
Featured researches published by Martha Cristina Nunes Moreira.

Revista Latino-americana De Enfermagem | 1999

Imagens no espelho de Vênus: mulher, enfermagem e modernidade

Martha Cristina Nunes Moreira

This paper discusses the process of nursing professional identity construction in modernity. We utilize the ideas of category gender (Lobo, 1991) and modern person (Duarte, 1986). The modernity as a historical process establishes the emergence of work as a central category in the public X private relationship. Understanding the profession as form of construction and public presentation of the modern person, we discuss the nursing professional identity process in relation to its female basis. Working on nursing ethnographic bibliography, we identify a picture that gives to the female basis of the profession the greater cause of dilemmas such as: technical competence, vocation and identity.Objetivamos discutir o processo de construcao da identidade profissional de enfermagem no marco da modernidade. Utilizamos como âncoras as categorias de genero (Lobo, 1991) e pessoa moderna (Duarte, 1986). A modernidade como processo historico situa a emergencia do trabalho como categoria chave na relacao publico x privado. Entendendo a carreira como uma forma de construcao e apresentacao publica da pessoa moderna, discutimos o processo de construcao da identidade profissional de enfermagem na relacao com sua base feminina. Trabalhando a literatura etnografica destes profissionais, vemos atualizado um imaginario que atribui a posicao feminina da profissao grande parte de seus dilemas: crise de competencia tecnica, vocacao e identidade.

Ciencia & Saude Coletiva | 2011

Qualidade de vida de crianças e adolescentes: uma revisão bibliográfica

Ana Helena Rotta Soares; Antilia Januária Martins; Maria da Conceição Borges Lopes; José Augusto Alves de Britto; Cristiano Queiroz de Oliveira; Martha Cristina Nunes Moreira

The scope of this article was to analyze Brazilian scientific articles that assess the quality of life related to the health of children and adolescents. The databases consulted were SciELO and Bireme involving a total of 30 articles published between 1990 and 2008. The articles confirmed the predominance of quantitative methodologies (70%) with a high incidence of applications of HRQL (66.7%) and generic texts (28.6%). The concept of quality of life was evaluated from two standpoints: in the context of scientific research and as part of the desired results of healthcare and public policy. This construct is presented from a multidimensional perspective, embracing the social, psychological, physical and individual dimensions, which is based on the premise that the individuals themselves must assess their own quality of life. The article draws attention to the need to create and use instruments of quality of life for children and adolescents that enhance their perspective about their health processes using appropriate tools for each phase of development. The assessment of quality of life should be incorporated in clinical assessment since chronic illness has repercussions in the many dimensions of the life.

Historia Ciencias Saude-manguinhos | 1999

A Fundação Rockefeller e a construção da identidade profissional de enfermagem no Brasil na Primeira República

Martha Cristina Nunes Moreira

This article deals with the institution of professional nursing in Brazil during the First Republic, based on a study of documents left by the US nursing mission recruited during the 1920s by the Rockefeller Foundation, in association with the National Public Health Department. Certain excerpts from these documents are representative of main events and references within the field and can be considered emblematic of the construction of a professional identity. It is concluded that Brazilian nurses defined their identity around three basic lines: gender, race, and social origin.

Ciencia & Saude Coletiva | 2011

A atenção básica à saúde do homem sob a ótica do usuário: um estudo qualitativo em três serviços do Rio de Janeiro

Romeu Gomes; Lúcia Emilia Figueiredo de Sousa Rebello; Elaine Ferreira do Nascimento; Suely Ferreira Deslandes; Martha Cristina Nunes Moreira

This paper seeks to analyze the male consumer viewpoint on primary healthcare services. The core objective is to find potential elements to underpin qualitative indicators of male user satisfaction. A qualitative approach involving semi-structured interviews with users was adopted, as well as studying medical records and ethnographic observation of three services in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro. The analysis was based on the method of interpretation of meanings, applying hermeneutic and dialectic principles. In general, users point to criteria to evaluate services positively, taking humanized care as a benchmark, based on communication and ability to offer swift care. The conclusion was that user recommendations involve demands primarily relating to failings in services to provide care specifically geared towards men.

Ciencia & Saude Coletiva | 2014

Doenças crônicas em crianças e adolescentes: uma revisão bibliográfica

Martha Cristina Nunes Moreira; Romeu Gomes; Miriam Ribeiro Calheiros de Sá

The scope of this article is to analyze papers published between 2003 and 2011 that focus on discussions regarding chronic conditions or chronic diseases in children and adolescents. It combines a methodological review of the literature and thematic analysis of content in order to identify the elements that characterize chronic diseases in children and adolescents and the specificities generated by these chronic conditions. The review of the literature resulted in a description of the series of articles identified by year of publication, country of origin, type of study, population and the chronic condition addressed. Thematic content analysis generated two core themes: Definition of chronic disease and Ways of handling chronic disease in children and teenagers. The main conclusion reached is that the age transitions when a disease is diagnosed and treated since childhood involve transformations that include changes in health facilities, discharge processes, decision making and networking that include family, hospital, school and institutions that guarantee the childs rights.

Ciencia & Saude Coletiva | 2013

Quando uma proposição não se converte em política?: O caso da Política Nacional de Atenção Integral à Saúde de Adolescentes e Jovens - PNAISAJ

Silvia Brãna Lopez; Martha Cristina Nunes Moreira

The last three decades have been fertile for the establishment of public policies geared to comprehensive health care for various population groups in Brazil. The scope of this article is to present the partial results of the analysis of the narratives of actors who participated in the creation of the Comprehensive Health Care policy for Adolescents and Youths - PNAISAJ in Brazil, in order to explore the lack of consensus in this process. The analysis was based on the narratives of eight actors who participated in the process and sought to identify the thematic units that express the lack of consensus by a comprehensive analysis based on Bourdieus sociological perspective. We conclude that the non-legitimation of a national policy for this population group manifests the non-recognition of adolescents and youths as autonomous subjects and protagonists on policy decisions that affect them. Although youth participation in political texts is stated as a new paradigm for comprehensive health care promotion for adolescents and young people, we conclude that what prevails culturally is the legitimation of other significances. These are significances according to the broader interests and understanding of adolescence and youth at social levels, interpreted as cultural policies.

Ciencia & Saude Coletiva | 2010

A hospitalização e o adoecimento pela perspectiva de crianças e jovens portadores de fibrose cística e osteogênese imperfeita

Daniele Borges de Mello; Martha Cristina Nunes Moreira

The present article intends to discuss the results of a study completed in a hospital located in the municipal district of Rio de Janeiro, considered most prominent for child, adolescent and womans health. We analyzed the meanings of hospitalization and chronic illness in childhood and adolescence through the perspective of children and adolescents with cystic fibrosis and osteogenesis imperfecta during their hospitalizations in order to explore their experience and communicative possibilities as knowledgeable informants. Hence, we privileged the observation and the construction of their productions through games, using drawings and/or story-telling as a relevant approach to childhood and adolescence contents. The data collected signify the acquisition and knowledge production capacity of children and adolescents concerning their illness processes.The present article intends to discuss the results of a study completed in a hospital located in the municipal district of Rio de Janeiro, considered most prominent for child, adolescent and womans health. We analyzed the meanings of hospitalization and chronic illness in childhood and adolescence through the perspective of children and adolescents with cystic fibrosis and osteogenesis imperfecta during their hospitalizations in order to explore their experience and communicative possibilities as knowledgeable informants. Hence, we privileged the observation and the construction of their productions through games, using drawings and/or story-telling as a relevant approach to childhood and adolescence contents. The data collected signify the acquisition and knowledge production capacity of children and adolescents concerning their illness processes.

Ciencia & Saude Coletiva | 2009

O protagonismo da criança no cenário hospitalar: um ensaio sobre estratégias de sociabilidade

Martha Cristina Nunes Moreira; Aline Duque de Macedo

In this article we discuss chronic disease and its impacts upon childhood. We discuss the experience of providing play activities for hospitalized children as a strategy to ensure their freedom to make choices and to question values. We discuss the notion of socialization as being different from sociability. We discuss the interactionist perspective of Child Sociology and discuss conceptually the use of play activities as a tool for humanizing relations. We conclude that there is a need for further investigations approaching children as subjects of expression and point to the potential of play as an instrument of humanization.

Revista Brasileira de Saúde Materno Infantil | 2005

A enurese em criancas e seus significados para suas famílias: abordagem qualitativa sobre uma intervencão profissional em saúde

Ana Helena Rotta Soares; Martha Cristina Nunes Moreira; Lúcia Maria Costa Monteiro; Eliane Maria Garcez O. Fonseca

Objectives: to discuss perception and meanings by families to child related enuresis through a social and anthropological perspective in the context of issues identified in the explanatory models of disease. Methods: experience report, based on semi-structured interviews performed with twenty four (24) families/caretakers of children with enuresis. Results: families of patients with enuresis expressed the need of defining the disease in a subjective manner, attempting to understand it through the feelings that it unleashes, of the changes in behavior and effects caused in other people by this disease. It was determined that enuresis is grouped in two overlapping fields: the one holding the child responsible for his or her enuresis and external factors such as the family environment and economic and social situation. Conclusions: it is recommended that healthcare professionals be aware of the risk of the biomedical regulation of their speech for it interferes with the understanding and the development of adequate treatment. Healthcare professionals should be informed on the possibility of child abuse related to enuresis and the discussion of possible strategies when working with this type of patient.

Interface - Comunicação, Saúde, Educação | 2011

Autonomia e cuidado em terapia intensiva pediátrica: os paradoxos da prática

Maria Cristina Senna Duarte; Martha Cristina Nunes Moreira

Abordamos os significados atribuidos pelos familiares e profissionais de saude sobre fatos, relacoes, praticas e fenomenos sociais, relacionados ao campo do Cuidado em ambiente de terapia intensiva. A analise dos dados teve por base a Sociologia Fenomenologica, priorizando os significados relacionados a autonomia. Foram realizadas 25 entrevistas, sendo seis com familiares que tinham criancas internadas no servico, e 19 com profissionais de saude que trabalhavam na unidade, e observacoes participantes no interior da unidade de terapia intensiva pediatrica. Concluimos que o cuidado intensivo em terapia intensiva pediatrica demanda o entendimento da autonomia como reconhecimento, baseado na triade: autorrealizacao, autoestima e autorrespeito. Essa triade e constituinte da condicao de sujeito, que deveria mover as relacoes entre profissionais / responsaveis / criancas em estado critico de saude. Em ambiente intensivista, a tecnologia por si so nao e capaz de responder as multiplas variaveis que emergem das situacoes.

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