
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1999

Location and dynamics of the Antarctic Polar Front from satellite sea surface temperature data

J. Keith Moore; Mark R. Abbott; James G. Richman

The location of the Antarctic Polar Front (PF) was mapped over a 7-year period (1987–1993) within images of satellite-derived sea surface temperature. The mean path of the PF is strongly steered by the topographic features of the Southern Ocean. The topography places vorticity constraints on the dynamics of the PF that strongly affect spatial and temporal variability. Over the deep ocean basins the surface expression of the PF is weakened, and the PF meanders over a wide latitudinal range. Near large topographic features, width and temperature change across the front increase, and large-scale meandering is inhibited. Elevated mesoscale variability is seen within and downstream of these areas and may be the result of baroclinic instabilities initiated where the PF encounters large topographic features. The strong correlations between topography and PF dynamics can be understood in the context of the planetary potential vorticity (PPV or f/H) field. Mean PPV at the PF varies by more than a factor of 2 along its circumpolar path. However, at the mesoscale the PF remains within a relatively narrow range of PPV values around the local mean. Away from large topographic features, the PF returns to a preferred PPV value of ∼25 × 10−9 m−1 s−1 despite large latitudinal shifts. The mean paths of the surface and subsurface expressions of the PF are closely coupled over much of the Southern Ocean.

Journal of Geophysical Research | 2000

Phytoplankton chlorophyll distributions and primary production in the Southern Ocean

J. Keith Moore; Mark R. Abbott

Satellite ocean color data from the Sea-viewing Wide Field-of-view Sensor (SeaWiFS) were used to examine distributions of chlorophyll concentration within the Southern Ocean for the period October 1997 through September 1998. Over most of the Southern Ocean, mean chlorophyll concentrations remained quite low ( 30°S) was estimated to be 14.2 Gt C yr−1, with most production (∼80%) taking place at midlatitudes from 30° to 50°S. Primary production at latitudes >50°S was estimated to be 2.9 Gt C yr−1. This is considerably higher than previous estimates based on in situ data but less than some recent estimates based on CZCS data. Our estimated primary production is sufficient to account for the observed Southern Hemisphere seasonal cycle in atmospheric O2 concentrations.

Remote Sensing of Environment | 1996

An analysis of chlorophyll fluorescence algorithms for the moderate resolution imaging spectrometer (MODIS)

Ricardo M. Letelier; Mark R. Abbott

Abstract Next-generation ocean color sensors will include channels to measure passive chlorophyll fluorescence as well as traditional channels that use radiance ratios to estimate chlorophyll concentration. Because the chlorophyll fluorescence signal is small, these sensors have significantly higher signal to noise ratios in the channels used to measure fluorescence. Small changes in sensor performance, atmospheric transmissivity, and fluorescence efficiency could potentially result in significant changes in the performance of the fluorescence algorithms. We perform a sensitivity analysis on the present MODIS algorithms and derive the minimum chlorophyll concentrations that can be observed for various combinations of sensor performance, atmospheric conditions, and phytoplankton physiology. We show that the present sensor specifications will allow us to observe fluorescence at chlorophyll concentrations as low as 0.5 mg/m3 at the full resolution of the sensor (nominally 1 km 2 at nadir) under optimum viewing conditions. Although band position changes over a ±4 nm range affect the absolute reading of individual bands by less than 2%, the impact on the total performance of the fluorescence algorithm can be greater than 70%.

Global Biogeochemical Cycles | 2000

The southern ocean at the Last Glacial Maximum: A strong sink for atmospheric carbon dioxide

J. Keith Moore; Mark R. Abbott; James G. Richman; David M. Nelson

Analysis of satellite ocean color, sea surface temperature, and sea ice cover data reveals consistent patterns between biological production, iron availability, and physical forcings in the Southern Ocean. The consistency of these patterns, in conjunction with information on physical conditions during the last glacial maximum (LGM), enables estimates of export production at the LGM. The LGM Southern Ocean experienced increased wind speeds, colder sea surface and atmospheric temperatures, increased deposition of atmospheric dust, and a greatly expanded winter sea ice cover. These variations had strong effects on Southern Ocean ecology and on air-sea fluxes of CO2. The seasonal ice zone (SIZ) was much larger at the LGM (30 million km2) than at present (19 million km2). The Antarctic Polar Front (PF) likely marked the northern boundary of this expanded SIZ throughout the Southern Ocean, as it does today in the Drake Passage region. A large northward shift in the position of the PF during glacial times is unlikely due to topographic constraints. North of the PF, the increased flux of aeolian dust during glacial times altered phytoplankton species composition and increased export production, and as a result this region was a stronger sink for atmospheric CO2 than in the modern ocean. South of the PF, interactions between the biota and sea ice strongly influence air-sea gas exchange over seasonal timescales. The combined influence of melting sea ice and increased aeolian dust flux (with its associated iron) increased both primary and export production by phytoplankton over daily-monthly timescales during austral spring/summer, resulting in a strong flux of CO2 into the ocean. Heavy ice cover would have minimized air-sea gas exchange over much of the rest of the year. Thus, an increased net flux of CO2 into the ocean is likely during glacial times, even in areas where annual primary production declined. We estimate that export production in the Southern Ocean as a whole was increased by 2.9-3.6 Gt C yr−1 at the LGM, relative to the modern era. Altered seasonal sea ice dynamics would further increase the net flux of CO2 into the ocean. Thus the Southern Ocean was a strong sink for atmospheric CO2 and contributed substantially to the lowering of atmospheric CO2 levels during the last ice age.

Journal of Marine Systems | 2002

Surface chlorophyll concentrations in relation to the Antarctic Polar Front: seasonal and spatial patterns from satellite observations

J. Keith Moore; Mark R. Abbott

Satellite ocean color data from the Sea Viewing Wide Field of View Sensor (SeaWiFS) are used to investigate phytoplankton bloom dynamics at the Antarctic Polar Front (PF). Satellite sea surface temperature (SST) data are used to map the location of the PF at weekly timescales. Elevated chlorophyll within the PF often appears as a narrow band that occupies only a portion of the SST gradient across the PF. Phytoplankton blooms within the PF occur most frequently during the month of December and are unevenly distributed within the Southern Ocean. Elevated chlorophyll concentrations at the PF are most frequently observed where the current is interacting with large topographic features. Mesoscale physical processes, including meander-induced upwelling and increased eddy mixing, where the PF encounters large topographic features likely leads to increased nutrient flux to surface waters in these regions. The highest mean chlorophyll values associated with the PF occur where the front comes into contact with relatively shallow waters along the North Scotia Ridge and at Kerguelen Plateau. Iron input from sedimentary sources likely plays an important role in these regions. Over seasonal timescales it appears likely that light-limitation prevents phytoplankton blooms at the PF during winter and spring months. PF blooms are observed most commonly during December when surface radiation peaks and mixed layer depths are rapidly shoaling. Even during December, when the light regime would seem to be favorable, PF blooms are largely restricted to regions where enhanced nutrient fluxes to surface waters due to frontal dynamics are likely. During late summer, nutrient limitation due to depletion of iron and possibly silicate largely prevent blooms at the PF. In the fall, deepening mixed layers would provide some relief from nutrient limitation but likely lead again to light-limitation of growth rates and the prevention of blooms. D 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Geophysical Research Letters | 1999

SeaWiFS satellite ocean color data from the Southern Ocean

J. Keith Moore; Mark R. Abbott; James G. Richman; Walker O. Smith; Timothy J. Cowles; Kenneth H. Coale; Wilford D. Gardner; Richard T. Barber

SeaWiFS estimates of surface chlorophyll concentrations are reported for the region of the U.S. JGOFS study in the Southern Ocean (~ 170 oW, 60 oS). Elevated chlorophyll was observed at the Southern Ocean fronts, near the edge of the seasonal ice sheet, and above the Pacific- Antarctic Ridge. The elevated chlorophyll levels associated with the Pacific-Antarctic are surprising since even the crest of the ridge is at depths > 2000 m. This elevated phytoplankton biomass is likely the result of mesoscale physical-biological interactions where the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) encounters the ridge. Four cruises surveyed this region between October 1997 and March 1998, as part of the U.S. JGOFS. Satellite-derived chlorophyll concentrations were compared with in situ extracted chlorophyll measurements from these cruises. There was good agreement (r 2 of 0.72, from a linear regression of shipboard vs. satellite chlorophyll), although SeaWiFS underestimated chlorophyll concentrations relative to the ship data.

Journal of Geophysical Research | 2000

Role of late winter mesoscale events in the biogeochemical variability of the upper water column of the North Pacific Subtropical Gyre

Ricardo M. Letelier; David M. Karl; Mark R. Abbott; P. Flament; Michael H. Freilich; Roger Lukas; P. Ted Strub

The present research was funded by NSF grants OCE-93-03094 (to Roger Lukas), OCE 93-01368 (to David M. Karl), OCE 96-01850 (to David Karl, Roger Lukas and Pierre Flament) and NASA grant NAGW-4596 (to Mark R. Abbott).

Deep-sea Research Part Ii-topical Studies in Oceanography | 2001

Configuring an ecosystem model using data from the Bermuda Atlantic Time Series (BATS)

J.R. Moisan; Mark R. Abbott

Abstract The results of an assimilative approach to guide the configuration of an ecosystem model for the mixed layer of an oligotrophic environment are presented. The time series data from the US Joint Global Ocean Flux Study (JGOFS) Bermuda Atlantic Time Series (BATS), in conjunction with a data assimilation scheme, were used to estimate the model parameters and modify the Fasham et al. (J. Mar. Res. 48 (1990) 591–639) (FDM) model. The evolution of the model from initial to final configuration was driven by: (a) the comparison of the time series data to the model results; (b) analysis of the estimated parameters; (c) observations of the BATS ecosystem from the literature; and (d) corrections of the model pathways. The data assimilation technique was crucial to estimate the optimal parameter set for each of the tested model configurations. The model presented in this paper includes several critical modifications to the FDM model. First, a variable chlorophyll-to-nitrogen ratio is introduced by solving a full equation for chlorophyll a. Second, zooplankton are split into two functional groups: nano/microzooplankton and mesozooplankton. Third, a new formulation is introduced for the microbial loop that is capable of resolving and simulating many of the processes observed in natural environments as well as in laboratory experiments, but had, until now, not been combined in a model. These modifications lead to solving an equation for the temporal evolution of the bio-active dissolved organic-carbon pool. This modified model, in conjunction with data assimilation, allowed us to estimate the model parameters and replicate the annual nitrogen cycle in the upper mixed layer at BATS. Bacteria were found to be a key player in controlling the size of the dissolved organic matter pool and in the amount of regenerated production.

Journal of Geophysical Research | 1991

The structure of the transition zone between coastal waters and the open ocean off northern California, winter and spring 1987

P. Michael Kosro; Adriana Huyer; Steven R. Ramp; Robert L. Smith; Francisco P. Chavez; Timothy J. Cowles; Mark R. Abbott; P. Ted Strub; Richard T. Barber; Paul F. Jessen; Lawrence F. Small

Physical and biological fields in the coastal transition zone off northern California were measured during February, March, May and June 1987 in an extended alongshore region between 60 km and 150 km offshore. The spring transition, as seen in coastal sea level and winds, occurred in mid-March. Surface variability during the two spring cruises was stronger and of larger scale than that seen during the two winter cruises. An equatorward-tending current, flowing along the boundary between low steric sea level inshore and high steric sea level offshore, dominated both the directly-measured (acoustic Doppler current profiler) and geostrophic current fields during spring. Current jets of comparable strength directed both offshore and onshore were seen off Cape Mendocino and Point Arena; these evolved significantly in the 3 weeks between cruises. Inshore of the current, properties associated with upwelled water were found near the surface, including low temperature and high salinity, nutrients and chlorophyll; offshore of the current, waters were warmer, less saline, lower in nutrients and more oligotrophic. Geostrophic and directly measured volume transports in the current were about 2–3 Sv. Isopycnals inshore of the spring upwelling front were displaced vertically by O(40–80 m) from their depths during the winter survey; these displacements extended deep into the water column and were largely independent of depth between 100 and 400 m. Surface mixed layers tended to be deep in winter and shallower inshore of the upwelling front in spring. A connection between the equatorward-tending frontal jet off northern California and the more well-studied California Current further south is suggested by the similarity of their transports and of their dynamic height values.

Journal of Geophysical Research | 1991

Tidal and atmospheric forcing of the upper ocean in the Gulf of California: 1. Sea surface temperature variability

Cynthia A. Paden; Mark R. Abbott; Clinton D. Winant

Two years of satellite infrared imagery (1984–1986) are used to examine the sea surface temperature (SST) variability in the northern Gulf of California. Empirical orthogonal functions (EOFs) of the temporal and spatial SST variance for 20 monthly mean images show that the dominant SST patterns are generated by spatially varying tidal mixing in the presence of seasonal heating and cooling. These patterns are modified in the fall and winter when shelf temperatures south of Tiburon Island cool in response to upwelling-favorable winds. These same winds bring cold, dry air from off the continental United States, causing local cooling of the shallow northern shelf. During the rest of the year, the broad, shallow shelves are warmer than offshore. The seasonally reversing temperature patterns are consistent with recent hydrographic observations which show a cyclonic surface circulation in the summer and a weaker anticyclonic circulation during the rest of the year. Atmospheric forcing of the northern gulf appears to occur over large spatial scales. Area-averaged SSTs for the Guaymas Basin, island region, and northern basin show significant fluctuations which are highly correlated. These fluctuations in SST correspond to similar fluctuations in the air temperature which are related to synoptic weather events over the gulf. During periods of particularly low wind speeds, the air temperature over the gulf increases dramatically. By afternoon, intense heating of the sea surface results in the appearance of warm SST anomalies in the satellite data. These SSTs are approximately 2°C warmer than surrounding SSTs and most likely occur as a result of a spatially varying wind field. A regression analysis of the SST relative to the fortnightly tidal range shows that tidal mixing occurs over the sills in the island region as well as on the shallow norther shelf. Mixing over the sills, however, occurs as a result of large breaking internal waves or internal hydraulic jumps which mix water over the upper 300–500 m. This mixing pumps heat away from the surface, deep into the water column, there by maintaining the cool SSTs. Since mixing occurs over greater depths in the island region, the temperatures there are much colder than those generated by tidal mixing on the shallow shelves, resulting in the persistent pool of cool water evident in the satellite data. This cooler water is mixed horizontally by the basin-scale circulation, lowering the SSTs over much of the northern gulf. These reduced SSTs have a large impact on the surface heat flux by lowering the saturation vapor pressure of the air. As a result, the amount of heat lost to the atmosphere through the latent or evaporative heat flux is reduced. This may explain why the Gulf of California gains heat on an annual average rather than losing heat as occurs in the Mediterranean and Red seas where tidal mixing is not significant.

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