Matthew Cullen
St James's University Hospital
Leukemia | 2012
J J M van Dongen; L Lhermitte; S Böttcher; Julia Almeida; V H J van der Velden; Juan Flores-Montero; Andy C. Rawstron; Vahid Asnafi; Quentin Lecrevisse; Paulo Lúcio; Ester Mejstrikova; T Szczepanski; Tomáš Kalina; R de Tute; Monika Brüggemann; Lukasz Sedek; Matthew Cullen; A W Langerak; Alexandre de Mendonça; E Macintyre; Marta Martin-Ayuso; Ondřej Hrušák; M B Vidriales; Alberto Orfao
Most consensus leukemia & lymphoma antibody panels consist of lists of markers based on expert opinions, but they have not been validated. Here we present the validated EuroFlow 8-color antibody panels for immunophenotyping of hematological malignancies. The single-tube screening panels and multi-tube classification panels fit into the EuroFlow diagnostic algorithm with entries defined by clinical and laboratory parameters. The panels were constructed in 2–7 sequential design–evaluation–redesign rounds, using novel Infinicyt software tools for multivariate data analysis. Two groups of markers are combined in each 8-color tube: (i) backbone markers to identify distinct cell populations in a sample, and (ii) markers for characterization of specific cell populations. In multi-tube panels, the backbone markers were optimally placed at the same fluorochrome position in every tube, to provide identical multidimensional localization of the target cell population(s). The characterization markers were positioned according to the diagnostic utility of the combined markers. Each proposed antibody combination was tested against reference databases of normal and malignant cells from healthy subjects and WHO-based disease entities, respectively. The EuroFlow studies resulted in validated and flexible 8-color antibody panels for multidimensional identification and characterization of normal and aberrant cells, optimally suited for immunophenotypic screening and classification of hematological malignancies.
Blood | 2011
Richard Kelly; Anita Hill; Louise Arnold; Gemma L Brooksbank; Stephen J. Richards; Matthew Cullen; Lindsay Mitchell; Dena Cohen; Walter Gregory; Peter Hillmen
Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) is an acquired clonal hematopoietic disorder with increased mortality and morbidity resulting from intravascular hemolysis. Eculizumab, a monoclonal antibody against the complement protein 5, stops the intravascular hemolysis in PNH. We evaluated 79 consecutive patients treated with eculizumab in Leeds between May 2002 and July 2010. The survival of patients treated with eculizumab was not different from age- and sex-matched normal controls (P = .46) but was significantly better than 30 similar patients managed before eculizumab (P = .030). Three patients on eculizumab, all over 50 years old, died of causes unrelated to PNH. Twenty-one patients (27%) had a thrombosis before starting eculizumab (5.6 events per 100 patient-years) compared with 2 thromboses on eculizumab (0.8 events per 100 patient-years; P < .001). Twenty-one patients with no previous thrombosis discontinued warfarin on eculizumab with no thrombotic sequelae. Forty of 61 (66%) patients on eculizumab for more than 12 months achieved transfusion independence. The 12-month mean transfusion requirement reduced from 19.3 units before eculizumab to 5.0 units in the most recent 12 months on eculizumab (P < .001). Eculizumab dramatically alters the natural course of PNH, reducing symptoms and disease complications as well as improving survival to a similar level to that of the general population.
Leukemia | 2012
Tomáš Kalina; Juan Flores-Montero; V H J van der Velden; Marta Martin-Ayuso; S Böttcher; Matthias Ritgen; Julia Almeida; L Lhermitte; Vahid Asnafi; Alexandre de Mendonça; R de Tute; Matthew Cullen; Lukasz Sedek; M B Vidriales; José Juan Pérez; J G te Marvelde; Ester Mejstrikova; Ondřej Hrušák; T Szczepa nacute; ski; J J M van Dongen; Alberto Orfao
The EU-supported EuroFlow Consortium aimed at innovation and standardization of immunophenotyping for diagnosis and classification of hematological malignancies by introducing 8-color flow cytometry with fully standardized laboratory procedures and antibody panels in order to achieve maximally comparable results among different laboratories. This required the selection of optimal combinations of compatible fluorochromes and the design and evaluation of adequate standard operating procedures (SOPs) for instrument setup, fluorescence compensation and sample preparation. Additionally, we developed software tools for the evaluation of individual antibody reagents and antibody panels. Each section describes what has been evaluated experimentally versus adopted based on existing data and experience. Multicentric evaluation demonstrated high levels of reproducibility based on strict implementation of the EuroFlow SOPs and antibody panels. Overall, the 6 years of extensive collaborative experiments and the analysis of hundreds of cell samples of patients and healthy controls in the EuroFlow centers have provided for the first time laboratory protocols and software tools for fully standardized 8-color flow cytometric immunophenotyping of normal and malignant leukocytes in bone marrow and blood; this has yielded highly comparable data sets, which can be integrated in a single database.
Leukemia | 2012
Theresia M. Westers; Robin Ireland; Wolfgang Kern; Canan Alhan; Jan Sebastian Balleisen; Peter Bettelheim; Kate Burbury; Matthew Cullen; Jevon Cutler; M G Della Porta; A. M. Drager; Jean Feuillard; Patricia Font; Ulrich Germing; Detlef Haase; Ulrika Johansson; Shahram Kordasti; Michael R. Loken; L. Malcovati; J G te Marvelde; Sergio Matarraz; Timothy Milne; B. Moshaver; Ghulam J. Mufti; Kiyoyuki Ogata; Alberto Orfao; Anna Porwit; Katherina Psarra; Stephen J. Richards; Dolores Subirá
Flow cytometry (FC) is increasingly recognized as an important tool in the diagnosis and prognosis of myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS). However, validation of current assays and agreement upon the techniques are prerequisites for its widespread acceptance and application in clinical practice. Therefore, a working group was initiated (Amsterdam, 2008) to discuss and propose standards for FC in MDS. In 2009 and 2010, representatives from 23, mainly European, institutes participated in the second and third European LeukemiaNet (ELN) MDS workshops. In the present report, minimal requirements to analyze dysplasia are refined. The proposed core markers should enable a categorization of FC results in cytopenic patients as ‘normal’, ‘suggestive of’, or ‘diagnostic of’ MDS. An FC report should include a description of validated FC abnormalities such as aberrant marker expression on myeloid progenitors and, furthermore, dysgranulopoiesis and/or dysmonocytopoiesis, if at least two abnormalities are evidenced. The working group is dedicated to initiate further studies to establish robust diagnostic and prognostic FC panels in MDS. An ultimate goal is to refine and improve diagnosis and prognostic scoring systems. Finally, the working group stresses that FC should be part of an integrated diagnosis rather than a separate technique.
Haematologica | 2010
Anita Hill; Russell P. Rother; Louise Arnold; Richard Kelly; Matthew Cullen; Stephen J. Richards; Peter Hillmen
Background Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria is an acquired hemolytic anemia characterized by intravascular hemolysis which has been demonstrated to be effectively controlled with eculizumab. However, lactate dehydrogenase levels remain slightly elevated and haptoglobin levels remain low in some patients suggesting residual low-level hemolysis. This may be due to C3-mediated clearance of paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria red blood cells through the reticuloendothelial system. Design and Methods Thirty-nine samples from patients not treated with eculizumab and 31 samples from patients treated with eculizumab were obtained (for 17 of these 31 samples there were also samples taken prior to eculizumab treatment). Membrane bound complement was assessed by flow cytometry. Direct antiglobulin testing was carried out using two methods. Lactate dehydrogenase was assayed to assess the degree of hemolysis. Results Three of 39 patients (8%) with paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria not on eculizumab had a positive direct antiglobulin test, while the test was positive in 21 of 31 (68%) during eculizumab treatment. Of these 21 patients who had a positive direct antiglobulin test during eculizumab treatment, 17 had been tested prior to treatment; only one was positive. Flow cytometry using anti-C3 monoclonal antibodies was performed on the 21 direct antiglobulin test-positive, eculizumab-treated patients; the median proportion of C3-positive total red blood cells was 26%. Among the eculizumab-treated patients, 16 of the 21 (76.2%) with a positive direct antiglobulin test received at least one transfusion compared with one of ten (10.0%) of those with a negative test (P<0.01). Among the eculizumab-treated patients, the mean hemoglobin value for the 21 with a positive direct antiglobulin test was 9.6±0.3 g/dL, whereas that in the ten patients with a negative test was 11.0±0.4 g/dL (P=0.02). Conclusions These data demonstrate a previously masked mechanism of red cell clearance in paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria and suggests that blockade of complement at C5 allows C3 fragment accumulation on some paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria red cells, explaining the residual low-level hemolysis occurring in some eculizumab-treated patients.
Leukemia & Lymphoma | 2013
Robin Ireland; Wolfgang Kern; Matteo G. Della Porta; Canan Alhan; Jan Sebastian Balleisen; Peter Bettelheim; David T. Bowen; Kate Burbury; Lisa Eidenschink; Mario Cazzola; Spencer S. C. Chu; Matthew Cullen; Jevon Cutler; Angelika M. Dräger; Jean Feuillard; Pierre Fenaux; Patricia Font; Ulrich Germing; Detlef Haase; Eva Hellström-Lindberg; Ulrika Johansson; Shahram Kordasti; Michael R. Loken; Luca Malcovati; Jeroen G. te Marvelde; Sergio Matarraz; Timothy Milne; Bijan Moshaver; Ghulam J. Mufti; Veselka Nikolova
Abstract An international working group within the European LeukemiaNet gathered, aiming to determine the role of flow cytometry (FC) in myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS). It was agreed that FC has a substantial application in disease characterization, diagnosis and prognosis. FC may also be useful in predicting treatment responses and monitoring novel and standard therapeutic regimens. In this article the rationale is discussed that flow cytometry should be integrated as a part of diagnostic and prognostic scoring systems in MDS.
Cytometry Part B-clinical Cytometry | 2009
Stephen J. Richards; Liam Whitby; Matthew Cullen; Anita J. Dickinson; Viv Granger; John T. Reilly; Peter Hillmen; David Barnett
Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) is a rare disorder in which correct diagnosis is essential for effective patient management. Demonstration of deficiency of glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI)‐linked antigens from red cells and/or granulocytes by flow cytometry represents a highly specific diagnostic test for PNH. Currently, no external quality assessment (EQA) programme or reference material is available for whole‐blood PNH testing (red cells and leucocytes) by flow cytometry.
European Journal of Endocrinology | 2012
Robin Ireland; Wolfgang Kern; Matteo G. Della Porta; Canan Alhan; Jan Sebastian Balleisen; Peter Bettelheim; David T. Bowen; Kate Burbury; Lisa Eidenschink; Mario Cazzola; Spencer S. C. Chu; Matthew Cullen; Jevon Cutler; Angelika M. Dräger; Jean Feuillard; Pierre Fenaux; Patricia Font; Ulrich Germing; Detlef Haase; Eva Hellström-Lindberg; Ulrika Johansson; Shahram Kordasti; Michael R. Loken; Luca Malcovati; Jeroen G. te Marvelde; Sergio Matarraz; Timothy Milne; Bijan Moshaver; Ghulam J. Mufti; Veselka Nikolova
Abstract An international working group within the European LeukemiaNet gathered, aiming to determine the role of flow cytometry (FC) in myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS). It was agreed that FC has a substantial application in disease characterization, diagnosis and prognosis. FC may also be useful in predicting treatment responses and monitoring novel and standard therapeutic regimens. In this article the rationale is discussed that flow cytometry should be integrated as a part of diagnostic and prognostic scoring systems in MDS.
Leukemia | 2012
E Dekking; V H J van der Velden; R Varro; H Wai; S Böttcher; Michael Kneba; Edwin Sonneveld; A Koning; Nancy Boeckx; N Van Poecke; Paulo Lúcio; Alexandre de Mendonça; Lukasz Sedek; T Szczepanski; Tomáš Kalina; Veronika Kanderová; Patricia G. Hoogeveen; Juan Flores-Montero; M C Chillón; Alberto Orfao; Julia Almeida; Paul Anthony Stuart Evans; Matthew Cullen; A L Noordijk; P M Vermeulen; M T de Man; E P Dixon; W.M. Comans-Bitter; J J M van Dongen
The PML–RARA fusion protein is found in approximately 97% of patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia (APL). APL can be associated with life-threatening bleeding complications when undiagnosed and not treated expeditiously. The PML–RARA fusion protein arrests maturation of myeloid cells at the promyelocytic stage, leading to the accumulation of neoplastic promyelocytes. Complete remission can be obtained by treatment with all-trans-retinoic acid (ATRA) in combination with chemotherapy. Diagnosis of APL is based on the detection of t(15;17) by karyotyping, fluorescence in situ hybridization or PCR. These techniques are laborious and demand specialized laboratories. We developed a fast (performed within 4–5 h) and sensitive (detection of at least 10% malignant cells in normal background) flow cytometric immunobead assay for the detection of PML–RARA fusion proteins in cell lysates using a bead-bound anti-RARA capture antibody and a phycoerythrin-conjugated anti-PML detection antibody. Testing of 163 newly diagnosed patients (including 46 APL cases) with the PML–RARA immunobead assay showed full concordance with the PML–RARA PCR results. As the applied antibodies recognize outer domains of the fusion protein, the assay appeared to work independently of the PML gene break point region. Importantly, the assay can be used in parallel with routine immunophenotyping for fast and easy diagnosis of APL.
Haematologica | 2017
Theresia M. Westers; Eline M. P. Cremers; Uta Oelschlaegel; Ulrika Johansson; Peter Bettelheim; Sergio Matarraz; Alberto Orfao; Bijan Moshaver; Lisa Eidenschink Brodersen; Michael R. Loken; Denise A. Wells; Dolores Subirá; Matthew Cullen; Jeroen G. te Marvelde; V H J van der Velden; Frank Preijers; Sung-Chao Chu; Jean Feuillard; Estelle Guerin; Katherina Psarra; Anna Porwit; Leonie Saft; Robin Ireland; Timothy Milne; Marie C. Béné; Birgit I. Witte; Matteo G. Della Porta; Wolfgang Kern
Current recommendations for diagnosing myelodysplastic syndromes endorse flow cytometry as an informative tool. Most flow cytometry protocols focus on the analysis of progenitor cells and the evaluation of the maturing myelomonocytic lineage. However, one of the most frequently observed features of myelodysplastic syndromes is anemia, which may be associated with dyserythropoiesis. Therefore, analysis of changes in flow cytometry features of nucleated erythroid cells may complement current flow cytometry tools. The multicenter study within the IMDSFlow Working Group, reported herein, focused on defining flow cytometry parameters that enable discrimination of dyserythropoiesis associated with myelodysplastic syndromes from non-clonal cytopenias. Data from a learning cohort were compared between myelodysplasia and controls, and results were validated in a separate cohort. The learning cohort comprised 245 myelodysplasia cases, 290 pathological, and 142 normal controls; the validation cohort comprised 129 myelodysplasia cases, 153 pathological, and 49 normal controls. Multivariate logistic regression analysis performed in the learning cohort revealed that analysis of expression of CD36 and CD71 (expressed as coefficient of variation), in combination with CD71 fluorescence intensity and the percentage of CD117+ erythroid progenitors provided the best discrimination between myelodysplastic syndromes and non-clonal cytopenias (specificity 90%; 95% confidence interval: 84–94%). The high specificity of this marker set was confirmed in the validation cohort (92%; 95% confidence interval: 86–97%). This erythroid flow cytometry marker combination may improve the evaluation of cytopenic cases with suspected myelodysplasia, particularly when combined with flow cytometry assessment of the myelomonocytic lineage.