Martin Pabst
ETH Zurich
Plant Biotechnology Journal | 2008
Richard Strasser; Johannes Stadlmann; Matthias Schähs; Gabriela Stiegler; Heribert Quendler; Lukas Mach; Josef Glössl; Koen Weterings; Martin Pabst; Herta Steinkellner
A common argument against using plants as a production system for therapeutic proteins is their inability to perform authentic human N-glycosylation (i.e. the presence of beta1,2-xylosylation and core alpha1,3-fucosylation). In this study, RNA interference (RNAi) technology was used to obtain a targeted down-regulation of the endogenous beta1,2-xylosyltransferase (XylT) and alpha1,3-fucosyltransferase (FucT) genes in Nicotiana benthamiana, a tobacco-related plant species widely used for recombinant protein expression. Three glyco-engineered lines with significantly reduced xylosylated and/or core alpha1,3-fucosylated glycan structures were generated. The human anti HIV monoclonal antibody 2G12 was transiently expressed in these glycosylation mutants as well as in wild-type plants. Four glycoforms of 2G12 differing in the presence/absence of xylose and core alpha1,3-fucose residues in their N-glycans were produced. Notably, 2G12 produced in XylT/FucT-RNAi plants was found to contain an almost homogeneous N-glycan species without detectable xylose and alpha1,3-fucose residues. Plant-derived glycoforms were indistinguishable from Chinese hamster ovary (CHO)-derived 2G12 with respect to electrophoretic properties, and exhibited functional properties (i.e. antigen binding and HIV neutralization activity) at least equivalent to those of the CHO counterpart. The generated RNAi lines were stable, viable and did not show any obvious phenotype, thus providing a robust tool for the production of therapeutically relevant glycoproteins in plants with a humanized N-glycan structure.
Proteomics | 2008
Johannes Stadlmann; Martin Pabst; Daniel Kolarich; Renate Kunert; Friedrich Altmann
Two LC‐ESI‐MS methods for the analysis of antibody glycosylation are presented. In the first approach, tryptic glycopeptides are separated by RP chromatography and analyzed by ESI‐MS. This “glycopeptide strategy” allows a protein‐ and subclass‐specific quantitation of both neutral and sialylated glycan structures. Additional information about under‐ or deglycosylation and the protein backbone, e.g., termini, can be extracted from the same data. In the second LC‐ESI‐MS method, released oligosaccharides are separated on porous graphitic carbon (PGC). A complete structural assignment of neutral and sialylated oligosaccharides occurring on antibodies is thereby achieved in one chromatographic run. The two methods were applied to polyclonal human IgG, to commercial mAb expressed in CHO cells (Rituximab, Xolair, and Herceptin), in SP2/0 (Erbitux and Remicade) or NS0 cells (Zenapax) and the anti‐HIV antibody 4E10 produced either in CHO cells or in a human cell line. Both methods require comparably little sample preparation and can be applied to SDS‐PAGE bands. They both outperform non‐MS methods in terms of reliability of peak assignment and MALDI‐MS of underivatized glycans with regard to the recording of sialylated structures. Regarding fast and yet detailed structural assignment, LC‐MS on graphitic carbon supersedes all other current methods.
Journal of Biological Chemistry | 2010
Alexandra Castilho; Richard Strasser; Johannes Stadlmann; Josephine Grass; Jakub Jez; Pia Gattinger; Renate Kunert; Heribert Quendler; Martin Pabst; Renaud Léonard; Friedrich Altmann; Herta Steinkellner
Many therapeutic proteins are glycosylated and require terminal sialylation to attain full biological activity. Current manufacturing methods based on mammalian cell culture allow only limited control of this important posttranslational modification, which may lead to the generation of products with low efficacy. Here we report in vivo protein sialylation in plants, which have been shown to be well suited for the efficient generation of complex mammalian glycoproteins. This was achieved by the introduction of an entire mammalian biosynthetic pathway in Nicotiana benthamiana, comprising the coordinated expression of the genes for (i) biosynthesis, (ii) activation, (iii) transport, and (iv) transfer of Neu5Ac to terminal galactose. We show the transient overexpression and functional integrity of six mammalian proteins that act at various stages of the biosynthetic pathway and demonstrate their correct subcellular localization. Co-expression of these genes with a therapeutic glycoprotein, a human monoclonal antibody, resulted in quantitative sialylation of the Fc domain. Sialylation was at great uniformity when glycosylation mutants that lack plant-specific N-glycan residues were used as expression hosts. Finally, we demonstrate efficient neutralization activity of the sialylated monoclonal antibody, indicating full functional integrity of the reporter protein. We report for the first time the incorporation of the entire biosynthetic pathway for protein sialylation in a multicellular organism naturally lacking sialylated glycoconjugates. Besides the biotechnological impact of the achievement, this work may serve as a general model for the manipulation of complex traits into plants.
Proteomics | 2011
Martin Pabst; Friedrich Altmann
The oligosaccharides attached to proteins or lipids are among the most challenging analytical tasks due to their complexity and variety. Knowing the genes and enzymes responsible for their biosynthesis, a large but not unlimited number of different structures and isomers of such glycans can be imagined. Understanding of the biological role of structural variations requires the ability to unambiguously determine the identity and quantity of all glycan species. Here, we examine, which analytical strategies – with a certain high‐throughput potential – may come near this ideal. After an expose of the relevant techniques, we try to depict how analytical raw data are translated into structural assignments using retention times, mass and fragment spectra. A methods ability to discriminate between the many conceivable isomeric structures together with the time, effort and sample amount needed for that purpose is suggested as a criterion for the comparative assessment of approaches and their evolutionary stages.
Analytical Chemistry | 2008
Martin Pabst; Friedrich Altmann
Porous graphitic carbon (PGC) emerges as an ideal stationary phase for LC-ESI-MS of complex oligosaccharides. Therefore, we studied the factors influencing detection and elution of charged oligosaccharides from PGC columns coupled to an ESI source. Electrosorption by the carbon surface leads to total retention of very acidic glycans on instruments where voltage is applied to the spray needle. This problem can be eliminated by thorough electrical grounding. A point of general importance is the influence of ionic strength on the elution and peak shape of glycans containing several carboxylic acid groups in the form of sialic acids or uronic acids. Solvent pH had a marginal effect on the ionization efficiency in both ion polarities, but the content of organic solvent strongly influenced signal intensity of acidic glycans in the negative mode. As a consequence, detection in the positive ion mode appears preferable when neutral and charged glycans shall be quantitated in the same sample. While retention of neutral glycans is not affected by pH, sialylated species are retained somewhat stronger at acidic pH resulting in a larger spread of the entire elution range of N-glycans. Remarkably, retention of glycans on PGC increased at higher temperatures.
Proteomics | 2009
Johannes Stadlmann; Alfred Weber; Martin Pabst; Heinz Anderle; Renate Kunert; Hartmut J. Ehrlich; Hans Peter Schwarz; Friedrich Altmann
Polyspecific human IgG preparations are indicated for the treatment of primary immunodeficiency disorders associated with defects in humoral immunity. In addition, intraveneous IgG (IVIG) is used to treat patients with autoimmune and systemic inflammatory diseases. Lectin chromatography on Sambucus nigra agglutinin stood at the cradle of the hypothesis that the anti‐inflammatory properties depend on sialylation of the N‐glycans in the Fc region of IgG. A detailed analysis of fractions obtained by lectin chromatography revealed that binding of IVIG is essentially mediated by Fab glycosylation. Moreover, experiments with a monoclonal antibody from a human cell line and IVIG Fc fragments indicated that at least two sialic acids in the Fc region of an antibody are required for lectin binding. Such glycoforms contain either two monosialylated glycans or a disialylated glycan and constitute 1% or less of the total human IgG. Arguably this small proportion holds the entire anti‐inflammatory potency. A new mass spectrometric quantification method of IgG subclass ratio revealed that the IVIG Fc preparation essentially consists of IgG1. This observation may be relevant when studying the effect of human Fc in murine models of inflammation because mouse IgG subclasses differ substantially in their interaction with receptors.
Analytical Biochemistry | 2009
Martin Pabst; Daniel Kolarich; Gerald Pöltl; Thomas Dalik; Gert Lubec; Andreas Hofinger; Friedrich Altmann
Labeling of oligosaccharides with fluorescent dyes is the prerequisite for their sensitive analysis by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). In this work, we present a fast new postlabeling cleanup procedure that requires no device other than the reaction vial itself. The procedure can be applied to essentially all labeling reagents. We also compare the performance of 15 different labels for N-glycan analysis in various analytical procedures. We took special care to prevent obscuring influences from incomplete derivatization and signal quenching by impurities. Procainamide emerged as more sensitive than anthranilic acid for normal-phase HPLC, but its chromatographic performance was not convincing. 2-aminopyridine was the label with the lowest retention on reversed-phase and graphitic carbon columns and, thus, appears to be most suitable for glycan fractionation by multidimensional HPLC. Most glycan derivatives performed better than native sugars in matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-mass spectrometry (MALDI-MS) and electrospray ionization-MS (ESI-MS), but the gain was small and hardly sufficient to compensate for sample loss during preparation.
Glycobiology | 2011
Alexandra Castilho; Pia Gattinger; Josephine Grass; Jakub Jez; Martin Pabst; Friedrich Altmann; Markus Gorfer; Richard Strasser; Herta Steinkellner
Glycoengineering is increasingly being recognized as a powerful tool to generate recombinant glycoproteins with a customized N-glycosylation pattern. Here, we demonstrate the modulation of the plant glycosylation pathway toward the formation of human-type bisected and branched complex N-glycans. Glycoengineered Nicotiana benthamiana lacking plant-specific N-glycosylation (i.e. β1,2-xylose and core α1,3-fucose) was used to transiently express human erythropoietin (hEPO) and human transferrin (hTF) together with modified versions of human β1,4-mannosyl-β1,4-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase (GnTIII), α1,3-mannosyl-β1,4-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase (GnTIV) and α1,6-mannosyl-β1,6-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase (GnTV). hEPO was expressed as a fusion to the IgG-Fc domain (EPO-Fc) and purified via protein A affinity chromatography. Recombinant hTF was isolated from the intracellular fluid of infiltrated plant leaves. Mass spectrometry-based N-glycan analysis of hEPO and hTF revealed the quantitative formation of bisected (GnGnbi) and tri- as well as tetraantennary complex N-glycans (Gn[GnGn], [GnGn]Gn and [GnGn][GnGn]). Co-expression of GnTIII together with GnTIV and GnTV resulted in the efficient generation of bisected tetraantennary complex N-glycans. Our results show the generation of recombinant proteins with human-type N-glycosylation at great uniformity. The strategy described here provides a robust and straightforward method for producing mammalian-type N-linked glycans of defined structures on recombinant glycoproteins, which can advance glycoprotein research and accelerate the development of protein-based therapeutics.
Plant Physiology | 2008
Alexandra Castilho; Martin Pabst; Renaud Léonard; Christiane Veit; Friedrich Altmann; Lukas Mach; Josef Glössl; Richard Strasser; Herta Steinkellner
Previous studies have reported that plants contain negligible amounts of free or protein-bound N-acetylneuraminic acid (Neu5Ac). This is a major disadvantage for the use of plants as a biopharmaceutical expression system, since N-glycans with terminal Neu5Ac residues are important for the biological activities and half-lives of recombinant therapeutic glycoproteins in humans. For the synthesis of Neu5Ac-containing N-glycans, plants have to acquire the ability to synthesize Neu5Ac and its nucleotide-activated derivative, cytidine monophospho-N-acetylneuraminic acid. In this study, we have generated transgenic Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) plants expressing three key enzymes of the mammalian Neu5Ac biosynthesis pathway: UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 2-epimerase/N-acetylmannosamine kinase, N-acetylneuraminic acid phosphate synthase, and CMP-N-acetylneuraminic acid synthetase. Simultaneous expression of UDP-N-acetylglucosamine 2-epimerase/N-acetylmannosamine kinase and N-acetylneuraminic acid phosphate synthase resulted in the generation of significant Neu5Ac amounts (1,275 nmol g−1 fresh weight in leaves) in planta, which could be further converted to cytidine monophospho-N-acetylneuraminic acid (2.4 nmol g−1 fresh weight in leaves) by coexpression of CMP-N-acetylneuraminic acid synthetase. These findings are a major step toward the production of Neu5Ac-containing glycoproteins in plants.
Journal of Biological Chemistry | 2011
Gerald Posch; Martin Pabst; Lothar Brecker; Friedrich Altmann; Paul Messner; Christina Schäffer
Background: Bacterial cell surface glycosylation impacts virulence. Result: Surface layer glycans from T. forsythia are O-linked oligosaccharides that modify also multiple other T. forsythia proteins. Conclusion: A general protein O-glycosylation system is present in T. forsythia sharing identical sequon requirements as other Bacteroides species. Significance: Systematic protein O-glycosylation may affect the biology of T. forsythia. Cell surface glycosylation is an important element in defining the life of pathogenic bacteria. Tannerella forsythia is a Gram-negative, anaerobic periodontal pathogen inhabiting the subgingival plaque biofilms. It is completely covered by a two-dimensional crystalline surface layer (S-layer) composed of two glycoproteins. Although the S-layer has previously been shown to delay the bacteriums recognition by the innate immune system, we characterize here the S-layer protein O-glycosylation as a potential virulence factor. The T. forsythia S-layer glycan was elucidated by a combination of electrospray ionization-tandem mass spectrometry and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy as an oligosaccharide with the structure 4-Me-β-ManpNAcCONH2-(1→3)-[Pse5Am7Gc-(2→4)-]-β-ManpNAcA-(1→4)-[4-Me-α-Galp-(1→2)-]-α-Fucp-(1→4)-[-α-Xylp-(1→3)-]-β-GlcpA-(1→3)-[-β-Digp-(1→2)-]-α-Galp, which is O-glycosidically linked to distinct serine and threonine residues within the three-amino acid motif (D)(S/T)(A/I/L/M/T/V) on either S-layer protein. This S-layer glycan obviously impacts the life style of T. forsythia because increased biofilm formation of an UDP-N-acetylmannosaminuronic acid dehydrogenase mutant can be correlated with the presence of truncated S-layer glycans. We found that several other proteins of T. forsythia are modified with that specific oligosaccharide. Proteomics identified two of them as being among previously classified antigenic outer membrane proteins that are up-regulated under biofilm conditions, in addition to two predicted antigenic lipoproteins. Theoretical analysis of the S-layer O-glycosylation of T. forsythia indicates the involvement of a 6.8-kb gene locus that is conserved among different bacteria from the Bacteroidetes phylum. Together, these findings reveal the presence of a protein O-glycosylation system in T. forsythia that is essential for creating a rich glycoproteome pinpointing a possible relevance for the virulence of this bacterium.