Marvin D. Lilley
University of Washington
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Featured researches published by Marvin D. Lilley.
Nature | 2001
Deborah S. Kelley; Jeffrey A. Karson; Donna K. Blackman; Gretchen L. Früh-Green; David A. Butterfield; Marvin D. Lilley; Eric James Crane Olson; Matthew O. Schrenk; Kevin K. Roe; Geoff Lebon; Pete Rivizzigno
Evidence is growing that hydrothermal venting occurs not only along mid-ocean ridges but also on old regions of the oceanic crust away from spreading centres. Here we report the discovery of an extensive hydrothermal field at 30° N near the eastern intersection of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge and the Atlantis fracture zone. The vent field—named ‘Lost City’—is distinctly different from all other known sea-floor hydrothermal fields in that it is located on 1.5-Myr-old crust, nearly 15 km from the spreading axis, and may be driven by the heat of exothermic serpentinization reactions between sea water and mantle rocks. It is located on a dome-like massif and is dominated by steep-sided carbonate chimneys, rather than the sulphide structures typical of ‘black smoker’ hydrothermal fields. We found that vent fluids are relatively cool (40–75 °C) and alkaline (pH 9.0–9.8), supporting dense microbial communities that include anaerobic thermophiles. Because the geological characteristics of the Atlantis massif are similar to numerous areas of old crust along the Mid-Atlantic, Indian and Arctic ridges, these results indicate that a much larger portion of the oceanic crust may support hydrothermal activity and microbial life than previously thought.
Science | 2008
Giora Proskurowski; Marvin D. Lilley; Jeffery S. Seewald; Gretchen L. Früh-Green; Eric James Crane Olson; John E. Lupton; Sean P. Sylva; Deborah S. Kelley
Low-molecular-weight hydrocarbons in natural hydrothermal fluids have been attributed to abiogenic production by Fischer-Tropsch type (FTT) reactions, although clear evidence for such a process has been elusive. Here, we present concentration, and stable and radiocarbon isotope, data from hydrocarbons dissolved in hydrogen-rich fluids venting at the ultramafic-hosted Lost City Hydrothermal Field. A distinct “inverse” trend in the stable carbon and hydrogen isotopic composition of C1 to C4 hydrocarbons is compatible with FTT genesis. Radiocarbon evidence rules out seawater bicarbonate as the carbon source for FTT reactions, suggesting that a mantle-derived inorganic carbon source is leached from the host rocks. Our findings illustrate that the abiotic synthesis of hydrocarbons in nature may occur in the presence of ultramafic rocks, water, and moderate amounts of heat.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters | 1993
Rachel M. Haymon; D.J. Fornari; K.L. Von Damm; Marvin D. Lilley; Michael R. Perfit; John M. Edmond; Wayne C. Shanks; Richard A. Lutz; J.M. Grebmeier; Suzanne M. Carbotte; Dawn J. Wright; Elizabeth McLaughlin; Miles Walter Eldon Smith; N. Beedle; Eric James Crane Olson
In April, 1991, we witnessed from the submersible Alvin a suite of previously undocumented seafloor phenomena accompanying an in-progress eruption of the mid-ocean ridge on the East Pacific Rise crest at 9°45′N–52′N. The volume of the eruption could not be precisely determined, although comparison of pre- and post-eruption SeaBeam bathymetry indicate that any changes in ridge crest morphology resulting from the eruption were < 10 m high. Effects of the eruption included: (1) increased abundance and redistribution of hydrothermal vents, disappearance of numerous vent communities, and changes in characteristics of vent fauna and mineral deposits within the eruption area since December, 1989; (2) murkiness of bottom waters up to tens of meters above the seafloor due to high densities of suspended mineral and biogenic particulates; (3) destruction of a vent community by lava flows, mass wasting, and possible hydrovolcanic explosion at a site known as ‘Tubeworm Barbecue’ in the axial summit caldera (ASC) at 9°50.6′N; (4) near-critical temperatures of hydrothermal vent fluids, ranging up to 403°C; (5) temporal variations over a 2 week interval in both temperatures and chemical/isotopic compositions of hydrothermal fluids; (6) unusual compositions of end-member vent fluids, with pH values ranging to a record low of 2.5, salinities ranging as low as 0.3 wt% NaCl (one-twelfth that of seawater), and dissolved gases reaching high concentrations (> 65 mmol/l for both CO2 and H2S); (7) venting at temperatures above 380°C of visually detectable white vapor that transformed to plumes of gray smoke a few centimeters above vent orifices; (8) disorganized venting of both high-temperature fluids (black and gray smoke) and large volumes of cooler, diffuse hydrothermal fluids directly from the basaltic seafloor, rather than from hydrothermal mineral constructions; (9) rapid and extensive growth of flocculent white bacterial mats (species unknown) on and under the seafloor in areas experiencing widespread venting of diffuse hydrothermal fluid; and (10) subseafloor downslope migration of magma normal to the ridge axis in a network of small-scale (1–5 m diameter) lava tubes and channels to distances at least 100–200 m outside the ASC. We suggest that, in April, 1991, intrusion of dikes in the eruption area to < 200 m beneath the ASC floor resulted in phase separation of fluids near the tops of the dikes and a large flux of vapor-rich hydrothermal fluids through the overlying rubbly, cavernous lavas. Low salinities and gas-rich compositions of hydrothermal fluids sampled in the eruption area are appropriate for a vapor phase in a seawater system undergoing subcritical liquid-vapor phase separation (boiling) and phase segregation. Hydrothermal fluids streamed directly from fissures and pits that may have been loci of lava drainback and/or hydrovolcanic explosions. These fissures and pits were lined with white mats of a unique fast-growing bacteria that was the only life associated with the brand-new vents. The prolific bacteria, which covered thousands of square meters on the ridge crest and were also abundant in subseafloor voids, may thrive on high levels of gases in the vapor-rich hydrothermal fluids initially escaping the hydrothermal system. White bacterial particulates swept from the seafloor by hydrothermal vents swirled in an unprecedented biogenic ‘blizzard’ up to 50 m above the bottom. The bacterial proliferation of April, 1991 is likely to be a transient bloom that will be checked quickly either by decline of dissolved gas concentrations in the fluids as rapid heat loss brings about cessation of boiling, and/or by grazing as other organisms are re-established in the biologically devastated area.
Deep-sea Research Part Ii-topical Studies in Oceanography | 1998
Timothy M. Shank; Daniel J. Fornari; Karen L. Von Damm; Marvin D. Lilley; Rachel M. Haymon; Richard A. Lutz
The April 1991 discovery of newly formed hydrothermal vents in areas of recent volcanic eruption between 9°45′N and 9°52′N on the East Pacific Rise provided a unique opportunity to follow temporal changes in biological community structure from the “birth” of numerous deep-sea hydrothermal vents. In March l992, DSV Alvin was used to deploy an on-bottom observatory, the Biologic–Geologic Transect, to monitor faunal succession along a 1.37 km segment of the axial summit caldera between 9°49.61′N and 9°50.36′N (depth ∼2520 m). Photo- and videographic documentation of megafaunal colonization and chemical analyses of diffuse hydrothermal fluids associated with many of these developing communities within the Transect were performed in March 1992, December 1993, October 1994, and November 1995. Photographic and chemical time-series analyses revealed the following sequence of events in low-temperature venting areas. (1) Immediately following the 1991 eruption, hydrogen sulfide and iron concentrations in diffuse fluids were extremely high (>1 mmol kg-1) and microbially derived material blanketed active areas of venting in the form of thick microbial mats. (2) Mobile vent fauna (e.g. amphipods, copepods, octopods, and galatheid and brachyuran crabs) and non-vent fauna (e.g. nematocarcinid shrimp) proliferated in response to this increased biological production. (3) Within 1 yr of the eruption, areal coverage of microbial mat was reduced by ∼60% and individuals of the vestimentiferan tube worm Tevnia jerichonana settled gregariously in areas where diffuse flow was most intense. (4) Two years after the eruption, maximum levels of H2S decreased by almost half (from 1.90 to 0.97 mmol kg-1) and dense thickets of the vestimentiferan Riftia pachyptila dominated vent openings previously inhabited by Tevnia jerichonana. (5) Three years after the eruption, maximum hydrogen sulfide levels declined further to 0.88 mmol kg-1 and mussels (Bathymodiolus thermophilus) were observed on basaltic substrates. (6) Four years after the eruption, galatheid crabs and serpulid polychaetes increased in abundance and were observed close to active vent openings as maximum hydrogen levels decreased to 0.72 mmol kg-1. Also by this time mussels had colonized on to tubes of Riftia pachyptila. (7) Between 3 and 5 yr after the eruption, there was a 2- to 3-fold increase in the number of species in the faunal assemblages. In the absence of additional volcanic/tectonic disturbance, we predict that mytilid and vesicomyid bivalves will gradually replace vestimentiferans as the dominant megafauna 5–10 yr following the eruption. We also anticipate that the abundance of suspension feeders will decline during this period while the abundance of carnivores will increase. We hypothesize that the above series of events (1–7) represents a general sequence of biological successional changes that will occur at newly formed low-temperature deep-sea hydrothermal vents along the northern East Pacific Rise and contiguous ridge axes. Megafaunal colonization at deep-sea hydrothermal vents is considered to be the consequence of an intimate interaction of the life-history strategies of individual species, physical oceanographic processes, and the dynamic hydrothermal environment. Our observations indicate that the successful sequential colonization of dominant megafaunal vent species, from Tevnia jerichonana to Riftia pachyptila to Bathymodiolus thermophilus, also may be strongly influenced by temporal changes in geochemical conditions. Additional evidence demonstrating the close link between diffuse vent flux, fluid geochemistry, and faunal succession included the rapid death of several newly formed biological assemblages coincident with abrupt changes in the geochemical composition of the venting fluid and the local refocusing or cessation of vent flow. These correlations suggest that future models of faunal succession at hydrothermal vents along intermediate to fast-spreading mid-ocean ridges should consider not only the interplay of species-specific life-history strategies, community productivity, and physical oceanographic processes, but also the influence of changing geochemical conditions on the sequential colonization of megafaunal species.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1994
David A. Butterfield; Russell E. McDuff; Michael J. Mottl; Marvin D. Lilley; John E. Lupton; Gary J. Massoth
Hydrothermal fluid samples collected in 1984, 1987, and 1988 from a large vent field near 47°57′N on the Endeavour segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge (JFR) have been analyzed for major and minor elements and gases. There are of the order of 100 individual smoker vents on ∼10 large sulfide structures, which are localized along faults and fault intersections across the vent field. Each sulfide structure has a characteristic fluid composition, which varies very little from one vent orifice to the next, or from year to year, on a given structure. However, there are large gradients in fluid composition across the vent field, with endmember chlorinity increasing from ∼255 mmol/kg in the SW to 505 mmol/kg in the NE. End-member concentrations of major elements are well correlated with chlorinity, and endmember volatile concentrations in the lowest chlorinity fluids are approximately twice as high as in the highest chlorinity fluids. The gradients in composition across the vent field and measured vent fluid temperatures >400°C are consistent with supercritical phase separation and loss of brine phase below the seafloor. The factor-of-2 variation in CO2 (and H2S) is larger than expected for loss of a very high-chlorinity brine. Concentrations of iron and manganese are not positively correlated with chlorinity, suggesting that temperature and pH are more important in controlling metal solubility. Elevated ammonia and bromide/chloride ratios indicate that there has been subseafloor interaction between the hydrothermal fluids and organic matter, and high boron concentrations point to a sedimentary source.
Nature | 2003
Marvin D. Lilley; D. A. Butterfield; John E. Lupton; Eric James Crane Olson
The Endeavour segment of the Juan de Fuca ridge is host to one of the most vigorous hydrothermal areas found on the global mid-ocean-ridge system, with five separate vent fields located within 15 km along the top of the ridge segment. Over the past decade, the largest of these vent fields, the ‘Main Endeavour Field’, has exhibited a constant spatial gradient in temperature and chloride concentration in its vent fluids, apparently driven by differences in the nature and extent of subsurface phase separation. This stable situation was disturbed on 8 June 1999 by an earthquake swarm. Owing to the nature of the seismic signals and the lack of new lava flows observed in the area during subsequent dives of the Alvin and Jason submersibles (August–September 1999), the event was interpreted to be tectonic in nature. Here we show that chemical data from hydrothermal fluid samples collected in September 1999 and June 2000 strongly suggest that the event was instead volcanic in origin. Volatile data from this event and an earlier one at 9° N on the East Pacific Rise show that such magmatic events can have profound and rapid effects on fluid–mineral equilibria, phase separation, 3He/heat ratios and fluxes of volatiles from submarine hydrothermal systems.
Deep-sea Research Part I-oceanographic Research Papers | 1993
M.A. de Angelis; Marvin D. Lilley; John A. Baross
Methane oxidation rates were measured in samples from a deep-sea lateral hydrothermal plume generated from a vent field on the Endeavour Segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge. Specific CH4 oxidation rates of up to 0.15 day−1, corresponding to turnover times on the order of 1 week, are the highest such rates so far reported for the water column of any marine environment. Specific methane oxidation rates within the plume were found to be highest at distances of 2–5 k downplume from the vent field of origin. Ambient CH4 oxidation rates were highest in the lateral plume immediately above the vent field where CH4 concentrations were maximal. Methane oxidation rates appeared to be sufficient to account for the majority of CH4 loss in the plume which could not be attributed to dilution. Oxidation of vent-derived CH4 within the lateral plume can contribute an amount of organic carbon equivalent to up to 150% of that reaching the depth of the plume from surface primary production, suggesting that microbial CH4 oxidation can have a significant impact on local deep-sea productivity in the immediate vicinity of oceanic spreading centers.
Geology | 1998
Michael J. Mottl; G. Wheat; Edward T. Baker; N. Becker; Earl E. Davis; Richard A. Feely; Anthony Grehan; David Kadko; Marvin D. Lilley; Gary J. Massoth; C. Moyer; Francis J. Sansone
We have located warm springs on an isolated basement outcrop on 3.5 Ma crust on the eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge in the northeast Pacific Ocean. These are the first ridge-flank hydrothermal springs discovered on crust older than 1 Ma. The springs are venting altered seawater at 25.0 °C along a fault near the summit of Baby Bare outcrop, a high point along a ridge-axis-parallel basement ridge that is otherwise buried by turbidite sediment. Baby Bare is a small volcano that probably erupted off-axis ca. 1.7 Ma; it is thermally extinct, but acts as a high-permeability conduit for venting of basement fluids. The springs have been sampled from the manned submersible Alvin . Compared with the ambient ocean bottom water, they are heavily depleted in Mg, alkalinity, CO 2 , sulfate, K, Li, U, O 2 , nitrate, and phosphate, and enriched in Ca, chlorinity, ammonia, Fe, Mn, H 2 S, H 2 , CH 4 , 222 Rn, and 226 Ra. The springs appear to support a community of thysirid clams. Although we saw no obvious bacterial mats, the surficial sediments contain the highest biomass concentrations ever measured in the deep sea, based on their phospholipid phosphate content. Areal integration of Alvin heat-flow and pore-water velocity data yields flux estimates of 4–13 L/s and 2–3 MW for the total (diffuse and focused) hydrothermal output from Baby Bare, comparable to that from a black smoker vent on the ridge axis. Warm springs such as those on Baby Bare may be important for global geochemical fluxes.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters | 1997
K.L. Von Damm; L.G. Buttermore; S.E. Oosting; A.M. Bray; Daniel J. Fornari; Marvin D. Lilley; Wayne C. Shanks
A single hydrothermal vent, ‘F’ vent, occurring on very young crust at 9°16.8′N, East Pacific Rise, was sampled in 1991 and 1994. In 1991, at the measured temperature of 388°C and seafloor pressure of 258 bar, the fluids from this vent were on the two-phase curve for seawater. These fluids were very low in chlorinity and other dissolved species, and high in gases compared to seawater and most sampled seafloor hydrothermal vent fluids. In 1994, when this vent was next sampled, it had cooled to 351°C and was venting fluids ∼ 1.5 times seawater chlorinity. This is the first reported example of a single seafloor hydrothermal vent evolving from vapor to brine. The 1991 and 1994 fluids sampled from this vent are compositionally conjugate pairs to one another. These results support the hypothesis that vapor-phase fluids vent in the early period following a volcanic eruption, and that the liquid-phase brines are stored within the oceanic crust, and vent at a later time, in this case 3 years. These results demonstrate that the venting of brines can occur in the same location, in fact from the same sulfide edifice, where the vapor-phase fluids vented previously.
Earth and Planetary Science Letters | 1990
David Kadko; N.D. Rosenberg; John E. Lupton; Robert W. Collier; Marvin D. Lilley
The aging of the hydrothermal plume over the Endeavour segment of the Juan de Fuca Ridge was estimated by measuring the222Rn3He ratio in the plume as it dispersed. Despite uncertainties in the source function of hydrothermal input, it wa determined that the relative sequence of removal from the plume isH2 > Δc >222Rn>CH4 ≫Mn, whereΔc is a measure of particle concentration and the mean life of222Rn is 5.5 days. H2 is removed from the plume within hours of input while Mn is not removed within the two-week timescale of the radon-helium clock. Entrainment of bottom water within the buoyant plume may introduce additional chemical signatures into the spreading effluent layer over that which would be introduced by hydrothermal discharge alone. This is particularly significant for those chemical species which are not greatly enriched in the vent fluids relative to bottom water concentration and which display a nutrient-like profile in the deep ocean. Thus we found that significant fractions of the Si and226Ra anomalies in the plume were not of hydrothermal origin but were derived from entrained bottom water which has a higher concentration of these elements than ambient water at plume height.
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