
Journal of Immunology | 2001

Eosinophils Are a Major Source of Nitric Oxide-Derived Oxidants in Severe Asthma: Characterization of Pathways Available to Eosinophils for Generating Reactive Nitrogen Species

Jennifer C. MacPherson; Suzy Comhair; Serpil C. Erzurum; Dennis Klein; Mary F. Lipscomb; Mani S. Kavuru; Michael Samoszuk; Stanley L. Hazen

Eosinophil recruitment and enhanced production of NO are characteristic features of asthma. However, neither the ability of eosinophils to generate NO-derived oxidants nor their role in nitration of targets during asthma is established. Using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry we demonstrate a 10-fold increase in 3-nitrotyrosine (NO2Y) content, a global marker of protein modification by reactive nitrogen species, in proteins recovered from bronchoalveolar lavage of severe asthmatic patients (480 ± 198 μmol/mol tyrosine; n = 11) compared with nonasthmatic subjects (52.5 ± 40.7 μmol/mol tyrosine; n = 12). Parallel gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analyses of bronchoalveolar lavage proteins for 3-bromotyrosine (BrY) and 3-chlorotyrosine (ClY), selective markers of eosinophil peroxidase (EPO)- and myeloperoxidase-catalyzed oxidation, respectively, demonstrated a dramatic preferential formation of BrY in asthmatic (1093 ± 457 μmol BrY/mol tyrosine; 161 ± 88 μmol ClY/mol tyrosine; n = 11 each) compared with nonasthmatic subjects (13 ± 14.5 μmol BrY/mol tyrosine; 65 ± 69 μmol ClY/mol tyrosine; n = 12 each). Bronchial tissue from individuals who died of asthma demonstrated the most intense anti-NO2Y immunostaining in epitopes that colocalized with eosinophils. Although eosinophils from normal subjects failed to generate detectable levels of NO, NO2−, NO3−, or NO2Y, tyrosine nitration was promoted by eosinophils activated either in the presence of physiological levels of NO2− or an exogenous NO source. At low, but not high (e.g., >2 μM/min), rates of NO flux, EPO inhibitors and catalase markedly attenuated aromatic nitration. These results identify eosinophils as a major source of oxidants during asthma. They also demonstrate that eosinophils use distinct mechanisms for generating NO-derived oxidants and identify EPO as an enzymatic source of nitrating intermediates in eosinophils.

Journal of Leukocyte Biology | 1994

The role of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in the protective inflammatory response to a pulmonary cryptococcal infection

Gary B. Huffnagle; Mary F. Lipscomb; Julie Lovchik; Kathleen A. Hoag; Nancy E. Street

Moderately virulent strains of Cryptococcusneoformans, inoculated via the trachea, cause a pulmonary infection in BALB/c mice that was gradually resolved by T lymphocyte‐dependent mechanisms. The current studies, using monoclonal antibodies to deplete T cell subsets, demonstrated that CD4+ and CD8+ T cells combined to mediate a prominent pulmonary inflammatory infiltrate that included lymphocytes, macrophages, neutrophils, and eosinophils. The inflammatory response peaked 2 weeks after infection and coincided with the beginning of gradual pulmonary clearance of the infection. CD4/CD8 double, deficiency (4‐8‐) markedly reduced the influx of all cells into the lungs. A CD4 deficiency had a more profound effect on the total number of inflammatory cells recruited to the lungs than a CD8 deficiency. Depletion of either CD8+ or CD4+ T cells significantly decreased pulmonary macrophages and neutrophils, but only a CD4 deficiency prevented the influx of eosinophils. Recruitment of CD8+ T cells occurred independently of CD4+ T cells, but CD4+ T cell recruitment to the lungs was significantly reduced in CD8‐deficient mice. Mitogen‐stimulated infiltrating lung lymphocytes from infected 4+8+ mice secreted both T helper cell type 1 (Th1) [interferon‐γ (IFN‐γ) and interleukin‐2 (IL‐2)] and Th2 (IL‐4, IL‐5, and IL‐10) cytokines. CD4 deficiency resulted in loss of T cells secreting IL‐4, IL‐5, and IL‐10. However, residual CD8+ T cells still secreted IL‐2 and IFN‐γ. Lung T cells from CD8‐deficient mice secreted similar levels of IL‐4, IL‐5, and IL‐10 on a per lung basis compared with 4+8+ mice despite decreased numbers of CD4+ T cells, but secreted reduced levels of IFN‐γ. These experiments indicate that (1) CD4+ T cells play a dominant role in recruiting macrophages and granulocytes to the lung and (2) CD8+ T cells also mediate cellular recruitment, increase the magnitude of CD4+ T cell numbers in the infiltrate, and contribute to the local secretion of IFN‐γ. Thus, these studies demonstrate that CD8+ T cells can independently mediate an inflammatory response to a large, particulate, extracellular antigen, a role heretofore attributed almost solely to CD4+ T cells. J. Leukoc. Biol. 55: 35–42; 1994.

Infection and Immunity | 2004

Murine Model of Pulmonary Anthrax: Kinetics of Dissemination, Histopathology, and Mouse Strain Susceptibility

C. Rick Lyons; Julie Lovchik; Julie A. Hutt; Mary F. Lipscomb; Eugenia Wang; Sara Heninger; Lucy Berliba; Kristin Garrison

ABSTRACT Bioweapons are most often designed for delivery to the lung, although this route is not the usual portal of entry for many of the pathogens in the natural environment. Vaccines and therapeutics that are efficacious for natural routes of infection may not be effective against the pulmonary route. Pulmonary models are needed to investigate the importance of specific bacterial genes in virulence, to identify components of the host immune system that are important in providing innate and acquired protection, and for testing diagnostic and therapeutic strategies. This report describes the characteristics of host and Bacillus anthracis interactions in a murine pulmonary-infection model. The infective dose varied depending on the route and method of inoculation. The germination process in the lung began within 1 h of inoculation into the lung, although growth within the lung was limited. B. anthracis was found in the lung-associated lymph nodes ∼5 h after infection. Minimal pneumonitis was associated with the lung infection, but significant systemic pathology was noted after dissemination. Infected mice typically succumbed to infection ∼3 to 4 days after inoculation. The 50% lethal doses differed among inbred strains of mice, but within a given mouse strain, neither the age nor the sex of the mice influenced susceptibility to B. anthracis.

Journal of Immunology | 2006

Characterization of Myeloid and Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cells in Human Lung

Barbara Masten; Gwyneth K. Olson; Christy A. Tarleton; Chad Rund; Mark Schuyler; Reza Mehran; Tereassa Archibeque; Mary F. Lipscomb

Dendritic cells (DCs) are bone marrow-derived mononuclear cells that play a central role in the initiation of immune responses. Because human lung DCs have been incompletely characterized, we enumerated and phenotyped mononuclear cell populations from excess lung tissue obtained at surgery. Myeloid DCs (MDCs) were identified as CD1c+CD11c+CD14−HLA-DR+ cells and comprised ∼2% of low autofluorescent (LAF) mononuclear cells. Plasmacytoid DCs (PDCs) were characterized as CD123+CD11c−CD14−HLA-DR+ cells and comprised ∼1.0% of the LAF mononuclear cells. Cells enriched in MDCs expressed CD86, moderate CD80, and little CD40, but cells enriched in PDCs had little to no expression of these three costimulatory molecules. CD11c+CD14− lineage-negative (MDC-enriched) LAF cells were isolated and shown to be much more potent in stimulating an alloreaction than CD11c+CD14+ lineage-negative (monocyte-enriched) LAF cells. PDC-enriched cells were more capable of responding to a TLR-7 agonist by secreting IFN-α than MDC-enriched cells. MDC-enriched cells were either CD123+ or CD123−, but both subsets secreted cytokines and chemokines typical of MDC upon stimulation with a TLR-4 agonist and both subsets failed to secrete IFN-α upon stimulation with a TLR-7 agonist. By immunohistochemistry, we identified MDCs throughout different anatomical locations of the lung. However, our method did not allow the localization of PDCs with certainty. In conclusion, in the human lung MDCs were twice as numerous and expressed higher levels of costimulatory molecules than PDCs. Our data suggest that both lung DC subsets exert distinct immune modulatory functions.

Infection and Immunity | 2006

Toxin-Deficient Mutants of Bacillus anthracis Are Lethal in a Murine Model for Pulmonary Anthrax

Sara Heninger; Melissa Drysdale; Julie A. Lovchik; Julie A. Hutt; Mary F. Lipscomb; Theresa M. Koehler; C. Rick Lyons

ABSTRACT Bacillus anthracis, the etiologic agent of anthrax, produces at least three primary virulence factors: lethal toxin, edema toxin, and a capsule. The capsule is absolutely required for dissemination and lethality in a murine model of inhalation anthrax, yet the roles for the toxins during infection are ill-defined. We show in a murine model that when spores of specific toxin-null mutants are introduced into the lung, dissemination and lethality are comparable to those of the parent strain. Mutants lacking one or more of the structural genes for the toxin proteins, i.e., protective antigen, lethal factor, and edema factor, disseminated from the lung to the spleen at rates similar to that of the virulent parental strain. The 50% lethal dose (LD50) and mean time to death (MTD) of the mutants did not differ significantly from those of the parent. The LD50s or MTDs were also unaffected relative to those of the parent strain when mice were inoculated intravenously with vegetative cells. Nonetheless, histopathological examination of tissues revealed subtle but distinct differences in infections by the parent compared to some toxin mutants, suggesting that the host response is affected by toxin proteins synthesized during infection.

Journal of Pediatric Hematology Oncology | 1998

Immune recovery in children with malignancy after cessation of chemotherapy

Mahmoud M. Mustafa; George R. Buchanan; Naomi J. Winick; George H. McCracken; Isabelle Tkaczewski; Mary F. Lipscomb; Qasim Ansari; Melkon S. Agopian

Purpose: To study longitudinally the extent and recovery of cellular and humoral immune alterations in children with cancer after completion of their therapy. Patients and Methods: Using standard immune assays, cellular and humoral immunity was measured in 43 infants and children with cancer at completion of therapy and every 3 months thereafter for 1 year. There were 17 patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. 9 with Hodgkin disease, and 17 with solid nonhematopoietic tumors. All children had received standard childhood immunizations before diagnosis of cancer. Immune assays performed included circulating lymphocyte subpopulations, in vitro antigen-induced responses, and total concentrations of serum immunoglobulin G (IgG), IgM, IgA, and IgG subclasses, and specific antibodies against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, and poliovirus types I, II, and III. Results: At completion of therapy, the majority of patients had low circulating lymphocyte subpopulations and antigen-induced responses. Serum antibody concentrations were low in up to 89% of patients regardless of the underlying malignancy. Although improvement occurred during the year of follow-up, 35 of 43 (81%) patients continued to exhibit one or more immune abnormalities 9 to 12 months after cessation of chemotherapy. Younger patients had more persistent alterations. Other risk factors studied (including gender, duration of therapy, and underlying malignancy) did not correlate with the severity of the immune defects. With the exception of poliovirus antibodies, specific antibody titers against common childhood vaccine antigens were deficient at completion of therapy and 9 to 12 months later in a substantial proportion of patients. Conclusion: Children with malignancy have persistent specific and nonspecific immune alterations 9 to 12 months after cessation of chemotherapy. The clinical implications of these in vitro observations are unclear and require further evaluation.

Advances in Immunology | 1995

The Regulation of Pulmonary Immunity

Mary F. Lipscomb; Bice De; Lyons Cr; Mark Schuyler; Wilkes D

Publisher Summary Thechapter describes the cells and structures of the lung that participate in pulmonary immunity and how the lung responds to challenges fromforeign antigens, with particular emphasis on animal models that have been developed to explore these issues. Some ligands-receptor interactions are specific while others are not, and it is the particular pattern of surface molecules and secreted factors expressed by interacting immune cells that determines the type of immune response that develops during central processing. The cells that are the major initiators and regulators of immunity in the lung include macrophages, dendritic cells (DCs), and lymphocytes, each expressing surface molecules and secretory products that depend on perturbations in the environments. Immune cells and structures of the lung and lung immunity to noninfectious particulate and soluble antigens are discussed. Several models for regulation of pulmonary immunity such as models for immunity in lung infections, models for hypersensitivity lung disease, models for lung transplantation, and graft versus host are also presented. Demonstration that lung cells regulate both nonspecific inflammation and immunity through the expression of adhesion molecules and the secretion of cytokines offers hope for ways to design more effective vaccines, enhance microbial clearance in immune-suppressed hosts, and to suppress manifestations of immunologically mediated lung disease.

Journal of Leukocyte Biology | 1989

Separation of potent and poorly functional human lung accessory cells based on autofluorescence

Laurent P. Nicod; Mary F. Lipscomb; Galen B. Toews; Jonathan C. Weissler

Human alveolar macrophages obtained by bronchoalveolar lavage are usually poor accessory cells in in vitro lymphoprollferation assays. However, we recently described a subpopulation of pulmonary mononuclear cells, obtained from minced and enzyme‐digested lung, which were potent stimulators of allogeneic T‐lymphocyte proliferation. These cells were enriched in loosely adherent mononuclear cell (LAM) fractions, but further study of these accessory cells was hampered by the heterogeneous nature of LAM. It was observed that in the majority of lung tissue sections, most alveolar macrophages were autofluorescent, whereas most interstitial HLA‐DR positive cells were not. Therefore autofluorescence was utilized to fractionate LAM in an attempt to remove alveolar macrophages and selectively purify interstitial accessory cells. LAM were separated by flow cytometry using forward and side scatter to exclude lymphocytes, and red autofluorescence to obtain brightly autofluorescent (A pos) and relatively nonautofluorescent (A neg) mononuclear cells. Although both populations contained over 80% HLA‐DR positive cells, A pos cells were poor accessory cells, whereas A neg cells were extremely potent stimulators of a mixed leukocyte reaction at all stimulator ratios tested. When A pos cells were added to A neg cells, T‐cell proliferation was markedly suppressed in the majority of experiments. Morphologically, A pos cells appeared similar to classical alveolar macrophages with 95% of the cells being large and intensely nonspecific esterase positive. In contrast, the majority of A neg were smaller, B‐cell antigen‐negative, nonspecific esterase negative, and had a distinctive morphology on Wright‐stained smears. We conclude that fractionation of LAM based on autofluorescence is a powerful tool to isolate and characterize lung mononuclear cells that act either as stimulators or as suppressors of immune responses in the lung.

Journal of Immunology | 2004

Flt3 Ligand Preferentially Increases the Number of Functionally Active Myeloid Dendritic Cells in the Lungs of Mice

Barbara Masten; Gwyneth K. Olson; Donna F. Kusewitt; Mary F. Lipscomb

In the present study, we investigated the effects of in vivo Flt3L administration on the generation, phenotype, and function of lung dendritic cells (DCs) to evaluate whether Flt3L favors the expansion and maturation of a particular DC subset. Injection of Flt3L into mice resulted in an increased number of CD11c-expressing lung DCs, preferentially in the alveolar septa. FACS analysis allowed us to quantify a 19-fold increase in the absolute numbers of CD11c-positive, CD45R/B220 negative DCs in the lungs of Flt3L-treated mice over vehicle-treated mice. Further analysis revealed a 90-fold increase in the absolute number of myeloid DCs (CD11c positive, CD45R/B220 negative, and CD11b positive) and only a 3-fold increase of lymphoid DCs (CD11c positive, CD45R/B220 negative, and CD11b negative) from the lungs of Flt3L-treated mice over vehicle-treated mice. Flt3L-treated lung DCs were more mature than vehicle-treated lung DCs as demonstrated by a significantly higher percentage of cells expressing MHC class II, CD86, and CD40. Freshly isolated Flt3L lung DCs were not fully mature, because after an overnight culture they continued to increase accessory molecule expression. Functionally, Flt3L-treated lung DCs were more efficient than vehicle-treated DCs at stimulating naive T cell proliferation. Our data show that administration of Flt3L favors the expansion of myeloid lung DCs over lymphoid DCs and enhanced their ability to stimulate naive lymphocytes.

Journal of Leukocyte Biology | 2001

Ovalbumin aerosols induce airway hyperreactivity in naïve DO11.10 T cell receptor transgenic mice without pulmonary eosinophilia or OVA-specific antibody.

Julie A. Wilder; David S. Collie; David E. Bice; Yohannes Tesfaigzi; C. Richard Lyons; Mary F. Lipscomb

The pathobiology of allergic asthma is being studied using murine models, most of which use systemic priming followed by pulmonary challenges with the immunizing antigen. In general, mice develop eosinophilic pulmonary inflammation, increased antigen‐specific immunoglobulins, and airway hyperreactivity (AHR), all of which are dependent on antigen‐specific T cell activation. To establish a model of allergic asthma, which did not require systemic priming, we exposed DO11.10 T cell receptor transgenic mice, which have an expanded repertoire of ovalbumin (OVA), peptide‐specific T cells, to limited aerosols of OVA protein. DO11.10 +/− mice developed AHR in the absence of increases in total serum IgE, OVA‐specific IgG, or eosinophilia. The AHR was accompanied by pulmonary recruitment of antigen‐specific T cells with decreased expression of CD62L and CD45RB and increased expression of CD69, a phenotype indicative of T cell activation. Our results support recent hypotheses that T cells mediate AHR directly.

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