Matthias Cuntz
University of Lorraine
Featured researches published by Matthias Cuntz.
Journal of Geophysical Research | 1999
Ingeborg Levin; Holger Glatzel-Mattheier; Thomas Marik; Matthias Cuntz; Martina Schmidt; Douglas E. J. Worthy
Continuous methane concentration records and stable isotope observations measured in the suburbs of Heidelberg, Germany, are presented. While delta13C-CH4 shows a significant trend of -0.14 permil per year, towards more depleted values, no trend is observed in the concentration data. Comparison of the Heidelberg records with clean air observations in the North Atlantic at Izana station (Tenerife) allows the determination of the continental methane excess at Heidelberg, decreasing by 20% from 190 ppb in 1992 to 150 ppb in 1997. The isotope ratio which is associated with this continental methane pile-up in the Heidelberg catchment area shows a significant trend to more depleted values from delta13C (source) = -47.4 ± 1.2 permil in 1992 to 52.9 ± 0.4 permil in 1995/96, pointing to a significant change in the methane source mix. Total methane emissions in the Heidelberg catchment area are estimated using the 222Radon (222Rn) tracer method: from the correlations of half hourly 222Rn and CH4 mixing ratios from 1995 to 1997, and the mean 222Rn exhalation rate from typical soils in the Rhine valley, a mean methane flux of 0.24 ± 0.5 g CH4 km-2 s-1 is derived. For the Heidelberg catchment area with an estimated radius of approximately 150 km, Core Inventories Air 1990 (CORINAIR90) emission estimates yield a flux of 0.47 g CH4 km-2 s-1, which is about 40% higher than the 222Rn derived number if extrapolated to 1990. The discrepancy can be explained by over-estimated emissions from waste management in the CORINAIR90 statistical assessment. The observed decrease in total emissions can be accounted for by decreasing contributions from fossil sources (mainly coal mining) and from cattle breeding. This finding is also supported by the observed decrease in mean source isotopic signatures.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America | 2009
Lisa Wingate; Jérôme Ogée; Matthias Cuntz; Bernard Genty; Ilja M. Reiter; Ulli Seibt; Dan Yakir; Kadmiel Maseyk; Elise Pendall; Margaret M. Barbour; Behzad Mortazavi; Régis Burlett; Philippe Peylin; John Miller; Maurizio Mencuccini; Jee H. Shim; John Hunt; John Grace
Improved global estimates of terrestrial photosynthesis and respiration are critical for predicting the rate of change in atmospheric CO2. The oxygen isotopic composition of atmospheric CO2 can be used to estimate these fluxes because oxygen isotopic exchange between CO2 and water creates distinct isotopic flux signatures. The enzyme carbonic anhydrase (CA) is known to accelerate this exchange in leaves, but the possibility of CA activity in soils is commonly neglected. Here, we report widespread accelerated soil CO2 hydration. Exchange was 10–300 times faster than the uncatalyzed rate, consistent with typical population sizes for CA-containing soil microorganisms. Including accelerated soil hydration in global model simulations modifies contributions from soil and foliage to the global CO18O budget and eliminates persistent discrepancies existing between model and atmospheric observations. This enhanced soil hydration also increases the differences between the isotopic signatures of photosynthesis and respiration, particularly in the tropics, increasing the precision of CO2 gross fluxes obtained by using the δ18O of atmospheric CO2 by 50%.
Journal of Hydrometeorology | 2016
O. Rakovec; Rohini Kumar; Juliane Mai; Matthias Cuntz; Stephan Thober; Matthias Zink; Sabine Attinger; David Schäfer; Martin Schrön; Luis Samaniego
AbstractAccurately predicting regional-scale water fluxes and states remains a challenging task in contemporary hydrology. Coping with this grand challenge requires, among other things, a model that makes reliable predictions across scales, locations, and variables other than those used for parameter estimation. In this study, the mesoscale hydrologic model (mHM) parameterized with the multiscale regionalization technique is comprehensively tested across 400 European river basins. The model fluxes and states, constrained using the observed streamflow, are evaluated against gridded evapotranspiration, soil moisture, and total water storage anomalies, as well as local-scale eddy covariance observations. This multiscale verification is carried out in a seamless manner at the native resolutions of available datasets, varying from 0.5 to 100 km. Results of cross-validation tests show that mHM is able to capture the streamflow dynamics adequately well across a wide range of climate and physiographical character...
Plant Cell and Environment | 2009
Juan Pedro Ferrio; Matthias Cuntz; Christine Offermann; Rolf T. W. Siegwolf; Matthias Saurer; Arthur Gessler
Current models of leaf water enrichment predict that the differences between isotopic enrichment of water at the site of evaporation (Delta(e)) and mean lamina leaf water enrichment (Delta(L)) depend on transpiration rates (E), modulated by the scaled effective length (L) of water isotope movement in the leaf. However, variations in leaf parameters in response to changing environmental conditions might cause changes in the water path and thus L. We measured the diel course of Delta(L) for (18)O and (2)H in beech seedlings under well-watered and water-limited conditions. We applied evaporative enrichment models of increasing complexity to predict Delta(e) and Delta(L), and estimated L from model fits. Water-limited plants showed moderate drought stress, with lower stomatal conductance, E and stem water potential than the control. Despite having double E, the divergence between Delta(e) and Delta(L) was lower in well-watered than in water-limited plants, and thus, L should have changed to counteract differences in E. Indeed, L was about threefold higher in water-limited plants, regardless of the models used. We conclude that L changes with plant water status far beyond the variations explained by water content and other measured variables, thus limiting the use of current evaporative models under changing environmental conditions.
New Phytologist | 2014
Maren Dubbert; Matthias Cuntz; Arndt Piayda; Christiane Werner
The oxygen isotope signature of water is a powerful tracer of water movement from plants to the global scale. However, little is known about the short-term variability of oxygen isotopes leaving the ecosystem via transpiration, as high-frequency measurements are lacking. A laser spectrometer was coupled to a gas-exchange chamber directly estimating branch-level fluxes in order to evaluate the short-term variability of the isotopic composition of transpiration (δE ) and to investigate the role of isotopic non-steady-state transpiration under natural conditions in cork-oak trees (Quercus suber) during distinct Mediterranean seasons. The measured δ(18) O of transpiration (δE ) deviated from isotopic steady state throughout most of the day even when leaf water at the evaporating sites was near isotopic steady state. High agreement was found between estimated and modeled δE values assuming non-steady-state enrichment of leaf water. Isoforcing, that is, the influence of the transpirational δ(18) O flux on atmospheric values, deviated from steady-state calculations but daily means were similar between steady state and non-steady state. However, strong daytime isoforcing on the atmosphere implies that short-term variations in δE are likely to have consequences for large-scale applications, for example, partitioning of ecosystem fluxes or satellite-based applications.
Frontiers in Plant Science | 2014
Maren Dubbert; Arndt Piayda; Matthias Cuntz; Alexandra Correia; Filipe Costa e Silva; J. S. Pereira; Christiane Werner
Semi-arid ecosystems contribute about 40% to global net primary production (GPP) even though water is a major factor limiting carbon uptake. Evapotranspiration (ET) accounts for up to 95% of the water loss and in addition, vegetation can also mitigate drought effects by altering soil water distribution. Hence, partitioning of carbon and water fluxes between the soil and vegetation components is crucial to gain mechanistic understanding of vegetation effects on carbon and water cycling. However, the possible impact of herbaceous vegetation in savanna type ecosystems is often overlooked. Therefore, we aimed at quantifying understory vegetation effects on the water balance and productivity of a Mediterranean oak savanna. ET and net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) were partitioned based on flux and stable oxygen isotope measurements and also rain infiltration was estimated. The understory vegetation contributed importantly to total ecosystem ET and GPP with a maximum of 43 and 51%, respectively. It reached water-use efficiencies (WUE; ratio of carbon gain by water loss) similar to cork-oak trees. The understory vegetation inhibited soil evaporation (E) and, although E was large during wet periods, it did not diminish WUE during water-limited times. The understory strongly increased soil water infiltration, specifically following major rain events. At the same time, the understory itself was vulnerable to drought, which led to an earlier senescence of the understory growing under trees as compared to open areas, due to competition for water. Thus, beneficial understory effects are dominant and contribute to the resilience of this ecosystem. At the same time the vulnerability of the understory to drought suggests that future climate change scenarios for the Mediterranean basin threaten understory development. This in turn will very likely diminish beneficial understory effects like infiltration and ground water recharge and therefore ecosystem resilience to drought.
Geophysical Research Letters | 2007
Garth Paltridge; Graham D. Farquhar; Matthias Cuntz
and T range from about 2%, 2 Wm � 2 and 1.5 K respectively at the equator to � 2%, � 2W m � 2 and 0.5 K at the poles. Global-average cloud effectively remains unchanged with increasing CO2 and has little effect on global-average temperature. Global-average cloud decreases with increasing water vapour and amplifies the positive feedback of water vapour and lapse rate. The net result is less cloud at all latitudes and a rise in Tof the order of 3 K at the equator and 1 K at the poles. Ice-albedo and solar absorption feedbacks are not considered. Citation: Paltridge, G. W., G. D. Farquhar, and M. Cuntz (2007), Maximum entropy production, cloud feedback, and climate change, Geophys. Res. Lett., 34, L14708, doi:10.1029/2007GL029925. [2] Dewar [2003, 2005] recently published a proof of the concept of maximum entropy production (MEP) as it applies to non-linear systems. The proof revived interest in the MEP-based climate model of one of us [Paltridge, 1975, 1978] and the physics and mathematical treatment of the model were examined and updated as described briefly in the Appendix. The MEP constraint allows the model to calculate the broad steady-state distribution of cloud and surface temperature without the need for detailed consideration of the internal dynamics of the system. In principle therefore the model inherently includes cloud feedback, which is perhaps the most arguable (and potentially the most significant) of the various feedbacks built into largescale general circulation climate models. Despite the fact that cloud feedback was formally identified in the early days of the World Climate Research Program as one of the most significant scientific problems restricting climate research, even the sign of cloud feedback is still not known for certain today [Randall et al., 2003]. [3] This paper examines, albeit at the basic level of an energy balance climate model, what the MEP principle suggests with regard to cloud feedback. Radiative forcing information from various sources is used to calculate changes in the infrared input parameters of the MEP model caused by a doubling of CO2 and by the subsequent feedback involving atmospheric water vapour and lapse rate (WV/LR feedback). Sensitivities of cloud amount q and surface temperature T to doubled CO2 are established from model trials with and without the changes of the input parameters. 2. Long-Wave Parameters of the MEP Model [4] The model assumes a two-band radiating atmosphere in the long-wave part of the spectrum. All the atmospheric emission or absorption takes place in one of the bands which is regarded as 100% opaque. The other represents the 8 to 14 micron atmospheric window and the various smaller windows in the absorption spectrum of the atmosphere, and is regarded as 100% clear. The absorbing gases of the atmosphere are regarded as a blanket, the top of which in clear skies corresponds to the height from which the radiation of the opaque band is emitted upward. The bottom of the blanket radiates downwards from a radiative temperature very close to ground temperature, so that the net exchange of radiation between ground and atmosphere within the opaque band is effectively zero. [5] The emissivity ea of the atmosphere is determined by the ratio of the width of the opaque band relative to that of the total black-body spectrum, but weighted appropriately by the shape of the spectrum. Transmission of radiation between ground and space in clear skies (or between ground and cloud base in cloudy skies) can take place only through the atmospheric window whose width is 1-ea .U pward emission of radiation Ru from the top of the radiating blanket in clear skies is given by easTbt 4 , where s is the Stefan Boltzmann constant and Tbt is the temperature at the top of the radiating blanket. Tbt is defined in terms of the black-body radiation at that temperature, but expressed as a fraction of the black-body radiation at the temperature of the Earth’s surface. That is, it is expressed in terms of a
Environmental Earth Sciences | 2017
Ute Wollschläger; Sabine Attinger; Dietrich Borchardt; Mario Brauns; Matthias Cuntz; Peter Dietrich; Jan H. Fleckenstein; Kurt Friese; Jan Friesen; Alexander Harpke; Anke Hildebrandt; Greta Jäckel; Norbert Kamjunke; Kay Knöller; Simon Kögler; Olaf Kolditz; Ronald Krieg; Rohini Kumar; Angela Lausch; Matthias Liess; Andreas Marx; Ralf Merz; Christin Mueller; Andreas Musolff; Helge Norf; Sascha E. Oswald; Corinna Rebmann; Frido Reinstorf; Michael Rode; Karsten Rink
This article provides an overview about the Bode River catchment that was selected as the hydrological observatory and main region for hydro-ecological research within the TERrestrial ENvironmental Observatories Harz/Central German Lowland Observatory. It first provides information about the general characteristics of the catchment including climate, geology, soils, land use, water quality and aquatic ecology, followed by the description of the interdisciplinary research framework and the monitoring concept with the main components of the multi-scale and multi-temporal monitoring infrastructure. It also shows examples of interdisciplinary research projects aiming to advance the understanding of complex hydrological processes under natural and anthropogenic forcings and their interactions in a catchment context. The overview is complemented with research work conducted at a number of intensive research sites, each focusing on a particular functional zone or specific components and processes of the hydro-ecological system.
Planta | 2009
Britta Hartard; Matthias Cuntz; Cristina Máguas; Michael Lakatos
The stable isotopic composition of water is routinely used as a tracer to study water exchange processes in vascular plants and ecosystems. To date, no study has focussed on isotope processes in non-vascular, poikilohydric organisms such as lichens and bryophytes. To understand basic isotope exchange processes of non-vascular plants, thallus water isotopic composition was studied in various green-algal lichens exposed to desiccation. The study indicates that lichens equilibrate with the isotopic composition of surrounding water vapour. A model was developed as a proof of concept that accounts for the specific water relations of these poikilohydric organisms. The approach incorporates first their variable thallus water potential and second a compartmentation of the thallus water into two isotopically distinct but connected water pools. Moreover, the results represent first steps towards the development of poikilohydric organisms as a recorder of ambient vapour isotopic composition.
Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union | 2008
Nate G. McDowell; Dennis D. Baldocchi; Margaret M. Barbour; Chris Bickford; Matthias Cuntz; Dave Hanson; Alexander Knohl; H. H. Powers; Thomas A. Rahn; James T. Randerson; William J. Riley; Chris J. Still; Kevin P. Tu; Adrian S. Walcroft
Stable isotopes of atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) contain a wealth of information regarding biosphere-atmosphere interactions. The carbon isotope ratio of CO2 (δ13C) reflects the terrestrial carbon cycle including processes of photosynthesis, respiration, and decomposition. The oxygen isotope ratio (δ18O) reflects terrestrial carbon and water coupling due to CO2-H2O oxygen exchange. Isotopic CO2 measurements, in combination with ecosystem-isotopic exchange models, allow for the quantification of patterns and mechanisms regulating terrestrial carbon and water cycles, as well as for hypothesis development, data interpretation, and forecasting. Isotopic measurements and models have evolved significantly over the past two decades, resulting in organizations that promote model-measurement networks, e.g., the U.S. National Science Foundations Biosphere-Atmosphere Stable Isotope Network, the European Stable Isotopes in Biosphere-Atmosphere Exchange Network, and the U.S. National Environmental Observatory Network.