
Survey Review | 2010

Geodetic Basis of the Longest Tunnel in the Republic of Croatia

Mladen Zrinjski; Marko Džapo

Abstract The tunnel “Mala Kapela”, 5760 m long, is the longest tunnel in the Republic of Croatia. This paper gives the presentation and the analysis of the geodetic basis in the tunnel “Mala Kapela”. The tunnel geodetic basis consists of the overhead and underground part. The overhead geodetic basis consists of: 1. two geodetic rectangles (one in the vicinity of the northern, and the other in the vicinity of the southern portal) 2. a precise traverse connecting positionally these two micro-networks 3. a precise levelling figure connecting vertically the micro-networks of the northern and southern portals. The underground geodetic basis consists of: 1. two networks in the right tunnel tube in the form of a triangle chain (one of them at the northern, and the other at the southern tunnel portal) 2. two traverses in the left tunnel tube (one of them at the northern, and the other at the southern part of the tunnel) connecting the underground networks in the right tunnel tube and the overhead geodetic basis at the northern, i.e. the southern portal of the tunnel 3. two closed precise levelling figures (one at the northern and the other one at the southern part of the tunnel). This is the first time that an underground geodetic basis in the form of a triangle chain has been applied in the Republic of Croatia. It was chosen because it best meets the set criteria related to the accuracy of cutting the tunnel “Mala Kapela”. The error sources in direction measurement were processed with special attention given to the error of the initial grid bearing and direction orientation. The article gives an outline of formulas used to calculate corrections and reductions of the lengths measured with electro optical distance meter. At the end, there is an illustration of the accuracy of cutting the tunnel “Mala Kapela”. The transverse deviation for the cutting point in the right tunnel tube was sQ = 0.8 cm and the longitudinal deviation sL = 2.1 cm. The transverse deviation for the cutting point in the left tunnel tube was sQ = 1.0 cm and the longitudinal deviation sL = 2.2 cm. The vertical deviation for the cutting point in the right tunnel tube was sH = 1.9 cm, and for the cutting point in the left tunnel tube sH = 2.1 cm.

43. hrvatski 3. međunarodni simpozij agronoma | 2008

Komasacija zemljišta-preduvjet uspješne poljoprivredne proizvodnje

Mira Ivković; Marko Džapo; Dragutin Dolanjski

Geodetski list : glasilo Hrvatskoga geodetskog društva | 2012

Cadastral Surveys of the City of Zagreb

Mira Ivković; Marko Džapo; Loris Redovniković

Geodetski List | 2012

Katastarske izmjere grada Zagreba

Mira Ivković; Marko Džapo; Loris Redovniković

Geodetski List | 2011

Ispitivanje utjecaja bočne refrakcije na mjerenja horizontalnih pravaca u tunelu

Loris Redovniković; Marko Džapo; Zdravko Kapović

Geodetski List | 2011

Testing of the Effect of Lateral Refraction on the Measurements of Horizontal Directions in the Tunnel

Loris Redovniković; Marko Džapo; Zdravko Kapović

45. hrvatski i 5. Međunarodni simpozij agronoma, 15-19 veljače 2010, Opatija, Hrvatska. Zbornik Radova | 2010

Land consolidation and landscape protection

Mira Ivković; Marko Džapo; Iva Ališić

10th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference SGEM 2010 | 2010

Geodetic works on the breakthrough of the tunnel through Biokovo

Loris Redovniković; Zdravko Kapović; Marko Džapo

International Conference on Engireering Surveying (4 ; 2008) | 2008

Survey of transversal profiles in tunnels

Marko Džapo; Zdravko Kapović; Miodrag Roić; Loris Redovniković

Geodetski listdruštva | 2008

Pregled ostvarenih rezultata na znanstvenom projektu "Osnovni geodetski radovi informacijskoga prostornog sustava Republike Hrvatske"

Miljenko Solarić; Asim Bilajbegović; Milivoj Junašević; Franjo Ambroš; Brankica Cigrovski-Detelić; Marko Džapo; Mira Ivković; Željko Hećimović; Đuro Barković; Željko Bačić; Boris Podunavac

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