Mark Radosevich
University of Tennessee
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Featured researches published by Mark Radosevich.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology | 2011
Jennifer M. DeBruyn; Lauren T. Nixon; Mariam N. Fawaz; Amy M. Johnson; Mark Radosevich
ABSTRACT Bacteria belonging to phylum Gemmatimonadetes comprise approximately 2% of soil bacterial communities. However, little is known of their ecology due to a lack of cultured representation. Here we present evidence from biogeographical analyses and seasonal quantification of Gemmatimonadetes in soils, which suggests an adaptation to low soil moisture.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology | 2005
Kurt E. Williamson; Mark Radosevich; K. Eric Wommack
ABSTRACT The importance of viruses in marine microbial ecology has been established over the past decade. Specifically, viruses influence bacterial abundance and community composition through lysis and alter bacterial genetic diversity through transduction and lysogenic conversion. By contrast, the abundance and distribution of viruses in soils are almost completely unknown. This study describes the abundance and diversity of autochthonous viruses in six Delaware soils: two agricultural soils, two coastal plain forest soils, and two piedmont forest soils. Viral abundance was measured using epifluorescence microscopy, while viral diversity was assessed from morphological data obtained through transmission electron microscopy. Extracted soil virus communities were dominated by bacteriophages that demonstrated a wide range of capsid diameters (20 nm to 160 nm) and morphologies, including filamentous forms and phages with elongated capsids. The reciprocal Simpsons index suggests that forest soils harbor more diverse assemblages of viruses, particularly in terms of morphological distribution. Repeated extractions of virus-like particles (VLPs) from soils indicated that the initial round of extraction removes approximately 70% of extractable viruses. Higher VLP abundances were observed in forest soils (1.31 × 109 to 4.17 × 109 g−1 dry weight) than in agricultural soils (8.7 × 108 to 1.1 × 109 g−1 dry weight). Soil VLP abundance was significantly correlated to moisture content (r = 0.988) but not to soil texture. Land use (agricultural or forested) was significantly correlated to both bacterial (r = 0.885) and viral (r = 0.812) abundances, as were soil organic matter and water content. Thus, land use is a significant factor influencing viral abundance and diversity in soils.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology | 2003
Kurt E. Williamson; K. Eric Wommack; Mark Radosevich
ABSTRACT An essential first step in investigations of viruses in soil is the evaluation of viral recovery methods suitable for subsequent culture-independent analyses. In this study, four elution buffers (10% beef extract, 250 mM glycine buffer, 10 mM sodium pyrophosphate, and 1% potassium citrate) and three enumeration techniques (plaque assay, epifluorescence microscopy [EFM], and transmission electron microscopy [TEM]) were compared to determine the best method of extracting autochthonous bacteriophages from two Delaware agricultural soils. Beef extract and glycine buffer were the most effective in eluting viable phages inoculated into soils (up to 29% recovery); however, extraction efficiency varied significantly with phage strain. Potassium citrate eluted the highest numbers of virus-like particles from both soils based on enumerations by EFM (mean, 5.3 × 108 g of dry soil−1), but specific soil-eluant combinations posed significant problems to enumeration by EFM. Observations of virus-like particles under TEM gave confidence that the particles were, in fact, phages, but TEM enumerations yielded measurements of phage abundance (mean, 1.5×108 g of dry soil−1) that were about five times lower. Clearly, the measurement of phage abundance in soils varies with both the extraction and enumeration methodology; thus, it is important to assess multiple extraction and enumeration approaches prior to undertaking ecological studies of phages in a particular soil.
Biotechnology and Bioengineering | 2011
Ying Wang; Mark Radosevich; Douglas G. Hayes; Nicole Labbé
Ionic liquids (ILs) have been increasingly recognized as novel solvents for dissolution and pretreatment of cellulose. However, cellulases are inactivated in the presence of ILs, even when present at low concentrations. To more fully exploit the benefits of ILs it is critical to develop a compatible IL‐cellulases system in which the IL is able to effectively solubilize and activate the lignocellulosic biomass, and the cellulases possess high stability and activity. In this study, we investigated the stability and activity of a commercially available cellulases mixture in the presence of different concentrations of 1‐ethyl‐3‐methylimidazolium acetate ([Emim][OAc]). A mixture of cellulases and β‐glucosidase (Celluclast1.5L, from Trichoderma reesei, and Novozyme188, from Aspergillus niger, respectively) retained 77% and 65% of its original activity after being pre‐incubated in 15% and 20% (w/v) IL solutions, respectively, at 50°C for 3 h. The cellulases mixture also retained high activity in 15% [Emim][OAc] to hydrolyze Avicel, a model substrate for cellulose analysis, with conversion efficiency of approximately 91%. Notably, the presence of different amounts of yellow poplar lignin did not interfere significantly with the enzymatic hydrolysis of Avicel. Using this IL‐cellulase system (15% [Emim][OAc]), the saccharification of yellow poplar biomass was also significantly improved (33%) compared to the untreated control (3%) during the first hour of enzymatic hydrolysis. Together, these findings provide compelling evidence that [Emim][OAc] was compatible with the cellulase mixture, and this compatible IL‐cellulases system is promising for efficient activation and hydrolysis of native biomass to produce biofuels and co‐products from the individual biomass components. Bioeng. 2011; 108:1042–1048.
Microbial Ecology | 2003
E. D. Rhine; Jeffry J. Fuhrmann; Mark Radosevich
Repeated pesticide exposure may enhance biodegradation through selective enrichment of pesticide-metabolizing microorganisms, particularly when the compound is used as a C and energy source. The relationship between pesticide application history and degradation rate is unclear when the chemical is utilized as a nutrient source other than C. Atrazine, a poor source of C and energy, was chosen as a model compound because it can serve as an N source for some microorganisms. Soils with (H-soil) and without (NH-soil) prior s-triazine treatment history were repeatedly exposed to atrazine and a variety of C and N source amendments. Exposure to atrazine and inorganic-N availability were the dominant factors leading to the development of microbial communities with an enhanced capacity to degrade atrazine. The density of the atrazine-degrading microorganisms increased immediately, up to 1000-fold, with atrazine exposure in the H-soil, but comparable increases were not observed in the NH-soil until 12 weeks following laboratory acclimation, despite high rates of atrazine mineralization in these soils immediately following the acclimation period. Whole-soil fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) analysis showed that the application of alternative C and N sources in addition to atrazine resulted in a microbial community composition that was distinctly different from that in either the atrazine-alone treatment or water controls for both the H- and NH-soils. These data suggest that the microbial communities in both soils were altered differently in response to the treatments but developed a similar enhanced capacity to mineralize atrazine.
Biodegradation | 1996
Mark Radosevich; Samuel J. Traina; Olli H. Tuovinen
The purpose of the present study was to assess atrazine (2-chloro-4-ethylamino-6-isopropylamino-s-triazine) mineralization by indigenous microbial communities and to investigate constraints associated with atrazine biodegradation in environmental samples collected from surface soil and subsurface zones at an agricultural site in Ohio. Atrazine mineralization in soil and sediment samples was monitored as 14CO2 evolution in biometers which were amended with 14C-labeled atrazine. Variables of interest were the position of the label ([U-14C-ring]-atrazine and [2-14C-ethyl]-atrazine), incubation temperature (25°C and 10°C), inoculation with a previously characterized atrazine-mineralizing bacterial isolate (M91-3), and the effect of sterilization prior to inoculation. In uninoculated biometers, mineralization rate constants declined with increasing sample depth. First-order mineralization rate constants were somewhat lower for [2-14C-ethyl]-atrazine when compared to those of [U-14C-ring]-atrazine. Moreover, the total amount of 14CO2 released was less with [2-14C-ethyl]-atrazine. Mineralization at 10°C was slow and linear. In inoculated biometers, less 14CO2 was released in [2-14C-ethyl]-atrazine experiments as compared with [U-14C-ring]-atrazine probably as a result of assimilatory incorporation of 14C into biomass. The mineralization rate constants (k) and overall extents of mineralization (Pmax) were higher in biometers that were not sterilized prior to inoculation, suggesting that the native microbial populations in the sediments were contributing to the overall release of 14CO2 from [U-14C-ring]-atrazine and [2-14C-ethyl]-atrazine. A positive correlation between k and aqueous phase atrazine concentrations (Ceq) in the biometers was observed at 25°C, suggesting that sorption of atrazine influenced mineralization rates. The sorption effect on atrazine mineralization was greatly diminished at 10°C. It was concluded that sorption can limit biodegradation rates of weakly-sorbing solutes at high solid-to-solution ratios and at ambient surface temperatures if an active degrading population is present. Under vadose zone and subsurface aquifer conditions, however, low temperatures and the lack of degrading organisms are likely to be primary factors limiting the biodegradation of atrazine.
Soil Biology & Biochemistry | 2001
Chengwei Fang; Mark Radosevich; Jeffry J. Fuhrmann
Abstract Organic contaminants often disappear more quickly from planted than from non-planted soils. Five grass species (Sudan grass, ryegrass, tall fescue, crested wheatgrass and switch grass) were grown in soils without (Phase I) or with (Phase II) prior atrazine (ATR) and phenanthrene (PHE) amendment to study the degradation of these compounds by rhizosphere microorganisms. In suspensions of soil without prior chemical exposure, no significant loss of ATR was observed after 16 days incubation. The most probable number (MPN) of ATR-degrading bacteria in the soils was below detection. Phenanthrene degradation was observed in suspensions inoculated with all soils, but the rates of degradation were not significantly different among them. The number of PHE-degrading bacteria was similar in planted and non-planted soils (105 cells g−1 soil) except the number in tall fescue soil was significantly higher than in non-planted soil. In the Phase II study, both compounds were mineralized whether or not soils had been conditioned with ATR or PHE. Prior amendment with either ATR or PHE significantly reduced the acclimation period preceding the onset of mineralization. However, enumeration procedures detected ATR-degrading bacteria only in ATR-amended soils. Prior exposure to PHE did not alter the number of PHE-degrading bacteria significantly.
Soil Biology & Biochemistry | 2001
Chengwei Fang; Mark Radosevich; Jeffry J. Fuhrmann
Abstract Accelerated biodegradation of organic contaminants in planted soil is frequently reported yet our current understanding of plant–microbe interactions does not allow us to predict which plant species can encourage the development of rhizosphere communities with enhanced degradation capacity. In a companion study, five grass species (Sudan grass, ryegrass, tall fescue, crested wheatgrass, and switch grass) were grown in a Matapeake silt loam soil to study the degradation of atrazine and phenanthrene by rhizosphere microorganisms (see Fang et al., 2000 , this vol., Fang, C., Radosevich, M., Fuhrmann, J. J., 2000. Atrizine and phenanthrene degradation in grass rhizosphere soil. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, in press). In the present paper substrate utilization patterns (BIOLOG ® ), and fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) profiles of the same rhizosphere microbial communities were determined. Both FAME and BIOLOG ® analyses detected changes in soil microbial community structure among treatments. However, community structure did not directly correlate to either ATR or PHE degradation rates.
Applied and Environmental Microbiology | 2008
Dhritiman Ghosh; Krishnakali Roy; Kurt E. Williamson; David C. White; K. Eric Wommack; Kerry L. Sublette; Mark Radosevich
ABSTRACT Bacteriophages are very abundant in the biosphere, and viral infection is believed to affect the activity and genetic diversity of bacterial communities in aquatic environments. Lysogenic conversion, for example, can improve host fitness and lead to phage-mediated horizontal gene transfer. However, little is known about lysogeny and transduction in the soil environment. In this study we employed atrazine-impregnated Bio-Sep beads (a cell immobilization matrix) to sample active microbiota from soils with prior pesticide exposure history. Once recovered from soil, the bead communities were induced with mitomycin C (MC), and viral and bacterial abundances were determined to evaluate the incidence of inducible prophage in soil bacteria. The inducible fraction calculated within bead communities was high (ca. 85%) relative to other studies in aquatic and sedimentary environments. Moreover, the bacterial genes encoding 16S rRNA and trzN, a chlorohydrolase gene responsible for dehalogenation of atrazine, were detected by PCR in the viral DNA fraction purified from MC-induced bead communities. A diverse collection of actinobacterial 16S rRNA gene sequences occurred within the viral DNA fraction of induced, water-equilibrated beads. Similar results were observed in induced atrazine-equilibrated beads, where 77% of the cloned sequences were derived from actinobacterial lineages. Heterogeneous 16S rRNA gene sequences consisting of fragments from two different taxa were detected in the clone libraries. The results suggest that lysogeny is a prevalent reproductive strategy among soil bacteriophages and that the potential for horizontal gene transfer via transduction is significant in soil microbial communities.
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology | 1998
Jennifer J. Crawford; Gerald K. Sims; R. L. Mulvaney; Mark Radosevich
Abstract Anaerobic biodegradation of atrazine by the bacterial isolate M91-3 was characterized with respect to mineralization, metabolite formation, and denitrification. The ability of the isolate to enhance atrazine biodegradation in anaerobic sediment slurries was also investigated. The organism utilized atrazine as its sole source of carbon and nitrogen under anoxic conditions in fixed-film (glass beads) batch column systems. Results of HPLC and TLC radiochromatography suggested that anaerobic biotransformation of atrazine by microbial isolate M91-3 involved hydroxyatrazine formation. Ring cleavage was demonstrated by 14CO2 evolution. Denitrification was confirmed by detection of 15N2 in headspace samples of K15NO3-amended anaerobic liquid cultures. In aquatic sediments, mineralization of uniformly ring-labeled [14C]atrazine occurred in both M91-3-inoculated and uninoculated sediment. Inoculation of sediments with M91-3 did not significantly enhance anaerobic mineralization of atrazine as compared to uninoculated sediment, which suggests the presence of indigenous organisms capable of anaerobic atrazine biodegradation. Results of this study suggest that the use of M91-3 in a fixed-film bioreactor may have applications in the anaerobic removal of atrazine and nitrate from aqueous media.