Martin Golubitsky
Ohio State University
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Featured researches published by Martin Golubitsky.
Archive | 1985
Martin Golubitsky; David G. Schaeffer
This book has been written in a frankly partisian spirit-we believe that singularity theory offers an extremely useful approach to bifurcation prob- lems and we hope to convert the reader to this view. In this preface we will discuss what we feel are the strengths of the singularity theory approach. This discussion then Ieads naturally into a discussion of the contents of the book and the prerequisites for reading it. Let us emphasize that our principal contribution in this area has been to apply pre-existing techniques from singularity theory, especially unfolding theory and classification theory, to bifurcation problems. Many ofthe ideas in this part of singularity theory were originally proposed by Rene Thom; the subject was then developed rigorously by John Matherand extended by V. I. Arnold. In applying this material to bifurcation problems, we were greatly encouraged by how weil the mathematical ideas of singularity theory meshed with the questions addressed by bifurcation theory. Concerning our title, Singularities and Groups in Bifurcation Theory, it should be mentioned that the present text is the first volume in a two-volume sequence. In this volume our emphasis is on singularity theory, with group theory playing a subordinate role. In Volume II the emphasis will be more balanced. Having made these remarks, Iet us set the context for the discussion of the strengths of the singularity theory approach to bifurcation. As we use the term, bifurcation theory is the study of equations with multiple solutions.
Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society | 2006
Martin Golubitsky; Ian Stewart
A formal theory of symmetries of networks of coupled dynamical systems, stated in terms of the group of permutations of the nodes that preserve the network topology, has existed for some time. Global network symmetries impose strong constraints on the corresponding dynamical systems, which affect equilibria, periodic states, heteroclinic cycles, and even chaotic states. In particular, the symmetries of the network can lead to synchrony, phase relations, resonances, and synchronous or cycling chaos. Symmetry is a rather restrictive assumption, and a general theory of networks should be more flexible. A recent generalization of the group-theoretic notion of symmetry replaces global symmetries by bijections between certain subsets of the directed edges of the network, the ‘input sets’. Now the symmetry group becomes a groupoid, which is an algebraic structure that resembles a group, except that the product of two elements may not be defined. The groupoid formalism makes it possible to extend group-theoretic methods to more general networks, and in particular it leads to a complete classification of ‘robust’ patterns of synchrony in terms of the combinatorial structure of the network. Many phenomena that would be nongeneric in an arbitrary dynamical system can become generic when constrained by a particular network topology. A network of dynamical systems is not just a dynamical system with a high-dimensional phase space. It is also equipped with a canonical set of observables—the states of the individual nodes of the network. Moreover, the form of the underlying ODE is constrained by the network topology—which variables occur in which component equations, and how those equations relate to each other. The result is a rich and new range of phenomena, only a few of which are yet properly understood.
international symposium on physical design | 1998
Martin Golubitsky; Ian Stewart; Pietro-Luciano Buono; James J. Collins
Abstract In this paper we use symmetry methods to study networks of coupled cells, which are models for central pattern generators (CPGs). In these models the cells obey identical systems of differential equations and the network specifies how cells are coupled. Previously, Collins and Stewart showed that the phase relations of many of the standard gaits of quadrupeds and hexapods can be obtained naturally via Hopf bifurcation in small networks. For example, the networks they used to study quadrupeds all had four cells, with the understanding that each cell determined the phase of the motion of one leg. However, in their work it seemed necessary to employ several different four-oscillator networks to obtain all of the standard quadrupedal gaits. We show that this difficulty with four-oscillator networks is unavoidable, but that the problems can be overcome by using a larger network. Specifically, we show that the standard gaits of a quadruped, including walk, trot and pace, cannot all be realized by a single four-cell network without introducing unwanted conjugacies between trot and pace — conjugacies that imply a dynamic equivalence between these gaits that seems inconsistent with observations. In this sense a single network with four cells cannot model the CPG of a quadruped. We also introduce a single eight-cell network that can model all of the primary gaits of quadrupeds without these unwanted conjugacies. Moreover, this network is modular in that it naturally generalizes to provide models of gaits in hexapods, centipedes, and millipedes. The analysis of models for many-legged animals shows that wave-like motions, similar to those obtained by Kopell and Ermentrout, can be expected. However, our network leads to a prediction that the wavelength of the wave motion will divide twice the length of the animal. Indeed, we reproduce illustrations of wave-like motions in centipedes where the animal is approximately one-and-a-half wavelength long — motions that are consistent with this prediction. We discuss the implications of these results for the development of modular control networks for adaptive legged robots.
Journal of Differential Equations | 1981
Martin Golubitsky; William F Langford
Abstract This paper initiates the classification, up to symmetry-covariant contact equivalence, of perturbations of local Hopf bifurcation problems which do not satisfy the classical non-degeneracy conditions. The only remaining hypothesis is that ±i should be simple eigenvalues of the linearized right-hand side at criticality. Then the Lyapunov-Schmidt method allows a reduction to a scalar equation G(x, λ) = 0, where G(−x, λ) = −G(x, λ). A definition is given of the codimension of G, and a complete classification is obtained for all problems with codimension ⩽3, together with the corresponding universal unfoldings. The perturbed bifurcation diagrams are given for the cases with codimension ⩽2, and for one case with codimension 3; for this last case one of the unfolding parameters is a “modal” parameter, such that the topological codimension equals in fact 2. Formulas are given for the calculation of the Taylor coefficients needed for the application of the results, and finally the results are applied to two simple problems: a model of glycolytic oscillations and the Fitzhugh nerve equations.
Neural Computation | 2002
Paul C. Bressloff; Jack D. Cowan; Martin Golubitsky; Peter J. Thomas; Matthew C. Wiener
Many observers see geometric visual hallucinations after taking hallucinogens such as LSD, cannabis, mescaline or psilocybin; on viewing bright flickering lights; on waking up or falling asleep; in near-death experiences; and in many other syndromes. Klver organized the images into four groups called form constants: (I) tunnels and funnels, (II) spirals, (III) lattices, including honeycombs and triangles, and (IV) cobwebs. In most cases, the images are seen in both eyes and move with them. We interpret this to mean that they are generated in the brain. Here, we summarize a theory of their origin in visual cortex (area V1), based on the assumption that the form of the retinocortical map and the architecture of V1 determine their geometry. (A much longer and more detailed mathematical version has been published in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 356 [2001].) We model V1 as the continuum limit of a lattice of interconnected hypercolumns, each comprising a number of interconnected iso-orientation columns. Based on anatomical evidence, we assume that the lateral connectivity between hypercolumns exhibits symmetries, rendering it invariant under the action of the Euclidean group E(2), composed of reflections and translations in the plane, and a (novel) shift-twist action. Using this symmetry, we show that the various patterns of activity that spontaneously emerge when V1s spatially uniform resting state becomes unstable correspond to the form constants when transformed to the visual field using the retino-cortical map. The results are sensitive to the detailed specification of the lateral connectivity and suggest that the cortical mechanisms that generate geometric visual hallucinations are closely related to those used to process edges, contours, surfaces, and textures.
Communications in Mathematical Physics | 1979
Martin Golubitsky; David G. Schaeffer
Consider the familiar principle that typically (or generically) a system of m scalar equations in n variables where m>n has no solutions. This principle can be reformulated geometrically as follows. If S is a submanifold of a manifold X with codimension m (i.e. m = άimX — dimS) and iϊf:R-*X is a smooth mapping where m>n, then usually or generically Image /nS is empty. One of the basic tenets in the application of singularity theory is that this principle holds in a general way in function spaces. In the next few paragraphs we shall try to explain this more general situation as well as to explain its relevance to bifurcation problems. First we describe an example through which these ideas may be understood. Consider the buckling of an Euler column. Let λ denote the applied load and x denote the maximum deflection of the column. After an application of the Lyapunov-Schmidt procedure the potential energy function Ffor this system may be written as a function of x and λ alone and hence the steady-state configurations of the column may be found by solving
Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society | 1984
Martin Golubitsky; Ian Stewart
Using group theoretic techniques, we obtain a generalization of the Hopf Bifurcation Theorem to differential equations with symmetry, analogous to a static bifurcation theorem of Cicogna. We discuss the stability of the bifurcating branches, and show how group theory can often simplify stability calculations. The general theory is illustrated by three detailed examples: O(2) acting on R2, O(n) on R n , and O(3) in any irreducible representation on spherical harmonics.
international symposium on physical design | 1988
Pascal Chossat; Martin Golubitsky
Abstract Bifurcation in symmetric is typically associated with spontaneous symmetry breaking. That is, bifurcation is associated with new solution having less symmetry. In this paper we show that symmetry-increasing bifurcation in the discrete dynamics of symmetric mappings is possible (and is perhaps generic). The reason for these bifurcations may be understood as follows. The existence of one attractor in a system with symmetry gives rise to a family of conjugate attractors all related by symmetry. Typically, in computer experiments, what we see is a sequence of symmetry-breaking bifurcations leading to the existence of conjugate chaotic attractors. As the bifurcation parameter is varied these attractors grow in size and merge leading to a single attractor having greater symmetry. We prove a theorem suggesting why this new attractor should have greater symmetry and present a number of striking examples of the symmetric patterns that can be formed by iterating the simplest mappings on the plane with the symmetry of the regular m -gon. In the last section we discuss period-doubling in the presence of symmetry.
international symposium on physical design | 1984
Martin Golubitsky; James W. Swift; Edgar Knobloch
Abstract This paper describes the process of pattern selection between rolls and hexagons in Rayleigh-Benard convection with reflectional symmetry in the horizontal midplane. This symmetry is a consequence of the Boussinesq approximation, provided the boundary conditions are the same on the top and bottom plates. All possible local bifurcation diagrams (assuming certain non-degeneracy conditions) are found using only group theory. The results are therefore applicable to other systems with the same symmetries. Rolls, hexagons, or a new solution, regular triangles, can be stable depending on the physical system. Rolls are stable in ordinary Rayleigh-Benard convection. The results are compared to those of Buzano and Golubitsky [1] without the midplane reflection symmetry. The bifurcation behavior of the two cases is quite different, and a connection between them is established by considering the effects of breaking the reflectional symmetry. Finally, the relevant experimental results are described.
Communications in Mathematical Physics | 1979
David G. Schaeffer; Martin Golubitsky
We show that mode jumping in the buckling of a rectangular plate may be explained by a secondary bifurcation — as suggested by Bauer et al. [1] — when “clamped” boundary conditions on the vertical displacement function are assumed. In our analysis we use the singularity theory of mappings in the presence of a symmetry group to analyse the bifurcation equation obtained by the Lyapunov-Schmidt reduction applied to the Von Kármán equations. Noteworthy is the fact that this explanation fails when the assumed boundary conditions are “simply supported”.Mode jumping in the presence of “clamped” boundary conditions was observed experimentally by Stein [9]; “simply supported” boundary conditions are frequently studied but are difficult — if not impossible — to realize physically. Thus, it is important to observe that the qualitative post-buckling behavior depends on which idealization for the boundary conditions one chooses.