
Featured researches published by Marjo Palviainen.

Science of The Total Environment | 2009

Trends in hydrometeorological conditions and stream water organic carbon in boreal forested catchments

Sakari Sarkkola; Harri Koivusalo; Ari Laurén; Pirkko Kortelainen; Tuija Mattsson; Marjo Palviainen; Sirpa Piirainen; Mike Starr; Leena Finér

Temporal trends in stream water total organic carbon (TOC) concentration and export were studied in 8 forested headwater catchments situated in eastern Finland. The Seasonal Kendall test was conducted to identify the trends and a mixed model regression analysis was used to describe how catchment characteristics and hydrometeorological variables (e.g. precipitation, air and stream water temperatures, and atmospheric deposition) related to the variation in the concentration and export of stream water TOC. The 8 catchments varied in size from 29 to 494 ha and in the proportion of peatland they contained, from 8 to 70%. Runoff and TOC concentration were monitored for 15-29 years (1979-2006). Trends and variation in TOC levels were analysed from annual and seasonal time series. Mean annual TOC concentration increased significantly in seven of the eight catchments. The trends were the strongest in spring and most apparent during the last decade of the study period. The slopes of the trends were generally smaller than the variation in TOC concentration between years and seasons and between catchments. The annual TOC export showed no clear trends and values were largely determined by the temporal variability in runoff. Annual runoff showed a decreasing trend in two of the eight catchments. Mean annual air and stream water temperatures showed increasing trends, most clearly seen in the summer and autumn series. According to our modeling results, stream water temperature, precipitation and peatland percentage were the most important variables explaining annual and most seasonal TOC concentrations. The atmospheric deposition of SO4, NH4, and NO3 decreased significantly over the study period, but no significant link with TOC concentration was found. Precipitation was the main hydrometeorological driver of the TOC export. We concluded that stream water TOC concentrations and exports are mainly driven by catchment characteristics and hydrometeorological factors rather than trends in atmospheric acid deposition.

European Journal of Forest Research | 2012

Estimation of nutrient removals in stem-only and whole-tree harvesting of Scots pine, Norway spruce, and birch stands with generalized nutrient equations

Marjo Palviainen; Leena Finér

Whole-tree harvesting (WTH), where logging residues are removed in addition to stems, is widely practised in Fennoscandian boreal forests. WTH increases the export of nutrients from forest ecosystems. The extent of nutrient removals may depend on tree species, harvesting method, and the intensity of harvesting. We developed generalized nutrient equations for Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), Norway spruce (Picea abies Karsten), and birch (Betula pendula Roth and Betula pubescens Ehrh.) stands to be able to calculate the amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and calcium in stems and above-ground biomass (stem and crown) as a function of stand volume. The equations were based on Fennoscandian literature data from 34 pine, 26 spruce, and 5 birch stands, and they explained, depending on the tree species and nutrient, 61–99% and 56–87% of the variation in the nutrient amounts of stems and above-ground biomass, respectively. The calculations based on the equations showed that nutrient removals caused by stem-only harvesting (SOH) and WTH per harvested stem m3 were smaller in pine than in spruce and birch stands. If the same volume of stem is harvested, nutrient removals are, in general, nearly equal at thinnings and final cuttings in SOH, but larger in thinnings than final cuttings in WTH. If the principal aim is to minimize the nutrient removals per harvested stem m3, the harvesting should be done at mature pine stands. The effect of biomass removal on overall site nutrient status depends on site-specific factors such as atmospheric deposition, weathering of minerals, and the size of the nutrient pools in the soil.

Science of The Total Environment | 2013

Iron concentrations are increasing in surface waters from forested headwater catchments in Eastern Finland

Sakari Sarkkola; Mika Nieminen; Harri Koivusalo; Ari Laurén; Pirkko Kortelainen; Tuija Mattsson; Marjo Palviainen; Sirpa Piirainen; Mike Starr; Leena Finér

Observations of increased water colour have been made in lakes and rivers all across the northern mid-latitudes of Europe and North America, particularly during the last 10-20 yr. This water browning or brownification has been attributed to the increased organic carbon concentrations due to climate change and decreased acid atmospheric deposition. Given that iron (Fe) may also increase water colour, the contribution of Fe to water brownification has received small attention. Our aim was to study the temporal trends of Fe in forested headwater catchments in eastern Finland, where an increasing air temperature and total organic carbon (TOC) trend had been observed in an earlier study. We found a statistically significant increasing trend also in stream water Fe concentrations and a strong correlation between the trends of TOC and Fe. The average increase in TOC and Fe concentrations between 1995 and 2006 was 0.5 mg l(-1) yr(-1) (2.5%), and 34.6 μ gl(-1) yr(-1) (3.5%), respectively. These results indicate that the increased water colour or brownification in Northern Europe may not only be due to increased concentrations of organic matter but also increased concentrations of Fe. The change in precipitation and temperature conditions, particularly during late autumn and early winter periods, appeared to be the main environmental factor behind increasing Fe trends. The strong correlation between the trends of Fe and TOC indicated that the increased Fe-organic matter complexation is the mechanism behind increasing Fe trends, but further research is needed to assess the chemical forms of increased Fe that coupled with increased TOC concentrations would enhance water brownification.

Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research | 2008

Impacts of logging residue and stump removal on nitrogen export to a stream: A modelling approach

Ari Laurén; Lauri Sikanen; Antti Asikainen; Harri Koivusalo; Marjo Palviainen; Teemu Kokkonen; Seppo Kellomäki; Leena Finér

Abstract The use of forest chips for energy can decrease net carbon emissions to the atmosphere, but harvesting logging residues and stumps may have adverse effects on the environment, including changes in nutrient export to water-bodies. The aim of this study was, with the aid of a computer model, to simulate the effects of logging residue and stump removal on nitrogen (N) export from a clear-cut area to a stream. A spatially semi-distributed FEMMA ecosystem model (tool for Forestry Environmental Management) was used to simulate N export from a catchment subject to clear-cutting and four different scenarios of logging residue and stump removal. These scenarios were compared with a conventional clear-cutting scenario, where the logging residues were left on site. Simulations suggested that the logging residue recovery does not decrease N export to the stream. In the model this was explained by a decrease in microbial immobilization, which in the case of conventional clear-cutting reduces net release of N in decomposition and mitigates the export of N. The decrease in immobilization is directly related to the removal of the woody debris from the site. Simulations suggested that harvesting of logging residues in low atmospheric N-deposition areas is not an effective strategy for reducing N loads in water-bodies.

Water Air and Soil Pollution | 2012

Nitrogen and Carbon Dynamics and the Role of Enchytraeid Worms in Decomposition of L, F and H Layers of Boreal Mor

Ari Laurén; Mari Lappalainen; Päivi Saari; Jussi V. K. Kukkonen; Harri Koivusalo; Sirpa Piirainen; Heikki Setälä; Tytti Sarjala; Dan Bylund; Jaakko Heinonen; Mika Nieminen; Marjo Palviainen; Samuli Launiainen; Leena Finér

Decomposition of organic material releases carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere, and dissolved organic carbon (DOC), dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) and ammonium (NH4–N) into soil water. Each of the decomposition products contributes differently to overall export of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) to water courses. Our aim was to study the quantity and composition of the released C and N as affected by the organic material and soil fauna, represented by enchytraeid worms. We measured the release rate of carbon dioxide, and calculated the release rates for DOC and dissolved N in soil from repeated measurements of DOC and N pools during laboratory incubation of litter (L), fermented (F) and humus (H) layers of boreal forest mor. The intermediate decomposition products, DOC and DON, were characterised according to the molecule size. The release rate of the decomposition products was higher for fresh than for old organic material. The majority of N and C were released as NH4–N and CO2, respectively. The amount of extractable organic N in soil decreased by time but DON increased. Enchytraeids stimulated N mineralisation and the release of large molecule size DOC, particularly in L layer. The results suggest that organic N in extractable form biodegrades effectively, and that soil fauna have an important role in the decomposition. The results were interpreted from the water quality point of view and the implications of the results to modelling of decomposition and export of DOC and dissolved N to recipient water bodies are discussed. In the modelling context, the novelty of the study is the description of the intermediate decomposition products and the division of the dissolved organic compounds into low molecular weight and high molecular weight fractions.

Ecosystems | 2015

Land Cover Controls the Export of Terminal Electron Acceptors from Boreal Catchments

Marjo Palviainen; Jouni Lehtoranta; Petri Ekholm; Tuija Ruoho-Airola; Pirkko Kortelainen

NO3, Mn, Fe, and SO4 act as terminal electron acceptors (TEAs), modifying mineralization pathways and coupling biogeochemical cycles. Although single TEA concentrations and fluxes have been intensively studied, the factors regulating the simultaneous fluxes and molar ratios of TEAs are poorly elucidated. We studied the mean concentrations, exports, and molar ratios of TEAs from 27 boreal catchments differing in land cover (percentage of agricultural land, peatland, forest, and built-up area) during the years 2000–2011. TEA exports and molar ratios were strongly controlled by land cover and only a little by atmospheric deposition. Fields produced the highest export of TEAs, particularly NO3. Peatland was linked to low NO3 and SO4, but high Fe exports. NO3, Mn, and Fe exports from forests were low, SO4 having proportionally the highest export. Together, the percentages of field and peatland predicted 93, 80, 75, and 67% of the variation in the export of NO3, Mn, Fe, and SO4, respectively. The variable export of TEAs having different availability and physical behavior may create different premises for anaerobic mineralization in downstream systems, which adds a new dimension to the link between terrestrial system, land use, and environmental problems, such as eutrophication and climate change.

AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment | 2018

A synthesis of the impacts of ditch network maintenance on the quantity and quality of runoff from drained boreal peatland forests

Mika Nieminen; Marjo Palviainen; Sakari Sarkkola; Ari Laurén; Hannu Marttila; Leena Finér

Drained peatlands are an important source of forest biomass in boreal regions and ditch network maintenance (DNM) operations may be needed to restore the drainage functions of ditches. By reviewing the available literature, as well as utilizing an existing hydrological model and analyzing the characteristics of eroded sediments, we assessed the impacts of DNM on runoff and exports of suspended solids (SS), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), nitrogen (N), and phosphorus (P). In general, DNM had minor impact on runoff and dissolved N and P, and it decreased rather than increased DOC exports. To increase the understanding of the hydrochemical impacts of DNM, future research should focus on the characteristics of SS and particulate nutrient exports. A major gap in knowledge is also the very limited regional representativeness of the available studies. High erosion risk in the ditches reaching the mineral soil below peat should be acknowledged when planning mitigation measures.

Science of The Total Environment | 2017

Runoff changes have a land cover specific effect on the seasonal fluxes of terminal electron acceptors in the boreal catchments

Tuija Mattsson; Jouni Lehtoranta; Petri Ekholm; Marjo Palviainen; Pirkko Kortelainen

Climate change influences the volume and seasonal distribution of runoff in the northern regions. Here, we study how the seasonal variation in the runoff affects the concentrations and export of terminal electron acceptors (i.e. TEAs: NO3, Mn, Fe and SO4) in different boreal land-cover classes. Also, we make a prediction how the anticipated climate change induced increase in runoff will alter the export of TEAs in boreal catchments. Our results show that there is a strong positive relationship between runoff and the concentration of NO3-N, Mn and Fe in agricultural catchments. In peaty catchments, the relationship is poorer and the concentrations of TEAs tend to decrease with increasing runoff. In forested catchments, the correlation between runoff and TEA concentrations was weak. In most catchments, the concentrations of SO4 decrease with an increase in runoff regardless of the land cover or season. The wet years export much higher amounts of TEAs than the dry years. In southern agricultural catchments, the wet years increased the TEA export for both spring (January-May) and autumn (September-December) periods, while in the peaty and forested catchments in eastern and northern Finland the export only increased in the autumn. Our predictions for the year 2099 indicate that the export of TEAs will increase especially from agricultural but also from forested catchments. Additionally, the predictions show an increase in the export of Fe and SO4 for all the catchments for the autumn. Thus, the climate induced change in the runoff regime is likely to alter the exported amount of TEAs and the timing of the export downstream. The changes in the amounts and timing in the export of TEAs have a potential to modify the mineralization pathways in the receiving water bodies, with feedbacks in the cycling of C, nutrients and metals in aquatic ecosystems.

PLOS ONE | 2017

Nitrogen balance along a northern boreal forest fire chronosequence

Marjo Palviainen; Jukka Pumpanen; Frank Berninger; Kaisa Ritala; Baoli Duan; Jussi Heinonsalo; Hui Sun; Egle Köster; Kajar Köster

Fire is a major natural disturbance factor in boreal forests, and the frequency of forest fires is predicted to increase due to climate change. Nitrogen (N) is a key determinant of carbon sequestration in boreal forests because the shortage of N limits tree growth. We studied changes in N pools and fluxes, and the overall N balance across a 155-year non stand-replacing fire chronosequence in sub-arctic Pinus sylvestris forests in Finland. Two years after the fire, total ecosystem N pool was 622 kg ha-1 of which 16% was in the vegetation, 8% in the dead biomass and 76% in the soil. 155 years after the fire, total N pool was 960 kg ha-1, with 27% in the vegetation, 3% in the dead biomass and 69% in the soil. This implies an annual accumulation rate of 2.28 kg ha-1 which was distributed equally between soil and biomass. The observed changes in N pools were consistent with the computed N balance +2.11 kg ha-1 yr-1 over the 155-year post-fire period. Nitrogen deposition was an important component of the N balance. The biological N fixation increased with succession and constituted 9% of the total N input during the 155 post-fire years. N2O fluxes were negligible (≤ 0.01 kg ha-1 yr-1) and did not differ among post-fire age classes. The number and intensity of microbial genes involved in N cycling were lower at the site 60 years after fire compared to the youngest and the oldest sites indicating potential differences in soil N cycling processes. The results suggest that in sub-arctic pine forests, the non-stand-replacing, intermediate-severity fires decrease considerably N pools in biomass but changes in soil and total ecosystem N pools are slight. Current fire-return interval does not seem to pose a great threat to ecosystem productivity and N status in these sub-arctic forests.

Scientific Reports | 2017

Post-fire carbon and nitrogen accumulation and succession in Central Siberia

Markku Larjavaara; Frank Berninger; Marjo Palviainen; A. S. Prokushkin; Tuomo Wallenius

Improved understanding of carbon (C) accumulation after a boreal fire enables more accurate quantification of the C implications caused by potential fire regime shifts. We coupled results from a fire history study with biomass and soil sampling in a remote and little-studied region that represents a vast area of boreal taiga. We used an inventory approach based on predefined plot locations, thus avoiding problems potentially causing bias related to the standard chronosequence approach. The disadvantage of our inventory approach is that more plots are needed to expose trends. Because of this we could not expose clear trends, despite laborious sampling. We found some support for increasing C and nitrogen (N) stored in living trees and dead wood with increasing time since the previous fire or time since the previous stand-replacing fire. Surprisingly, we did not gain support for the well-established paradigm on successional patterns, beginning with angiosperms and leading, if fires are absent, to dominance of Picea. Despite the lack of clear trends in our data, we encourage fire historians and ecosystem scientists to join forces and use even larger data sets to study C accumulation since fire in the complex Eurasian boreal landscapes.

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