
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews | 2009

Insights into the neural basis of response inhibition from cognitive and clinical neuroscience

Christopher D. Chambers; Hugh Garavan; Mark A. Bellgrove

Neural mechanisms of cognitive control enable us to initiate, coordinate and update behaviour. Central to successful control is the ability to suppress actions that are no longer relevant or required. In this article, we review the contribution of cognitive neuroscience, molecular genetics and clinical investigations to understanding how response inhibition is mediated in the human brain. In Section 1, we consider insights into the neural basis of inhibitory control from the effects of neural interference, neural dysfunction, and drug addiction. In Section 2, we explore the functional specificity of inhibitory mechanisms among a range of related processes, including response selection, working memory, and attention. In Section 3, we focus on the contribution of response inhibition to understanding flexible behaviour, including the effects of learning and individual differences. Finally, in Section 4, we propose a series of technical and conceptual objectives for future studies addressing the neural basis of inhibition.

Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience | 2006

Executive Brake Failure following Deactivation of Human Frontal Lobe

Christopher D. Chambers; Mark A. Bellgrove; Mark G. Stokes; Tracy R. Henderson; Hugh Garavan; Ian H. Robertson; Adam P. Morris; Jason B. Mattingley

In the course of daily living, humans frequently encounter situations in which a motor activity, once initiated, becomes unnecessary or inappropriate. Under such circumstances, the ability to inhibit motor responses can be of vital importance. Although the nature of response inhibition has been studied in psychology for several decades, its neural basis remains unclear. Using transcranial magnetic stimulation, we found that temporary deactivation of the pars opercularis in the right inferior frontal gyrus selectively impairs the ability to stop an initiated action. Critically, deactivation of the same region did not affect the ability to execute responses, nor did it influence physiological arousal. These findings confirm and extend recent reports that the inferior frontal gyrus is vital for mediating response inhibition.

Neuropsychologia | 2004

The functional neuroanatomical correlates of response variability: evidence from a response inhibition task

Mark A. Bellgrove; Robert Hester; Hugh Garavan

Intra-individual performance variability may be an important index of the efficiency with which executive control processes are implemented, Lesion studies suggest that damage to the frontal lobes is accompanied by an increase in such variability. Here we sought for the first time to investigate how the functional neuroanatomy of executive control is modulated by performance variability in healthy subjects by using an event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (ER-fMRI) design and a Go/No-go response inhibition paradigm. Behavioural results revealed that individual differences in Go response time variability were a strong predictor of inhibitory success and that differences in mean Go response time could not account for this effect. Task-related brain activation was positively correlated with intra-individual variability within a distributed inhibitory network consisting of bilateral middle frontal areas and right inferior parietal and thalamic regions. Both the behavioural and fMRI data are consistent with the interpretation that those subjects with relatively higher intra-individual variability activate inhibitory regions to a greater extent, perhaps reflecting a greater requirement for top-down executive control in this group, a finding that may be relevant to disorders of executive/attentional control.

Nature Neuroscience | 2012

Adolescent impulsivity phenotypes characterized by distinct brain networks

Robert Whelan; Patricia J. Conrod; Jean-Baptiste Poline; Anbarasu Lourdusamy; Tobias Banaschewski; Gareth J. Barker; Mark A. Bellgrove; Christian Büchel; Mark Byrne; Tarrant D.R. Cummins; Mira Fauth-Bühler; Herta Flor; Jürgen Gallinat; Andreas Heinz; Bernd Ittermann; Karl Mann; Jean-Luc Martinot; Edmund C. Lalor; Mark Lathrop; Eva Loth; Frauke Nees; Tomáš Paus; Marcella Rietschel; Michael N. Smolka; Rainer Spanagel; David N. Stephens; Maren Struve; Benjamin Thyreau; Sabine Vollstaedt-Klein; Trevor W. Robbins

The impulsive behavior that is often characteristic of adolescence may reflect underlying neurodevelopmental processes. Moreover, impulsivity is a multi-dimensional construct, and it is plausible that distinct brain networks contribute to its different cognitive, clinical and behavioral aspects. As these networks have not yet been described, we identified distinct cortical and subcortical networks underlying successful inhibitions and inhibition failures in a large sample (n = 1,896) of 14-year-old adolescents. Different networks were associated with drug use (n = 1,593) and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder symptoms (n = 342). Hypofunctioning of a specific orbitofrontal cortical network was associated with likelihood of initiating drug use in early adolescence. Right inferior frontal activity was related to the speed of the inhibition process (n = 826) and use of illegal substances and associated with genetic variation in a norepinephrine transporter gene (n = 819). Our results indicate that both neural endophenotypes and genetic variation give rise to the various manifestations of impulsive behavior.

Neuropsychologia | 2007

Dissociation in performance of children with ADHD and high-functioning autism on a task of sustained attention.

Katherine A. Johnson; Ian H. Robertson; Simon P. Kelly; Timothy J. Silk; Aoife Dáibhis; Amy Watchorn; Michelle Keavey; Michael Fitzgerald; Louise Gallagher; Michael Gill; Mark A. Bellgrove

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism are two neurodevelopmental disorders associated with prominent executive dysfunction, which may be underpinned by disruption within fronto-striatal and fronto-parietal circuits. We probed executive function in these disorders using a sustained attention task with a validated brain-behaviour basis. Twenty-three children with ADHD, 21 children with high-functioning autism (HFA) and 18 control children were tested on the Sustained Attention to Response Task (SART). In a fixed sequence version of the task, children were required to withhold their response to a predictably occurring no-go target (3) in a 1–9 digit sequence; in the random version the sequence was unpredictable. The ADHD group showed clear deficits in response inhibition and sustained attention, through higher errors of commission and omission on both SART versions. The HFA group showed no sustained attention deficits, through a normal number of omission errors on both SART versions. The HFA group showed dissociation in response inhibition performance, as indexed by commission errors. On the Fixed SART, a normal number of errors was made, however when the stimuli were randomised, the HFA group made as many commission errors as the ADHD group. Greater slow-frequency variability in response time and a slowing in mean response time by the ADHD group suggested impaired arousal processes. The ADHD group showed greater fast-frequency variability in response time, indicative of impaired top-down control, relative to the HFA and control groups. These data imply involvement of fronto-parietal attentional networks and sub-cortical arousal systems in the pathology of ADHD and prefrontal cortex dysfunction in children with HFA.

The Journal of Neuroscience | 2009

Uncovering the Neural Signature of Lapsing Attention: Electrophysiological Signals Predict Errors up to 20 s before They Occur

Redmond G. O'Connell; Paul M. Dockree; Ian H. Robertson; Mark A. Bellgrove; John J. Foxe; Simon P. Kelly

The extent to which changes in brain activity can foreshadow human error is uncertain yet has important theoretical and practical implications. The present study examined the temporal dynamics of electrocortical signals preceding a lapse of sustained attention. Twenty-one participants performed a continuous temporal expectancy task, which involved continuously monitoring a stream of regularly alternating patterned stimuli to detect a rarely occurring target stimulus whose duration was 40% longer. The stimulus stream flickered at a rate of 25 Hz to elicit a steady-state visual-evoked potential (SSVEP), which served as a continuous measure of basic visual processing. Increasing activity in the α band (8–14 Hz) was found beginning ∼20 s before a missed target. This was followed by decreases in the amplitude of two event-related components over a short pretarget time frame: the frontal P3 (3–4 s) and contingent-negative variation (during the target interval). In contrast, SSVEP amplitude before hits and misses was closely matched, suggesting that the efficacy of ongoing basic visual processing was unaffected. Our results show that the specific neural signatures of attentional lapses are registered in the EEG up to 20 s before an error.

Molecular Psychiatry | 2007

Right parietal dysfunction in children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, combined type : a functional MRI study

Alasdair Vance; Timothy J. Silk; M. Casey; Nicole J. Rinehart; John L. Bradshaw; Mark A. Bellgrove; Ross Cunnington

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, combined type (ADHD-CT) is associated with spatial working memory deficits. These deficits are known to be subserved by dysfunction of neural circuits involving right prefrontal, striatal and parietal brain regions. This study determines whether decreased right prefrontal, striatal and parietal activation with a mental rotation task shown in adolescents with ADHD-CT is also evident in children with ADHD-CT. A cross-sectional study of 12 pre-pubertal, right-handed, 8–12-year-old boys with ADHD-CT and 12 pre-pubertal, right-handed, performance IQ-matched, 8–12-year-old healthy boys, recruited from local primary schools, was completed. Participants underwent functional magnetic resonance imaging while performing a mental rotation task that requires spatial working memory. The two groups did not differ in their accuracy or response times for the mental rotation task. The ADHD-CT group showed significantly less activation in right parieto-occipital areas (cuneus and precuneus, BA 19), the right inferior parietal lobe (BA 40) and the right caudate nucleus. Our findings with a child cohort confirm previous reports of right striatal-parietal dysfunction in adolescents with ADHD-CT. This dysfunction suggests a widespread maturational deficit that may be developmental stage independent.

Biological Psychiatry | 2011

The molecular genetics of executive function: role of monoamine system genes.

Jessica Jane Margaret Barnes; Angela J. Dean; L. Sanjay Nandam; Redmond G. O'Connell; Mark A. Bellgrove

Executive control processes, such as sustained attention, response inhibition, and error monitoring, allow humans to guide behavior in appropriate, flexible, and adaptive ways. The consequences of executive dysfunction for humans can be dramatic, as exemplified by the large range of both neurologic and neuropsychiatric disorders in which such deficits negatively affect outcome and quality of life. Much evidence suggests that many clinical disorders marked by executive deficits are highly heritable and that individual differences in quantitative measures of executive function are strongly driven by genetic differences. Accordingly, intense research effort has recently been directed toward mapping the genetic architecture of executive control processes in both clinical (e.g., attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder) and nonclinical populations. Here we review the extant literature on the molecular genetic correlates of three exemplar but dissociable executive functions: sustained attention, response inhibition, and error processing. Our review focuses on monoaminergic gene variants given the strong body of evidence from cognitive neuroscience and pharmacology implicating dopamine, noradrenaline, and serotonin as neuromodulators of executive function. Associations between DNA variants of the dopamine beta hydroxylase gene and measures of sustained attention accord well with cognitive-neuroanatomical models of sustained attention. Equally, functional variants of the dopamine D2 receptor gene are reliably associated with performance monitoring, error processing, and reinforcement learning. Emerging evidence suggests that variants of the dopamine transporter gene (DAT1) and dopamine D4 receptor gene (DRD4) show promise for explaining significant variance in individual differences in both behavioral and neural measures of inhibitory control.

Biological Psychiatry | 2011

Methylphenidate But Not Atomoxetine or Citalopram Modulates Inhibitory Control and Response Time Variability

L. Sanjay Nandam; Robert Hester; Joe Wagner; Tarrant D.R. Cummins; Kelly Garner; Angela J. Dean; Bung Nyun Kim; Pradeep J. Nathan; Jason B. Mattingley; Mark A. Bellgrove

BACKGROUND Response inhibition is a prototypical executive function of considerable clinical relevance to psychiatry. Nevertheless, our understanding of its pharmacological modulation remains incomplete. METHODS We used a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover design to examine the effect of an acute dose of methylphenidate (MPH) (30 mg), atomoxetine (ATM) (60 mg), citalopram (CIT) (30 mg), and placebo (PLAC) (dextrose) on the stop signal inhibition task in 24 healthy, right-handed men 18-35 years of age. Participants performed the task under each of the four drug conditions across four consecutive sessions. RESULTS Methylphenidate led to a reduction in both response time variability and stop-signal reaction time (SSRT), indicating enhanced response inhibition compared with all other drug conditions. Crucially, the enhancement of response inhibition by MPH occurred without concomitant changes in overall response speed, arguing against a simple enhancement of processing speed. We found no significant differences between ATM and PLAC, CIT and PLAC, or ATM and CIT for either response time variability or SSRT. CONCLUSIONS An acute dose of MPH but not ATM or CIT was able to improve SSRT and reduce response time variability in nonclinical participants. Improvements in response inhibition and response variability might underlie the reported clinical benefits of MPH in disorders such as attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.

Molecular Psychiatry | 2014

Neurodevelopmental and neuropsychiatric disorders represent an interconnected molecular system

Alexandre S. Cristino; S. M. Williams; Ziarih Hawi; Joon Yong An; Mark A. Bellgrove; Charles E Schwartz; L. da F. Costa; Charles Claudianos

Many putative genetic factors that confer risk to neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism spectrum disorders (ASDs) and X-linked intellectual disability (XLID), and to neuropsychiatric disorders including attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and schizophrenia (SZ) have been identified in individuals from diverse human populations. Although there is significant aetiological heterogeneity within and between these conditions, recent data show that genetic factors contribute to their comorbidity. Many studies have identified candidate gene associations for these mental health disorders, albeit this is often done in a piecemeal fashion with little regard to the inherent molecular complexity. Here, we sought to abstract relationships from our knowledge of systems level biology to help understand the unique and common genetic drivers of these conditions. We undertook a global and systematic approach to build and integrate available data in gene networks associated with ASDs, XLID, ADHD and SZ. Complex network concepts and computational methods were used to investigate whether candidate genes associated with these conditions were related through mechanisms of gene regulation, functional protein–protein interactions, transcription factor (TF) and microRNA (miRNA) binding sites. Although our analyses show that genetic variations associated with the four disorders can occur in the same molecular pathways and functional domains, including synaptic transmission, there are patterns of variation that define significant differences between disorders. Of particular interest is DNA variations located in intergenic regions that comprise regulatory sites for TFs or miRNA. Our approach provides a hypothetical framework, which will help discovery and analysis of candidate genes associated with neurodevelopmental and neuropsychiatric disorders.

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