
Featured researches published by Marta Abalos.

Journal of Geophysical Research | 2015

Evaluating the advective Brewer‐Dobson circulation in three reanalyses for the period 1979–2012

Marta Abalos; Bernard Legras; Felix Ploeger; William J. Randel

Most chemistry-climate models show an intensification of the Brewer-Dobson circulation (BDC) in the stratosphere associated with increasing greenhouse gas emissions and ozone depletion in the last decades, but this trend remains to be confirmed in observational data. In this work the evolution of the advective BDC for the period 1979–2012 is evaluated and compared in three modern reanalyses (ERA-Interim, MERRA, and JRA-55). Three different estimates of the BDC are computed for each reanalysis, one based on the definition of the residual circulation and two indirect estimates derived from momentum and thermodynamic balances. The comparison among the nine estimates shows substantial uncertainty in the mean magnitude (∼40%) but significant common variability. The tropical upwelling series show variability linked to the stratospheric quasi-biennial oscillation and to El Nino–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) and also reflect extreme events such as major sudden stratospheric warmings and volcanic eruptions. The trend analysis suggests a strengthening of tropical upwelling of around 2–5%/decade throughout the layer 100–10 hPa. The global spatial structure of the BDC trends provides evidence of an overall acceleration of the circulation in both hemispheres, with qualitative agreement among the estimates. The global BDC trends are mainly linked to changes in the boreal winter season and can be tracked to long-term increases in the resolved wave drag in both hemispheres.

Journal of Geophysical Research | 2016

Transport of chemical tracers from the boundary layer to stratosphere associated with the dynamics of the Asian summer monsoon

Laura L. Pan; Shawn B. Honomichl; Douglas E. Kinnison; Marta Abalos; William J. Randel; John W. Bergman; Jianchun Bian

Chemical transport associated with the dynamics of the Asian summer monsoon (ASM) system is investigated using model output from the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model run in specified dynamics mode. The 3-D day-to-day behavior of modeled carbon monoxide is analyzed together with dynamical fields and transport boundaries to identify preferred locations of uplifting from the boundary layer, the role of subseasonal-scale dynamics in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS), and the relationship of ASM transport and the stratospheric residual circulation. The model simulation of CO shows the intraseasonal east-west oscillation of the anticyclone may play an essential role in transporting convectively pumped boundary layer pollutants in the UTLS. A statistical analysis of 11 year CO also shows that the southern flank of the Tibetan plateau is a preferred location for boundary layer tracers to be lofted to the tropopause region. The vertical structure of a model tracer (E90) further shows that the rapid ASM vertical transport is only effective up to the tropopause level (around 400 K). The efficiency of continued vertical transport into the deep stratosphere is limited by the slow ascent associated with the zonal-mean residual circulation in the lower stratosphere during northern summer. Quasi-isentropic transport near the 400 K potential temperature level is likely the most effective process for ASM anticyclone air to enter the stratosphere.

Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 2014

Dynamical Forcing of Subseasonal Variability in the Tropical Brewer–Dobson Circulation

Marta Abalos; William J. Randel; Encarna Serrano

Upwelling across the tropical tropopause exhibits strong subseasonal variability superimposed on the wellknown annual cycle, and these variations directly affect temperature and tracers in the tropical lower stratosphere.Inthiswork,the dynamicalforcing oftropical upwellingonsubseasonaltime scalesisinvestigated using the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) Interim Re-Analysis (ERA-Interim) for 1979‐2011. Momentum balance diagnostics reveal that transience in lower-stratospheric upwelling is linked to the effects ofextratropical wave forcing, with centers ofaction in the extratropical winter stratosphere and in the subtropical upper troposphere of both hemispheres. The time-dependent forcing in these regions induces a remote coupled response in the zonal mean wind and the meridional circulation (with associated temperature changes), which drives upwelling variability in the tropical stratosphere. This behavior is observed in the reanalysis, consistent with theory. Dynamical patterns reflect distinctive forcing of the shallow versus deep branchesoftheBrewer‐Dobsoncirculation; theshallow branchismost stronglycorrelated withwave forcing in the subtropical upper troposphere and lower stratosphere, while the deep branch is mainly influenced by highlatitude planetary waves.

Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 2016

Spectrum of Wave Forcing Associated with the Annual Cycle of Upwelling at the Tropical Tropopause

Joowan Kim; William J. Randel; Thomas Birner; Marta Abalos

Abstract The zonal wavenumber spectrum of atmospheric wave forcing in the lower stratosphere is examined to understand the annual cycle of upwelling at the tropical tropopause. Tropopause upwelling is derived based on the wave forcing computed from ERA-Interim using the momentum and mass conservation equations in the transformed Eulerian-mean framework. The calculated upwelling agrees well with other upwelling estimates and successfully captures the annual cycle, with a maximum during Northern Hemisphere (NH) winter. The spectrum of wave forcing reveals that the zonal wavenumber-3 component drives a large portion of the annual cycle in upwelling. The wave activity flux (Eliassen–Palm flux) shows that the associated waves originate from the NH extratropics and the Southern Hemisphere tropics during December–February, with both regions contributing significant wavenumber-3 fluxes. These wave fluxes are nearly absent during June–August. Wavenumbers 1 and 2 and synoptic-scale waves have a notable contribution...

Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems | 2016

Climatology of the middle atmosphere in LMDz: Impact of source-related parameterizations of gravity wave drag

A. de la Cámara; François Lott; Marta Abalos

Gravity wave (GW) parameterizations control the mean state and variability of the middle atmosphere in present-day climate models. The most recent parameterizations relate the GWs to their nonorographic sources (fronts and convection), which impacts the annual cycle of the GW drag, and makes the GWs respond to the changing climate. These issues are addressed using the Laboratoire de Meteorologie Dynamique Zoom (LMDz) climate model, showing first a climatology of the middle atmosphere in the presence of nonorographic GW sources. The model performance is comparable with that documented in earlier model versions, illustrating that there are no major difficulties in including nonorographic GW sources in models. A twin experiment where the parameterization of GWs has no link with the nonorographic sources is also performed. Provided that in the twin experiment the launched GW stress is very intermittent, its climatology compares reasonably well with the experiment with sources. This illustrates that GW intermittency is a key factor in GW dynamics, but also that the dynamical filtering of the waves by the background flow strongly modulates the significance of the sources. Some impacts of having GW sources on the annual cycle of the zonal mean circulation of the middle atmosphere are nevertheless evident. In a changing climate, the impact of introducing GW sources also seems to be substantially mitigated by the dynamical filtering. The experiments and diagnostics are nevertheless limited in time and to the averaged climatology, respectively, calling for longer tests to measure the impacts on the atmospheric low frequency variability. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 2017

Using the Artificial Tracer e90 to Examine Present and Future UTLS Tracer Transport in WACCM

Marta Abalos; William J. Randel; Douglas E. Kinnison; Rolando R. Garcia

AbstractLarge-scale tracer transport in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS) is investigated using simulations of the Whole Atmosphere Community Climate Model (WACCM) over the period 1955–2099. The analyses are based on e90, an artificial passive tracer with constant emissions and atmospheric loss rates. The separate contributions of advection by the residual circulation, eddy mixing, and subgrid convection to total transport are explicitly evaluated. The results highlight distinct large-scale transport regimes in the tropics, characterized by efficient vertical tracer transport, and the extratropics, dominated by isentropic mixing. One novel result is the important role of vertical eddy mixing in the tropical upper troposphere. It is shown that interannual variability in e90 is largely driven by El Nino–Southern Oscillation and the quasi-biennial oscillation. The long-term trends emphasize a strong impact of a rising tropopause with climate change on UTLS dynamics and tracer transport. The...

Climate Dynamics | 2017

Intra-seasonal variability of extreme boreal stratospheric polar vortex events and their precursors

Adelaida Díaz-Durán; Encarna Serrano; Blanca Ayarzagüena; Marta Abalos; Alvaro de la Camara

The dynamical variability of the boreal stratospheric polar vortex has been usually analysed considering the extended winter as a whole or only focusing on December, January and February. Yet recent studies have found intra-seasonal differences in the boreal stratospheric dynamics. In this study, the intra-seasonal variability of anomalous wave activity preceding polar vortex extremes in the Northern Hemisphere is examined using ERA-Interim reanalysis data. Weak (WPV) and strong (SPV) polar vortex events are grouped into early, mid- or late winter sub-periods depending on the onset date. Overall, the strongest (weakest) wave-activity anomalies preceding polar vortex extremes are found in mid- (early) winter. Most of WPV (SPV) events in early winter occur under the influence of east (west) phase of the Quasi-Biennial Oscillation (QBO) and an enhancement (inhibition) of wavenumber-1 wave activity (WN1). Mid- and late winter WPV events are preceded by a strong vortex and an enhancement of WN1 and WN2, but the spatial structure of the anomalous wave activity and the phase of the QBO are different. Prior to mid-winter WPVs the enhancement of WN2 is related to the predominance of La Niña and linked to blockings over Siberia. Mid-winter SPV events show a negative phase of the Pacific-North America pattern that inhibits WN1 injected into the stratosphere. This study suggests that dynamical features preceding extreme polar vortex events in mid-winter should not be generalized to other winter sub-periods.

Journal of the Atmospheric Sciences | 2016

Phase-speed Spectra of Eddy Tracer Fluxes Linked to Isentropic Stirring and Mixing in the Upper Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere

Marta Abalos; William J. Randel; Thomas Birner

AbstractThe regions around the subtropical jets in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS) are characterized by strong isentropic stirring and mixing. In this work, the wave spectrum of the associated eddy tracer fluxes is examined using an artificial passive tracer advected on isentropes by the two-dimensional flow. The eddy diffusivity computed from the flux–gradient relation captures the main features of the mixing structure. Eddy transport in the UTLS is strongest in the summer hemisphere, and weak eddy fluxes are found at the core and poleward of the subtropical jets, especially in the winter hemisphere. There is an important contribution of stationary planetary equatorial Rossby waves in the tropical upper troposphere. The transient eddy tracer transport is primarily linked to medium-scale waves (wavenumbers ~4–7) breaking in the regions of weak westerlies around the subtropical jets and to planetary-scale waves at high latitudes. Phase-speed spectra for transient eddy fluxes show a clos...

Journal of Geophysical Research | 2017

Hemispheric differences in the annual cycle of tropical lower stratosphere transport and tracers

Olga V. Tweedy; Darryn W. Waugh; Richard S. Stolarski; Luke D. Oman; William J. Randel; Marta Abalos

Transport in the tropical lower stratosphere plays a major role in determining the composition of the entire stratosphere. Previous studies that quantified the relative role of transport processes have generally assumed âĂIJwell mixedâĂI tropics and focused on tropical-wide average characteristics. However, it has recently been shown that there is a hemispheric difference in the annual cycle of tropical lower stratosphere ozone and other tracers, with a larger amplitude in the northern tropics (NT) than in the southern tropics (ST). In this study, we examined the ability of chemistry climate models (CCMs) to reproduce the hemispheric differences in ozone (O3) and other tracers (i.e hydrochloric acid, or HCl and nitrous oxide, or N2O), and then use the CCMs to examine the cause of these differences. Examination of CCM simulations from the CCMVal-2 project shows that the majority of the CCMs produce the observed feature of a larger annual cycle in the NT than ST O3 and other tracers. However, only around a third of the models produce an ozone annual cycle similar to that observed. Transformed Eulerian Mean (TEM) analysis of two of the CCMs shows that seasonality in vertical advection drives the seasonality in ST O3 and N2O while seasonality of horizontal mixing drives the seasonality in NT O3 and N2O, with a large increase in horizontal mixing during northern summer (associated with the Asian monsoon). Thus, latitudinal and longitudinal variations within the tropics have to be considered to fully understand the balance between transport processes in tropical lower stratosphere.

Journal of Geophysical Research | 2018

The Impact of Boreal Summer ENSO Events on Tropical Lower Stratospheric Ozone

Olga V. Tweedy; Darryn W. Waugh; William J. Randel; Marta Abalos; Luke D. Oman; Doug Kinnison

The interannual variability of tropical lower stratosphere ozone and its connections to sea surface temperatures in the equatorial Pacific are examined using a combination of chemistry climate model simulations, satellite observations, and reanalyses. The model simulations and observations show large differences in the magnitude of interannual variability in ozone between northern tropic (NT; EQ-18∘ N) and southern tropic (EQ-18∘ S) during boreal summer but small differences in winter. The interannual variability during boreal summer is highly correlated with summer sea surface temperatures in the eastern and central Pacific Ocean and El Niño–Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events. Larger variability in NT ozone is primarily due to meridional advection, connected to the changes in the onset date and strength of the Asian summer monsoon anticyclone. The Asian summer monsoon anticyclone forms earlier in a season and tends to be stronger during cold (La Niña) events leading to more isentropic transport of ozone from the extratropics into the NT, with the reverse for warm (El Niño) events.

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