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Featured researches published by Mark Mercola.

Cell | 2002

Asymmetries in H+/K+-ATPase and Cell Membrane Potentials Comprise a Very Early Step in Left-Right Patterning

Michael Levin; Thorleif Thorlin; Kenneth R. Robinson; Taisaku Nogi; Mark Mercola

A pharmacological screen identified the H+ and K+ ATPase transporter as obligatory for normal orientation of the left-right body axis in Xenopus. Maternal H+/K+-ATPase mRNA is symmetrically expressed in the 1-cell Xenopus embryo but becomes localized during the first two cell divisions, demonstrating that asymmetry is generated within two hours postfertilization. Although H+/K+-ATPase subunit mRNAs are symmetrically localized in chick embryos, an endogenous H+/K+-ATPase-dependent difference in membrane voltage potential exists between the left and right sides of the primitive streak. In both species, pharmacologic or genetic perturbation of endogenous H+/K+-ATPase randomized the sided pattern of asymmetrically expressed genes and induced organ heterotaxia. Thus, LR asymmetry determination depends on a very early differential ion flux created by H+/K+-ATPase activity.

Nature Medicine | 2006

Beta-cell differentiation from nonendocrine epithelial cells of the adult human pancreas.

Ergeng Hao; Björn Tyrberg; Pamela Itkin-Ansari; Jonathan R. T. Lakey; Ifat Geron; Edward Monosov; Maria Barcova; Mark Mercola; Fred Levine

The nature and even existence of adult pancreatic endocrine stem or progenitor cells is a subject of controversy in the field of beta-cell replacement for diabetes. One place to search for such cells is in the nonendocrine fraction of cells that remain after islet isolation, which consist of a mixture of epithelia and mesenchyme. Culture in G418 resulted in elimination of the mesenchymal cells, leaving a highly purified population of nonendocrine pancreatic epithelial cells (NEPECs). To evaluate their differentiation potential, NEPECs were heritably marked and transplanted under the kidney capsule of immunodeficient mice. When cotransplanted with fetal pancreatic cells, NEPECs were capable of endocrine differentiation. We found no evidence of beta-cell replication or cell fusion that could have explained the appearance of insulin positive cells from a source other than NEPECs. Nonendocrine-to-endocrine differentiation of NEPECs supports the existence of endocrine stem or progenitor cells within the epithelial compartment of the adult human pancreas.

Nature | 2014

Inhibition of miR-25 improves cardiac contractility in the failing heart

Christine Wahlquist; Dongtak Jeong; Agustin Rojas-Muñoz; Changwon Kho; Ahyoung Lee; Shinichi Mitsuyama; Alain van Mil; Woo Jin Park; Joost P.G. Sluijter; Pieter A. Doevendans; Roger J. Hajjar; Mark Mercola

Heart failure is characterized by a debilitating decline in cardiac function, and recent clinical trial results indicate that improving the contractility of heart muscle cells by boosting intracellular calcium handling might be an effective therapy. MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are dysregulated in heart failure but whether they control contractility or constitute therapeutic targets remains speculative. Using high-throughput functional screening of the human microRNAome, here we identify miRNAs that suppress intracellular calcium handling in heart muscle by interacting with messenger RNA encoding the sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium uptake pump SERCA2a (also known as ATP2A2). Of 875 miRNAs tested, miR-25 potently delayed calcium uptake kinetics in cardiomyocytes in vitro and was upregulated in heart failure, both in mice and humans. Whereas adeno-associated virus 9 (AAV9)-mediated overexpression of miR-25 in vivo resulted in a significant loss of contractile function, injection of an antisense oligonucleotide (antagomiR) against miR-25 markedly halted established heart failure in a mouse model, improving cardiac function and survival relative to a control antagomiR oligonucleotide. These data reveal that increased expression of endogenous miR-25 contributes to declining cardiac function during heart failure and suggest that it might be targeted therapeutically to restore function.

PLOS ONE | 2009

Lentiviral vectors and protocols for creation of stable hESC lines for fluorescent tracking and drug resistance selection of cardiomyocytes.

Hiroko Kita‐Matsuo; Maria Barcova; Natalie L. Prigozhina; Nathan Salomonis; Karen Wei; Jeffrey G. Jacot; Brandon Nelson; Sean Spiering; René Haverslag; Changsung Kim; Maria Talantova; Ruchi Bajpai; Diego Calzolari; Alexey Terskikh; Andrew D. McCulloch; Jeffrey H. Price; Bruce R. Conklin; H.S. Vincent Chen; Mark Mercola

Background Developmental, physiological and tissue engineering studies critical to the development of successful myocardial regeneration therapies require new ways to effectively visualize and isolate large numbers of fluorescently labeled, functional cardiomyocytes. Methodology/Principal Findings Here we describe methods for the clonal expansion of engineered hESCs and make available a suite of lentiviral vectors for that combine Blasticidin, Neomycin and Puromycin resistance based drug selection of pure populations of stem cells and cardiomyocytes with ubiquitous or lineage-specific promoters that direct expression of fluorescent proteins to visualize and track cardiomyocytes and their progenitors. The phospho-glycerate kinase (PGK) promoter was used to ubiquitously direct expression of histone-2B fused eGFP and mCherry proteins to the nucleus to monitor DNA content and enable tracking of cell migration and lineage. Vectors with T/Brachyury and α-myosin heavy chain (αMHC) promoters targeted fluorescent or drug-resistance proteins to early mesoderm and cardiomyocytes. The drug selection protocol yielded 96% pure cardiomyocytes that could be cultured for over 4 months. Puromycin-selected cardiomyocytes exhibited a gene expression profile similar to that of adult human cardiomyocytes and generated force and action potentials consistent with normal fetal cardiomyocytes, documenting these parameters in hESC-derived cardiomyocytes and validating that the selected cells retained normal differentiation and function. Conclusion/Significance The protocols, vectors and gene expression data comprise tools to enhance cardiomyocyte production for large-scale applications.

Developmental Biology | 1990

Selective expression of PDGF A and its receptor during early mouse embryogenesis

Mark Mercola; Chiayeng Wang; James Darrel Kelly; Clare Brownlee; Laurie Jackson-Grusby; Charles D. Stiles; Dan F. Bowen-Pope

Murine homologs of the PDGF A, PDGF B, and PDGF receptor alpha subunit genes were cloned. These were used, together with a mouse PDGF receptor beta subunit cDNA clone, to monitor gene expression in early postimplantation mouse embryos and in F9 embryonal carcinoma cells. RNAse protection analysis shows that PDGF A chain, but not B chain, mRNA is expressed in 6.5- to 8.5-day embryonic and extraembryonic tissues. Both alpha and beta receptor subunit mRNAs are expressed in early embryos, however, alpha subunit mRNA appears earlier and is more abundant than beta subunit mRNA. Undifferentiated F9 embryonal carcinoma stem cells express abundant levels of A chain, but not B chain, mRNA. Neither of the PDGF receptor genes is expressed in stem cells. Treatment with retinoic acid stimulates expression of both PDGF receptor genes. As in postimplantation mouse embryos, alpha receptor subunit mRNA appears earlier and is substantially more abundant than beta subunit mRNA. Collectively, these data demonstrate that the genes encoding the two chains of PDGF and their receptors are regulated independently during development and suggest that the two systems have some nonoverlapping functions in vivo. PDGF A, but not PDGF B, may be particularly important in modulating early events in mouse embryonic development.

Circulation Research | 2011

Small-Molecule Inhibitors of the Wnt Pathway Potently Promote Cardiomyocytes From Human Embryonic Stem Cell–Derived Mesoderm

Erik Willems; Sean Spiering; Herman Davidovics; Marion Lanier; Zebin Xia; Marcia I. Dawson; John R. Cashman; Mark Mercola

Rationale: Human embryonic stem cells can form cardiomyocytes when cultured under differentiation conditions. Although the initiating step of mesoderm formation is well characterized, the subsequent steps that promote for cardiac lineages are poorly understood and limit the yield of cardiomyocytes. Objective: Our aim was to develop a human embryonic stem cell–based high-content screening assay to discover small molecules that drive cardiogenic differentiation after mesoderm is established to improve our understanding of the biology involved. Screening of libraries of small-molecule pathway modulators was predicted to provide insight into the cellular proteins and signaling pathways that control stem cell cardiogenesis. Methods and Results: Approximately 550 known pathway modulators were screened in a high-content screening assay, with hits being called out by the appearance of a red fluorescent protein driven by the promoter of the cardiac-specific MYH6 gene. One potent small molecule was identified that inhibits transduction of the canonical Wnt response within the cell, which demonstrated that Wnt inhibition alone was sufficient to generate cardiomyocytes from human embryonic stem cell–derived mesoderm cells. Transcriptional profiling of inhibitor-treated compared with vehicle-treated samples further indicated that inhibition of Wnt does not induce other mesoderm lineages. Notably, several other Wnt inhibitors were very efficient in inducing cardiogenesis, including a molecule that prevents Wnts from being secreted by the cell, which confirmed that Wnt inhibition was the relevant biological activity. Conclusions: Pharmacological inhibition of Wnt signaling is sufficient to drive human mesoderm cells to form cardiomyocytes; this could yield novel tools for the benefit of pharmaceutical and clinical applications.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2010

Alternative splicing regulates mouse embryonic stem cell pluripotency and differentiation

Nathan Salomonis; Christopher R. Schlieve; Laura Pereira; Christine Wahlquist; Alexandre Colas; Alexander C. Zambon; Karen Vranizan; Matthew J. Spindler; Alexander R. Pico; Melissa S. Cline; Tyson A. Clark; Alan Williams; John E. Blume; Eva Samal; Mark Mercola; Bradley J. Merrill; Bruce R. Conklin

Two major goals of regenerative medicine are to reproducibly transform adult somatic cells into a pluripotent state and to control their differentiation into specific cell fates. Progress toward these goals would be greatly helped by obtaining a complete picture of the RNA isoforms produced by these cells due to alternative splicing (AS) and alternative promoter selection (APS). To investigate the roles of AS and APS, reciprocal exon–exon junctions were interrogated on a genome-wide scale in differentiating mouse embryonic stem (ES) cells with a prototype Affymetrix microarray. Using a recently released open-source software package named AltAnalyze, we identified 144 genes for 170 putative isoform variants, the majority (67%) of which were predicted to alter protein sequence and domain composition. Verified alternative exons were largely associated with pathways of Wnt signaling and cell-cycle control, and most were conserved between mouse and human. To examine the functional impact of AS, we characterized isoforms for two genes. As predicted by AltAnalyze, we found that alternative isoforms of the gene Serca2 were targeted by distinct microRNAs (miRNA-200b, miRNA-214), suggesting a critical role for AS in cardiac development. Analysis of the Wnt transcription factor Tcf3, using selective knockdown of an ES cell-enriched and characterized isoform, revealed several distinct targets for transcriptional repression (Stmn2, Ccnd2, Atf3, Klf4, Nodal, and Jun) as well as distinct differentiation outcomes in ES cells. The findings herein illustrate a critical role for AS in the specification of ES cells with differentiation, and highlight the utility of global functional analyses of AS.

Nature | 2015

Epicardial FSTL1 reconstitution regenerates the adult mammalian heart

Ke Wei; Vahid Serpooshan; Cecilia Hurtado; Marta Diez-Cuñado; Mingming Zhao; Sonomi Maruyama; Wenhong Zhu; Giovanni Fajardo; Michela Noseda; Kazuto Nakamura; Xueying Tian; Qiaozhen Liu; Andrew H.-J. Wang; Yuka Matsuura; Paul J. Bushway; Wenqing Cai; Alex Savchenko; Morteza Mahmoudi; Michael D. Schneider; Maurice J.B. van den Hoff; Manish J. Butte; Phillip C. Yang; Kenneth Walsh; Bin Zhou; Daniel Bernstein; Mark Mercola; Pilar Ruiz-Lozano

The elucidation of factors that activate the regeneration of the adult mammalian heart is of major scientific and therapeutic importance. Here we found that epicardial cells contain a potent cardiogenic activity identified as follistatin-like 1 (Fstl1). Epicardial Fstl1 declines following myocardial infarction and is replaced by myocardial expression. Myocardial Fstl1 does not promote regeneration, either basally or upon transgenic overexpression. Application of the human Fstl1 protein (FSTL1) via an epicardial patch stimulates cell cycle entry and division of pre-existing cardiomyocytes, improving cardiac function and survival in mouse and swine models of myocardial infarction. The data suggest that the loss of epicardial FSTL1 is a maladaptive response to injury, and that its restoration would be an effective way to reverse myocardial death and remodelling following myocardial infarction in humans.

Genes & Development | 2011

Cardiac muscle regeneration: lessons from development.

Mark Mercola; Pilar Ruiz-Lozano; Schneider

The adult human heart is an ideal target for regenerative intervention since it does not functionally restore itself after injury yet has a modest regenerative capacity that could be enhanced by innovative therapies. Adult cardiac cells with regenerative potential share gene expression signatures with early fetal progenitors that give rise to multiple cardiac cell types, suggesting that the evolutionarily conserved regulatory networks that drive embryonic heart development might also control aspects of regeneration. Here we discuss commonalities of development and regeneration, and the application of the rich developmental biology heritage to achieve therapeutic regeneration of the human heart.

Development | 2006

Developmental patterning of the cardiac atrioventricular canal by Notch and Hairy-related transcription factors

Joshua B. Rutenberg; Andreas Fischer; Haibo Jia; Manfred Gessler; Tao P. Zhong; Mark Mercola

Mutations in Notch2, Jagged1 or homologs of the Hairy-related transcriptional repressor Hey2 cause congenital malformations involving the non-chamber atrioventricular canal (AVC) and inner curvature (IC) regions of the heart, but the underlying mechanisms have not been investigated. By manipulating signaling directly within the developing chick heart, we demonstrated that Notch2, Hey1 and Hey2 initiate a signaling cascade that delimits the non-chamber AVC and IC regions. Specifically, misactivation of Notch2 signaling, or misexpression of either Hey1 or Hey2, repressed Bmp2. Because Jagged (also known as Serrate in non-mammalian species) ligands were found to be present in prospective chamber myocardium, these data support the model that Notch2 and Hey proteins cause the progressive restriction of Bmp2 expression to within the developing AVC and IC, where it is essential for differentiation. Misactivation or inhibition of Notch2 specifically induced or inhibited Hey1, respectively, but these manipulations did not affect Hey2, implicating Hey1 as the direct mediator of Notch2. Bmp2 within the developing AVC and IC has been shown to induce Tbx2, and we found that Tbx2 misexpression inhibited the expression of both Hey1 and Hey2. Tbx2, therefore, is envisaged to constitute a feedback loop that sharpens the border with the developing AVC and IC by delimiting Hey gene expression to within prospective chamber regions. Analysis of the loss-of-function phenotype in mouse embryos homozygous for targeted disruption of Hey2 revealed an expanded AVC domain of Bmp2. Similarly, zebrafish gridlock (Hey2 homolog) mutant embryos showed ectopic expression of Bmp4, which normally marks AVC myocardium in this species. Thus, Hey pathway regulation of cardiac Bmp appears to be an evolutionarily conserved mechanism to delimit AVC and IC fate, and provides a potential mechanistic explanation for cardiac malformations caused by mutations in Serrate/Jagged1 and Notch signaling components.


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Alex Savchenko

Cardiovascular Institute of the South

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