Martha J. Holden
Cornell University
Residential Treatment for Children & Youth | 2016
James K. Whittaker; Lisa Holmes; Jorge F. del Valle; Frank Ainsworth; Tore Andreassen; James P. Anglin; Christopher Bellonci; David Berridge; Amaia Bravo; Cinzia Canali; Mark E. Courtney; Laura Currey; Daniel L. Daly; Robbie Gilligan; Hans Grietens; Annemiek Harder; Martha J. Holden; Sigrid James; Andrew Kendrick; Erik J. Knorth; Mette Lausten; John S. Lyons; Eduardo Martín; Samantha McDermid; Patricia McNamara; Laura Palareti; Susan Ramsey; Kari M. Sisson; Richard W. Small; June Thoburn
While the focus of this consensus statement and the review volume that preceded it (Whittaker, Del Valle, & Holmes, 2014) is on therapeutic residential care (TRC), a specialized form of group care, we view our work as supportive of a much wider effort internationally concerned with the quality of care children receive when, for a variety of reasons, they need to live away from their families.
Psicothema | 2017
James K. Whittaker; Lisa Holmes; Jorge F. del Valle; Frank Ainsworth; Tore Andreassen; James P. Anglin; Christopher Bellonci; David Berridge; Amaia Bravo; Cinzia Canali; Mark E. Courtney; Laurah Currey; Daniel L. Daly; Robbie Gilligan; Hans Grietens; Annemiek Harder; Martha J. Holden; Sigrid James; Andrew Kendrick; Erik J. Knorth; Mette Lausten; John S. Lyons; Eduardo Martín; Samantha McDermid; Patricia McNamara; Laura Palareti; Susan Ramsey; Kari M. Sisson; Richard W. Small; June Thoburn
Therapeutic Residential Care for Children and Youth: A Consensus Statement of the International Work Group on Therapeutic Residential Care. In many developed countries around the world residential care interventions for children and adolescents have come under increasing scrutiny. Against this background an international summit was organised in England (spring 2016) with experts from 13 countries to reflect on therapeutic residential care (TRC). The following working definition of TRC was leading: “Therapeutic residential care involves the planful use of a purposefully constructed, multi-dimensional living environment designed to enhance or provide treatment, education, socialization, support, and protection to children and youth with identified mental health or behavioral needs in partnership with their families and in collaboration with a full spectrum of community based formal and informal helping resources”. The meeting was characterised by exchange of information and evidence, and by preparing an international research agenda. In addition, the outlines of a consensus statement on TRC were discussed. This statement, originally published in English and now reproduced in a Spanish translation, comprises inter alia five basic principles of care that according to the Work Group on Therapeutic Residental Care should be guiding for residential youth care provided at any time.
Archive | 2012
Martha J. Holden; Jack C. Holden; Sandy Paterson
Disruptive and potentially unsafe classroom behaviours such as threatening, bullying, verbal and/or physical assaulting present challenges not only for teachers, aides and other students in the classroom, but potentially for all others in the building as well as the families of those students/pupils involved. These behaviours can greatly influence a students ability to achieve academic success as well as place undue stress and risk on others in the milieu. Discovering the cause for the behaviours and then developing a plan to help these young people succeed emotionally will greatly increase the probability for improved academic achievement. This chapter will examine the core principles of the Therapeutic Crisis Intervention for Schools (TCIS) programme and present a range of evidence-based responses designed to help build upon and further develop staff skills in preventing disruptive behaviours, de-escalating potential disruptive behaviours, and teach students how to develop less disruptive and more appropriate responses to their lack of or inability to self-regulate. This chapter will contend that the foundation for all interventions and responses presupposes an accurate assessment of risk for the youth(s), the adults, and the environment. That any risk assessment must consider the internal (effects of trauma, ability to self-regulate, cultural issues) and external (organizational culture/climate, level of restrictiveness, caring community, quality of instruction) setting conditions for the youth. The TCIS programme is embedded in the five domains for effective crisis management; leadership and building support, social work and clinical services participation (social workers, psychologists, therapists, nurses), building administration and post crisis response, training and competency standards, and data-driven incident monitoring and feedback.
Child Abuse & Neglect | 2006
Michael A. Nunno; Martha J. Holden; Amanda Tollar
Children and Youth Services Review | 2003
Michael A. Nunno; Martha J. Holden; Brian Leidy
Child Welfare | 2010
Martha J. Holden; Charles V. Izzo; Michael A. Nunno; Elliott G. Smith; Thomas Endres; Jack C. Holden; Frank Kuhn
Prevention Science | 2016
Charles V. Izzo; Elliott G. Smith; Martha J. Holden; Catherine I. Norton; Michael A. Nunno; Deborah E. Sellers
Children Australia | 2018
Frank Ainsworth; Martha J. Holden
Studi Zancan | 2017
James K. Whittaker; Lisa Holmes; Jorge F. del Valle; Frank Ainsworth; Tore Andreassen; James P. Anglin; Christopher Bellonci; David Berridge; Amaia Bravo; Cinzia Canali; Mark E. Courtney; Laurah Currey; Daniel L. Daly; Robbie Gilligan; Hans Grietens; Annemiek Harder; Martha J. Holden; Sigrid James; Andrew Kendrick; Erik J. Knorth; Mette Lausten; John S. Lyons; Eduardo Martín; Samantha McDermid; Patricia McNamara; Laura Palareti; Susan Ramsey; Kari M. Sisson; Richard W. Small; June Thoburn
Orthopedagogiek: Onderzoek en Praktijk | 2017
James K. Whittaker; Lisa Holmes; Jorge F. del Valle; Frank Ainsworth; Tore Andreassen; James P. Anglin; Christopher Bellonci; David Berridge; Amaia Bravo; Cinzia Canali; Mark E. Courtney; Laura Currey; Daniel L. Daly; Robbie Gilligan; Hans Grietens; Annemiek Harder; Martha J. Holden; Sigrid James; Andrew Kendrick; Erik J. Knorth; Mette Lausten; John S. Lyons; Eduardo Martín; Samantha McDermid; Patricia McNamara; Laura Palareti; Susan Ramsey; Kari M. Sisson; Richard W. Small; June Thoburn