Mark D. Wilke
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Physics of Plasmas | 2011
M. J. Edwards; J. D. Lindl; B. K. Spears; S. V. Weber; L. J. Atherton; D. L. Bleuel; David K. Bradley; D. A. Callahan; Charles Cerjan; D. S. Clark; G. W. Collins; J. Fair; R. J. Fortner; S. H. Glenzer; S. W. Haan; B. A. Hammel; Alex V. Hamza; S. P. Hatchett; N. Izumi; B. Jacoby; O. S. Jones; J. A. Koch; B. J. Kozioziemski; O. L. Landen; R. A. Lerche; B. J. MacGowan; A. J. Mackinnon; E. R. Mapoles; M. M. Marinak; M. J. Moran
Ignition requires precisely controlled, high convergence implosions to assemble a dense shell of deuterium-tritium (DT) fuel with ρR>∼1 g/cm2 surrounding a 10 keV hot spot with ρR ∼ 0.3 g/cm2. A working definition of ignition has been a yield of ∼1 MJ. At this yield the α-particle energy deposited in the fuel would have been ∼200 kJ, which is already ∼10 × more than the kinetic energy of a typical implosion. The National Ignition Campaign includes low yield implosions with dudded fuel layers to study and optimize the hydrodynamic assembly of the fuel in a diagnostics rich environment. The fuel is a mixture of tritium-hydrogen-deuterium (THD) with a density equivalent to DT. The fraction of D can be adjusted to control the neutron yield. Yields of ∼1014−15 14 MeV (primary) neutrons are adequate to diagnose the hot spot as well as the dense fuel properties via down scattering of the primary neutrons. X-ray imaging diagnostics can function in this low yield environment providing additional information about ...
Review of Scientific Instruments | 2006
V. Yu. Glebov; D. D. Meyerhofer; T. C. Sangster; C. Stoeckl; S. Roberts; C. A. Barrera; J. Celeste; Charles Cerjan; Lucile S. Dauffy; David C. Eder; R. L. Griffith; S. W. Haan; B. A. Hammel; S. P. Hatchett; N. Izumi; J. R. Kimbrough; J. A. Koch; O. L. Landen; R. A. Lerche; B. J. MacGowan; M. J. Moran; E. W. Ng; Thomas W. Phillips; P. Song; R. Tommasini; B. K. Young; S. E. Caldwell; Gary P. Grim; S. C. Evans; J. M. Mack
The National Ignition Facility (NIF) will provide up to 1.8MJ of laser energy for imploding inertial confinement fusion (ICF) targets. Ignited NIF targets are expected to produce up to 1019 DT neutrons. This will provide unprecedented opportunities and challenges for the use of nuclear diagnostics in ICF experiments. In 2005, the suite of nuclear-ignition diagnostics for the NIF was defined and they are under development through collaborative efforts at several institutions. This suite includes PROTEX and copper activation for primary yield measurements, a magnetic recoil spectrometer and carbon activation for fuel areal density, neutron time-of-flight detectors for yield and ion temperature, a gamma bang time detector, and neutron imaging systems for primary and downscattered neutrons. An overview of the conceptual design, the developmental status, and recent results of prototype tests on the OMEGA laser will be presented.
Physics of Plasmas | 1998
D. S. Montgomery; B. B. Afeyan; James A. Cobble; Juan C. Fernandez; Mark D. Wilke; S. H. Glenzer; R. K. Kirkwood; B. J. MacGowan; J. D. Moody; E. L. Lindman; D. H. Munro; Bernhard H. Wilde; Harvey A. Rose; D. F. DuBois; B. Bezzerides; H. X. Vu
The reflectivity levels of stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) in recent large scale length laser plasma experiments is much lower than expected for conditions where the convective gain exponent is expected to be large. Long wavelength velocity fluctuations caused during the plasma formation process, or by parametric instabilities themselves, have been proposed as a mechanism to detune SBS in these experiments and reduce its gain. Evidence of large velocity fluctuation levels is found in the time-resolved SBS spectra from these experiments, and correlates with observed changes in the reflectivity of both SBS and stimulated Raman scattering (SRS). The authors present evidence of fluctuations which increase as the plasma density systematically increases, and discuss their effect on the growth of parametric instabilities.
Review of Scientific Instruments | 2008
Mark D. Wilke; S. H. Batha; P. A. Bradley; Robert D. Day; David D. Clark; Valerie E. Fatherley; Joshua P. Finch; R. Gallegos; Felix P. Garcia; Gary P. Grim; Steven A. Jaramillo; Andrew J. Montoya; Michael J. Moran; George L. Morgan; John A. Oertel; Thomas A. Ortiz; J. R. Payton; Peter Pazuchanics; D. W. Schmidt; Adelaida C. Valdez; C. H. Wilde; D. C. Wilson
The National Ignition Facility (NIF) is scheduled to begin deuterium-tritium (DT) shots possibly in the next several years. One of the important diagnostics in understanding capsule behavior and to guide changes in Hohlraum illumination, capsule design, and geometry will be neutron imaging of both the primary 14 MeV neutrons and the lower-energy downscattered neutrons in the 6-13 MeV range. The neutron imaging system (NIS) described here, which we are currently building for use on NIF, uses a precisely aligned set of apertures near the target to form the neutron images on a segmented scintillator. The images are recorded on a gated, intensified charge coupled device. Although the aperture set may be as close as 20 cm to the target, the imaging camera system will be located at a distance of 28 m from the target. At 28 m the camera system is outside the NIF building. Because of the distance and shielding, the imager will be able to obtain images with little background noise. The imager will be capable of imaging downscattered neutrons from failed capsules with yields Y(n)>10(14) neutrons. The shielding will also permit the NIS to function at neutron yields >10(18), which is in contrast to most other diagnostics that may not work at high neutron yields. The following describes the current NIF NIS design and compares the predicted performance with the NIF specifications that must be satisfied to generate images that can be interpreted to understand results of a particular shot. The current design, including the aperture, scintillator, camera system, and reconstruction methods, is briefly described. System modeling of the existing Omega NIS and comparison with the Omega data that guided the NIF design based on our Omega results is described. We will show NIS model calculations of the expected NIF images based on component evaluations at Omega. We will also compare the calculated NIF input images with those unfolded from the NIS images generated from our NIS numerical modeling code.
Physics of Plasmas | 2000
Juan C. Fernandez; J. A. Cobble; D. S. Montgomery; Mark D. Wilke; B. B. Afeyan
The results from experiments in quasihomogeneous plasmas to evaluate the potential threat of high laser reflectivity from stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) to inertial-confinement fusion (ICF) are presented. The SRS laser reflectivity is observed to be sizable (up to 50%) and very weakly dependent on electron density (and kλD), over a large range of density that corresponds to a large variation in Landau damping of plasma waves. In contrast, the reflectivity increases monotonically over time, along with ion temperature, until gross hydrodynamic activity interferes with SRS. This is consistent with previous observations of SRS reflectivity scaling with the damping rate of ion acoustic waves [Fernandez et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 77, 2702 (1996); Kirkwood et al., ibid. 77, 2706 (1996)]. The data from plasmas with the highest kλD values indicate anomalously low damping rates for the SRS plasma wave.
Physics of Plasmas | 1999
S. R. Goldman; S. E. Caldwell; Mark D. Wilke; D. C. Wilson; Cris W. Barnes; W. W. Hsing; Norman D. Delamater; G. T. Schappert; J. W. Grove; E. L. Lindman; J. M. Wallace; R. P. Weaver; A. M. Dunne; M. J. Edwards; P. Graham; B. R. Thomas
The use of copper-doped beryllium ablators on National Ignition Facility [J. A. Paisner et al., Laser Focus World 30, 75 (1994)] targets, in place of plastic, can require the bonding together of hemispheres with a joint of differing composition. Indirect drive experiments have been conducted on the Nova laser [J. L. Emmet, W. F. Krupke, and J. B. Trenholme, Sov. J. Quantum Electron. 13, 1 (1983)], and the resulting shock structuring compared with code simulations. It is concluded that one of the available codes, the RAGE code [R. M. Baltrusaitis et al., Phys. Fluids 8, 2471 (1996)] provides useful insight into the effect of joints. This code is then employed to obtain a physical picture of the shock front nonuniformity in terms of a secondary rarefaction and an oblique shock interacting with the main shock that propagates in the absence of the joint. A simple analysis reinforces this picture.
Review of Scientific Instruments | 1997
R. J. Leeper; Gordon Andrew Chandler; G. W. Cooper; M. S. Derzon; D. L. Fehl; D. E. Hebron; A. R. Moats; D. D. Noack; John L. Porter; Laurence E. Ruggles; C. L. Ruiz; J. Torres; M. D. Cable; P. M. Bell; C. A. Clower; B. A. Hammel; D. H. Kalantar; V. P. Karpenko; R. L. Kauffman; J.D. Kilkenny; F. D. Lee; R. A. Lerche; B. J. MacGowan; M. J. Moran; M. B. Nelson; W. Olson; T. J. Orzechowski; Thomas W. Phillips; D. Ress; G. L. Tietbohl
A review of recent progress on the design of a diagnostic system proposed for ignition target experiments on the National Ignition Facility (NIF) will be presented. This diagnostic package contains an extensive suite of optical, x ray, gamma ray, and neutron diagnostics that enable measurements of the performance of both direct and indirect driven NIF targets. The philosophy used in designing all of the diagnostics in the set has emphasized redundant and independent measurement of fundamental physical quantities relevant to the operation of the NIF target. A unique feature of these diagnostics is that they are being designed to be capable of operating in the high radiation, electromagnetic pulse, and debris backgrounds expected on the NIF facility. The diagnostic system proposed can be categorized into three broad areas: laser characterization, hohlraum characterization, and capsule performance diagnostics. The operating principles of a representative instrument from each class of diagnostic employed in t...
Journal of Applied Physics | 2011
C. L. Morris; E. Ables; K. R. Alrick; Maurice B. Aufderheide; P. D. Barnes; K. L. Buescher; D. J. Cagliostro; D. A. Clark; D. J. Clark; C. J. Espinoza; E. N. Ferm; R. A. Gallegos; S. D. Gardner; J. J. Gomez; G. A. Greene; A. L. Hanson; E. P. Hartouni; G. E. Hogan; N. S. P. King; K. Kwiatkowski; R. P. Liljestrand; F. G. Mariam; F. E. Merrill; D. V. Morgan; K. B. Morley; C. T. Mottershead; M. M. Murray; P. D. Pazuchanics; J. E. Pearson; J. S. Sarracino
The accuracy of density measurements and position resolution in flash (40 ns) radiography of thick objects with 24 Gev/c protons is investigated. A global model fit to step wedge data is shown to give a good description spanning the periodic table. The parameters obtained from the step wedge data are used to predict transmission through the French Test Object (FTO), a test object of nested spheres, to a precision better than 1%. Multiple trials have been used to show that the systematic errors are less than 2%. Absolute agreement between the average radiographic measurements of the density and the known density is 1%. Spatial resolution has been measured to be 200 μm at the center of the FTO. These data verify expectations of the benefits provided by high energy hadron radiography for thick objects.
Review of Scientific Instruments | 2001
T. J. Murphy; Cris W. Barnes; R. R. Berggren; P. A. Bradley; S. E. Caldwell; R. E. Chrien; J. R. Faulkner; Peter L. Gobby; Nelson M. Hoffman; J. L. Jimerson; K. A. Klare; C. L. Lee; J. M. Mack; George L. Morgan; John A. Oertel; F. J. Swenson; Peter J. Walsh; R. B. Walton; Robert G. Watt; Mark D. Wilke; D. C. Wilson; C. S. Young; S. W. Haan; R. A. Lerche; M. J. Moran; Thomas W. Phillips; Thomas C. Sangster; R. J. Leeper; C. L. Ruiz; G. W. Cooper
The National Ignition Facility (NIF), currently under construction at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, will provide unprecedented opportunities for the use of nuclear diagnostics in inertial confinement fusion experiments. The completed facility will provide 2 MJ of laser energy for driving targets, compared to the approximately 40 kJ that was available on Nova and the approximately 30 kJ available on Omega. Ignited NIF targets are anticipated to produce up to 1019 DT neutrons. In addition to a basic set of nuclear diagnostics based on previous experience, these higher NIF yields are expected to allow innovative nuclear diagnostic techniques to be utilized, such as neutron imaging, recoil proton techniques, and gamma-ray-based reaction history measurements.
Review of Scientific Instruments | 2003
Cindy R. Christensen; Cris W. Barnes; George L. Morgan; Mark D. Wilke; D. C. Wilson
Results are presented for the first implementation of pinhole imaging of inertial confinement fusion-produced neutrons. Raw images are shown, together with mathematical reconstructions of the source objects, for both spherical and asymmetric implosions. These reconstructions are considerably sharpened with respect to the raw images. They rely on the accurate calculation of the point-spread function, including neutron penetration into the material defining the pinhole. Proton recoil in the scintillator material and irregularity in scintillator fiber packing must be considered. The statistics of the system are inferred, which allows the use of simulations to demonstrate the robustness of the reconstructions to noise.