
Journal of Animal Science | 2009

Performance and digestibility characteristics of finishing diets containing distillers grains, composites of corn processing coproducts, or supplemental corn oil

K. J. Vander Pol; Matt K. Luebbe; Grant I. Crawford; Galen E. Erickson; Terry J. Klopfenstein

Three experiments evaluated the lipids in distillers grains plus solubles compared with corn or other sources of lipid in finishing diets. Experiment 1 utilized 60 individually fed yearling heifers (349 +/- 34 kg of BW) fed treatments consisting of 0, 20, or 40% (DM basis) wet distillers grains plus solubles (WDGS), or 0, 2.5, or 5.0% (DM basis) corn oil in a finishing diet based on high-moisture corn (HMC) and dry-rolled corn. Cattle fed 20 and 40% WDGS had greater (P < 0.10) G:F than cattle fed 0% WDGS. Cattle fed the 5.0% corn oil had less overall performance than cattle fed the other diets. Results from Exp. 1 indicated that adding fat from WDGS improves performance, whereas supplementing 5.0% corn oil depressed G:F, suggesting that the fat within WDGS is different than corn oil. Experiment 2 used 234 yearling steers (352 +/- 16 kg of BW) fed 1 of 5 treatments consisting of 20 or 40% (DM basis) dry distillers grains plus solubles, 1.3 or 2.6% (DM basis) tallow, or HMC. All diets contained 20% (DM basis) wet corn gluten feed as a method of controlling acidosis. No differences between treatments for any performance variables were observed in Exp. 2. The dry distillers grains plus solubles may be similar to tallow and HMC in finishing diets containing 20% wet corn gluten feed. Experiment 3 used 5 Holstein steers equipped with ruminal and duodenal cannulas in a 5 x 5 Latin square design. Treatments were a 40% WDGS diet, 2 composites, one consisting of corn bran and corn gluten meal; and one consisting of corn bran, corn gluten meal, and corn oil; and 2 dry-rolled corn-based diets supplemented with corn oil or not. Cattle fed the WDGS diet had numerically less rumen pH compared with cattle fed other treatments. Cattle fed WDGS had greater (P < 0.10) molar proportions of propionate, decreased (P < 0.10) acetate:propionate ratios, greater (P < 0.10) total tract fat digestion, and a greater (P < 0.10) proportion of unsaturated fatty acids reaching the duodenum than cattle fed other treatments. Therefore, the greater energy value of WDGS compared with corn may be due to more propionate production, greater fat digestibility, and more unsaturated fatty acids reaching the duodenum.

Journal of Animal Science | 2009

Effect of corn processing method and corn wet distillers grains plus solubles inclusion level in finishing steers

Mark E. Corrigan; Galen E. Erickson; Terry J. Klopfenstein; Matt K. Luebbe; K. J. Vander Pol; N. F. Meyer; Crystal D. Buckner; Sarah Vanness; K. J. Hanford

Two experiments were conducted to determine the effect of corn processing method and corn wet distillers grains plus solubles (WDGS) level on steer performance and metabolism. In Exp. 1, 480 crossbred steer calves (314 +/- 18 kg of BW) were used in a finishing experiment with a randomized complete block design and a 3 x 4 treatment structure. Diets were based on dry-rolled (DRC), high-moisture (HMC), or steam-flaked corn (SFC) with increasing levels of WDGS (0, 15, 27.5, or 40%; DM basis). A corn processing x WDGS level interaction (P < 0.01) was observed for ADG and G:F. Average daily gain and G:F increased linearly (P < 0.01) in steers fed DRC; ADG increased quadratically (P = 0.04) and G:F increased linearly (P = 0.02) in steers fed HMC; and ADG decreased quadratically (P = 0.02) with no change in G:F (P = 0.52) in steers fed SFC as WDGS increased. In Exp. 2, 7 ruminally fistulated steers (440 +/- 41 kg of BW) were used in a 6-period crossover design with 3 x 2 factorial treatment structure. Diets were the same as those fed in Exp. 1, except they contained only 2 levels of WDGS (0 or 40% of diet DM). Total tract starch digestibility was greater (P < 0.01) for steers fed SFC than for steers fed DRC or HMC. Minimum ruminal pH was less (P < 0.01) for steers fed SFC than for steers fed HMC or DRC. Variance of ruminal pH was different among all 3 processing methods with DRC < HMC < SFC (P < 0.10). In situ 22-h DM digestibility of DRC and HMC and starch digestibility of DRC were greater (P < 0.10) in steers fed DRC compared with steers fed HMC or SFC. Steers fed 0% WDGS had less (P < or = 0.02) intake of DM, OM, NDF, and ether extract compared with steers fed 40% WDGS. Total tract digestibility of DM and OM was greater (P < or = 0.08) and digestibility of ether extract tended (P = 0.11) to be less for steers fed 0% WDGS compared with steers fed 40% WDGS. Maximum ruminal pH and pH variance were greater (P < or = 0.08) in steers fed 0% WDGS. A corn processing x WDGS level interaction (P = 0.09) was observed for ruminal acetate to propionate ratio (A:P). Within diets containing 0% WDGS, A:P in steers fed SFC was less (P < or = 0.08). In diets containing 40% WDGS, A:P was similar between processing methods and not different from the SFC with 0% WDGS. The corn processing x WDGS level interaction observed in the finishing experiment may be due to the decreased ruminal A:P in DRC and HMC diets with 40% WDGS.

Journal of Animal Science | 2009

Effect of Essential Oils, Tylosin, and Monensin on Finishing Steer Performance, Carcass Characteristics, Liver Abscesses, Ruminal Fermentation, and Digestibility

N. F. Meyer; Galen E. Erickson; Terry J. Klopfenstein; Matthew A. Greenquist; Matt K. Luebbe; P. Williams; M. A. Engstrom

A feedlot (Exp. 1) experiment was conducted to evaluate the effects of an essential oil mixture (EOM), experimental essential oil mixture (EXP), tylosin, and monensin (MON) on performance, carcass characteristics, and liver abscesses. A metabolism experiment (Exp. 2) was conducted to evaluate the effects of EOM, EXP, and MON on ruminal fermentation and digestibility in finishing steers. In Exp. 1, 468 yearling steers (398 +/- 34 kg initial BW) were used in 50 pens (10 pens/treatment) and received their respective dietary treatments for 115 d. Five dietary treatments were compared in Exp. 1: 1) control, no additives (CON); 2) EOM, 1.0 g/steer daily; 3) EXP, 1.0 g/steer daily; 4) EOM, 1.0 g/steer daily plus tylosin, 90 mg/steer daily (EOM+T); and 5) monensin, 300 mg/steer daily plus tylosin, 90 mg/steer daily (MON+T). Compared with CON, steers fed MON+T had decreased DMI (P < 0.01), and steers fed EOM+T and MON+T had improved G:F (P </= 0.02). Average daily gain was not different among treatments (P > 0.58). There was a trend (P = 0.09) for a treatment effect on 12th-rib fat thickness, which resulted in a significant increase in calculated yield grade for the EOM+T treatment. No other carcass characteristics were affected by treatment (P >/= 0.10). Prevalence of total liver abscesses was reduced for steers fed tylosin compared with no tylosin (P < 0.05). In Exp. 2, 8 ruminally fistulated steers (399 +/- 49 kg initial BW) were assigned randomly to 1 of 4 treatments in a replicated 4 x 4 Latin square designed experiment. Treatments were 1) CON, 2) EOM, 3) EXP, and 4) MON with feeding rates similar to Exp. 1. There were no differences in DMI, OM intake, and apparent total tract DM or OM digestibilities among treatments (P > 0.30). Feed intake patterns were similar among feed additive treatments (P > 0.13). Total VFA (P = 0.10) and acetate (P = 0.06) concentrations tended to be affected by treatment with EOM numerically greater than CON. Average ruminal pH ranged from 5.59 to 5.72 and did not differ among treatments. Addition of a EOM or monensin to a diet containing tylosin improves G:F, but little difference was observed in metabolism or digestibility.

Foodborne Pathogens and Disease | 2009

Escherichia coli O157:H7 vaccine dose-effect in feedlot cattle.

Rodney A. Moxley; David R. Smith; Matt K. Luebbe; Galen E. Erickson; Terry J. Klopfenstein; Dragan Rogan

A clinical trial conducted during the summer of 2006 evaluated effects of two- and three-dose regimens of an Escherichia coli O157 vaccine product on the probability of detecting E. coli O157:H7 in feces and colonization of the terminal rectum. The three-dose regimen significantly reduced the probability for cattle to shed E. coli O157:H7 in feces 65% compared to placebo-treated cattle. A dose-effect was demonstrated because a two-dose regimen of the vaccine product was intermediate in effect. These results are consistent with previous estimates of vaccine efficacy against fecal shedding, and agree with our previous finding that efficacy of two or three doses of this vaccine product exhibit a dose-response.

Journal of Animal Science | 2009

Effects of nitrogen fertilization and dried distillers grains supplementation: Forage use and performance of yearling steers

Matthew A. Greenquist; Terry J. Klopfenstein; Walter H. Schacht; Galen E. Erickson; K. J. Vander Pol; Matt K. Luebbe; K. R. Brink; A. K. Schwarz; L. B. Baleseng

In a 3-yr study, corn dried distillers grains plus solubles (DDGS) were evaluated as a substitute for forage and N fertilizer in yearling steers grazing smooth bromegrass. A total of 135 steers (330 +/- 10 kg) were used in a randomized complete block design to measure the effects of DDGS supplementation and N fertilization on animal and pasture performance. Steers were initially stocked at 6.8 animal unit month (AUM)/ha on nonfertilized smooth bromegrass pastures (CONT), at 9.9 AUM/ha on smooth bromegrass pastures fertilized with 90 kg of N/ha (FERT), or at 9.9 AUM/ha on nonfertilized smooth bromegrass pastures with 2.3 kg of DDGS DM supplemented daily (SUPP). Paddock was the experimental unit, with 3 replications per year for 3 yr. Paddocks were strip-grazed and put-and-take cattle were used to maintain similar grazing pressure among treatment paddocks during the 160-d grazing season. In vitro DM disappearance declined quadratically (P < 0.01), whereas CP and standing crop showed cubic responses (P < 0.01) throughout the grazing season. Crude protein was greater (P < 0.05) for FERT compared with CONT and SUPP. Standing crop was 18% greater (P < 0.01) for FERT than CONT and was 10% greater (P < 0.01) than SUPP. Adjusted stocking rates (AUM/ha) were greater (P < 0.01) for FERT and SUPP compared with CONT. Final BW were greater (P < 0.01) for SUPP steers compared with CONT and FERT steers. Similar results were observed for ADG, with SUPP steers gaining more (P < 0.01) compared with CONT and FERT steers. Total BW gain per hectare was increased (P < 0.01) by 53% with FERT and by 105% with SUPP. Feedlot ADG was similar among treatments (P = 0.88), and SUPP steers maintained their BW advantage through the finishing phase. Dried distillers grains can be used to substitute effectively for N fertilizer by increasing the performance of yearling steers grazing smooth bromegrass and increasing stocking rates compared with nonfertilized pastures.

Journal of Animal Science | 2009

Effects of level of condensed distillers solubles in corn dried distillers grains on intake, daily body weight gain, and digestibility in growing steers fed forage diets

Mark E. Corrigan; Terry J. Klopfenstein; Galen E. Erickson; N. F. Meyer; K. J. Vander Pol; Matthew A. Greenquist; Matt K. Luebbe; K. K. Karges; M. L. Gibson

Three experiments were conducted examining the effects of feeding different levels of dried distillers grains (DDG) and different proportions of condensed distillers solubles (CDS) added to DDG on performance and digestibility in forage-fed steers. In Exp. 1, a total of 120 individually fed crossbred steers (276 +/- 31 kg) were used in a randomized complete block design with a 4 x 5 factorial arrangement of treatments. Factors included DDG supplementation level (0.25, 0.50, 0.75, or 1.0% of BW daily) and proportion of CDS in DDG (0.0, 5.4, 14.5, 19.1, and 22.1% of DDG DM). A basal diet of 58.8% alfalfa hay, 39.2% sorghum silage, and 2% vitamin and mineral supplement (DM basis) was fed for ad libitum intake. As the level of DDG increased, intake of forage decreased linearly (P < 0.01), intake of DDG increased linearly (P < 0.01), and total DMI increased quadratically (P = 0.06). A DDG level x CDS level interaction (P < 0.01) was observed for ADG and G:F. The 0.0, 5.4, 14.5, 19.1, and 22.1% CDS treatments had the greatest ADG when DDG was supplemented at 0.75, 1.0, 1.0, 0.75, and 0.50% of BW daily, respectively. In Exp. 2, four crossbred steers (295 +/- 19 kg) were used in a 3-period switchback design. A basal diet of 58.8% alfalfa hay, 39.2% brome hay, and 2% vitamin and mineral supplement (DM basis) was fed at 95% of ad libitum intake. Treatments were DDG containing 0.0 or 22.1% CDS supplemented at 1.0% of BW daily. Apparent total tract digestibility was measured by total fecal collection. No differences between treatments were observed for digestibility of DM, OM, or NDF (P >/= 0.14). Digestibility of ether extract was greater (P = 0.02) in steers supplemented with DDG containing 22.1% CDS. In Exp. 3, two ruminally and duodenally cannulated Holstein steers (663 +/- 24 kg) were used to estimate DM and CP digestion of the DDG fed in Exp. 1 using the mobile bag technique. Basal diets were the same as fed in Exp. 1 and steers were supplemented with DDG at 0.5% of BW daily. Ruminal DM digestibility increased linearly (P < 0.01), and postruminal and total tract DM digestibility increased quadratically (P = 0.02 and P = 0.03, respectively) as the level of CDS increased. Level of CDS may affect growing steer performance because depressions in ADG and G:F were observed as intake of ether extract increased. A clear explanation for the interaction between the DDG supplementation level and the CDS level on growing steer performance was not evident in the digestion experiments.

Journal of Animal Science | 2010

Phosphorus requirement and excretion of finishing beef cattle fed different concentrations of phosphorus

B. G. Geisert; Galen E. Erickson; Terry J. Klopfenstein; Casey Macken; Matt K. Luebbe; J. C. MacDonald

Phosphorus is an expensive nutrient to supplement, and excess may lead to manure P challenges. Therefore, minimizing dietary P to meet requirements is important. Two experiments were conducted to determine the P requirement of finishing cattle (Exp. 1) and to evaluate the effects of feeding different P concentrations on the quantity and route of P excretion (Exp. 2). In Exp. 1, 60 heifers (BW = 278 kg +/- 17 kg) were individually fed 1 of 5 dietary P concentrations (0.10, 0.17, 0.24, 0.31, or 0.38% P). Cattle performance, plasma P concentration, bone characteristics, and bone P concentration were used to determine the P requirement. Intake and ADG increased quadratically (P < 0.01) as dietary P increased. Plasma P in heifers receiving the 0.10% treatment was less (P < 0.01) than the other treatments and suggested that these heifers were experiencing a P deficiency. Total ash weight of the phalanx bones increased linearly (P < 0.01) as dietary P increased. In Exp. 2 using a 5 x 5 Latin square design, 5 different diets varying in P concentration (0.12, 0.27, 0.42, 0.30, and 0.36% P) were fed to steers to evaluate route and quantity of P excreted. Steers excreted little (1.78 g/d on average) P in the urine as a percentage of total P excretion. Steers on the 0.12% P diet excreted very little P in urine (0.50 g/d). Excretion of P was less (P < 0.05) for the cattle fed 0.12% P compared with all other treatments. Results from cattle performance, plasma P concentrations, and bone characteristics indicate that the heifers fed 0.10% P were experiencing a deficiency and the P requirement of finishing heifers is between 0.10 and 0.17% P. Dietary P concentrations of 0.10 to 0.17% P resulted in decreased P excretion. Supplementation of mineral P is unnecessary in grain-based feedlot diets because dietary P will greatly exceed the requirements (<0.17%).

The Professional Animal Scientist | 2012

Smooth bromegrass pasture beef growing systems: Fertilization strategies and economic analysis1

Andrea K. Watson; Terry J. Klopfenstein; Walter H. Schacht; Galen E. Erickson; Darrell R. Mark; Matt K. Luebbe; K. R. Brink; Matthew A. Greenquist

In recent years, prices for N fertilizer have increased dramatically, reducing net returns of fertilized pasture systems. A 5-yr study from 2005 to 2009 was conducted to evaluate management strategies and relative differences in profitability for 3 methods of backgrounding calves on smooth bromegrass pastures. Forty-five steers were used each year for a total of 225 animals in a randomized complete block design. Treatments included pastures fertilized in the spring with 90 kg N/ha (FERT), nonfertilized pastures with calves supplemented daily with dried distillers grains plus solubles (DDGS) at 0.6% of BW (SUPP), and control (CONT) pastures that had no fertilizer or supplementation applied. Pastures were rotationally stocked and put-and-take cattle were used to maintain similar grazing pressure on all treatments. Forage production was greatest for the FERT paddocks, intermediate for SUPP paddocks, and least for CONT paddocks (P < 0.01). Stocking rates were greater for SUPP pastures compared with nonfertilized pastures because of increased forage production and replacement of approximately 0.79 kg of forage for each 1 kg of supplement fed. At the conclusion of grazing, SUPP steers were 40 kg heavier than either the FERT or CONT steers, which resulted in increased gross revenue of

Journal of Animal Science | 2011

Effect of dietary cation-anion difference on urinary pH, feedlot performance, nitrogen mass balance, and manure pH in open feedlot pens.

Matt K. Luebbe; Galen E. Erickson; Terry J. Klopfenstein; Matthew A. Greenquist; Joshua R. Benton

44.14/steer for the SUPP treatment (P < 0.01). Net returns were greatest for SUPP at

The Professional Animal Scientist | 2011

Composting or stockpiling of feedlot manure in Nebraska: Nutrient concentration and mass balance1

Matt K. Luebbe; Galen E. Erickson; Terry J. Klopfenstein; Matthew A. Greenquist; Joshua R. Benton

17.55/steer (P < 0.01), whereas both the CONT and FERT treatments had negative net returns of -

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