
Food Chemistry | 2015

Oxidative stability of n-3-enriched chicken patties under different package-atmosphere conditions

Ana Penko; Tomaž Polak; Mateja Lušnic Polak; Tomaž Požrl; Damir Kakovič; B. Žlender; Lea Demšar

The oxidation processes were studied in chicken patties, enriched with n-3 fatty acids, after 8days of storage at 4°C, under different aerobic conditions, and following heat treatment. Significant effects were seen on lipid and cholesterol oxidation and the sensory qualities for whole flaxseed addition in the chicken feed (i.e., n-3 fatty acid enrichment), and for the different package-atmosphere conditions. For the raw chicken patties, n-3 enrichment increased the colour L(∗) values while, after the heat treatment, there were higher thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances (TBARs) and cholesterol oxidation products (COPs), and the rancidity was more pronounced. In comparison with the low O2 (<0.5%) package-atmosphere condition, O2 enrichment (80%) increased the instrumentally measured colour values, TBARs, total and individual COPs, and the rancidity became pronounced. The most suitable package-atmosphere condition of these raw n-3-enriched chicken patties is a very low O2 atmosphere, with or without an O2 scavenger.

Archives Animal Breeding | 2016

Quality traits of longissimus lumborum muscle from White Mangalica,Duroc × White Mangalica and Large White pigs reared under intensiveconditions and slaughtered at 150 kg live weight: a comparative study

Vladimir Tomović; Radoslav Šević; Marija Jokanović; Branislav Šojić; Snežana Škaljac; Tatjana Tasić; Predrag Ikonić; Mateja Lušnic Polak; Tomaž Polak; Lea Demšar

Meso : prvi hrvatski časopis o mesu | 2018

Utjecaj tehnološkog postupka izrade hamburgera na njihova fizikalnokemijska i senzorska svojstva

Tomaž Polak; Mateja Lušnic Polak; Gregor Sok; Lea Demšar

Meso : prvi hrvatski časopis o mesu | 2018

Einfluss des technologischen Herstellungsverfahrens von Hamburgern auf ihre physikalisch-chemischen und sensorischen Eigenschaften

Tomaž Polak; Mateja Lušnic Polak; Gregor Sok; Lea Demšar

Meso (Online) | 2018

Effects of iodized salt on the physico-chemical parameters and the sensory properties of dry-cured pork loin

Mateja Lušnic Polak; Tomaž Polak

Meso : prvi hrvatski časopis o mesu | 2017

Nutritional value of horse meat and products on the Slovenian market

Mateja Lušnic Polak; Uroš Mervič; Lea Demšar

Meso : prvi hrvatski časopis o mesu | 2017

Valore nutrizionale della carne e dei prodotti a base di carne equina nel mercato sloveno

Mateja Lušnic Polak; Uroš Mervič; Lea Demšar

Meso : prvi hrvatski časopis o mesu | 2017

Prehrambena vrijednost konjskog mesa i proizvoda na slovenskom tržištu

Mateja Lušnic Polak; Uroš Mervič; Lea Demšar

MESO: prvi hrvatski časopis o mesu | 2017

Nährwert von Pferdefleisch und Pferdefleischprodukten auf dem slowenischen Markt

Mateja Lušnic Polak; Uroš Mervič; Lea Demšar

MESO: prvi hrvatski časopis o mesu | 2017

Calidad nutritiva de la carne de caballo y de productos de carne de caballo en el mercado esloveno

Mateja Lušnic Polak; Uroš Mervič; Lea Demšar

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