Mary E. D'Alton
Columbia University
Obstetrics & Gynecology | 2005
Jane Cleary-Goldman; Fergal D. Malone; John Vidaver; Robert H. Ball; David A. Nyberg; Christine H. Comstock; George R. Saade; Keith Eddleman; Susan Klugman; Lorraine Bugoff; Ilan E. Timor-Tritsch; Sabrina D. Craigo; Stephen R. Carr; Honor M. Wolfe; Diana W. Bianchi; Mary E. D'Alton
OBJECTIVE: To estimate the effect of maternal age on obstetric outcomes. METHODS: A prospective database from a multicenter investigation of singletons, the FASTER trial, was studied. Subjects were divided into 3 age groups: 1) less than 35 years, 2) 35–39 years, and 3) 40 years and older. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was used to assess the effect of age on outcomes after adjusting for race, parity, body mass index, education, marital status, smoking, medical history, use of assisted conception, and patients study site. RESULTS: A total of 36,056 women with complete data were available: 28,398 (79%) less than 35 years of age; 6,294 (17%) 35–39 years; and 1,364 (4%) 40 years and older. Increasing age was significantly associated with miscarriage (adjusted odds ratio [adjOR]2.0 and 2.4 for ages 35–39 years and age 40 years and older, respectively), chromosomal abnormalities (adjOR 4.0 and 9.9), congenital anomalies (adjOR 1.4 and 1.7), gestational diabetes (adjOR 1.8 and 2.4), placenta previa (adjOR 1.8 and 2.8), and cesarean delivery (adjOR 1.6 and 2.0). Patients aged 35–39 years were at increased risk for macrosomia (adjOR 1.4). Increased risk for abruption (adjOR 2.3), preterm delivery (adjOR 1.4), low birth weight (adjOR 1.6), and perinatal mortality (adjOR 2.2) was noted in women aged 40 years and older. CONCLUSION: Increasing maternal age is independently associated with specific adverse pregnancy outcomes. Increasing age is a continuum rather than a threshold effect. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: II-2
Obstetrics & Gynecology | 2005
Tracy Shevell; Fergal D. Malone; John Vidaver; T.F. Porter; David A. Luthy; Christine H. Comstock; Gary D.V. Hankins; Keith Eddleman; Siobhan M. Dolan; Lorraine Dugoff; Sabrina D. Craigo; Ilan Timor; Carr; Honor M. Wolfe; Diana W. Bianchi; Mary E. D'Alton
OBJECTIVE: To determine whether the use of assisted reproductive technology (ART) is associated with an increase in chromosomal abnormalities, fetal malformations, or adverse pregnancy outcomes. METHODS: A prospective database from a large multicenter investigation of singleton pregnancies, the First And Second Trimester Evaluation of Risk trial, was examined. Subjects were divided into 3 groups: no ART use, use of ovulation induction (with or without intrauterine insemination), and use of in vitro fertilization (IVF). Multivariate logistic regression analysis was used to assess association between ART and adverse pregnancy outcomes (significance of differences was accepted at P < .05). RESULTS: A total of 36,062 pregnancies were analyzed: 34,286 (95.1%) were spontaneously conceived, 1,222 (3.4%) used ovulation induction, and 554 (1.5%) used IVF. There was no association between ART and fetal growth restriction, aneuploidy, or fetal anomalies after adjustment for age, race, marital status, years of education, prior preterm delivery, prior fetal anomaly, body mass index, smoking history, and bleeding in the current pregnancy. Ovulation induction was associated with a statistically significant increase in placental abruption, fetal loss after 24 weeks, and gestational diabetes after adjustment. Use of IVF was associated with a statistically significant increase in preeclampsia, gestational hypertension, placental abruption, placenta previa, and risk of cesarean delivery. CONCLUSION: Patients who undergo IVF are at increased risk for several adverse pregnancy outcomes. Although many of these risks are not seen in patients undergoing ovulation induction, several adverse pregnancy outcomes are still increased in this group. There was no increased incidence of fetal chromosomal or structural abnormalities in the women who used any type of ART compared with the women who conceived spontaneously. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: II-2
Obstetrics & Gynecology | 2007
Keith Eddleman; Fergal D. Malone; Lisa M. Sullivan; Kim Dukes; Richard L. Berkowitz; Yara Kharbutli; T. Flint Porter; David A. Luthy; Christine H. Comstock; George R. Saade; Susan Klugman; Lorraine Dugoff; Sabrina D. Craigo; Ilan E. Timor-Tritsch; Stephen R. Carr; Honor M. Wolfe; Mary E. D'Alton
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to quantify the contemporary procedure-related loss rate after midtrimester amniocentesis using a database generated from patients who were recruited to the First And Second Trimester Evaluation of Risk for Aneuploidy trial. METHODS: A total of 35,003 unselected patients from the general population with viable singleton pregnancies were enrolled in the First And Second Trimester Evaluation of Risk for Aneuploidy trial between 10 3/7 and 13 6/7 weeks gestation and followed up prospectively for complete pregnancy outcome information. Patients who either did (study group, n=3,096) or did not (control group, n=31,907) undergo midtrimester amniocentesis were identified from the database. The rate of fetal loss less than 24 weeks of gestation was compared between the two groups, and multiple logistic regression analysis was used to adjust for potential confounders. RESULTS: The spontaneous fetal loss rate less than 24 weeks of gestation in the study group was 1.0% and was not statistically different from the background 0.94% rate seen in the control group (P=.74, 95% confidence interval –0.26%, 0.49%). The procedure-related loss rate after amniocentesis was 0.06% (1.0% minus the background rate of 0.94%). Women undergoing amniocentesis were 1.1 times more likely to have a spontaneous loss (95% confidence interval 0.7–1.5). CONCLUSION: The procedure-related fetal loss rate after midtrimester amniocentesis performed on patients in a contemporary prospective clinical trial was 0.06%. There was no significant difference in loss rates between those undergoing amniocentesis and those not undergoing amniocentesis. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: II-2
BMJ | 2007
Radek Bukowski; Gordon C. S. Smith; Fergal D. Malone; Robert H. Ball; David A. Nyberg; Christine H. Comstock; Gary D.V. Hankins; Richard L. Berkowitz; Susan J. Gross; Lorraine Dugoff; Sabrina D. Craigo; Ilan E. Timor-Tritsch; Stephen R. Carr; Honor M. Wolfe; Mary E. D'Alton
Objective To determine if first trimester fetal growth is associated with birth weight, duration of pregnancy, and the risk of delivering a small for gestational age infant. Design Prospective cohort study of 38 033 pregnancies between 1999 and 2003. Setting 15 centres representing major regions of the United States. Participants 976 women from the original cohort who conceived as the result of assisted reproductive technology, had a first trimester ultrasound measurement of fetal crown-rump length, and delivered live singleton infants without evidence of chromosomal or congenital abnormalities. First trimester growth was expressed as the difference between the observed and expected size of the fetus, expressed as equivalence to days of gestational age. Main outcome measures Birth weight, duration of pregnancy, and risk of delivering a small for gestational age infant. Results For each one day increase in the observed size of the fetus, birth weight increased by 28.2 (95% confidence interval 14.6 to 41.2) g. The association was substantially attenuated by adjustment for duration of pregnancy (adjusted coefficient 17.1 (6.6 to 27.5) g). Further adjustments for maternal characteristics and complications of pregnancy did not have a significant effect. The risk of delivering a small for gestational age infant decreased with increasing size in the first trimester (odds ratio for a one day increase 0.87, 0.81 to 0.94). The association was not materially affected by adjustment for maternal characteristics or complications of pregnancy. Conclusion Variation in birth weight may be determined, at least in part, by fetal growth in the first 12 weeks after conception through effects on timing of delivery and fetal growth velocity.
Obstetrics & Gynecology | 2005
Lorraine Dugoff; John C. Hobbins; Fergal D. Malone; John Vidaver; Lisa M. Sullivan; Jacob A. Canick; Geralyn Lambert-Messerlian; T. Flint Porter; David A. Luthy; Christine H. Comstoch; George R. Saade; Keith Eddleman; Irwin R. Merkatz; Sabrina D. Craigo; Ilan E. Timor-Tritsch; Stephen R. Carr; Honor M. Wolfe; Mary E. D'Alton
Objective: To estimate the effect of second-trimester levels of maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), human chorionic gonadotrophin (hCG), unconjugated estriol (uE3), and inhibin A (the quad screen) on obstetric complications by using a large, prospectively collected database (the FASTER database). Methods: The FASTER trial was a multicenter study that evaluated first- and second-trimester screening programs for aneuploidy in women with singleton pregnancies. As part of this trial, patients had a quad screen drawn at 15–18 6/7 weeks. We analyzed the data to identify associations between the quad screen markers and preterm birth, intrauterine growth restriction, preeclampsia, and fetal loss. Our analysis was performed by evaluating the performance characteristics of quad screen markers individually and in combination. Crude and adjusted effects were estimated by multivariable logistic regression analysis. Patients with fetal anomalies were excluded from the analysis. Results: We analyzed data from 33,145 pregnancies. We identified numerous associations between the markers and the adverse outcomes. There was a relatively low, but often significant, risk of having an adverse pregnancy complication if a patient had a single abnormal marker. However, the risk of having an adverse outcome increased significantly if a patient had 2 or more abnormal markers. The sensitivity and positive predictive values using combinations of markers is relatively low, although superior to using individual markers. Conclusion: These data suggest that components of the quad screen may prove useful in predicting adverse obstetric outcomes. We also showed that the total number and specific combinations of abnormal markers are most useful in predicting the risk of adverse perinatal outcome. Level of Evidence: II-2
Pediatrics | 2006
Philip J. Landrigan; Leonardo Trasande; Lorna E. Thorpe; Charon Gwynn; Paul J. Lioy; Mary E. D'Alton; Heather S. Lipkind; James M. Swanson; Pathik D. Wadhwa; Edward B. Clark; Virginia Rauh; Frederica P. Perera; Ezra Susser
Prospective, multiyear epidemiologic studies have proven to be highly effective in discovering preventable risk factors for chronic disease. Investigations such as the Framingham Heart Study have produced blueprints for disease prevention and saved millions of lives and billions of dollars. To discover preventable environmental risk factors for disease in children, the US Congress directed the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, through the Childrens Health Act of 2000, to conduct the National Childrens Study. The National Childrens Study is hypothesis-driven and will seek information on environmental risks and individual susceptibility factors for asthma, birth defects, dyslexia, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, autism, schizophrenia, and obesity, as well as for adverse birth outcomes. It will be conducted in a nationally representative, prospective cohort of 100000 US-born children. Children will be followed from conception to 21 years of age. Environmental exposures (chemical, physical, biological, and psychosocial) will be assessed repeatedly during pregnancy and throughout childhood in childrens homes, schools, and communities. Chemical assays will be performed by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and banks of biological and environmental samples will be established for future analyses. Genetic material will be collected on each mother and child and banked to permit study of gene-environment interactions. Recruitment is scheduled to begin in 2007 at 7 Vanguard Sites and will extend to 105 sites across the United States. The National Childrens Study will generate multiple satellite studies that explore methodologic issues, etiologic questions, and potential interventions. It will provide training for the next generation of researchers and practitioners in environmental pediatrics and will link to planned and ongoing prospective birth cohort studies in other nations. Data from the National Childrens Study will guide development of a comprehensive blueprint for disease prevention in children.
Obstetrics & Gynecology | 2005
Fergal D. Malone; Robert H. Ball; David A. Nyberg; Christine H. Comstock; George R. Saade; Richard L. Berkowitz; Susan J. Gross; Lorraine Dugoff; Sabrina D. Craigo; Ilan E. Timor-Tritsch; Stephen R. Carr; Honor M. Wolfe; Kimberly Dukes; Jacob A. Canick; Diana W. Bianchi; Mary E. D'Alton
Objective: To estimate prevalence, natural history, and outcome of septated cystic hygroma in the first trimester in the general obstetric population, and to differentiate this finding from simple increased nuchal translucency. Methods: Patients at 10.3–13.6 weeks of gestation underwent nuchal translucency sonography as part of a multicenter clinical trial. Septated cystic hygroma cases were offered chorionic villi sampling for karyotype, and targeted fetal anatomical and cardiac evaluations. Survivors were followed up for fetal and long-term pediatric outcome (median 25 months, range 12–50 months). Cases of septated cystic hygroma were also compared with cases of simple increased nuchal translucency. Results: There were 134 cases of cystic hygroma (2 lost to follow-up) among 38,167 screened patients (1 in 285). Chromosomal abnormalities were diagnosed in 67 (51%), including 25 trisomy-21, 19 Turner syndrome, 13 trisomy-18, and 10 others. Major structural fetal malformations (primarily cardiac and skeletal) were diagnosed in 22 of the remaining 65 cases (34%). There were 5 cases (8%) of fetal death and 15 cases of elective pregnancy termination without evidence of abnormality. One of 23 (4%) normal survivors was diagnosed with cerebral palsy and developmental delay. Overall, survival with normal pediatric outcome was confirmed in 17% of cases (22 of 132). Compared with simple increased nuchal translucency, cystic hygroma has 5-fold, 12-fold, and 6-fold increased risk of aneuploidy, cardiac malformation, and perinatal death, respectively. Conclusion: First-trimester cystic hygroma was a frequent finding in a general obstetric screening program. It has the strongest prenatal association with aneuploidy described to date, with significantly worse outcome compared with simple increased nuchal translucency. Most pregnancies with normal evaluation at the completion of the second trimester resulted in a healthy infant with a normal pediatric outcome. Level of Evidence: II-2
PLOS Medicine | 2009
Radek Bukowski; Fergal D. Malone; Flint Porter; David A. Nyberg; Christine H. Comstock; Gary D.V. Hankins; Keith Eddleman; Susan J. Gross; Lorraine Dugoff; Sabrina D. Craigo; Ilan E. Timor-Tritsch; Stephen R. Carr; Honor M. Wolfe; Mary E. D'Alton
In an analysis of a cohort of pregnant women, Radek Bukowski and colleagues describe an association between taking folic acid supplements and a reduction in the risk of preterm birth.
American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology | 1989
Mary E. D'Alton; Denis K.L. Dudley
In a prospective study of 69 consecutive twin gestations, chorionicity was assessed ultrasonographically, by the new technique of counting the number of layers visualized in the dividing membrane. For purposes of the study the antenatal categorization of chorionic type was based only on the number of layers observed. The pregnancy was classified as monochorionic when only two layers were identified and as dichorionic if three or four layers were seen. Confirmation of chorionic type was obtained after delivery by histopathologic examination of the placenta. The ultrasonographic technique used correctly determined chorionicity in 68 of 69 twin pregnancies. The predictive accuracy was 100% for 51 pregnancies designated by ultrasonography as dichorionic and 94.4% for 18 pregnancies considered to be monochorionic. These results suggest that counting the number of layers seen in fetal membranes by ultrasonography examination is an accurate way of determining chorionicity in twin gestation.
Obstetrics & Gynecology | 2008
Young Mi Lee; Blair J. Wylie; Lynn L. Simpson; Mary E. D'Alton
OBJECTIVE: To estimate the effect of chorionicity on the risk of stillbirth in twins. METHODS: A retrospective cohort analysis was performed of all twin deliveries of at least 24 weeks of gestation at a single tertiary care center from December 2000 to May 2007. The risk of fetal death with advancing gestation was calculated for monochorionic-diamniotic twins and for dichorionic-diamniotic twins. Overall in utero survival was compared by using Kaplan-Meier analysis and a hazards ratio with 95% confidence intervals estimated to assess the degree of difference. Pregnancies affected by growth abnormalities, anomalies, or twin-twin transfusion syndrome were subsequently excluded and survival by chorionicity similarly compared within these “apparently normal” gestations. RESULTS: Data from 1,000 consecutive twin pairs (196 monochorionic-diamniotic twins and 804 dichorionic-diamniotic twins) were analyzed. Stillbirths occurred in seven (3.6%) monochorionic-diamniotic and nine (1.1%) dichorionic-diamniotic twin pairs. Monochorionic-diamniotic twins had a higher risk of stillbirth compared with dichorionic-diamniotic twins, both overall (log-rank P=.004) and at each gestational age after 24 weeks, with this risk persisting in the subset of 771 (130 monochorionic-diamniotic twins and 641 dichorionic-diamniotic twins) “apparently normal” twins (log-rank P=.039). CONCLUSION: Monochorionicity has a negative effect on the in utero survival of twins, even among monochorionic-diamniotic twins without abnormalities. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: II