
Molecules | 2014

Rubus Fruticosus L.: Constituents, Biological Activities and Health Related Uses

Muhammad Zia-Ul-Haq; Muhammad Riaz; Vincenzo De Feo; Hawa Z. E. Jaafar; Marius Moga

Rubus fruticosus L. is a shrub famous for its fruit called blackberry fruit or more commonly blackberry. The fruit has medicinal, cosmetic and nutritive value. It is a concentrated source of valuable nutrients, as well as bioactive constituents of therapeutic interest highlighting its importance as a functional food. Besides use as a fresh fruit, it is also used as ingredient in cooked dishes, salads and bakery products like jams, snacks, desserts, and fruit preserves. R. fruticosus contains vitamins, steroids and lipids in seed oil and minerals, flavonoids, glycosides, terpenes, acids and tannins in aerial parts that possess diverse pharmacological activities such as antioxidant, anti-carcinogenic, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial anti-diabetic, anti-diarrheal, and antiviral. Various agrogeoclimatological factors like cultivar, environmental conditions of the area, agronomic practices employed, harvest time, post-harvest storage and processing techniques all influence the nutritional composition of blackberry fruit. This review focuses on the nutrients and chemical constituents as well as medicinal properties of different parts of R. fruticosus. Various cultivars and their physicochemical characteristics, polyphenolic content and ascorbic acid content are also discussed. The information in the present work will serve as baseline data and may lead to new biomedical applications of R. fruticosus as functional food.

Molecules | 2016

The Role of Natural Polyphenols in the Prevention and Treatment of Cervical Cancer—An Overview

Marius Moga; Oana Dimienescu; Cristian Arvatescu; Aurel Mironescu; Laura Dracea; Liana Ples

Cervical cancer represents the second leading cause of death for women worldwide. The importance of the diet and its impact on specific types of neoplasia has been highlighted, focusing again interest in the analysis of dietary phytochemicals. Polyphenols have shown a wide range of cellular effects: they may prevent carcinogens from reaching the targeted sites, support detoxification of reactive molecules, improve the elimination of transformed cells, increase the immune surveillance and the most important factor is that they can influence tumor suppressors and inhibit cellular proliferation, interfering in this way with the steps of carcinogenesis. From the studies reviewed in this paper, it is clear that certain dietary polyphenols hold great potential in the prevention and therapy of cervical cancer, because they interfere in carcinogenesis (in the initiation, development and progression) by modulating the critical processes of cellular proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, angiogenesis and metastasis. Specifically, polyphenols inhibit the proliferation of HPV cells, through induction of apoptosis, growth arrest, inhibition of DNA synthesis and modulation of signal transduction pathways. The effects of combinations of polyphenols with chemotherapy and radiotherapy used in the treatment of cervical cancer showed results in the resistance of cervical tumor cells to chemo- and radiotherapy, one of the main problems in the treatment of cervical neoplasia that can lead to failure of the treatment because of the decreased efficiency of the therapy.

PLOS ONE | 2015

Scientific basis for use of Pyrus pashia Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don. fruit in gastrointestinal, respiratory and cardiovascular ailments.

Khalid Hussain Janbaz; Muhammad Zaeem Ahsan; Fatima Saqib; Imran Imran; Muhammad Zia-Ul-Haq; Muhammad Abid Rashid; Hawa Z. E. Jaafar; Marius Moga

Background Pyrus pashia Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don. has been used conventionally by many communities in the Himalayan region for the management of gastrointestinal, respiratory, and vascular complications. Set against this background, this study was carried out to justify the scientific basis to validate folkloric uses of fruits of Pyrus pashia Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don. (Pp.Cr) in traditional systems of medicine. Methods The crude ethanol extract of fruits of Pyrus pashia Buch.-Ham. ex D. Don. (Pp.Cr) was tested in vitro on isolated rabbit jejunum, tracheal, and aorta preparations. The responses of tissues were recorded using isotonic transducers coupled with a PowerLab data acquisition system. Results The Pp.Cr on application (0.01–5.0 mg/ml) to isolated rabbit jejunum preparation exhibited relaxation through decrease in magnitude and frequency of spontaneous contractions. The Pp.Cr also exerted a relaxant (0.01–5.0 mg/ml) effect on K+(80 mM) induced contractions in isolated rabbit jejunum preparations and caused shifting of the Ca2+ curves (1.0–3.0 mg/ml) toward right in a manner similar to that of verapamil (3μM), possibly suggesting presence of Ca2+ channel blocking activity. Subsequently, Pp.Cr in a concentration-dependent fashion (0.01–10.0 mg/ml) caused relaxation of CCh (1μM) and K+ (80 mM) induced contractions in isolated rabbit tracheal preparations in a manner comparable to that of dicyclomine, suggesting that the observed relaxant effect is likely to be mediated through antimuscarinic and/or Ca2+ channel blocking activities. Moreover, when evaluated against isolated rabbit aortic preparations, the Pp.Cr in concentrations up to 10 mg/ml exhibited a contractile response that was found to be abolished subsequent to pretreatment of isolated tissue preparation with cyproheptadine (1μM), phentolamine (1μM), and losartan (1μM), suggesting that Pp.Cr may have some α-adrenergic, muscarinic, serotonergic, and angiotensin II activities. Conclusions The aqueous ethanolic extract of Pyrus pashia (Pp.Cr) exhibited spasmolytic, bronchodilator, and vaso-constrictive activities possibly through different mechanisms. The spasmolytic and bronchodilator activities are likely to be mediated through blockade of Ca2+ channels, while vasoconstrictive activity may be due to presence of a α-adrenergic, muscarinic, serotonergic, and angiotensin II agonistic component.

PLOS ONE | 2016

Ochratoxin A Detection on Antibody- Immobilized on BSA-Functionalized Gold Electrodes

Mihaela Badea; Laura Floroian; Patrizia Restani; Simona Codruta Aurora Cobzac; Marius Moga

Ochratoxin A (OTA)—a toxin produced by Aspergillus carbonarius, Aspergillus ochraceus, and Penicillium verrucosum—is one of the most-abundant food-contaminating mycotoxins. To avoid the risk of OTA consumption for humans and animals, the rapid detection and quantitation of OTA level in different commodities are of great importance. In this work, an impedimetric immunosensor for ochratoxin A (OTA) detection, a common toxic botanical contaminant, was developed via the immobilization of anti-OTA antibody on bovine serum albumin modified gold electrodes. A four-step reaction protocol was tested to modify the gold electrode and obtain the sensing substrate. All the steps of the immunosensor elaboration and also the immunochemical reaction between surface-bound antibody and ochratoxin A were analyzed using cyclic voltammetry and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. Modification of the impedance due to the specific antigen-antibody reaction at immunosensor surface, was used in order to detect ochratoxin A. Linear proportionality of the charge transfer resistance to the concentration of OTA allows ochratoxin A detection in the range of 2.5–100 ng/mL.

PLOS ONE | 2014

Informed Consent: How Much Awareness Is There?

Daniel Purcaru; Adrian Preda; Daniela Popa; Marius Moga; Liliana Rogozea

Improving the informed consent process in clinical research is of constant concern to regulatory authorities in the field and presents a challenge for both the specialists and patients involved. Informed consent is a process that should adequately match the complexity of clinical research. In analyzing the behaviour of 68 patients during the informed consent process related to the clinical research performed at Neomed Clinical Center in Brasov, we found that many patients do not ask any questions (35.3%). From those who do, part of the questions (20,6%) referred to general aspects (addressed the form but not the gist) of the clinical trial, some (72,8%) referred to specific aspects of the clinical trial they will attend and others (6,6%) unrelated to the clinical trial. These results suggest a lack of interest, awareness, and understanding of the information presented in the informed consent form. The possible underlying causes of this attitude and its bureaucratic, ethic, and legal implications are discussed.

Journal of Translational Medicine | 2014

Multiple pathways are responsible for Anti-inflammatory and Cardiovascular activities of Hordeum vulgare L.

Saima Gul; Sagheer Ahmed; Nurolaini Kifli; Qazi Tahir Uddin; Nafisa Batool Tahir; Abrar Hussain; Hawa Z. E. Jaafar; Marius Moga; Muhammad Zia-Ul-Haq

BackgroundHordeum vulgare L. (HV or barley) is used by traditional healers to treat various inflammatory and cardiovascular diseases, without the knowledge of pharmacologic rationale behind its actions. This study was designed to explore the potential scientific mechanism(s) that could explain the use of Hordeum vulgare in traditional medicine as a treatment for various inflammatory and cardiovascular diseases.MethodsA crude extract and its three fractions were prepared from HV and screened for the inhibition of platelet aggregation and various metabolites of cyclooxygenase (COX), lipoxygenase (LOX) pathways of arachidonic acid (AA) metabolism as well as for its effects on certain antioxidant enzymes. Platelet aggregation was monitored using turbidometric principle, AA metabolism through radioimmunoassay and antioxidant enzymes by commercial kits using spectrophotometer.ResultsResults show that HV exhibited activities against all human platelet agonists used except adenine diphosphate, and inhibited both COX and LOX pathways of AA metabolism. It also elevated the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx). However, these activities were distributed in various fractions of HV. Aqueous fraction was most potent in elevating SOD activity; chloroform fraction had concentrated compounds responsible for COX inhibition while n-hexane seems to possess compounds responsible for LOX inhibition as well as the only fraction enhancing the activity of GPx.ConclusionsThese results suggest the likely mechanisms responsible for observed anti-inflammatory and cardiovascular effects of HV in traditional medicine.

Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management | 2014

Schizophrenia relapse after stopping olanzapine treatment during pregnancy: a case report.

Petru Ifteni; Marius Moga; Victoria Burtea; Christoph U. Correll

Women with schizophrenia have a high risk for symptom exacerbation or relapse during pregnancy and thereafter. Relapses are more frequent when antipsychotics are discontinued. This paper describes the case of a 28-year old woman with schizophrenia who continued treatment with olanzapine during the first trimester. Olanzapine, a second-generation antipsychotic, was administered at a therapeutic dose from week 1 of gestation until week 13 when she reported the pregnancy to her psychiatrist. Despite the psychiatrist’s recommendation to continue treatment, the patient stopped olanzapine at 20 weeks. She was hospitalized at week 36 for a schizophrenia relapse and was transferred to the obstetrics department where she gave birth by Cesarean section to a normal child. This case is important, illustrating the perils of unplanned pregnancy during antipsychotic treatment and abrupt discontinuation. Ultimately, clinical decisions should be made on a case-by-case basis, weighing the risks to the mother in terms of symptom exacerbation and relapse if antipsychotic treatment is discontinued, and the potential risk to the fetus regarding possible teratogenic effects of continued antipsychotic treatment.

Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention | 2014

Type-specific Prevalence of Human Papillomavirus by Cervical Cytology among Women in Brasov, Romania

Marius Moga; Marius Irimie; Alexandru Oanta; Alina Mihaela Pascu; Victoria Burtea

The oncogenic role of human papillomavirus (HPV) in triggering cervical cancer, the second most common cancer in women worldwide, is well established. Romania ranks in first place in Europe in terms of the incidence of cervical cancer. Geographical widespread data on HPV type-distribution are essential for estimating the impact of HPV vaccines and cervical cancer screening programmes. In this study we aimed to identify the prevalence of HPV genotypes and to establish correlations with abnormal cervical cytology among the female population of Brasov County, Romania. A total of 1,000 women aged 17.3-57 years, attending routine cervical examination in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital of Brasov, Romania, and undergoing both cytological examination and HPV genotyping were screened. Infection with 35 different HPV genotypes was detected in 39.6% of cytological specimens. Overall HPV infections were highest in young women under 25 years (p<0.0001), in which cervical cytological abnormalities also reached the highest prevalence. Patients infected by HPV-16 or HPV-18 showed the highest prevalence of cervical cytological abnormalities. Some 48.2% of women with abnormal cytology were infected with high-risk HPV types whereas less than 3% of them were infected only with low-risk HPV types. Our study showed that the prevalence of high-risk HPV infection among Romanian women is higher compared to other studies in other geographic areas. Thus, we consider that in areas where there is an increased prevalence of high-risk HPV infections, HPV genotyping should be performed in all women aged between 18 and 45 years, and Pap test should be performed every 6 months in women with high-risk HPV infection, even those with previous normal cervical cytology.

Mycoses | 2014

In vitro susceptibility of dermatophytes isolated from patients with end‐stage renal disease: a case–control study

Marius Irimie; Alexandru Tătaru; Alexandru Oantă; Marius Moga

Although the therapeutic efficacy of antifungals is well known for dermatophytosis in general population, limited data exist for patients with chronic kidney disease. The objectives of this study were to determine the dermatophyte species causing infection in patients with end‐stage renal disease (ESRD) and in vitro susceptibility of isolated dermatophytes to antifungals. A total of 87 patients with ESRD who undergoing haemodialysis and 105 patients with normal renal function suspected with dermatophytosis were included. Skin scrapings or nail clippings were examined by direct microscopy and cultured on Sabouraud agar. In vitro antifungal susceptibility tests were performed using a broth microdilution method. Dermatophyte infections were identified in 32.2% of haemodialysis patients and in 29.5% of controls (P > 0.05). In both groups, Trichophyton rubrum was the most frequently isolated. Mean MIC values of the all studied antifungals for all of isolated dermatophyte strains from patients with ESRD were similar to those obtained in control group (P > 0.05). Terbinafine (TBF) had the lowest mean MIC values for all tested dermatophytes in both groups. We consider that TBF should be the treatment of choice for dermatophytosis in patients with chronic kidney disease, but the dose should be adjusted according to creatinine clearance and should be monitored for side effects.

Journal of Microbiological Methods | 2016

Evaluation of Ag containing hydroxyapatite coatings to the Candida albicans infection

S. Ciuca; Mihaela Badea; E. Pozna; Iulian Pana; A. Kiss; Laura Floroian; Augustin Semenescu; C.M. Cotrut; Marius Moga; A. Vladescu

In this research work, the synthesis of Ag doped hydroxyapatite coatings for dental or orthopedic implants was performed. The main goal was to determine the influence of Ag content on the roughness and antimicrobial performance of the prepared thin films. The films were deposited on Ti6Al4V alloy by means of RF magnetron sputtering. Those coatings were characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and 3D surface profilometry. The antifungal activity after 1 and 7days of culture was evaluated in the presence of Candida albicans (ATCC - 10231). The increase of Ag content increased roughness and reduced the antifungal activity. The results showed that the Ag doped hydroxyapatite coatings can be a potential solution for the improvement of the antifungal activities of Ti based alloy.

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