
PLOS ONE | 2013

Low-Canopy Seagrass Beds Still Provide Important Coastal Protection Services

Marjolijn J. A. Christianen; Jim van Belzen; P.M.J. Herman; Marieke M. van Katwijk; Leon P. M. Lamers; Peter J. M. van Leent; Tjeerd J. Bouma

One of the most frequently quoted ecosystem services of seagrass meadows is their value for coastal protection. Many studies emphasize the role of above-ground shoots in attenuating waves, enhancing sedimentation and preventing erosion. This raises the question if short-leaved, low density (grazed) seagrass meadows with most of their biomass in belowground tissues can also stabilize sediments. We examined this by combining manipulative field experiments and wave measurements along a typical tropical reef flat where green turtles intensively graze upon the seagrass canopy. We experimentally manipulated wave energy and grazing intensity along a transect perpendicular to the beach, and compared sediment bed level change between vegetated and experimentally created bare plots at three distances from the beach. Our experiments showed that i) even the short-leaved, low-biomass and heavily-grazed seagrass vegetation reduced wave-induced sediment erosion up to threefold, and ii) that erosion was a function of location along the vegetated reef flat. Where other studies stress the importance of the seagrass canopy for shoreline protection, our study on open, low-biomass and heavily grazed seagrass beds strongly suggests that belowground biomass also has a major effect on the immobilization of sediment. These results imply that, compared to shallow unvegetated nearshore reef flats, the presence of a short, low-biomass seagrass meadow maintains a higher bed level, attenuating waves before reaching the beach and hence lowering beach erosion rates. We propose that the sole use of aboveground biomass as a proxy for valuing coastal protection services should be reconsidered.

Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences | 2014

Habitat collapse due to overgrazing threatens turtle conservation in marine protected areas

Marjolijn J. A. Christianen; P.M.J. Herman; Tjeerd J. Bouma; Leon P. M. Lamers; Marieke M. van Katwijk; Tjisse van der Heide; Peter J. Mumby; Brian R. Silliman; Sarah L. Engelhard; Madelon van de Kerk; Wawan Kiswara; Johan van de Koppel

Marine protected areas (MPAs) are key tools for combatting the global overexploitation of endangered species. The prevailing paradigm is that MPAs are beneficial in helping to restore ecosystems to more ‘natural’ conditions. However, MPAs may have unintended negative effects when increasing densities of protected species exert destructive effects on their habitat. Here, we report on severe seagrass degradation in a decade-old MPA where hyper-abundant green turtles adopted a previously undescribed below-ground foraging strategy. By digging for and consuming rhizomes and roots, turtles create abundant bare gaps, thereby enhancing erosion and reducing seagrass regrowth. A fully parametrized model reveals that the ecosystem is approaching a tipping point, where consumption overwhelms regrowth, which could potentially lead to complete collapse of the seagrass habitat. Seagrass recovery will not ensue unless turtle density is reduced to nearly zero, eliminating the MPAs value as a turtle reserve. Our results reveal an unrecognized, yet imminent threat to MPAs, as sea turtle densities are increasing at major nesting sites and the decline of seagrass habitat forces turtles to concentrate on the remaining meadows inside reserves. This emphasizes the need for policy and management approaches that consider the interactions of protected species with their habitat.

Frontiers in Marine Science | 2014

Seagrasses in the age of sea turtle conservation and shark overfishing

Michael R. Heithaus; Teresa Alcoverro; Rohan Arthur; Derek A. Burkholder; Kathryn A. Coates; Marjolijn J. A. Christianen; Nachiket Kelkar; Sarah A. Manuel; Aaron J. Wirsing; W. Judson Kenworthy; James W. Fourqurean

Efforts to conserve globally declining herbivorous green sea turtles have resulted in promising growth of some populations. These trends could significantly impact critical ecosystem services provided by seagrass meadows on which turtles feed. Expanding turtle populations could improve seagrass ecosystem health by removing seagrass biomass and preventing of the formation of sediment anoxia. However, overfishing of large sharks, the primary green turtle predators, could facilitate turtle populations growing beyond historical sizes and trigger detrimental ecosystem impacts mirroring those on land when top predators were extirpated. Experimental data from multiple ocean basins suggest that increasing turtle populations can negatively impact seagrasses, including triggering virtual ecosystem collapse. Impacts of large turtle populations on seagrasses are reduced in the presence of intact shark populations. Healthy populations of sharks and turtles, therefore, are likely vital to restoring or maintaining seagrass ecosystem structure, function, and their value in supporting fisheries and as a carbon sink.

Marine Pollution Bulletin | 2011

Early warning indicators for river nutrient and sediment loads in tropical seagrass beds: A benchmark from a near-pristine archipelago in Indonesia

M.M. van Katwijk; M.E.W. van der Welle; E.C.H.E.T. Lucassen; Jan Arie Vonk; Marjolijn J. A. Christianen; Wawan Kiswara; I. Inayat al Hakim; A. Arifin; T.J. Bouma; J.G.M. Roelofs; Leon P. M. Lamers

In remote, tropical areas human influences increase, potentially threatening pristine seagrass systems. We aim (i) to provide a bench-mark for a near-pristine seagrass system in an archipelago in East Kalimantan, by quantifying a large spectrum of abiotic and biotic properties in seagrass meadows and (ii) to identify early warning indicators for river sediment and nutrient loading, by comparing the seagrass meadow properties over a gradient with varying river influence. Abiotic properties of water column, pore water and sediment were less suitable indicators for increased sediment and nutrient loading than seagrass properties. Seagrass meadows strongly responded to higher sediment and nutrient loads and proximity to the coast by decreasing seagrass cover, standing stock, number of seagrass species, changing species composition and shifts in tissue contents. Our study confirms that nutrient loads are more important than water nutrient concentrations. We identify seagrass system variables that are suitable indicators for sediment and nutrient loading, also in rapid survey scenarios with once-only measurements.

Marine Biology Research | 2010

Abundance, edge effect, and seasonality of fauna in mixed-species seagrass meadows in southwest Sulawesi, Indonesia

Jan Arie Vonk; Marjolijn J. A. Christianen; Johan Stapel

Abstract Motile fauna species in two mixed-species seagrass meadows with different canopy structure were studied on an uninhabited island in the Spermonde Archipelago, Sulawesi, Indonesia. The main focus of the study was to assess the edge effect and seasonal abundance of macrobenthic invertebrates. Fish and infauna densities were determined as well. Fauna was counted using permanent transects (macrobenthic invertebrates), visual census (fish species), and sediment cores (infauna). Both meadows had a comparable distribution of motile fauna species with polychaetes (35% of total abundance), bivalves (27%) and sipunculids (25%) accounting for the largest part of the total faunal abundance. The closed canopy meadow (high seagrass leaf biomass) had an overall higher faunal abundance compared with the open canopy meadow (low seagrass leaf biomass) (1133 vs. 751 individuals m−2). Although infauna abundance was comparable between the meadows, macrobenthic invertebrates (crustaceans, echinoderms, and molluscs) and fishes were more abundant in the closed canopy meadow, with only a few individual species more abundant in the open canopy meadow. The effect of distance from the meadow edge on macrobenthic invertebrate abundance was significant, with higher abundances towards the interior of the seagrass meadows, but for fish abundance no significant differences were found. Effects of seasonality (rainy vs. dry season) on macrobenthic invertebrate abundance were only significant for molluscs. We concluded that macrobenthic invertebrate abundance was most influenced by seagrass canopy structure, followed by meadow edge effects, and least by seasonality. Comparisons of faunal abundance in seagrass meadows need thus to include information on these three variables.

Aquatic Toxicology | 2011

Limited toxicity of NHx pulses on an early and late successional tropical seagrass species: Interactions with pH and light level

Marjolijn J. A. Christianen; T. van der Heide; T.J. Bouma; J.G.M. Roelofs; M.M. van Katwijk; Leon P. M. Lamers

Seagrasses have declined at a global scale due to light reduction and toxicity events, caused by eutrophication and increased sediment loading. Although several studies have tested effects of light reduction and toxicants on seagrasses, there is at present no information available on their interacting effects. In a full-factorial 5-day laboratory experiment, we studied short-term interactive effects of light conditions, pH and reduced nitrogen (NH(x)) in the water layer, mimicking pulses of river discharge, on the tropical early successional species Halodule uninervis and the late successional species Thalassia hemprichii. In contrast to recent results reported for the temperate species Zostera marina, increased NH(x) supply did not affect leaf mortality or photochemical efficiency in H. uninervis and in 7 out of 8 treatments for T. hemprichii. However, both tropical species demonstrated striking differences in nitrogen accumulation, free amino acid composition and free NH₃ accumulation. The increase in tissue nitrogen content was two times higher for H. uninervis than for T. hemprichii. Nitrogen stored as free amino acids (especially asparagine) only increased in H. uninervis. High pH only affected T. hemprichii, but only when not shaded, by doubling its free NH₃ concentrations, concomitantly decreasing its photosynthetic efficiency. Our results indicate that the early successional H. uninervis has higher tolerance to high NH(x) loads as compared to the late successional T. hemprichii. H. uninervis was better able to avoid toxic internal NH(x) levels by further assimilating glutamine into asparagine in contrast to T. hemprichii. Moreover, both tropical species seem to cope much better with high NH(x) than the temperate Z. marina. The implications for the distribution and succession of seagrass species under high nutrient loads are discussed.

Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences | 2016

How habitat-modifying organisms structure the food web of two coastal ecosystems

Els M. van der Zee; Christine Angelini; Laura L. Govers; Marjolijn J. A. Christianen; Andrew H. Altieri; Karin J. van der Reijden; Brian R. Silliman; Johan van de Koppel; Matthijs van der Geest; Jan A. van Gils; Henk W. van der Veer; Theunis Piersma; Peter C. de Ruiter; Han Olff; Tjisse van der Heide

The diversity and structure of ecosystems has been found to depend both on trophic interactions in food webs and on other species interactions such as habitat modification and mutualism that form non-trophic interaction networks. However, quantification of the dependencies between these two main interaction networks has remained elusive. In this study, we assessed how habitat-modifying organisms affect basic food web properties by conducting in-depth empirical investigations of two ecosystems: North American temperate fringing marshes and West African tropical seagrass meadows. Results reveal that habitat-modifying species, through non-trophic facilitation rather than their trophic role, enhance species richness across multiple trophic levels, increase the number of interactions per species (link density), but decrease the realized fraction of all possible links within the food web (connectance). Compared to the trophic role of the most highly connected species, we found this non-trophic effects to be more important for species richness and of more or similar importance for link density and connectance. Our findings demonstrate that food webs can be fundamentally shaped by interactions outside the trophic network, yet intrinsic to the species participating in it. Better integration of non-trophic interactions in food web analyses may therefore strongly contribute to their explanatory and predictive capacity.

Marine Pollution Bulletin | 2017

Seagrass ecosystem trajectory depends on the relative timescales of resistance, recovery and disturbance

Katherine R. O'Brien; Michelle Waycott; Paul Maxwell; Gary A. Kendrick; James Udy; Angus J. P. Ferguson; Kieryn Kilminster; Peter Scanes; Len McKenzie; Kathryn McMahon; Matthew P. Adams; Jimena Samper-Villarreal; Catherine J. Collier; Mitchell Lyons; Peter J. Mumby; Lynda Radke; Marjolijn J. A. Christianen; William C. Dennison

Seagrass ecosystems are inherently dynamic, responding to environmental change across a range of scales. Habitat requirements of seagrass are well defined, but less is known about their ability to resist disturbance. Specific means of recovery after loss are particularly difficult to quantify. Here we assess the resistance and recovery capacity of 12 seagrass genera. We document four classic trajectories of degradation and recovery for seagrass ecosystems, illustrated with examples from around the world. Recovery can be rapid once conditions improve, but seagrass absence at landscape scales may persist for many decades, perpetuated by feedbacks and/or lack of seed or plant propagules to initiate recovery. It can be difficult to distinguish between slow recovery, recalcitrant degradation, and the need for a window of opportunity to trigger recovery. We propose a framework synthesizing how the spatial and temporal scales of both disturbance and seagrass response affect ecosystem trajectory and hence resilience.

Marine Biology Research | 2017

Expansion and fragment settlement of the non-native seagrass Halophila stipulacea in a Caribbean bay

Fee O. H. Smulders; J. Arie Vonk; M. Sabine Engel; Marjolijn J. A. Christianen

ABSTRACT The non-native seagrass species Halophila stipulacea has spread throughout the Eastern Caribbean since 2002, and could potentially impact the functioning of local seagrass ecosystems. Important characteristics for invasiveness, such as dispersal, recruitment and expansion of H. stipulacea at a local scale, are unknown. We assessed H. stipulacea expansion rates within Lac Bay, Bonaire, Dutch Caribbean (7 km2), since its establishment in 2010 and tested the settlement potential of uprooted vegetative fragments of H. stipulacea. Using 49 fixed locations, we observed that between 2011 and 2015 the occurrence of H. stipulacea in the bay increased significantly from 6% to 20% while native Thalassia testudinum occurrence decreased significantly from 53% to 33%. Free-floating H. stipulacea fragments that were collected and tethered above the sediment rooted within 10 days with a settlement success rate of 100%. The growth of settled fragments was on average 0.91 shoots d−1. The ongoing shift from native T. testudinum to introduced H. stipulacea dominated meadows may have important consequences for multiple Caribbean seagrass ecosystem functions. Given the large difference in size between the two seagrass species, functions such as coastal protection, habitat structure, food availability, and the stability and resilience of these systems can be altered. The next steps towards modelling future expansion of H. stipulacea throughout the Caribbean and beyond should include the assessment of fragment viability and dispersal distance, and the impacts of natural and anthropogenic disturbance on vegetative fragment density, dispersion and settlement by this species.

Frontiers in Marine Science | 2018

New Tools to Identify the Location of Seagrass Meadows: Marine Grazers as Habitat Indicators

Graeme C. Hays; Teresa Alcoverro; Marjolijn J. A. Christianen; Carlos M. Duarte; Mark Hamann; Peter I. Macreadie; Helene Marsh; Michael Rasheed; Michele Thums; Richard K. F. Unsworth; Paul H. York; Nicole Esteban

Seagrasses are hugely valuable to human life, but the global extent of seagrass meadows remains unclear. As evidence of their value, a United Nations program exists ( to try and assess their distribution and there has been a call from 122 scientists across 28 countries for more work to manage, protect and monitor seagrass meadows ( Emerging from the 12th International Seagrass Biology Workshop, held in October 2016 has been the view that grazing marine megafauna may play a useful role in helping to identify previously unknown seagrass habitats. Here we describe this concept, showing how detailed information on the distribution of both dugongs (Dugong dugon) and green sea turtles (Chelonia mydas) obtained, for example, by aerial surveys and satellite tracking, can reveal new information on the location of seagrass meadows. We show examples of how marine megaherbivores have been effective habitat indicators, revealing major, new, deep-water seagrass meadows and offering the potential for more informed estimates of seagrass extent in tropical and sub-tropical regions where current information is often lacking.

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