
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2009

Revising the nitrogen cycle in the Peruvian oxygen minimum zone

Phyllis Lam; Gaute Lavik; Marlene Mark Jensen; Jack van de Vossenberg; Markus Schmid; Dagmar Woebken; Dimitri Gutiérrez; Rudolf Amann; Mike S. M. Jetten; Marcel M. M. Kuypers

The oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) of the Eastern Tropical South Pacific (ETSP) is 1 of the 3 major regions in the world where oceanic nitrogen is lost in the pelagic realm. The recent identification of anammox, instead of denitrification, as the likely prevalent pathway for nitrogen loss in this OMZ raises strong questions about our understanding of nitrogen cycling and organic matter remineralization in these waters. Without detectable denitrification, it is unclear how NH4+ is remineralized from organic matter and sustains anammox or how secondary NO2− maxima arise within the OMZ. Here we show that in the ETSP-OMZ, anammox obtains 67% or more of NO2− from nitrate reduction, and 33% or less from aerobic ammonia oxidation, based on stable-isotope pairing experiments corroborated by functional gene expression analyses. Dissimilatory nitrate reduction to ammonium was detected in an open-ocean setting. It occurred throughout the OMZ and could satisfy a substantial part of the NH4+ requirement for anammox. The remaining NH4+ came from remineralization via nitrate reduction and probably from microaerobic respiration. Altogether, deep-sea NO3− accounted for only ≈50% of the nitrogen loss in the ETSP, rather than 100% as commonly assumed. Because oceanic OMZs seem to be expanding because of global climate change, it is increasingly imperative to incorporate the correct nitrogen-loss pathways in global biogeochemical models to predict more accurately how the nitrogen cycle in our future ocean may respond.

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2007

Linking crenarchaeal and bacterial nitrification to anammox in the Black Sea

Phyllis Lam; Marlene Mark Jensen; Gaute Lavik; Daniel Frank Mcginnis; Beat Müller; Carsten J. Schubert; Rudolf Amann; Bo Thamdrup; Marcell M.M. Kuypers

Active expression of putative ammonia monooxygenase gene subunit A (amoA) of marine group I Crenarchaeota has been detected in the Black Sea water column. It reached its maximum, as quantified by reverse-transcription quantitative PCR, exactly at the nitrate maximum or the nitrification zone modeled in the lower oxic zone. Crenarchaeal amoA expression could explain 74.5% of the nitrite variations in the lower oxic zone. In comparison, amoA expression by γ-proteobacterial ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) showed two distinct maxima, one in the modeled nitrification zone and one in the suboxic zone. Neither the amoA expression by crenarchaea nor that by β-proteobacterial AOB was significantly elevated in this latter zone. Nitrification in the suboxic zone, most likely microaerobic in nature, was verified by 15NO2− and 15N15N production in 15NH4+ incubations with no measurable oxygen. It provided a direct local source of nitrite for anammox in the suboxic zone. Both ammonia-oxidizing crenarchaea and γ-proteobacterial AOB were important nitrifiers in the Black Sea and were likely coupled to anammox in indirect and direct manners respectively. Each process supplied about half of the nitrite required by anammox, based on 15N-incubation experiments and modeled calculations. Because anammox is a major nitrogen loss in marine suboxic waters, such nitrification–anammox coupling potentially occurring also in oceanic oxygen minimum zones would act as a short circuit connecting regenerated ammonium to direct nitrogen loss, thus reducing the presumed direct contribution from deep-sea nitrate.

The ISME Journal | 2012

Nitrite oxidation in the Namibian oxygen minimum zone

Jessika Füssel; Phyllis Lam; Gaute Lavik; Marlene Mark Jensen; Moritz Holtappels; Marcel Günter; Marcel M. M. Kuypers

Nitrite oxidation is the second step of nitrification. It is the primary source of oceanic nitrate, the predominant form of bioavailable nitrogen in the ocean. Despite its obvious importance, nitrite oxidation has rarely been investigated in marine settings. We determined nitrite oxidation rates directly in 15N-incubation experiments and compared the rates with those of nitrate reduction to nitrite, ammonia oxidation, anammox, denitrification, as well as dissimilatory nitrate/nitrite reduction to ammonium in the Namibian oxygen minimum zone (OMZ). Nitrite oxidation (⩽372u2009nM NO2−u2009d−1) was detected throughout the OMZ even when in situ oxygen concentrations were low to non-detectable. Nitrite oxidation rates often exceeded ammonia oxidation rates, whereas nitrate reduction served as an alternative and significant source of nitrite. Nitrite oxidation and anammox co-occurred in these oxygen-deficient waters, suggesting that nitrite-oxidizing bacteria (NOB) likely compete with anammox bacteria for nitrite when substrate availability became low. Among all of the known NOB genera targeted via catalyzed reporter deposition fluorescence in situ hybridization, only Nitrospina and Nitrococcus were detectable in the Namibian OMZ samples investigated. These NOB were abundant throughout the OMZ and contributed up to ∼9% of total microbial community. Our combined results reveal that a considerable fraction of the recently recycled nitrogen or reduced NO3− was re-oxidized back to NO3− via nitrite oxidation, instead of being lost from the system through the anammox or denitrification pathways.

PLOS ONE | 2011

Oxygen sensitivity of anammox and coupled N-cycle processes in oxygen minimum zones

Tim Kalvelage; Marlene Mark Jensen; Sergio Contreras; Niels Peter Revsbech; Phyllis Lam; Marcel Günter; Julie LaRoche; Gaute Lavik; Marcel M. M. Kuypers

Nutrient measurements indicate that 30–50% of the total nitrogen (N) loss in the ocean occurs in oxygen minimum zones (OMZs). This pelagic N-removal takes place within only ∼0.1% of the ocean volume, hence moderate variations in the extent of OMZs due to global warming may have a large impact on the global N-cycle. We examined the effect of oxygen (O2) on anammox, NH3 oxidation and NO3 − reduction in 15N-labeling experiments with varying O2 concentrations (0–25 µmol L−1) in the Namibian and Peruvian OMZs. Our results show that O2 is a major controlling factor for anammox activity in OMZ waters. Based on our O2 assays we estimate the upper limit for anammox to be ∼20 µmol L−1. In contrast, NH3 oxidation to NO2 − and NO3 − reduction to NO2 − as the main NH4 + and NO2 − sources for anammox were only moderately affected by changing O2 concentrations. Intriguingly, aerobic NH3 oxidation was active at non-detectable concentrations of O2, while anaerobic NO3 − reduction was fully active up to at least 25 µmol L−1 O2. Hence, aerobic and anaerobic N-cycle pathways in OMZs can co-occur over a larger range of O2 concentrations than previously assumed. The zone where N-loss can occur is primarily controlled by the O2-sensitivity of anammox itself, and not by any effects of O2 on the tightly coupled pathways of aerobic NH3 oxidation and NO3 − reduction. With anammox bacteria in the marine environment being active at O2 levels ∼20 times higher than those known to inhibit their cultured counterparts, the oceanic volume potentially acting as a N-sink increases tenfold. The predicted expansion of OMZs may enlarge this volume even further. Our study provides the first robust estimates of O2 sensitivities for processes directly and indirectly connected with N-loss. These are essential to assess the effects of ocean de-oxygenation on oceanic N-cycling.

The ISME Journal | 2010

Aerobic denitrification in permeable Wadden Sea sediments

H. Gao; Frank Schreiber; Gavin Collins; Marlene Mark Jensen; Joel E. Kostka; Gaute Lavik; Dirk de Beer; Huai-yang Zhou; Marcel M. M. Kuypers

Permeable or sandy sediments cover the majority of the seafloor on continental shelves worldwide, but little is known about their role in the coastal nitrogen cycle. We investigated the rates and controls of nitrogen loss at a sand flat (Janssand) in the central German Wadden Sea using multiple experimental approaches, including the nitrogen isotope pairing technique in intact core incubations, slurry incubations, a flow-through stirred retention reactor and microsensor measurements. Results indicate that permeable Janssand sediments are characterized by some of the highest potential denitrification rates (⩾0.19u2009mmolu2009Nu2009m−2u2009h−1) in the marine environment. Moreover, several lines of evidence showed that denitrification occurred under oxic conditions. In intact cores, microsensor measurements showed that the zones of nitrate/nitrite and O2 consumption overlapped. In slurry incubations conducted with 15NO3− enrichment in gas-impermeable bags, denitrification assays revealed that N2 production occurred at initial O2 concentrations of up to ∼90u2009μM. Initial denitrification rates were not substantially affected by O2 in surficial (0–4u2009cm) sediments, whereas rates increased by twofold with O2 depletion in the at 4–6u2009cm depth interval. In a well mixed, flow-through stirred retention reactor (FTSRR), 29N2 and 30N2 were produced and O2 was consumed simultaneously, as measured online using membrane inlet mass spectrometry. We hypothesize that the observed high denitrification rates in the presence of O2 may result from the adaptation of denitrifying bacteria to recurrent tidally induced redox oscillations in permeable sediments at Janssand.

The ISME Journal | 2011

Intensive nitrogen loss over the Omani Shelf due to anammox coupled with dissimilatory nitrite reduction to ammonium

Marlene Mark Jensen; Phyllis Lam; Niels Peter Revsbech; Birgit Gaye; Mike S. M. Jetten; Marcel M. M. Kuypers

A combination of stable isotopes (15N) and molecular ecological approaches was used to investigate the vertical distribution and mechanisms of biological N2 production along a transect from the Omani coast to the central–northeastern (NE) Arabian Sea. The Arabian Sea harbors the thickest oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) in the worlds oceans, and is considered to be a major site of oceanic nitrogen (N) loss. Short (<48u2009h) anoxic incubations with 15N-labeled substrates and functional gene expression analyses showed that the anammox process was highly active, whereas denitrification was hardly detectable in the OMZ over the Omani shelf at least at the time of our sampling. Anammox was coupled with dissimilatory nitrite reduction to ammonium (DNRA), resulting in the production of double-15N-labeled N2 from 15NO2−, a signal often taken as the lone evidence for denitrification in the past. Although the central–NE Arabian Sea has conventionally been regarded as the primary N-loss region, low potential N-loss rates at sporadic depths were detected at best. N-loss activities in this region likely experience high spatiotemporal variabilities as linked to the availability of organic matter. Our finding of greater N-loss associated with the more productive Omani upwelling region is consistent with results from other major OMZs. The close reliance of anammox on DNRA also highlights the need to take into account the effects of coupling N-transformations on oceanic N-loss and subsequent N-balance estimates.

Biogeochemistry | 2003

Rates and regulation of microbial iron reduction in sediments of the Baltic-North Sea transition

Marlene Mark Jensen; Bo Thamdrup; Søren Rysgaard; Marianne Holmer; Henrik Fossing

The rates and pathways of anaerobic carbon mineralization processes were investigated at seven stations, ranging from 10 to 56 m water depth, in the Kattegat and Belt Sea, Denmark. Organic carbon mineralization coupled to microbial Mn and Fe reduction was quantified using anaerobic sediment incubation at two stations that were widely separated geographically within the study area. Fe reduction accounted for 75% of the anaerobic carbon oxidation at the station in the northern Kattegat, which is the highest percentage so far reported from subtidal marine sediment. By contrast, sulfate reduction was the dominant anaerobic respiration pathway (95%) at the station in the Great Belt. Dominance of Fe reduction was related to a relatively high sediment Fe content in combination with active reworking of the sediment by infauna. The relative contribution of Fe reduction to anaerobic carbon oxidation at both stations correlated with the concentration of poorly crystalline Fe(III), confirming that the concentration of poorly crystalline Fe(III) exerts a strong control on rates of Fe reduction in marine sediments. The dependence of microbial Fe reduction on concentrations of poorly crystalline Fe(III) was used to quantify the importance of Fe reduction at sites where anaerobic incubations were not applied. This study showed that Fe reduction is an important process in anaerobic carbon oxidation in a wider area of the seafloor in the northern and eastern Kattegat (contribution 60 – 75%). By contrast, Fe reduction is of little significance (6 – 25%) in the more coarse-grained sediments of the shallower western and southern Kattegat, where a low Fe content was an important limiting factor, and in fine-grained sediments of the Belt Sea (4 – 28%), where seasonal oxygen depletion limits the intensity of bioturbation and thereby the availability of Fe(III). A large fraction of the total deposition of organic matter in the Kattegat and Belt Sea occurs in the northern Kattegat, and we estimate 33% of benthic carbon oxidation in the whole area is conveyed by Fe reduction.

Ophelia | 2001

Organic matter degradation through oxygen respiration, denitrification, and manganese, iron, and sulfate reduction in marine sediments (the Kattegat and the Skagerrak)

Søren Rysgaard; Henrik Fossing; Marlene Mark Jensen

Abstract A comprehensive study is reported on organic matter degradation through O2 respiration, denitrification and manganese- iron- and sulfate reduction in continental shelf sediments at 10 localities in the Kattegat and the Skagerrak (Denmark, Sweden and Norway). Total sediment community mineralization ranged from 4 to 31 mmol C m-2 d-1 with an average DIC:O2 ratio of 1.1. Most sediments exhibited an oxygen penetration depth of 0.33-0.6 cm except for a deeper-water (695 m) locality in the Skagerrak where O2 penetrated 1.9 cm into the sediment. The ratio of total O2 uptake measured by intact flux core incubation to diffusive O2 uptake rates measured with microelectrodes varied from -1 to 3.5 due to differences in benthic animal activity at the stations. Denitrification activity ranged from 0.01 to 1.03 mmol N m-2 d-1 and was primarily regulated by sediment nitrification activity. Manganese reduction was only significant at the deep-water locality in the Skagerrak. Iron reduction rates of 0 to 9.6 mmol C m-2 d-1 were found, and the activity was largely determined by the amount of poorly crystalline Fe(III) in the sediment. Sulfate reduction activity ranged from 0.1 to 9.6 mmol SO4 2- m-2 d-1at the stations investigated. A large heterogeneity was found between stations regarding the relative importance of the different carbon oxidation pathways. Within the Kattegat/Skagerrak region one may find sites where any one of the four carbon oxidation pathways, heterotrophic oxygen respiration, manganese reduction, iron reduction and sulfate reduction, is dominant. Thus, the present study demonstrates that even within short geographical distances a large variation in the relative importance of the different carbon oxidation pathways is to be expected in marine sediments.

PLOS ONE | 2015

Aerobic Microbial Respiration In Oceanic Oxygen Minimum Zones

Tim Kalvelage; Gaute Lavik; Marlene Mark Jensen; Niels Peter Revsbech; Carolin Löscher; Harald Schunck; Dhwani K. Desai; Helena Hauss; Rainer Kiko; Moritz Holtappels; Julie LaRoche; Ruth A. Schmitz; Michelle Graco; Marcel M. M. Kuypers

Oxygen minimum zones are major sites of fixed nitrogen loss in the ocean. Recent studies have highlighted the importance of anaerobic ammonium oxidation, anammox, in pelagic nitrogen removal. Sources of ammonium for the anammox reaction, however, remain controversial, as heterotrophic denitrification and alternative anaerobic pathways of organic matter remineralization cannot account for the ammonium requirements of reported anammox rates. Here, we explore the significance of microaerobic respiration as a source of ammonium during organic matter degradation in the oxygen-deficient waters off Namibia and Peru. Experiments with additions of double-labelled oxygen revealed high aerobic activity in the upper OMZs, likely controlled by surface organic matter export. Consistently observed oxygen consumption in samples retrieved throughout the lower OMZs hints at efficient exploitation of vertically and laterally advected, oxygenated waters in this zone by aerobic microorganisms. In accordance, metagenomic and metatranscriptomic analyses identified genes encoding for aerobic terminal oxidases and demonstrated their expression by diverse microbial communities, even in virtually anoxic waters. Our results suggest that microaerobic respiration is a major mode of organic matter remineralization and source of ammonium (~45-100%) in the upper oxygen minimum zones, and reconcile hitherto observed mismatches between ammonium producing and consuming processes therein.

Methods in Enzymology | 2011

15N-labeling experiments to dissect the contributions of heterotrophic denitrification and anammox to nitrogen removal in the OMZ waters of the ocean.

Moritz Holtappels; Gaute Lavik; Marlene Mark Jensen; Marcel M. M. Kuypers

In recent years, (15)N-labeling experiments have become a powerful tool investigating rates and regulations of microbially mediated nitrogen loss processes in the ocean. This chapter introduces the theoretical and practical aspects of (15)N-labeling experiments to dissect the contribution of denitrification and anammox to nitrogen removal in oxygen minimum zones (OMZs). We provide a detailed description of the preparation and realization of the experiments on board. Subsequent measurements of N(2) isotopes using gas chromatography mass spectrometry as well as processing of data and calculation of anammox and denitrification rates are explained. Important supplementary measurements are specified, such as the measurement of nanomolar concentrations of ammonium, nitrite, and nitrate. Nutrient profiles and (15)N-experiments from the Peruvian OMZ are presented and discussed as an example.

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