compost when introduced into previously colonized composts.

Summa Phytopathologica | 2006

Galhas e deformações em jambu (Spilanthes oleraceae)causadas por Tecaphora spilanthes (Ustilaginales)

Leila Nakati Coutinho; Christiane Ceriani Aparecido; Mário Barreto Figueiredo

The herbaceous Asteraceae known by the name jambu and other common names is native to the Amazon region has been used and cultivated for culinary, medicinal, insecticidal and ornamental purposes. It is also used as spice for local food in Belem city, Para State. The medicinal value of this plant has been known and it has been studied in cultivated plants in Botucatu county, Sao Paulo State. This is the first report of a smut (Tecaphora spilanthes Freire & Vanky) affetcting this plant in the Sao Paulo State. The smut causes losses and also reduced the quality of the plants.

Summa Phytopathologica | 2008

Caracterização morfofisiológica de isolados do gênero Cylindrocladium

Christiane Ceriani Aparecido; Edson Luiz Furtado; Mário Barreto Figueiredo

In order to characterize the anamorphic genus Cylindrocladium eighteen isolates of this funguswere cultivated in different culture media, kept under different temperatures, besides having conidia and terminal vesicles morphologically analyzed for correct identification of the isolates. Inoculations on different hosts were carried out to evaluate of pathogenic behavior of the studied isolates. Concerning the morphologic characters studied, it was observed that alterations occurred in the conidial dimensions and morphology of the terminal vesicles, but was not important considering that is due to substratum changes. However, the natural variability in the general characteristics of these structures indicated that it is difficult to obtain a correct identification of the isolates. In the same culture it was observed terminal vesicles with different morphologies. Pathogenic and physiological differences among the isolates could be observed. This brings the idea of distinct population groups when such characteristics are considered in this study. These differences probably indicate a distinct genetic constitution among the isolates used in this study.

Summa Phytopathologica | 2006

Catasetum maranhense, um novo hospedeiro de Sphenospora kevorkianii (Uredinales)

Gilson Soares da Silva; Mário Barreto Figueiredo

Martius) com inumeros sorosamarelos, pulverulentos (Fig. 1). Posteriormente, material iden-tico foi coletado no municipio de Brejo no mesmo estado. Oexame microscopico do material revelou a presenca de uredinioshipofilos, sub-epidermicos em origem, depois irrompentes. Ure-diniosporos marrom-amarelados, medindo 28-33 x 18-26 μm,largamente elipsoides ou obvoides, equinulados, poros 1 a 2,equatoriais. Telios hipofilos, sub-epidermais, irrompentes, mar-rom-escuros a negros; teliosporos pedicelados, binucleados de23-28x13-16 μm, com um poro germinativo apical. Espermago-nios e ecios desconhecidos. Com essas caracteristicas, o fungofoi identificado como

Mycologia | 2000

Esalque holwayi gen. et comb. nov., a rust of Brazilian ironwood (Caesalpinia species)

Joe F. Hennen; Mário Barreto Figueiredo

The genus Triactella Raciborski is con- firmed as a synonym of Hapalophragmium, not Tri- phragmium, and Triactella holwayi from Brazil is des- ignated as the type species of a proposed new genus, Esalque. The host genus of Esalque holwayi is Caesal- pinia (Leguminosae), not Cassia as reported origi-

Summa Phytopathologica | 2007

Abutilon ornamental (Abutilon sp. - Malvaceae) mostrando pústulas de Synchytrium australe

Mário Barreto Figueiredo; Leila Nakati Coutinho; Christiane Ceriani Aparecido; Martha Maria Passador

The genus Abutilon includes a large number of ornamental species with nice foliage and flowers. The different species are known under several common names as Indian mallow, China jute, butterprint, etc. Plants of abutilon received for phytopathological analysis by the Instituto Biologico, Sao Paulo, Brazil showing curious rust like symptoms (pustules) on leaves, stems and pods were studied to determine the causal agent. Numerous yellow sporangia characteristic of zoosporic fungi belonging to the Order Chytridiales were found within the superficial intact galls. Based on KARLING (1955) paper the pathogen was identified as Synchytrium australe Speg. The voucher material was saved and settled in the Mycological Herbarium of the Institution under the number IBI/SP 11975. This was the first report of the occurrence of this species in Brazil.

Summa Phytopathologica | 2009

Specificity of Puccinia pampeana to Capsicum spp. cultivars and other solanaceous plants.

Martha Maria Passador; Edson Luiz Furtado; Mário Barreto Figueiredo

ABSTRACT The Capsicum spp. (pepper and green pepper) rust is caused bythe fungus Puccinia pampeana . This is an important disease in thesecrops which may cause complete losses in crops of several species of Capsicum . Although specific to the genus Capsicum , and despite thefact that many species within this genus are susceptible to rust, someof them have shown a hypersensitivity reaction. That was the casewith Capsicum annuum (Cayenne pepper) and C. chinense (datil Passador, M.M.; Furtado, E.L.; Figueiredo, M.B. Specificity of Puccinia pampeana to Capsicum spp. cultivars and other solanaceous plants. Summa Phytopathologica, v.35, n.1, p.63-67, 2009 Keywords: Capsicum rust, varieties, hypersensitive reaction pepper), which, after spermogonia formation (11 days), showednecrotic spots in the peripheral region of the spermogonia 15 daysafter inoculation, without evolution of the infection. A milderhypersensitivity reaction was also observed only in leaves of C.annuum (chili pepper) and C. baccatum

Summa Phytopathologica | 2009

Especificidade de Puccinia pampeana a cultivares de Capsicum spp. e outras solanáceas

Martha Maria Passador; Edson Luiz Furtado; Mário Barreto Figueiredo

ABSTRACT The Capsicum spp. (pepper and green pepper) rust is caused bythe fungus Puccinia pampeana . This is an important disease in thesecrops which may cause complete losses in crops of several species of Capsicum . Although specific to the genus Capsicum , and despite thefact that many species within this genus are susceptible to rust, someof them have shown a hypersensitivity reaction. That was the casewith Capsicum annuum (Cayenne pepper) and C. chinense (datil Passador, M.M.; Furtado, E.L.; Figueiredo, M.B. Specificity of Puccinia pampeana to Capsicum spp. cultivars and other solanaceous plants. Summa Phytopathologica, v.35, n.1, p.63-67, 2009 Keywords: Capsicum rust, varieties, hypersensitive reaction pepper), which, after spermogonia formation (11 days), showednecrotic spots in the peripheral region of the spermogonia 15 daysafter inoculation, without evolution of the infection. A milderhypersensitivity reaction was also observed only in leaves of C.annuum (chili pepper) and C. baccatum

Summa Phytopathologica | 2009

Specificity of Puccinia pampeana to Capsicum spp. cultivars and other solanaceous plants. Summa Phytopathologica

Martha Maria Passador; Edson Luiz Furtado; Mário Barreto Figueiredo

ABSTRACT The Capsicum spp. (pepper and green pepper) rust is caused bythe fungus Puccinia pampeana . This is an important disease in thesecrops which may cause complete losses in crops of several species of Capsicum . Although specific to the genus Capsicum , and despite thefact that many species within this genus are susceptible to rust, someof them have shown a hypersensitivity reaction. That was the casewith Capsicum annuum (Cayenne pepper) and C. chinense (datil Passador, M.M.; Furtado, E.L.; Figueiredo, M.B. Specificity of Puccinia pampeana to Capsicum spp. cultivars and other solanaceous plants. Summa Phytopathologica, v.35, n.1, p.63-67, 2009 Keywords: Capsicum rust, varieties, hypersensitive reaction pepper), which, after spermogonia formation (11 days), showednecrotic spots in the peripheral region of the spermogonia 15 daysafter inoculation, without evolution of the infection. A milderhypersensitivity reaction was also observed only in leaves of C.annuum (chili pepper) and C. baccatum

Summa Phytopathologica | 2003

Groups of physiological variability in Puccinia psidii populations.

Christiane Ceriani Aparecido; Mário Barreto Figueiredo; Edson Luiz Furtado

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