Martin R. Lee
University of Glasgow
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Featured researches published by Martin R. Lee.
American Mineralogist | 1997
Martin R. Lee; Ian Parsons
Abstract Orthoclase-rich alkali feldspars in the Lower Devonian Shap granite, northwest England, contain two generations of albite-rich feldspar. These have partially replaced earlier exsolution microtextures consisting of albite lamellae (coarse semicoherent albite films and fine coherent albite platelets) in tweed orthoclase. The earlier generation of replacive albiterich feldspar (∼Ab10 An9OrI) occurs together with orthoclase-rich feldspar (∼Ab10Or90) in veins that crosscut exsolution microtextures throughout grain interiors. This episode of recrystallization was mediated by magmatic fluids at ∼410 8C (estimated from two-feldspar geothermometry) and was driven by stored elastic strain energy, which was relatively homogeneously distributed throughout the microtextures. The later generation of replacive albite-rich feldspar, which is restricted to grain margins and is compositionally pure (Ab>99), was produced by magmatic-hydrothermal fluids at ∼370 °C. This generation of albite-rich feldspar does not crosscut exsolution microtextures and has selectively replaced volumes of highly elastically strained feldspar surrounding edge dislocations along semicoherent albite films. Marked differences in controls of the localization of the two generations of replacive albite-rich feldspar by pre-existing exsolution microtextures indicate that significant numbers of edge dislocations developed along albite films after the first phase of fluid-feldspar interaction and associated albitization but before the second phase. This relation indicates that edge dislocations formed between 410 and 370 °C. These observations have important implications for understanding the factors that control the interaction of alkali feldspars with fluids both in cooling igneous rocks and in clastic sedimentary rocks during diagenesis.
Mineralogical Magazine | 2003
Martin R. Lee; Philip A. Bland; G. Graham
Abstract Transmission electron microscope samples were prepared of ALH 78045 and ALH 88045, two clay and phyllosilicate-bearing Antarctic meteorites, using argon ion milling and focused ion beam (FIB) techniques. ALH 78045 contains clay- and phyllosilicate-filled veins that have formed by terrestrial weathering of olivine, orthopyroxene and metal. Very narrow (~10 nm) intragranular clay-filled veins could be observed in the TEM samples prepared by argon ion milling, whereas differential thinning and lack of precision in the location of the electron-transparent areas hindered the study of wider (5-15 μm) phyllosilicate-filled intergranular veins. Using the FIB instrument, electron-transparent slices were cut from specific parts of the wider veins and lifted out for TEM study. Results show that these veins are occluded by cronstedtite, a mixed-valence Fe-rich phyllosilicate. This discovery shows that silicates can be both dissolved and precipitated during terrestrial weathering within the Antarctic ice. ALH 88045 is one of a small number of known CM1 carbonaceous chondrites. This meteorite is largely composed of flattened ellipsoidal aggregates of serpentine-group phyllosilicates. To determine the mineralogy and texture of phyllosilicates within specific aggregates, TEM samples were prepared by trenching into the cut edge of a sample using the FIB instrument. Results show that Mg-rich aggregates are composed of lath-shaped serpentine crystals with a ~0.73 nm basal spacing, which is typical of the products of low temperature aqueous alteration within asteroidal parent bodies. Results of this work demonstrate that the FIB has enormous potentialin a number of areas of Earth and planetary science.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta | 1998
Martin R. Lee; Mark E. Hodson; Ian Parsons
Abstract Electron microscopic observations of alkali feldspars from soils show that intragranular microtextures, such as exsolution lamellae, and microstructures, primarily dislocations, are both highly significant determinants of the weathering behaviour of these minerals. In particular, strained structure around intersecting edge dislocations in the plane of exsolution lamellae, ∼( 6 01), dissolves at a rate which is orders of magnitude greater than unstrained feldspar, producing a mesh of intersecting etch tubes extending >5 × 10−3 cm into the crystal. As a result, dissolution at dislocations is the major source of solutes during initial stages of chemical weathering in the field. With progressive chemical weathering, the most highly reactive feldspar is consumed by growth and coalescence of etch tubes, but outer parts of the grain are physically weakened, leading to mechanical flaking that increases available surface area and exposes further reactive sites. In contrast, previous dissolution experiments, and microscopy of reacted surfaces, have shown little or no correlation between dissolution rate and dislocation density and few visible signs of dissolution at particularly reactive sites. To resolve the apparent discrepancy between field and laboratory behaviour we have carried out flow-through dissolution experiments using pH 2 HCl at 25°C on three alkali feldspars with carefully characterized intragranular microtextures and microstructures. These alkali feldspars were: (1) Eifel sanidine, an alkali feldspar that has no microtextures at the TEM scale and a low dislocation density ( 2–3 × 108 cm−2), and (3) naturally weathered alkali feldspars, also from the Shap Granite, which have the same microtextures as unweathered Shap Granite alkali feldspars but, because they have been weathered, have a lower density of dissolution reactive dislocations exposed on grain surfaces (
Earth and Planetary Science Letters | 1999
Jo-Anne Wartho; Simon P. Kelley; Richard A. Brooker; Mike R. Carroll; Igor M. Villa; Martin R. Lee
Abstract Controversy surrounding the mechanisms and controls on argon diffusion in K-feldspar has led us to undertake direct diffusion measurements on a crystal with simple microtextures, over a range of temperatures. Measurements of argon diffusion profiles in a gem-quality iron-rich orthoclase heated in a cold seal apparatus, have been undertaken in situ using an ultra-violet laser ablation microprobe (UVLAMP) technique. The results agree very closely with the previously determined bulk values for Benson Mines orthoclase (activation energy (E)=43.8±1 kcal mol−1) and vacuum furnace cycle-heating studies of K-feldspars (E=46±6 kcal mol−1). However, instead of defining a single activation energy (E) and diffusion coefficient (Do), the data yield two sets of parameters: a low-temperature (550–720°C) array with an E of 47.2±2.5 kcal mol−1 (198.2±10.5 kJ mol−1) and a Do of 0.0374+0.1123−0.0281 cm2 s−1, and a high-temperature (725–1019°C) array with an E of 63.8±3.4 kcal mol−1 (268.0±14.3 kJ mol−1) and a Do of 55.0+225.5−44.2 cm2 s−1. The new results closely reproduce two sets of apparent activation energies previously measured in cycle-heating studies of Madagascar K-feldspar (40±3 and 57±3 kcal mol−1). Previous interpretations of the two arrays have included multiple domains with variable activation energies and fast track diffusion. However, the UV depth profile analyses indicate simple diffusion to the grain surface and importantly, diffusion radii calculated by combining the UVLAMP and cycle-heating data, are the same as the physical grain sizes used in the experiments, around 1 mm. Vacuum furnace stepped heating experiments on slowly cooled K-feldspars have been interpreted as showing diffusion radii of around 6 μm and indicate complex populations of sub-grains. This study indicates that Madagascar K-feldspar and thus probably all gem-quality K-feldspars act as single diffusion domains and that short-circuit (or pipe) diffusion was not an important loss mechanism. An apparent diffusion compensation relationship in the stepped heating data for Madagascar K-feldspar implies that similar relationships seen in other K-feldspars are a result of a range of diffusion mechanisms.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta | 2004
Martin R. Lee; Philip A. Bland
Abstract Petrographic, mineralogical and chemical analysis of naturally weathered equilibrated ordinary chondrites collected from ‘ hot’ deserts and Antarctica has revealed striking similarities and also pronounced differences in weathering between the two environments. Terrestrial weathering in all meteorites studied is dominated by oxidation and hydration of Fe,Ni metal, producing Fe-oxides and oxyhydroxides that have partially replaced the metal grains and have also occluded primary intergranular pores to form veins. Troilite weathers readily in ‘ hot’ desert environments but undergoes very little alteration under Antarctic conditions. Most of the primary porosity of ordinary chondrites has been occluded by the time that ∼ 15 to 25% of the initial Fe 0 and Fe 2+ has been oxidised to Fe 3+ in both environments. Results from modelling the volume changes upon alteration of primary minerals to a range of weathering products demonstrates that the primary porosity of most meteorites is sufficient to accommodate weathering products. Dilation of primary pores and brecciation, which has been observed in parts of some meteorites, will only occur if the meteorite is especially metal-rich, or has a low primary porosity. These weathering products are absent from recent falls but have formed in a fall after ∼ 100 yr of museum storage. Cl-bearing akaganeite and hibbingite are common weathering products in Antarctic finds but occur in abundance in only one ‘ hot’ desert meteorite, Daraj 014. The majority of Fe-rich weathering products in meteorites from both environments contain low, but variable concentrations of Si, Mg and Ca. In most meteorites a proportion of these elements are inferred to be present as a very finely crystalline mineral with a ∼ 1.0-nm lattice fringe spacing; where seen within intragranular fractures this mineral has a topotactic relationship with olivine and orthopyroxene. In the heavily-weathered Antarctic finds ALHA 78045 and 77002, Si is concentrated in cronstedtite, a Fe-rich phyllosilicate. An unidentified hydrous Si-Fe-Ni-Mg mineral or gel has also partially replaced taenite in ALHA 78045. In addition to Fe-rich weathering products, ‘ hot’ desert meteorites contain sulphates, Ca-carbonate and silica, whereas such minerals are largely absent from Antarctic finds. The abundance of silicate weathering products in Antarctic meteorites is unexpected and indicates that olivine and pyroxene undergo significant chemical weathering in these environments. As preterrestrial cronstedtite is abundant in CM2 carbonaceous chondrites, the Antarctic environment may be a powerful analog for aqueous alteration in the asteroidal parent bodies of primitive meteorites.
Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta | 1995
Martin R. Lee; Ian Parsons
The relationship between the microtexture and dissolution behaviour of fresh, HF acid-etched and naturally weathered alkali feldspar phenocrysts from the Lower Devonian Shap granite has been investigated by SEM and TEM. A novel resin impregnation technique has revealed the three dimensional shape and interconnectivity of etch pits beneath the weathered crystal surface. Further electron microscope work suggests that Shap phenocrysts are representative of the alkali feldspar in the protolith of many soils. Fresh and unweathered Shap feldspars have a complex microtexture, comprising areas of pristine cryptoperthite and lamellar microperthite cross-cut by volumes of microporous altered feldspar or “patch perthites.” Cryptoperthites are made up of 75 nm wide albite films. The platelets are coherent, but albite films have numerous edge dislocations along their interface with orthoclase; (001) and (010) cleavage surfaces intersect ∼2–3 edge dislocations/μm2. In three dimensions, these edge dislocations form an orthogonal net in the “Murchison plane” of easy fracture, close to (601). Patch perthites are irregular, semicoherent to incoherent intergrowths of albite and irregular microcline subgrains, with ∼0.65-0.70 sub-μm to μm-sized pores/μm2. Microporous patch perthites form by dissolution-reprecipitation reactions with magmatic or hydrothermal fluids and pores are present before the alkali feldspars enter the weathering regime. Dissolution of Shap feldspars during natural weathering and laboratory acid etching is controlled by their microtexture, especially by dislocations and exsolution lamellae. The core and strain energy associated with dislocation outcrops on (001) and (010) cleavage surfaces promotes rapid dissolution at those sites and formation of nn-sized etch pits after <30 s of laboratory etching with HF acid vapour. With progressive HF etching, crystallographically controlled differences in the reactivity of etch pit walls cause them to expand more rapidly into orthoclase than albite. Naturally weathered feldspars were collected from the glacial erratic boulders, fine gravels surrounding exposed granite surfaces, and from peat soil overlying the granite. During natural weathering, etch pits on microperthites enlarge almost exclusively by dissolution of albite and resin casts demonstrate that they can penetrate ≥15 μm below the cleavage surface, forming an interconnecting, ladder-like grid of submicrometer wide channels in the Murchison plane. Coherent albite platelets and volumes of albite between dislocations in films dissolve uniformly, but faster than orthoclase. This is probably because the albite lamellae have significant elastic coherency strain, but this is much less, per unit volume of albite, than the core and strain energy associated with edge dislocations. Patch perthites etch in HF vapour and weather rapidly in nature to produce a honeycomb-like texture of interconnecting nanometer- to micrometer-sized pits, which nucleate at preexisting micropores or incoherent subgrain boundaries. The size and density of etch pits on microperthite surfaces, which is determined by rates of growth and coalescence, may be a useful progress variable for natural and experimental dissolution. All alkali feldspars are highly heterogeneous materials whose chemical composition and microtexture can vary on a submicrometer scale. These microtextures are critical variables with regard to the origin of surface roughness of fresh and weathered grains, the controls on absolute dissolution rates and why they commonly change over time, the nonlinear variation of dissolution rate with grain size, the ratio of alkali ions released into solution, and disparities between laboratory dissolution rates and those observed in the field.
Mineralogical Magazine | 1995
Martin R. Lee; Kim A. Waldron; Ian Parsons
Abstract Alkali feldspar phenocrysts (bulk composition Or75.0Ab24.6An0.4) in the subsolvus Shap granite comprise a fine-scale mixture of subregular pristine crypto- and micro-perthites with altered, micropore-rich feldspar with irregular microstructures. The regular perthites are strain-controlled intergrowths of Albite and/or Periclinetwinned albite exsolution lamellae within tweed orthoclase. The microperthites formed at ≤ 590°C by heterogeneous nucleation of thin albite films which coarsened to > 1 µm length. Cryptoperthites developed at < 400°C by homogeneous nucleation of sub-µm long platelets between films. Platelets are coherent, but the coarser microperthite lamellae are semi-coherent, with pairs of misfit dislocations sub-regularly spaced along the albite-orthoclase interface. As much as 30% of any one feldspar crystal is turbid, a result of the formation of numerous µm to sub-µm sized micropores during deuteric alteration. In some areas, deuteric fluids gained access to the interior of feldspar crystals by exploiting semi-coherent film lamellae. Albite was selectively dissolved and micropore-rich irregular microcline was reprecipitated in its place. In other parts of the feldspars deuteric recrystallization completely cross-cuts the pristine microtextures and patch perthites have formed. These are coarse, incoherent to semi-coherent intergrowths of irregular microcline (replacing tweed orthoclase) and Albite-twinned albite. The deuteric reactions occurred at < 400°C; the main driving force for dissolution and reprecipitation was decrease in the elastic strain energy at the coherent interfaces of crypto-and micro-perthite lamellae, and the recrystallization of tweed orthoclase to irregular microcline.
European Journal of Mineralogy | 2006
Paul Dalbeck; Jennifer England; Maggie Cusack; Martin R. Lee; Anthony E. Fallick
The control exerted by some invertebrates on the calcium carbonate polymorph produced is intriguing but not understood. Mytilus edulis shells, with the abrupt polymorph switch within their valves from an outer calcite to inner aragonite layer, are excellent examples of this phenomenon. Detailed crystallography of intact valves using Electron Backscatter Diffraction (EBSD) is considered in the context of quantitative chemical analyses by electron microprobe. Apart from the outer 40 μm, individual crystals that comprise the calcite layer of M. edulis differ from each other in terms of misorientation by less than 10°. Similar uniformity occurs in the inner aragonite layer with notable ‘mineral bridging’ between tablets of aragonite nacre. The first-formed aragonite laminae are sub-micron thickness and the subsequent laminae of uniform 1 μm thickness. Variations in chemical composition through the two valves correspond in part with the distribution of the two polymorphs. Magnesium is present in notably higher concentrations within calcite than aragonite. However, the Mg2+ concentration in calcite is not uniform and increases with growth before decreasing at the polymorph switch. Sodium concentrations decrease steadily through the calcite layer. The aragonite layer is compositionally more uniform. Sulphur is not a good proxy for organic content in this system because it does not reflect the higher organic content of the aragonite. Sector zoning is not responsible for the element distribution seen here while differences in crystal size and association with organic components remain as possible explanations.
American Mineralogist | 2007
Martin R. Lee; David J. Brown; C. L. Smith; Mark E. Hodson; M. MacKenzie; Roland Hellmann
Abstract Using a focused ion beam (FIB) instrument, electron-transparent samples (termed foils) have been cut from the naturally weathered surfaces of perthitic alkali feldspars recovered from soils overlying the Shap granite, northwest England. Characterization of these foils by transmission electron microscopy (TEM) has enabled determination of the crystallinity and chemical composition of near-surface regions of the feldspar and an assessment of the influence of intragranular microtextures on the microtopography of grain surfaces and development of etch pits. Damage accompanying implantation of the 30 kV Ga+ ions used for imaging and deposition of protective platinum prior to ion milling creates amorphous layers beneath outer grain surfaces, but can be overcome by coating grains with >85 nm of gold before FIB work. The sidewalls of the foil and feldspar surrounding original voids are also partially amorphized during later stages of ion milling. No evidence was found for the presence of amorphous or crystalline weathering products or amorphous “leached layers” immediately beneath outer grain surfaces. The absence of a leached layer indicates that chemical weathering of feldspar in the Shap soils is stoichiometric, or if non-stoichiometric, either the layer is too thin to resolve by the TEM techniques used (i.e., ≤~2.5 nm) or an insufficient proportion of ions have been leached from near-surface regions so that feldspar crystallinity is maintained. No evidence was found for any difference in the mechanisms of weathering where a microbial filament rests on the feldspar surface. Sub-micrometer-sized steps on the grain surface have formed where subgrains and exsolution lamellae have influenced the propagation of fractures during physical weathering, whereas finer scale corrugations form due to compositional or strain-related differences in dissolution rates of albite platelets and enclosing tweed orthoclase. With progressive weathering, etch pits that initiated at the grain surface extend into grain interiors as etch tubes by exploiting preexisting networks of nanopores that formed during the igneous history of the grain. The combination of FIB and TEM techniques is an especially powerful way of exploring mechanisms of weathering within the “internal zone” beneath outer grain surfaces, but results must be interpreted with caution owing to the ease with which artifacts can be created by the high-energy ion and electron beams used in the preparation and characterization of the foils
American Mineralogist | 2007
Martin R. Lee; Ian Parsons; P. R. Edwards; R. W. Martin
Abstract Cryptoperthitic alkali feldspars within the Proterozoic Klokken syenite have been pervasively altered deuterically to patch perthites whose constituent subgrains display very fine-scale zoning in optical cathodoluminescence (CL). Electron-probe analyses and hyperspectral maps were acquired from several areas of patch perthite to potentially identify the centers responsible for CL emission and to access information that the subgrains might provide about the late-stage geological evolution of the pluton. Each hyperspectral map is composed of tens of thousands of CL spectra covering a wavelength range of 350.850 nm, and images can be formed from any desired wavelength band. The patch perthite subgrains have two emission bands: one in the blue (~460 nm) and the other at red to infrared wavelengths (~690.725 nm). Cathodoluminescence images formed using both bands show that the optically visible zoning is developed only at blue wavelengths. Comparisons of emission intensities with electron-probe analyses show that the blue band is activated by Ti3+ and less than ~25 ppm of the trace element is required for optically detectable luminescence. Adjacent Ab- and Or-rich subgrains can have identical patterns of zoning at blue wavelengths, indicating that they crystallized from the deuteric fluid simultaneously, but in most cases, differences in zoning within any one area of patch perthite indicate that subgrains grew at different times and slowly relative to the frequent changes in concentrations of Ti within the deuteric fluid. The red to infrared CL emission band is inferred to be activated by Fe3+. Ab-rich feldspar with the greatest intensities of long-wavelength emission and FeO concentrations crystallized from a late-stage and relatively low-T fluid that obtained a proportion of its Fe from mafic grains. The generally poor correlation between variations in intensities of the two emission bands within any one subgrain indicates that concentrations of Ti and Fe in the deuteric fluid varied independently of each other, and one trace element has no sensitizing or quenching effect on emission from the other center. The maximum length of zones within individual subgrains (~0.5 mm) and maximum separation of subgrains with similar zoning patterns (~1 mm) helps to constrain the length and interconnectivity of the thin films of deuteric fluid that mediated alteration