Martin Ellguth
Max Planck Society
Applied Physics Letters | 2011
Christian Tusche; Martin Ellguth; A Akin Ünal; Cheng-Tien Chiang; Aimo Winkelmann; A. Krasyuk; Michaela Hahn; G. Schönhense; J. Kirschner
We report on an imaging spin-filter for electrons. The specular reflection of low-energy electrons at the surface of a tungsten single crystal is used to project a spin-filtered two-dimensional image onto a position sensitive detector. Spin-filtering is based on the spin-dependent reflectivity of electrons due to spin-orbit coupling in the scattering target, while a two-dimensional field of view, encoded in the angle of incidence, is conserved in the outgoing beam. We characterize the efficiency of the spin-filter by recording photoelectron emission microscopy images of the magnetic domain structure of 8 monolayers cobalt grown on copper (100).
Ultramicroscopy | 2013
Christian Tusche; Martin Ellguth; A. Krasyuk; Aimo Winkelmann; D. Kutnyakhov; Pavel Lushchyk; K. Medjanik; G. Schönhense; J. Kirschner
Using a photoelectron emission microscope (PEEM), we demonstrate spin-resolved electron spectroscopic imaging of ultrathin magnetic Co films grown on Cu(100). The spin-filter, based on the spin-dependent reflection of low energy electrons from a W(100) crystal, is attached to an aberration corrected electrostatic energy analyzer coupled to an electrostatic PEEM column. We present a method for the quantitative measurement of the electron spin polarization at 4 × 10³ points of the PEEM image, simultaneously. This approach uses the subsequent acquisition of two images with different scattering energies of the electrons at the W(100) target to directly derive the spin polarization without the need of magnetization reversal of the sample.
Physical Review B | 2016
H. J. Elmers; R. Wallauer; Marcus Liebmann; J. Kellner; Markus Morgenstern; R. N. Wang; J. E. Boschker; R. Calarco; J. Sánchez-Barriga; O. Rader; D. Kutnyakhov; S. V. Chernov; K. Medjanik; Christian Tusche; Martin Ellguth; H. Volfova; St. Borek; J. Braun; J. Minár; H. Ebert; G. Schönhense
The breaking of bulk inversion symmetry in ferroelectric semiconductors causes a Rashba-type spin splitting of electronic bulk bands. This is shown by a comprehensive mapping of the spin polarization of the electronic bands in ferroelectric α- GeTe(111) films using a time-of-flight momentum microscope equipped with an imaging spin filter that enables a simultaneous measurement of more than 10 000 data points. The experiment reveals an opposite spin helicity of the inner and outer Rashba bands with a different spin polarization in agreement with theoretical predictions, confirming a complex spin texture of bulk Rashba states. The outer band has about twice larger spin polarization than the inner one, giving evidence of a spin-orbit effect being related to the orbital composition of the band states. The switchable inner electric field of GeTe implies new functionalities for spintronic devices.
New Journal of Physics | 2012
Aimo Winkelmann; Christian Tusche; A Akin Ünal; Martin Ellguth; J. Henk; J. Kirschner
Using a unique momentum microscope, we measured energy- resolved momentum distributions of valence-band electrons photoemitted into the whole half-space above the Cu(111) and Cu(001) surfaces. The experimental results are compared to one-step photoemission calculations. Convincing agreement between theoretical and experimental photoelectron momentum patterns can only be achieved by orbital-dependent corrections which emulate many-body self-energy effects in the electronic structure of Cu (Strocov et al 2002 Phys. Rev. B 66 195104). By the analysis of the Shockley surface state of Cu(111), we show that these self-energy corrections also affect the surface electronic structure in specific ways. We find that the Shockley surface state of Cu(111) is shifted differently in energy than the bulk states. As a consequence, the agreement between the theoretically calculated and the experimentally measured binding energy of this surface state is improved. Energy-resolved two- dimensional valence-band photoelectron mapping provides an alternative means of determining self-energy values experimentally.
Nature Materials | 2017
K. Medjanik; O. Fedchenko; S. V. Chernov; D. Kutnyakhov; Martin Ellguth; A. Oelsner; B. Schönhense; T. R. F. Peixoto; P. Lutz; C.-H. Min; F. Reinert; S. Däster; Yves Acremann; J. Viefhaus; W. Wurth; H. J. Elmers; G. Schönhense
We performed a full mapping of the bulk electronic structure including the Fermi surface and Fermi-velocity distribution vF(kF) of tungsten. The 4D spectral function ρ(EB; k) in the entire bulk Brillouin zone and 6 eV binding-energy (EB) interval was acquired in ∼3 h thanks to a new multidimensional photoemission data-recording technique (combining full-field k-microscopy with time-of-flight parallel energy recording) and the high brilliance of the soft X-rays used. A direct comparison of bulk and surface spectral functions (taken at low photon energies) reveals a time-reversal-invariant surface state in a local bandgap in the (110)-projected bulk band structure. The surface state connects hole and electron pockets that would otherwise be separated by an indirect local bandgap. We confirmed its Dirac-like spin texture by spin-filtered momentum imaging. The measured 4D data array enables extraction of the 3D dispersion of all bands, all energy isosurfaces, electron velocities, hole or electron conductivity, effective mass and inner potential by simple algorithms without approximations. The high-Z bcc metals with large spin-orbit-induced bandgaps are discussed as candidates for topologically non-trivial surface states.
New Journal of Physics | 2012
Aimo Winkelmann; A Akin Ünal; Christian Tusche; Martin Ellguth; Cheng-Tien Chiang; J. Kirschner
Using a specifically tailored experimental approach, we revisit the exemplary effect of photoemission from quasi-free electronic states in crystals. Applying a momentum microscope, we measure photoelectron momentum patterns emitted into the complete half-space above the sample after excitation from a linearly polarized laser light source. By the application of a fully three-dimensional (3D) geometrical model of direct optical transitions, we explain the characteristic intensity distributions that are formed by the photoelectrons in k-space under the combination of energy conservation and crystal momentum conservation in the 3D bulk as well as at the two-dimensional (2D) surface. For bismuth surface alloys on Cu(111), the energy-resolved photoelectron momentum patterns allow us to identify specific emission processes in which bulk excited electrons are subsequently diffracted by an atomic 2D surface grating. The polarization dependence of the observed intensity features in momentum space is explained based on the different relative orientations of characteristic reciprocal space directions with respect to the electric field vector of the incident light.
Scientific Reports | 2016
D. Kutnyakhov; S. V. Chernov; K. Medjanik; R. Wallauer; Christian Tusche; Martin Ellguth; S. A. Nepijko; M. Krivenkov; J. Braun; Stephan Borek; J. Minár; H. Ebert; H. J. Elmers; G. Schönhense
We find in the case of W(110) previously overlooked anomalous surface states having their spin locked at right angle to their momentum using spin-resolved momentum microscopy. In addition to the well known Dirac-like surface state with Rashba spin texture near the -point, we observe a tilted Dirac cone with circularly shaped cross section and a Dirac crossing at 0.28 × within the projected bulk band gap of tungsten. This state has eye-catching similarities to the spin-locked surface state of a topological insulator. The experiments are fortified by a one-step photoemission calculation in its density-matrix formulation.
Philosophical Magazine | 2016
Martin Ellguth; Christian Tusche; Fumitoshi Iga; S. Suga
We report the in situ preparation of surfaces of the proposed topological Kondo insulator SmB by controlled cycles of Ar ion sputtering and annealing. The procedure provides a reproducible way for the preparation of Sm- or B-rich surface terminations by low (1080 C) or high (1200 C) temperature annealing. The surface quality and termination were checked by low energy electron diffraction and Auger electron spectroscopy. Photoemission studies were carried out using momentum microscopy and two laboratory light sources providing polarised radiation with an energy of 6 eV (fourth harmonic of a pulsed Ti:Sapphire laser) and unpolarised radiation with an energy of 21.2 eV (He–I line of a gas discharge lamp). Full dispersions of electronic states in a wide two-dimensional momentum space were obtained by momentum microscopy from the in situ prepared Sm-terminated surface. The shape of the Fermi surface is discussed based on the sections through the bulk Brillouin zone sampled by the different photon energies.
Applied Physics Letters | 2016
Christian Tusche; P. Goslawski; D. Kutnyakhov; Martin Ellguth; K. Medjanik; H. J. Elmers; S. V. Chernov; R. Wallauer; D. Engel; A. Jankowiak; G. Schönhense
In the quest for detailed spectroscopic insight into the electronic structure at solid surfaces in a large momentum range, we have developed an advanced experimental approach. It combines the 3D detection scheme of a time-of-flight momentum microscope with an optimized filling pattern of the BESSY II storage ring. Here, comprehensive data sets covering the full surface Brillouin zone have been used to study faint substrate-film hybridization effects in the electronic structure of graphene on Ir(111), revealed by a pronounced linear dichroism in angular distribution. The method paves the way to 3D electronic bandmapping with unprecedented data recording efficiency.
Nature Communications | 2018
Christian Tusche; Martin Ellguth; Vitaliy Feyer; A. Krasyuk; C. Wiemann; J. Henk; Claus M. Schneider; J. Kirschner
Our understanding of the properties of ferromagnetic materials, widely used in spintronic devices, is fundamentally based on their electronic band structure. However, even for the most simple elemental ferromagnets, electron correlations are prevalent, requiring descriptions of their electronic structure beyond the simple picture of independent quasi-particles. Here, we give evidence that in itinerant ferromagnets like cobalt these electron correlations are of nonlocal origin, manifested in a complex self-energy Σσ(E,k) that disperses as function of spin σ, energy E, and momentum vector k. Together with one-step photoemission calculations, our experiments allow us to quantify the dispersive behaviour of the complex self-energy over the whole Brillouin zone. At the same time we observe regions of anomalously large “waterfall”-like band renormalization, previously only attributed to strong electron correlations in high-TC superconductors, making itinerant ferromagnets a paradigmatic test case for the interplay between band structure, magnetism, and many-body correlations.The consequences of electron-electron interactions are difficult to calculate reliably but this is needed to understand important physical properties such as ferromagnetism. Tusche et al. show that interaction effects in cobalt are nonlocal, presenting a challenge to future theoretical approaches.