
Nature Structural & Molecular Biology | 1999

Increased protein backbone conformational entropy upon hydrophobic ligand binding.

Lukas Zidek; Milos V. Novotny; Martin J. Stone

For complexes between proteins and very small hydrophobic ligands, hydrophobic effects alone may be insufficient to outweigh the unfavorable entropic terms resulting from bimolecular association. NMR relaxation experiments indicate that the backbone flexibility of mouse major urinary protein increases upon binding the hydrophobic mouse pheromone 2-sec-butyl-4,5-dihydrothiazole. The associated increase in backbone conformational entropy of the protein appears to make a substantial contribution toward stabilization of the protein–pheromone complex. This term is likely comparable in magnitude to other important free energy contributions to binding and may represent a general mechanism to promote binding of very small ligands to macromolecules.

Protein Science | 2009

Pheromone binding by polymorphic mouse major urinary proteins

Scott D. Sharrow; Jeffrey L. Vaughn; Lukáš Žídek; Milos V. Novotny; Martin J. Stone

Mouse major urinary proteins (MUPs) have been proposed to play a role in regulating the release and capture of pheromones. Here, we report affinity measurements of five recombinant urinary MUP isoforms (MUPs‐I, II, VII, VIII, and IX) and one recombinant nasal isoform (MUP‐IV) for each of three pheromonal ligands, (±)‐2‐sec‐butyl‐4,5‐dihydrothiazole (SBT), 6‐hydroxy‐6‐methyl‐3‐heptanone (HMH), and (±)dehydro‐exo‐brevicomin (DHB). Dissociation constants for all MUP‐pheromone pairs were determined by isothermal titration calorimetry, and data for SBT were corroborated by measurements of intrinsic protein fluorescence. We also report the isolation of MUP‐IV protein from mouse nasal extracts, in which MUP‐IV mRNA has been observed previously. The affinity of each MUP isoform for SBT (Kd ∼ 0.04 to 0.9 μM) is higher than that for DHB (Kd ∼ 26 to 58 μM), which in turn is higher than that for HMH (Kd ∼ 50 to 200 μM). Isoforms I, II, VIII, and IX show very similar affinities for each of the ligands. MUP‐VII has approximately twofold higher affinity for SBT but approximately twofold lower affinity for the other pheromones, whereas MUP‐IV has ∼23‐fold higher affinity for SBT and approximately fourfold lower affinity for the other pheromones. The variations in ligand affinities of the MUP isoforms are consistent with structural differences in the binding cavities of the isoforms. The data indicate that the concentrations of available pheromones in urine may be influenced by changes in the expression levels of urinary MUPs or the excretion levels of other MUP ligands. The variation in pheromone affinities of the urinary MUP isoforms provides only limited support for the proposal that MUP heterogeneity plays a role in regulating profiles of available pheromones. However, the binding data support the proposed role of nasal MUPs in sequestering pheromones and possibly transporting them to their receptors.

Journal of Biological Chemistry | 2013

Tyrosine sulfation of chemokine receptor CCR2 enhances interactions with both monomeric and dimeric forms of the chemokine monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1)

Joshua H. Y. Tan; Justin P. Ludeman; Jamie Wedderburn; Meritxell Canals; Pam Hall; Stephen J. Butler; Arthur Christopoulos; Michael J. Hickey; Richard J. Payne; Martin J. Stone

Background: Chemokine receptors are post-translationally sulfated on tyrosine residues. Results: A tyrosine-sulfated fragment of CCR2 binds more tightly to the monomeric form than the dimeric form of the chemokine MCP-1. Conclusion: Binding to sulfated CCR2 promotes conversion of MCP-1 from inactive dimer to active monomer. Significance: Tyrosine sulfation may regulate the ability of chemokine receptors to be activated by chemokines. Chemokine receptors are commonly post-translationally sulfated on tyrosine residues in their N-terminal regions, the initial site of binding to chemokine ligands. We have investigated the effect of tyrosine sulfation of the chemokine receptor CCR2 on its interactions with the chemokine monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1/CCL2). Inhibition of CCR2 sulfation, by growth of expressing cells in the presence of sodium chlorate, significantly reduced the potency for MCP-1 activation of CCR2. MCP-1 exists in equilibrium between monomeric and dimeric forms. The obligate monomeric mutant MCP-1(P8A) was similar to wild type MCP-1 in its ability to induce leukocyte recruitment in vivo, whereas the obligate dimeric mutant MCP-1(T10C) was less effective at inducing leukocyte recruitment in vivo. In two-dimensional NMR experiments, sulfated peptides derived from the N-terminal region of CCR2 bound to both the monomeric and dimeric forms of wild type MCP-1 and shifted the equilibrium to favor the monomeric form. Similarly, MCP-1(P8A) bound more tightly than MCP-1(T10C) to the CCR2-derived sulfopeptides. NMR chemical shift mapping using the MCP-1 mutants showed that the sulfated N-terminal region of CCR2 binds to the same region (N-loop and β3-strand) of both monomeric and dimeric MCP-1 but that binding to the dimeric form also influences the environment of chemokine N-terminal residues, which are involved in dimer formation. We conclude that interaction with the sulfated N terminus of CCR2 destabilizes the dimerization interface of inactive dimeric MCP-1, thus inducing dissociation to the active monomeric state.

British Journal of Pharmacology | 2014

The structural role of receptor tyrosine sulfation in chemokine recognition

Justin P. Ludeman; Martin J. Stone

Tyrosine sulfation is a post‐translational modification of secreted and transmembrane proteins, including many GPCRs such as chemokine receptors. Most chemokine receptors contain several potentially sulfated tyrosine residues in their extracellular N‐terminal regions, the initial binding site for chemokine ligands. Sulfation of these receptors increases chemokine binding affinity and potency. Although receptor sulfation is heterogeneous, insights into the molecular basis of sulfotyrosine (sTyr) recognition have been obtained using purified, homogeneous sulfopeptides corresponding to the N‐termini of chemokine receptors. Receptor sTyr residues bind to a shallow cleft defined by the N‐loop and β3‐strand elements of cognate chemokines. Tyrosine sulfation enhances the affinity of receptor peptides for cognate chemokines in a manner dependent on the position of sulfation. Moreover, tyrosine sulfation can alter the selectivity of receptor peptides among several cognate chemokines for the same receptor. Finally, binding to receptor sulfopeptides can modulate the oligomerization state of chemokines, thereby influencing the ability of a chemokine to activate its receptor. These results increase the motivation to investigate the structural basis by which tyrosine sulfation modulates chemokine receptor activity and the biological consequences of this functional modulation.

Journal of Biomolecular NMR | 2004

Temperature-dependent spectral density analysis applied to monitoring backbone dynamics of major urinary protein-I complexed with the pheromone 2-sec-butyl-4,5-dihydrothiazole

Hana Křížová; Lukáš Žídek; Martin J. Stone; Milos V. Novotny; Vladimír Sklenář

Backbone dynamics of mouse major urinary protein I (MUP-I) was studied by 15N NMR relaxation. Data were collected at multiple temperatures for a complex of MUP-I with its natural pheromonal ligand, 2-sec-4,5-dihydrothiazole, and for the free protein. The measured relaxation rates were analyzed using the reduced spectral density mapping. Graphical analysis of the spectral density values provided an unbiased qualitative picture of the internal motions. Varying temperature greatly increased the range of analyzed spectral density values and therefore improved reliability of the analysis. Quantitative parameters describing the dynamics on picosecond to nanosecond time scale were obtained using a novel method of simultaneous data fitting at multiple temperatures. Both methods showed that the backbone flexibility on the fast time scale is slightly increased upon pheromone binding, in accordance with the previously reported results. Zero-frequency spectral density values revealed conformational changes on the microsecond to millisecond time scale. Measurements at different temperatures allowed to monitor temperature depencence of the motional parameters.

Biochemistry | 2011

Tyrosine sulfation influences the chemokine binding selectivity of peptides derived from chemokine receptor CCR3

John Z. Zhu; Christopher J. Millard; Justin P. Ludeman; Levi S. Simpson; Daniel Clayton; Richard J. Payne; Theodore S. Widlanski; Martin J. Stone

The interactions of chemokines with their G protein-coupled receptors play critical roles in the control of leukocyte trafficking in normal homeostasis and in inflammatory responses. Tyrosine sulfation is a common post-translational modification in the amino-terminal regions of chemokine receptors. However, tyrosine sulfation of chemokine receptors is commonly incomplete or heterogeneous. To investigate the possibility that differential sulfation of two adjacent tyrosine residues could bias the responses of chemokine receptor CCR3 to different chemokines, we have studied the binding of three chemokines (eotaxin-1/CCL11, eotaxin-2/CCL24, and eotaxin-3/CCL26) to an N-terminal CCR3-derived peptide in each of its four possible sulfation states. Whereas the nonsulfated peptide binds to the three chemokines with approximately equal affinity, sulfation of Tyr-16 gives rise to 9-16-fold selectivity for eotaxin-1 over the other two chemokines. Subsequent sulfation of Tyr-17 contributes additively to the affinity for eotaxin-1 and eotaxin-2 but cooperatively to the affinity for eotaxin-3. The doubly sulfated peptide selectively binds to both eotaxin-1 and eotaxin-3 approximately 10-fold more tightly than to eotaxin-2. Nuclear magnetic resonance chemical shift mapping indicates that these variations in affinity probably result from only subtle differences in the chemokine surfaces interacting with these receptor peptides. These data support the proposal that variations in sulfation states or levels may regulate the responsiveness of chemokine receptors to their cognate chemokines.

Chemistry & Biology | 2009

Regulation of Chemokine Recognition by Site-Specific Tyrosine Sulfation of Receptor Peptides

Levi S. Simpson; John Z. Zhu; Theodore S. Widlanski; Martin J. Stone

Sulfation of tyrosine is a common posttranslational modification of secreted proteins that influences numerous physiological and pathological processes. Studies of tyrosine sulfation have been hindered by the difficulty of introducing sulfate groups at specific positions of peptides and proteins. Here we report a general strategy for synthesis of peptides containing sulfotyrosine at one or more specific position(s). The approach provides a substantial improvement in both yield and convenience over existing methods. Using synthetic sulfopeptides derived from the chemokine receptor CCR3, we demonstrate that sulfation enhances affinity for the chemokine eotaxin by approximately 7-fold or more than 28-fold, depending on which of two adjacent tyrosine residues is sulfated. The synthetic methodology will substantially enhance efforts to understand the functional and structural consequences of protein tyrosine sulfation.

Occupational and Environmental Medicine | 2006

Spreading of occupational allergens: laboratory animal allergens on hair-covering caps and in mattress dust of laboratory animal workers.

Esmeralda Krop; Gert Doekes; Martin J. Stone; Rob C. Aalberse; Jaring S. van der Zee

Background: Family members of laboratory animal workers are at risk of developing allergy to laboratory animals. Little is known about the spreading of laboratory animal allergens outside the animal facilities. Objective: To assess the presence of laboratory animal allergens in dust collected from mattresses of laboratory animal workers and unexposed controls. Methods: Mouse and rat urinary proteins were measured in samples of mattress dust collected by laboratory animal workers and unexposed controls. In addition, rat and mouse allergens were determined in extracts of hair-covering caps, used during laboratory animal work, to estimate spreading of allergen through dust captured on hair. Allergen concentrations on hair caps were compared with exposure measured by personal airborne dust sampling. Results: Levels of rat urinary allergens (RUA) and mouse urinary allergens (MUA) and mouse urinary protein (MUP) 8, a specific pheromone-binding mouse allergen, were significantly higher in mattress samples of laboratory animal workers than in those of controls. Hair-covering caps used in animal facilities harboured large amounts of RUA and MUA, which correlated significantly with exposure measured by the personal sampling technique in the animal facility. Conclusions: Occupational laboratory animal allergens are detectable in mattress dust of laboratory animal workers. Transfer of allergens via uncovered hair of animal workers is likely contributing to this phenomenon. This study stresses the importance of using hair caps to prevent spreading of occupational allergens.

Protein Science | 2009

Thermodynamic consequences of disrupting a water‐mediated hydrogen bond network in a protein:pheromone complex

Scott D. Sharrow; Katherine A. Edmonds; Michael A. Goodman; Milos V. Novotny; Martin J. Stone

The mouse pheromones (±)‐2‐sec‐butyl‐4,5‐dihydrothiazole (SBT) and 6‐hydroxy‐6‐methyl‐3‐heptanone (HMH) bind into an occluded hydrophobic cavity in the mouse major urinary protein (MUP‐1). Although the ligands are structurally unrelated, in both cases binding is accompanied by formation of a similar buried, water‐mediated hydrogen bond network between the ligand and several backbone and side chain groups on the protein. To investigate the energetic contribution of this hydrogen bond network to ligand binding, we have applied isothermal titration calorimetry to measure the binding thermodynamics using several MUP mutants and ligand analogs. Mutation of Tyr‐120 to Phe, which disrupts a hydrogen bond from the phenolic hydroxyl group of Tyr‐120 to one of the bound water molecules, results in a substantial loss of favorable binding enthalpy, which is partially compensated by a favorable change in binding entropy. A similar thermodynamic effect was observed when the hydrogen bonded nitrogen atom of the heterocyclic ligand was replaced by a methyne group. Several other modifications of the protein or ligand had smaller effects on the binding thermodynamics. The data provide supporting evidence for the role of the hydrogen bond network in stabilizing the complex.

Journal of Biological Chemistry | 2001

Identification of receptor binding and activation determinants in the N-terminal and N-loop regions of the CC chemokine eotaxin.

Michael R. Mayer; Martin J. Stone

Eotaxin is a CC chemokine that specifically activates the receptor CCR3 causing accumulation of eosinophils in allergic diseases and parasitic infections. Twelve amino acid residues in the N-terminal (residues 1–8) and N-loop (residues 11–20) regions of eotaxin have been individually mutated to alanine, and the ability of the mutants to bind and activate CCR3 has been determined in cell-based assays. The alanine mutants at positions Thr7, Asn12, Leu13, and Leu20 show near wild type binding affinity and activity. The mutants T8A, N15A, and K17A have near wild type binding affinity for CCR3 but reduced receptor activation. A third class of mutants, S4A, V5A, R16A, and I18A, display significantly perturbed binding affinity for CCR3 while retaining the ability to activate or partially activate the receptor. Finally, the mutant Phe11has little detectable activity and 20-fold reduced binding affinity relative to wild type eotaxin, the most dramatic effect observed in both assays but less dramatic than the effect of mutating the corresponding residue in some other chemokines. Taken together, the results indicate that residues contributing to receptor binding affinity and those required for triggering receptor activation are distributed throughout the N-terminal and N-loop regions. This conclusion is in contrast to the separation of binding and activation functions between N-loop and N-terminal regions, respectively, that has been observed previously for some other chemokines.

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