Mario G. Abadi
Instituto de Astronomía Teórica y Experimental
The Astrophysical Journal | 2003
Mario G. Abadi; Julio F. Navarro; M. Steinmetz; Vincent R. Eke
We present a detailed analysis of the disk component of a simulated galaxy formed in the ΛCDM cosmogony. At redshift z = 0, two distinct dynamical components are easily identified solely on the basis of the orbital parameters of stars in the galaxy: a slowly rotating, centrally concentrated spheroid and a disklike component largely supported by rotation. The disk may be further decomposed into a thin, dynamically cold component with stars on nearly circular orbits and a hotter, thicker component with orbital parameters transitional between the thin disk and the spheroid. Supporting evidence for the presence of distinct thick- and thin-disk components is provided, as in the Milky Way, by the double-exponential vertical structure of the disk and in abrupt changes in the vertical velocity distribution as a function of stellar age. The dynamical origin of these components offers intriguing clues to the assembly of spheroids and disks in the Milky Way and other spiral galaxies. The spheroid is old and has essentially no stars younger than the time elapsed since the last major accretion event, ~8 Gyr ago for the system we consider here. The majority of thin-disk stars, on the other hand, form after the merging activity is over, although a significant fraction (~15%) of thin-disk stars are old enough to predate the last major merger event. This unexpected population of old-disk stars consists mainly of the tidal debris of satellites whose orbital plane was coincident with the disk and whose orbits were circularized by dynamical friction prior to full disruption. More than half of the stars in the thick disk share this origin, part of a trend that becomes more pronounced with age: 9 out of 10 stars presently in the old (age of 10 Gyr) disk component were actually brought into the disk by satellites. By contrast, only one in two stars belonging to the old spheroid are tidal debris; the rest may be traced to a major merger event that dispersed the luminous progenitor at z ~ 1.5 and seeded the formation of the spheroid. Our results highlight the role of satellite accretion events in shaping the disk, as well as the spheroidal, component and reveal some of the clues to the assembly process of a galaxy preserved in the detailed dynamics of old stellar populations.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2003
Mario G. Abadi; Julio F. Navarro; M. Steinmetz; Vincent R. Eke
We present a detailed analysis of the dynamical and photometric properties of a disk galaxy simulated in the Λ cold dark matter (ΛCDM) cosmogony. The galaxy is assembled through a number of high-redshift mergers followed by a period of quiescent accretion after z ~ 1 that lead to the formation of two distinct dynamical components: a spheroid of mostly old stars and a rotationally supported disk of younger stars. The surface brightness profile is very well approximated by the superposition of an R1/4 spheroid and an exponential disk. Each photometric component contributes a similar fraction of the total luminosity of the system, although less than a quarter of the stars form after the last merger episode at z ~ 1. In the optical bands the surface brightness profile is remarkably similar to that of Sab galaxy UGC 615, but the simulated galaxy rotates significantly faster and has a declining rotation curve dominated by the spheroid near the center. The decline in circular velocity is at odds with observation and results from the high concentration of the dark matter and baryonic components, as well as from the relatively high mass-to-light ratio of the stars in the simulation. The simulated galaxy lies ~1 mag off the I-band Tully-Fisher relation of late-type spirals but seems to be in reasonable agreement with Tully-Fisher data on S0 galaxies. In agreement with previous simulation work, the angular momentum of the luminous component is an order of magnitude lower than that of late-type spirals of similar rotation speed. This again reflects the dominance of the slowly rotating, dense spheroidal component, to which most discrepancies with observation may be traced. On its own, the disk component has properties rather similar to those of late-type spirals: its luminosity, its exponential scale length, and its colors are all comparable to those of galaxy disks of similar rotation speed. This suggests that a different form of feedback than adopted here is required to inhibit the efficient collapse and cooling of gas at high redshift that leads to the formation of the spheroid. Reconciling, without fine-tuning, the properties of disk galaxies with the early collapse and high merging rates characteristic of hierarchical scenarios such as ΛCDM remains a challenging, yet so far elusive, proposition.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2006
Mario G. Abadi; Julio F. Navarro; Matthias Steinmetz
We use numerical simulations to investigate the origin and structure of the luminous haloes that surround isolated galaxies. These stellar structures extend out to several hundred kpc away from a galaxy, and consist of stars shed by merging subunits during the many accretion events that characterize the hierarchical assembly of galaxies. Such an origin suggests that outer luminous haloes are ubiquitous and that they should appear as an excess of light over extrapolations of the galaxys inner profile beyond its traditional luminous radius. The mass profile of the accreted stellar component is well approximated by a model where the logarithmic slope steepens monotonically with radius; from p r -3 at the luminous edge of the galaxy to r -4 or steeper near the virial radius of the system. Such spatial distribution is consistent with that of Galactic and M31 globular clusters, suggesting that many of the globulars were brought in by accretion events, in a manner akin to the classic Searle-Zinn scenario. Luminous haloes are similar in shape to their dark matter counterparts, which are only mildly triaxial and much rounder than dark haloes formed in simulations that do not include a dissipative luminous component. The outer stellar spheroid is supported by a velocity dispersion tensor with a substantial and radially increasing radial anisotropy: from σ 2 1 /σ 2 1 ∼ 2 at the edge of the central galaxy to t5 at the virial radius. These properties distinguish the stellar halo from the dark matter component, which is more isotropic in velocity space, as well as from some tracers of the outer spheroid suchas satellite galaxies. Most stars in the outer halo formed in progenitors that have since merged with the central galaxy or have been substantially disrupted in its immediate surroundings; very few stars in the halo are contributed by satellites that survive as self-bound entities at the present. Although the stellar spheroid in the simulations is more prominent than in disc-dominated galaxies, many of these features are in reasonable agreement with recent observations of the outer halo of the Milky Way, of M31, and of other isolated spirals, and suggest that all of these systems underwent an early period of active merging, as envisioned in hierarchical models of galaxy formation.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2007
Laura V. Sales; Julio F. Navarro; Mario G. Abadi; Matthias Steinmetz
We examine the orbits of satellite galaxies identified in a suite of N-body/gasdynamical simulations of the formation of L* galaxies in a Lambda cold dark matter universe. The numerical resolution of the simulations allows us to track in detail the orbits of the ∼10 brightest satellites around each primary. Most satellites follow conventional orbits; after turning around, they accrete into their host halo and settle on orbits whose apocentric radii are steadily eroded by dynamical friction. As a result, satellites associated with the primary are typically found within its virial radius, r vir , and have velocities consistent with a Gaussian distribution with mild radial anisotropy. However, a number of outliers are also present. We find that a surprising number (about one-third) of satellites identified at z = 0 are on unorthodox orbits, with apocentres that exceed their turnaround radii. These include a number of objects with extreme velocities and apocentric radii at times exceeding ∼3.5 r vir (or, e.g. ≥1 Mpc when scaled to the Milky Way). This population of satellites on extreme orbits consists typically of the faint member of a satellite pair whose kinship is severed by the tidal field of the primary during first approach. Under the right circumstances, the heavier member of the pair remains bound to the primary, whilst the lighter companion is ejected on to a highly energetic orbit. Since the concurrent accretion of multiple satellite systems is a defining feature of hierarchical models of galaxy formation, a fairly robust prediction of this scenario is that at least some of these extreme objects should be present in the Local Group. We speculate that this three-body ejection mechanism may be the origin of (i) some of the newly discovered high-speed satellites around M31 (such as Andromeda XIV); (ii) some of the distant fast-receding Local Group members, such as Leo I and (iii) the oddly isolated dwarf spheroidals Cetus and Tucana in the outskirts of the Local Group. Our results suggest that care must be exercised when using the orbits of the most weakly bound satellites to place constraints on the total mass of the Local Group.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2004
Julio F. Navarro; Mario G. Abadi; M. Steinmetz
We use numerical simulations to investigate the orientation of the angular momentum axis of disk galaxies relative to their surrounding large-scale structure. We find that this is closely related to the spatial configuration at turnaround of the material destined to form the galaxy, which is often part of a coherent two-dimensional slab crisscrossed by filaments. The rotation axis is found to align very well with the intermediate principal axis of the inertia momentum tensor at this time. This orientation is approximately preserved during the ensuing collapse, so that the rotation axis of the resulting disk ends up lying on the plane traced by the protogalactic material at turnaround. This suggests a tendency for disks to align themselves so that their rotation axis is perpendicular to the minor axis of the structure defined by surrounding matter. One example of this trend is provided by our own Galaxy, where the Galactic plane is almost at right angles with the supergalactic plane (SGP) drawn by nearby galaxies; indeed, the SGP latitude of the north Galactic pole is just 6°. We have searched for a similar signature in catalogs of nearby disk galaxies, and we find a significant excess of edge-on spiral galaxies (for which the orientation of the disk rotation axis may be determined unambiguously) highly inclined relative to the SGP. This result supports the view that disk galaxies acquire their angular momentum as a consequence of early tidal torques acting during the expansion phase of the protogalactic material.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2006
Amina Helmi; Julio F. Navarro; Birgitta Nordström; Johan Holmberg; Mario G. Abadi; M. Steinmetz
We search for signatures of past accretion events in the Milky Way in the recently published catalogue by Nordstrom et al., containing accurate spatial and kinematic information as well as metallicities for 13 240 nearby stars. To optimize our strategy, we use numerical simulations and characterize the properties of the debris from disrupted satellites. We find that stars with a common progenitor should show distinct correlations between their orbital parameters; in particular, between the apocentre (A) and pericentre (P), as well as their z-angular momentum (L-z). In the APL space, such stars are expected to cluster around regions of roughly constant eccentricity. The APL space for the Nordstrom catalogue exhibits a wealth of substructure, much of which can be linked to dynamical perturbations induced by spiral arms and the Galactic bar. However, our analysis also reveals a statistically significant excess of stars on orbits of common ( moderate) eccentricity, analogous to the pattern expected for merger debris. Besides being dynamically peculiar, the 274 stars in these substructures have very distinct metallicity and age distributions, providing further evidence of their extragalactic provenance. It is possible to identify three coherent groups among these stars, that, in all likelihood, correspond to the remains of disrupted satellites. The most metal-rich group ([Fe/H] >= -0.45 dex) has 120 stars distributed into two stellar populations of similar to 8 Gyr (33 per cent) and similar to 12 Gyr (67 per cent) of age. The second group with similar to -0.6 dex has 86 stars and shows evidence of three populations of 8 Gyr ( 15 per cent), 12 Gyr (36 per cent) and 16 Gyr (49 per cent) of age. Finally, the third group has 68 stars, with typical metallicity around -0.8 dex and a single age of similar to 14 Gyr. The identification of substantial amounts of debris in the Galactic disc whose origin can be traced back to more than one satellite galaxy, provides evidence of the hierarchical formation of the Milky Way. (Less)
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2007
Laura V. Sales; Julio F. Navarro; Mario G. Abadi; Matthias Steinmetz
We study the population of satellite galaxies formed in a suite of N-body/gasdynamical simulations of galaxy formation in a A cold dark matter universe. The simulations resolve nearly 10 most luminous satellites around each host, and probe systems up to six or seven magnitudes fainter than the primary. We find little spatial or kinematic bias between the dark matter and the satellite population. The radius containing half of all satellites is comparable to the half-mass radius of the dark matter component, and the velocity dispersion of the satellites is a good indicator of the virial velocity of the halo; σ sat /V vir ∼0.9 ± 0.2. Applied to the Local Group, this result suggests that the virial velocity of the Milky Way and M31 might be substantially lower than the rotation speed of their disc components; we find V MW vir ∼109 ± 22 km s -1 and V M31 vir ∼ 138 ± 35 km s -1 , respectively, compared to V MW rot ∼220 km s -1 and V M31 rot ∼260 km s -1 . Although the uncertainties are large, it is intriguing that both estimates are significantly lower than expected from some semi-analytic models, which predict a smaller difference between V vir and V rot . The detailed kinematics of simulated satellites and dark matter are also in good agreement: both components show a steadily decreasing velocity dispersion profile and a mild radial anisotropy in their velocity distribution. By contrast, the stellar halo of the simulated galaxies, which consists predominantly of stellar debris from disrupted satellites, is kinematically and spatially distinct from the population of surviving satellites. This is because the survival of a satellite as a self-bound entity depends sensitively on mass and on time of accretion and surviving satellites are significantly biased toward low-mass systems that have been recently accreted by the galaxy. Our results support recent proposals for the origin of the systematic differences between stars in the Galactic halo and in Galactic satellites: the elusive building blocks of the Milky Way stellar halo were on average more massive, and were accreted (and disrupted) earlier than the population of dwarfs that has survived self-bound until the present.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2005
Andres Meza; Julio F. Navarro; Mario G. Abadi; M. Steinmetz
We use numerical simulations to investigate the orbital characteristics of tidal debris from satellites whose orbits are dragged into the plane of galact ic disks by dynamical friction before disruption. We find that these satellites may deposit a s ignificant fraction of their stars into the disk components of a galaxy, and use our results to motivate the search for accretion relicts in samples of metal-poor disk stars in the vicinity o f the Sun. Satellites disrupted on very eccentric orbits coplanar with the disk are expected to shed stars in “trails” of distinct orbital energy and angular momentum during each pericentric passage. To an observer located between the pericenter and apocenter of such orbits, these trails would show as distinct groupings of stars with low vertical velocity and a broad, symmetric, often double-peaked distribution of Galactocentric radial velocities. One group of st ars with these characteristics stands out in available compilations of nearby metal-poor stars. These stars have specific angular momenta similar to that of the globular cluster ωCen, long hypothesized to be the nucleus of a dwarf galaxy disrupted by the Milky Way tidal field. In addit ion to their kindred kinematics, stars in the ωCen group share distinct chemical abundance characteristics, and trace a welldefined track in the [ α/Fe] versus [Fe/H] plane, consistent with simple closed-box enrichment models and a protracted star formation history. The dynamical and chemical coherence of this group suggests that it consists of stars that once belonged t o the dwarf that brought ωCen into the Galaxy. The presence of this and other “tidal relicts” in the solar neighbourhood suggest an extra-Galactic origin for the presence of nearby stars with odd kinematics and chemistry, and implies that accounting for stars contributed by distin ct satellite galaxies may be crucial to the success of models of Galactic chemical enrichment.
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society | 2009
Laura V. Sales; Amina Helmi; Mario G. Abadi; Chris B. Brook; Facundo A. Gómez; Rok Roskar; Victor P. Debattista; E. L. House; Matthias Steinmetz; Álvaro Villalobos
We study the orbital properties of stars in four (published) simulations of thick discs formed by (i) accretion from disrupted satellites, (ii) heating of a pre-existing thin disc by a minor merger, (iii) radial migration and (iv) gas-rich mergers. We find that the distribution of orbital eccentricities is predicted to be different for each model: a prominent peak at low eccentricity is expected for the heating, migration and gas-rich merging scenarios, while the eccentricity distribution is broader and shifted towards higher values for the accretion model. These differences can be traced back to whether the bulk of the stars in each case is formed in situ or is accreted, and is robust to the peculiarities of each model. A simple test based on the eccentricity distribution of nearby thick-disc stars may thus help elucidate the dominant formation mechanism of the Galactic thick disc.
The Astrophysical Journal | 2010
Stelios Kazantzidis; Mario G. Abadi; Julio F. Navarro
Cosmological simulations indicate that cold dark matter (CDM) halos should be triaxial. Validating this theoretical prediction is, however, less than straightforward because the assembly of galaxies is expected to modify halo shapes and to render them more axisymmetric. We use a suite of N-body simulations to quantitatively investigate the effect of the growth of a central disk galaxy on the shape of triaxial dark matter halos. In most circumstances, the halo responds to the presence of the disk by becoming more spherical. The net effect depends weakly on the timescale of the disk assembly but noticeably on the orientation of the disk relative to the halo principal axes, and it is maximal when the disk symmetry axis is aligned with the major axis of the halo. The effect depends most sensitively on the overall gravitational importance of the disk. Our results indicate that exponential disks whose contribution peaks at less than {approx}50% of their circular velocity are unable to noticeably modify the shape of the gravitational potential of their surrounding halos. Many dwarf and low surface brightness galaxies are expected to be in this regime, and therefore their detailed kinematics could be used to probe halo triaxiality, one of themorexa0» basic predictions of the CDM paradigm. We argue that the complex disk kinematics of the dwarf galaxy NGC 2976 might be the reflection of a triaxial halo. Such signatures of halo triaxiality should be common in galaxies where the luminous component is subdominant.«xa0less